KEISER COLLEGE - English Composition - Home


|Course Control Document |

|Instructor: |Professor Barletta |

| |Master of Arts-Florida Atlantic University |

| |ABD in Higher Education Instructional Leadership- Nova Southeastern University (Ed.D. in Progress) |

| |E-mail: |

| |Access to the Blog and Assignments: |

| | |

|Course Title: |English Composition I |

|Course Number: |ENC 1101 |

|Prerequisites: |ENC 0001 or demonstration of proficiency in basic English |

|Credit Hours: |3.0 semester credit hours |

|Contact Hours: |48 |

|Lecture hours: |48 |

|Textbook Title: |Write Now, Custom Bundle with Smart Thinking (You will need Smarthinking for all of your assignments) |

|Publisher’s Name: |McGraw-Hill |

|Text Author’s Name: |Karin Russell |

|Text ISBN: |TBA |

|Instructor Qualifications: |Earned doctorate or master’s degree in English or master’s degree with 18 graduate credit hours in subject taught. |

|Gordon Rule: |This is a Gordon Rule course requiring a minimum of 4,000 written words. Students enrolled in AA, BA or BS programs must |

| |earn a grade of “C” or higher to receive credit. |

|Course Description: |Develops writing skills to achieve career goals. Topics include using principles of pre-writing, drafting, revising and |

| |editing to write clear, well-developed paragraphs, essays, and a documented research paper. |

|Course Topics: |Using the writing process: discovering, planning, composing, getting feedback, revising, editing, and proofreading. |

| |Writing effective paragraphs and essays using a variety of rhetorical aims and writing strategies. |

| |Developing critical thinking skills through responding critically to readings and various media. |

| |Recognizing and correcting common errors in grammar, punctuation, and mechanics. |

| |Writing a documented research essay using the APA format. |

|Course Objectives: |Upon completion of the course, students are able to: |

| |Effectively apply the principles of the writing process: discovering, planning, composing, getting feedback, revising, |

| |editing, and proofreading. |

| |Develop and organize purposeful, unified, and coherent paragraphs and essays using a variety of rhetorical aims and writing|

| |strategies. |

| |Respond critically to readings and various media. |

| |Apply higher-order writing skills (such as organization, coherence, and support for arguments) and lower-order skills (such|

| |as grammar, spelling, punctuation, and documentation). |

| |Apply research and documentation methods using the APA format. |

| | |

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|Scope and Sequence |

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|WEEK 1 | |

| | |

|Learning Objectives: |1, 2, 3, 4 |

| | |

|Assigned Reading: |M: Introduction to the course; writing diagnostic and pre-test (QEP) |

| |Part 1: Chapters 1-4 (pgs. 3-78) |

| |The Rhetorical Star Approach: pgs. 5-12 |

| |Purposes of writing pgs. 6-8 |

| |Writing Strategies pgs. 8&9 |

| |Writing Process pgs. 15-45 |

| | |

| |Read and discuss “The Art of Eating Spaghetti” (pgs. 56-58) |

| |Edit and answer questions on “A Literary Genius I am Not” (p. 60) |

| |Editing exercise: “Vacationing in Key West” (p. 49) |

| | |

| |How to use Smarthinking |

| | |

| |Writing Assignment: Choose one of the following assignments and submit them on the blog and through Smarthinking: |

| | |

| |Write a 350-500 word response to “The Art of Eating Spaghetti” and/or “A Literary Genius I am Not.” Identify the strong and|

| |weak points of one or both of the essays and submit to both the class blog and to Smarthinking. |

| |Write a 350-500 word descriptive essay using Russell Baker’s “The Art of Eating Spaghetti” as a model and submit to both |

| |the class blog and to Smarthinking. |

| |Write a 350-500 word essay on your attitude towards writing. Use “A Literary Genius I am Not” as a model and submit to both|

| |the class blog and to Smarthinking. |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |T: Part 2: Chapter 5 (pgs. 81-93) |

| | |

| |“Steps for Writing a Narrative” |

| | |

| |Read and respond to “Clinical Narrative” (pgs. 86-89); “Interview: Johnny Depp for Alice in Wonderland” (pgs. 91-93) |

| | |

| |Review the key elements of a narrative. |

| |Writing Activity: Write a collaborative narrative as a class. |

| | |

| |Drafting for 3 page paper narrative (writing workshop) |

| |Submit your draft to Smarthinking |

| | |

| |5 page Research Paper Assigned |

| | |

| |Assignment Due Thursday: Write a 3 page narrative on a work related experience using the steps in Chapter 5 and read pages |

| |94-111; review chapters 1-5 (Turn in a hard copy, an electronic copy on the class website, and turn it into Smarthinking) |

| |and have read pgs. 94-111 |

| | |

| |TH: 3 page paper due |

| |Peer Review |

| |In class writing workshop |

| |APA format introduction |

| |Reading and analyzing exercise |

| | |

|Suggested Learning Activities: |Lectures, PowerPoint presentations, class discussions, collaborative activities, writing assignments, peer review, informal|

| |presentations, and analysis of various media and readings. |

| | |

|Evaluation: |Pre-test, writing assignments, discussions, collaborative activities, and quizzes |

| | |

|WEEK 2 | |

| | |

|Learning Objectives: |1, 2, 3, 4 |

| | |

|Assigned Reading: |M: Part 4: Editing Guide and Editing Activities (pgs. 395-429) |

