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|2012-13 edition |

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About the Committee p 2

Guidelines about Authoring p 3

Requirements for Authoring p 3

Section A.1. Authoring New Course p 4

Section A.2. Authoring Course Modification p 5

Section B. Authoring New Certificate/Program p 6

Section C. Authoring Certificate/Program Modification p 7

General Education Philosophy/Guidelines p 8

Form A p 9

Syllabus Form p 10-11

Form CA1 p12

Form CA 1 Narrative p13-14

Form CA 2 p15

Levels of Learning (Outcomes) p17

Curriculum Committee Guide


• Review credit course proposals (new and modifications) and make recommendations regarding inclusion in HCC curricular offerings

• Review program proposals (new and modifications) and make recommendations regarding inclusion in the HCC curricular offerings

• Review credit-bearing courses and make recommendations for inclusion into the HCC general education core or developmental education core


• Review and evaluate proposals for courses (new and modifications)

• Review and evaluate proposals for programs (new and modifications)

• Review and revise curriculum development procedures bi-annually

• Promote enhancement of the teaching and learning process

• Appoint subcommittees as needed to facilitate committee work

• Discuss and advise on curriculum matters brought forward by the Vice President of Academic Affairs

Voting Members

Representative(s) from each instructional department or identified college group:

1. Business, Agriculture, Family and Consumer Science (1)

2. Language, Literature, and Communication (1)

3. Fine Arts (1)

4. Social Science (1)

5. Public Safety (1)

6. Computer and Industrial Technology (1)

7. Natural Science and Mathematics (1)

8. Allied Health (1)

9. HNFA Representative (2)

10. Student Representative (1)

Ex-Officio Members (non-voting)

Vice President of Academic Affairs

Vice President of Workforce Development

ITDE representative

Library representative

Outreach representative

Financial Aid representative

Department Chair Council representative (1)


Curriculum & Program Improvement Coordinator

Student Services team member

Meeting Conveners

• Chair – Vice President of Academic Affairs

• Vice Chair – Curriculum & Program Improvement Coordinator

Authoring Curriculum

Authors can obtain valuable information and support from others who have authored proposals as well as from their department members and Curriculum Committee representatives. The Office of the Vice President of Academic Affairs and the Curriculum & Program Improvement Coordinator is a further resource to provide information about courses and programs. The Curriculum & Program Improvement Coordinator’s role is to coach authors in developing curriculum, and to work with Department Chairs throughout the process.

Authors should consult with colleagues, supervisors, advisory committees, and transfer institutions when developing or changing curriculum. A timeline for the approval process, implementation and forms (INSERT WEBLINK) may be obtained from the Curriculum & Program Improvement Coordinator and/or Department Chairs to aid in planning.

General Guidelines

1. All curriculum adjustments should begin with a discussion with the Curriculum & Program Improvement Coordinator in the Office of the Vice President of Academic Affairs.

2. Incomplete proposals will not be forwarded to the Curriculum Committee. They will be discussed and returned to the author/Department Chair for revision.

3. The “Documentation of Need” must support a need for any new/modification proposal. If a similar course/certificate/program is offered in another department, the “Documentation of Need” must justify that redundancy.

4. Evidence must be presented that a course will transfer (if this issue is applicable).

5. All additional resource requirements must be listed.

6. The completed proposal must be signed by the Department Chair, the Curriculum & Program Improvement Coordinator, and the Vice President of Academic Affairs.

REQUIREMENTS for Authoring a Proposal (New or Modification)

New Course (or Modification)

Section A. 1. Authoring a proposal for a new course

2. Authoring a proposal for a course modification

(FORM A for new course or modification of course + Syllabus)

New Certificate/Program (or Modification)

Section B. Authoring a proposal for a new certificate/program

Section C. Authoring a proposal for a program/certification modification

(New program requires Kansas Board of Regents FORM: CA1)

(Modification of certificate/program requires Kansas Board of Regents


Section A.1. Authoring a Proposal for a New Course

(Use FORM A + Syllabus)

When initiating a new course, set a meeting with the Curriculum and Program Improvement Coordinator to review KBOR requirements. The resulting proposal MUST BE reviewed by the Curriculum Committee.

Step 1. Justify the creation of a new course in the “Documentation of Need.” A new course must “fit” one of these categories:

• Align within the scope and sequence of a program/certificate

• support the general education core

• enhance discipline-specific training opportunities

• contribute to lifelong learning opportunities.

Step 2. Write the course title and course description with enough information to explain what the course is about, and ensure that this description explains as well as markets the new course in our HCC catalog, schedules, and web presence. Be prepared to address these questions during the Curriculum Committee meeting:

• Why would a student want to take this course?

