EducationUSA Competitive College Club Code of Conduct

EducationUSA Competitive College Club Code of Conduct

This Code of Conduct is an agreement between you, the student, and the EducationUSA Advising Center in Lisbon, Portugal. By signing it, you agree to all the rules of conduct outlined in this document.

I, [insert your name], understand that membership in the EducationUSA Advising Competitive College Club is free and voluntary.

• I understand that the EducationUSA Competitive College Club is a service provided free of charge by the EducationUSA Advising services to students with exceptional grades and that there are no guarantees for admission or financial aid to colleges/universities in the United States. My chances for acceptance depend entirely on me, my grades, my test scores, my extracurricular activities and how I present my application to U.S. colleges and universities. I agree that I will pursue alternate plans for higher education in my home country or a third country.

• I agree to attend all club meetings and to be on time. Vacations and other requests for absences must be submitted in advance to the EducationUSA Adviser in writing. Any unapproved absences are considered as unjustified absences. More than two unjustified absences will result in dismissal from the club.

• I agree that I will have all my applications reviewed by the Education USA Adviser. The parts of the application should be submitted to the adviser by the deadlines given. The adviser will give me the application package checklist and make sure I have done everything correctly and completely.

• I agree to submit all assignments by the due date as requested by the EducationUSA Adviser.

• I agree to behave with honesty and integrity. I understand that if I am found to have engaged in academic dishonesty (cheating, plagiarism, etc), I will be dismissed from the CCC.

• I agree to behave respectfully and ethically with all my colleagues in the CCC. I agree not to pass judgment on other students and to work as part of a team to support my fellow club mates during the college application process. Failure to do so may result in being dismissed from the CCC.

I attest that I have read this document, I clearly understand the whole document and I agree to abide by the rules as outlined above.

Student Signature: _________________________________________ Date: ________________

I understand that the EducationUSA Competitive College Club is a service provided free of charge by the EducationUSA Advising Center to students with exceptional grades and that there are no guarantees of admission or financial aid. I understand the requirements and give permission for my child to participate in the EducationUSA Competitive College Club.

Parent/Guardian Signature: ________________________________ Date: _________________


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