• How does this course “fit” into the larger curriculum?

• Will this course satisfy a student’s general education requirements?

• What intellectual and practical learning will this course provide?

Step 3. Write clear and explicit course outcomes that are measureable, and stated in terms of observable student performance. (See Levels of Learning for appropriate outcome selections). Explain what a student will be able to know/think/do in areas of:

• cognition, intellectual and conceptual learning

• affective domain, value judgments

• psychomotor, physical skill development

Steps 4 & 5. Develop a course syllabus that supports the program outcomes. Determine evaluation methods based on criteria that is measureable.

• What do I want students to learn?

• What do students have to do in the course to learn material?

• How will I support their learning?

• How will each (learner and teacher) know that the learning has been accomplished?

• How will the syllabus address these questions?

A new course recommendation goes directly to Representative Assembly, and then on to the Board of Trustees for approval.

Section A.2: Authoring a Proposal for Course Modification

(Use FORM A + Syllabus)

The following modifications MUST BE reviewed by the HCC Curriculum Committee:

• Current course title or number compared to

o Proposed title that more accurately reflects content, current terminology, or current emphasis

o Proposed number that aligns departmentally

• Current course description and current course outcomes compared to

o Proposed course description and proposed course outcomes

• Current number of course credit hours/contact hours compared to

o Proposed increase/decrease in number of credit hours required to complete course

• Any change resulting from triennial review recommendations

A course modification recommendation goes directly to Representative Assembly, and then on to the Board of Trustees for approval.

Section B. Authoring a Proposal for a New Certificate/Program

(Use Kansas Board of Regents FORM: CA1)

The following documentation MUST BE reviewed by the HCC Curriculum Committee:

Step 1. Justify the creation of a new program or certificate in the “Documentation of Need.” Conduct a feasibility study in conjunction with the proposal, and include in the study the identified “Documentation of Need.”

Step 2. Need, Feasibility, and Advisory Committee

• Clearly state and support the need for a new program/certificate is clearly with documentation.

• Create an advisory committee who supports this new program/certificate.

• Ensure that the “Feasibility Study” supports the need in the HCC service area.

Step 3. Transfer and/or Employment

• Identify the employment field or academic discipline (for which the program/certificate provides preparation) with both quantitative statistics and qualitative analysis from the US Dept. of Labor and Kansas Dept. of Commerce.

• Identify types of positions or subsequent educational opportunities that new program/certificate prepares students to assume.

Step 4. Entrance Requirements

• Identify: Course prerequisites, licensure prerequisites, employment pre/co-requisites, and competency level prerequisites

• Include: the scope and sequence of courses by semester with the following

o Pre-requisites for admission

o Credit hour assignment to courses

o Total degree/certificate course and credit hour requirements (noting general education if required)

o Listing of elective credit hour expectations

Step 5. Resources

• Identify resource requirements (space, equipment, reference materials, consumables, etc.) that will be required for the new program/certificate

Step 6. Ensure that you have addressed the Narrative Requirements as outlined by the Kansas Board of Regents (pages 9 & 10)

New certificate or new program recommendations go directly to Representative Assembly and then on to the Board of Trustees for approval.

Section C. Authoring a Proposal for Certificate/Program Modifications

(Use Kansas Board of Regents FORM: CA2)

The following modifications MUST BE reviewed by the Curriculum Committee:

• Current course title or number compared to

o Proposed title that more accurately reflects content, current terminology, or current emphasis

o Proposed number that aligns departmentally

• Current course description and current course outcomes compared to

o Proposed course description and proposed course outcomes

• Current number of credit hours/contact hours compared to

o Proposed increase/decrease in number of credit hours required to complete

• Current requirements or electives compared to

o Proposed requirements or proposed electives

• Current semester-by-semester sequence compared to

o Proposed sequence

• Any change resulting from triennial review recommendations

The following modifications NEED NOT be reviewed by the Curriculum subcommittee:

• Teaching methodologies

• Evaluation methods

• Textbooks, supplies or fees

• General course updating

Course/Program/Certificate Modifications must contain a 1) rationale and 2) impact statement in support of change (Items: A. Impact, B. Rationale, C. Resources). The author must compare the sequence of courses to the “Summary,” to the “Rationale,” and to the “Impact,” making sure each separate part agrees and is a complete whole. A chart must compare (courses/credit hours/changes) between existing curriculum and proposed curriculum.

Course Approval for General Education

Philosophy of General Education

The general education requirements at HCC represent the philosophy of education to provide an adequate body of common knowledge necessary to assure a broadly based liberal education. General education courses provide proficiency in writing, reading, speaking and listening; they acquaint students with mathematical structures to enhance critical thinking skills; they provide a basis for science and scientific inquiry; and they familiarize students with various branches of human understanding.

Each degree program at HCC contains an integrated core of general education requirements or embedded skills. This emphasis helps students understand they are not only trained, but also educated, that they are not only individuals, but also members of the greater human community. It is our belief that these requirements can enrich the lives of students, broaden their perspectives, and make learning a lifelong enterprise.

Aims of General Education

General education provides students with opportunities to:

• Increase reading, writing, and oral communication proficiencies

• Develop and apply scientific inquiry and mathematical reasoning, computation and problem-solving abilities

• Increase integrated learning of history, fine arts, philosophy, and literature

• Exhibit comprehension of the principles of social and natural sciences

• Enhance awareness of ethical issues and cultural/international diversity

• Establish connections between academic areas and apply critical thinking to contemporary issues and societal concerns

• Develop a commitment to personal wellness, and

• Assimilate the importance of lifelong learning.

Approval for General Education follows the same procedures as new course/ program/ certificate.

Guidelines for course to be considered for General Education

Course is:

• college-level, not developmental

• general in nature and not specialized or intended for a select audience

• foundational with fundamental concepts, methods, problems, and theories of a discipline, or disciplines in the case of an interdisciplinary course

• not designed for a specific career program

• representative of all four HCC institution-wide outcomes

• appropriate for the general education area indicated

• appropriate for the degree(s) indicated

Hutchinson Community College

Curriculum Committee


Course Request: New Modification

Applicable Program:

Documentation of Need:

Developmental Ed. General Ed. Elective Technical Ed.

Contact Hours: (insert number of hours in the box)

45:1 Clinical/Practicum 30:1 Lab 15:1 Lecture

New/Current Offering:

Course Name:

Course Description:

Course Number:

Credit Hours:

Course Outcomes:

Resource Requirements:

Modification: (please check all that apply to this request)

_____ Course Name

_____ Course Description

_____ Course Number

_____ Credit Hours

_____ Course Outcomes

_____ Resource Requirements

Rationale for Change: (Please include anticipated effective date)

Department Chair/Date:

Curriculum/Program Improvement Coordinator/Date:

Vice President of Academic Affairs/Date:

Hutchinson Community College and Area Vocational School

Course Syllabus

Course Number and Name







|I. |Demonstrate the ability to think critically and make reasonable judgments by acquiring, analyzing, combining, and evaluating quantitative and |

| |non-quantitative information. |

|II. |Demonstrate the skills necessary to access and manipulate information through various technological and traditional methods. |

|III.|Demonstrate effective communication through writing and speaking. |

|IV. |Demonstrate effective interpersonal skills. |





|A | |

|B | |

|C | |

|D | |

|F | |


Any student who has a documented learning and/or physical disability and wishes to access academic accommodations (per the 1973 Rehabilitation Act and Americans with Disability Act) must contact the HCC Coordinator of Disability Services, at 665-3554, or Guidance and Counseling Office, Parker Student Union. The student must have appropriate documentation on file before accommodations can be provided.


Students who engage in academic dishonesty bring discredit upon Hutchinson Community College as well as themselves. HCC students are thus required to maintain honesty in their academic pursuits. The administrators and faculty at Hutchinson Community College require students to do the following:

|1. |Submit examinations, themes, reports, drawings, laboratory notes and other work that represent the students' best efforts without cheating, |

| |plagiarizing, or misrepresenting. |

|2. |Provide all academic records such as transcripts and test scores that are free of falsification, forgery, or alteration. |

|3. |Refrain from participating in the academic dishonesty of any person. |

Sanctions for violation:

Students suspected of engaging in academic dishonesty may be charged in writing by the instructor and be subject to failure of the work in question and/or failure and dismissal from the course in which the dishonesty occurs. Students failed and/or dismissed by an instructor from a course as a result of academic dishonesty will not be allowed to take a "W" for the course. Instructors may also recommend to the Vice President of Academic Affairs that such students be dismissed from the program and/or the institution.


Student charged with academic dishonesty have the right of appeal and are assured of due process by the institution through the Academic Appeal process.


|Instructors may give a student a grade of Incomplete (I) under the following conditions: |

|1. |The student must initiate the request prior to the time final course grades are submitted to Records. |

|2. |The request must be made because of an emergency, illness or otherwise unavoidable life-event. |

|3. |The instructor must agree to the request before a grade of Incomplete can be submitted. |

|4. |A written contract between the instructor and student, signed by both, will document the work required and date needed to complete course work. |

|5. |If a student does not complete the course requirements within the time frame established by the instructor, a grade of "F" will be recorded on the |

| |student's transcript at the end of the next semester. |


Hutchinson Community College and Area Vocational School is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) and is a member of the North Central Association (NCA). The Higher Learning Commission, part of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools, is one of six regional institutional accreditors recognized by the US Department of Education and the Council on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).




CA2a-A Program Revision Application

Program Comparison Chart

Name of Institution

|List all courses in Current Program below. Bold courses to be changed. |List all courses in the Revised Program below. Note the NEW/MODIFIED courses in |

| |bold. Identify ” no change” with the word SAME in this list. |

|Current Program Title:       |Proposed Program Title:       |

|Current Program Courses |Number of |Proposed Program Courses |Number of |

| |Credits | |Credits |

|Example: Project Mgmt |3 |Example: Data Structures/Algorithms |3 | |3 |

|Job Search/Retention Skills |1 |SAME |1 | |3 |

|Example: Server Oper Sys/Visual |3 |Modified: Web Dev Platform |3 | |3 |

|Inter Algebra |3 |Math Elective |3 | |1 |

|Tech Elective |3 |Comp Sup Internship I |3 | |3 |

| | |New Course: Web Dev Special Projects |1 | |3 |

| | | | | |1 |

|      |      |      |      |

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|      |      |      |      |

|      |      |      |      |

|      |      |      |      |

|      |      |      |      |

|      |      |      |      |

|      |      |      |      |

|Total Credits in Current Program |      |Total Credits in Revised Program |      |

Signature of College Official Date

Signature of KBOR Official Date

Submit to the following:

Director of Technical Programs and Curriculum

Kansas Board of Regents

1000 SW Jackson, Ste. 520

Topeka, KS 66612-1368




|Level 1 (lowest level): |Level 2: |Level 3: |Level 4: |Level 5: |Level 6 (highest level): |

|Ability to recall facts, terms, |Ability to grasp meaning and |Ability to use learned material in |Ability to break down materials into component|Ability to put parts together |Ability to judge validity, merit, |

|methods, observations, |explain ideas, knowledge or |new situations, including |parts, motives or causes; identify parts, |to make a new whole or solve |quality of ideas, issues, or |

|procedures, principles, or |information; give descriptions,|application of rules, methods, |analyze relationship among parts, recognize |problem using creative or |problem-solving using appropriate |

|concepts |state main ideas, or compare |concepts, principles, laws or |how elements are organized; make inferences; |original thinking |criteria in a particular set of |

| | |theories |find evidence to support generalizations | |circumstances |

|Define |Apprehend |Apply |Analyze |Arrange |Appraise |

|Diagram |Build |Calculate |Appraise |Assemble |Assay |

|Enumerate |Comprehend |Change |Ascertain |Categorize |Assess |

|Identify |Convert |Combine |Bisect |Collect |Choose |

|Label |Defend |Compute |Break down |Combine |Compare |

|List |Describe |Demonstrate |Calculate |Compile |Conclude |

|Match |Designate |Discover |Classify |Compose |Criticize |

|Memorize |Discuss |Dramatize |Compare |Construct |Critique |

|Name |Estimate |Employ |Contrast |Create |Deduce |

|Outline |Explain |Illustrate |Criticize |Design |Derive |

|Recall |Express |Manipulate |Debate |Develop |Determine |

|Record |Extend |Modify |Detect |Devise |Discern |

|Relate |Generalize |Operate |Diagram |Formulate |Discriminate |

|Repeat |Give examples |Plot |Differentiate |Generate |Estimate |

|Reproduce |Grasp |Practice |Discriminate |Integrate |Evaluate |

|Select |Identify |Predict |Distinguish |Invent |Extrapolate |

|State |Infer |Prepare |Examine |Manage |Infer |

| |Interpret |Present |Experiment |Modify |Judge |

|Type |Locate |Produce |Illustrate |Organize |Justify |

| |Order |Relate |Investigate |Plan |Manifest |

| |Paraphrase |Schedule |Infer |Predict |Measure |

| |Penetrate |Show |Inspect |Prepare |Process |

| |Position |Sketch |Interpret |Produce |Rank |

| |Predict |Solve |Inventory |Propose |Rate |

| |Pronounce |Tabulate |Multiply |Rearrange Reconstruct |Revise |

| |Recognize |Transfer |Outline |Reorganize |Select |

| |Report |Translate |Point out |Set up |Score |

| |Restate |Use |Question |Summarize |Support |

| |Rewrite | |Select |Synthesize |Value |

| |Review | |Separate |Weave |Weigh |

| |Sort | | | | |

| |Specify | |Subdivide | | |

| |Summarize | |Survey | | |

| | | |Test | | |

| |Verify | |Transform | | |

| | | |Translate | | |


About the Committee

Curriculum Committee Guidelines


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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