| |Read and discuss pages 119-131 and pages 134-137 |

| |(Students will be assigned to groups and will read and annotate the assigned essays. Students will then present the |

| |passages and explain the writing strategies used and how the essays are reflective of the media and pop culture.) Students |

| |are responsible for taking notes on all of the essays since this information will be on your Midterm! |

| | |

| |In-class Writing Assignment: Write a 500 word response to one of the writing suggestions from pages 121, 123,128, 129, 130.|

| |Write a 1 paragraph response to one of your peers. |

| | |

| |T: Review and discuss Chapter 6 |

| | |

| |Writing for Description |

| | |

| |Read and discuss Chapter 7: “Explaining a Process: Cultures and Traditions” pgs. 137-164 |

| | |

| |Read and discuss Chapter 8: “Comparing and Contrasting: Computers and Technology” pgs. 166-185 |

| | |

| |Midterm Review |

| | |

| |Write a 1 page analysis of the different writing styles and purposes for writing and submit it to both the class blog and |

| |to Smarthinking |

| | |

| |Research Writing Workshop: APA citation and how to integrate your sources into your research paper |

| | |

| |TH: Midterm |

| | |

| |In-class assignment: find 2 scholarly sources and 1 book source for your research paper and post your sources on the blog |

| | |

| |Assignment Due Monday: Read Chapter 9: “Analyzing Causes and Effects: Health and Medicine” pgs. 195-219 and write a 1 page |

| |response to one of the writing assignments on pages 214-215 |

| | |

| |*All revisions are due by Monday with the error sheets and the highlighted corrections! |

| | |

|Suggested Learning Activities: |Lectures, PowerPoint presentations, class discussions, collaborative activities, writing assignments, peer review, informal|

| |presentations, and analysis of various media and readings. |

| | |

|Evaluation: |Quizzes, writing assignments, discussions, collaborative activities, and mid-term examination |

| | |

| | |

|WEEK 3 | |

| | |

|Learning Objectives: |1, 2, 3, 4, 5 |

| | |

|Assigned Reading: |M: Assignment Due: Have read Chapter 9: “Analyzing Causes and Effects: Health and Medicine” pgs. 195-219 and have written a|

| |1 page response to one of the writing assignments on pages 214-215; all paper revisions are due |

| | |

| |Midterm Reports |

| | |

| |Peer Review using the questions on pg. 218 |

| |Read and discuss Chapter 10: “Persuading: Relationships” pgs. 220-257 |

| | |

| |Reading Selections: “How Facebook Can Harm Your Relationships” by Leigh Goessl (pgs. 233-234); “The Benefits of Social |

| |Networking on YOUR Social Life” by Al Rodricks (pgs. 234-235); “Sex, Lies, and Conversation: Why is it so Hard for Men and |

| |Women to talk to Each Other?” by Deborah Tannen (pgs. 236-239) |

| | |

| |Readings on pages 239-257 will be completed in small groups. Each group will present their essay and students will take |

| |notes on each of the essays presented. |

| | |

| |Logical Fallacies |

| |Writing Activities using Persuasion |

| |Videos on Persuasion |

| |Introduction to Persuasive Writing Assignment |

| |Writing Workshop |

| | |

| |T: Quiz on reading selections from chapters 9&10 |

| |Chapter 13: “Research Guide” pgs. 317-337 |

| |Chapter 14: “Documenting a Research Paper” pgs. 338-381 |

| | |

| |Research Writing Activities |

| |Part 4: Editing Guide as needed |

| | |

| |Writing Workshop |

| | |

| |TH: 5 page Research Paper due (turn in a hard copy, an electronic copy on the website, and a copy to Smarthinking) |

| |Pre-Registration |

| |Peer Reviews |

| |Outline for the Research Paper |

| |Chapter 15: “Giving an Oral Presentation” pgs. 382-393 |

| |Power Point Presentations |

| |Review and Analysis of Readings |

| |Assignment Due Monday: Prepare and present a Power Point Presentation on the steps and information for your career path and|

| |paper (10-15 slides) |

| | |

|Suggested Learning Activities: |Lectures, PowerPoint presentations, class discussions, collaborative activities, writing assignments, peer review, informal|

| |presentations, and analysis of various media and readings. |

| | |

|Evaluation: |Quizzes, writing assignments, discussions, and collaborative activities |

| | |

|WEEK 4 | |

| | |

|Learning Objective(s): |1, 2, 3, 4, 5 |

| | |

|Assigned Reading: |M: Assignment Due: Power Point Presentation on the steps and information for your career path and paper outline with your |

| |sources and paper outline (10-15 slides) |

| | |

| |Final Exam and Post-Test Review |

| | |

| |T: 5 page paper revisions due |

| |Peer Review |

| |In-class writing: Write a 2 page analysis of the readings and skills from Week 3 |

| |Final Exam and Post-Test Review |

| | |

| |TH: Final Exam and Post-Test |

| | |

|Suggested Learning Activities: |Lectures, PowerPoint presentations, class discussions, collaborative activities, writing assignments, peer review, informal|

| |presentations, and analysis of various media and readings. |

| | |

|Evaluation: |Quizzes, writing assignments, discussions, collaborative activities, research essay, presentations, post-test, and a final |

| |examination or project |

Course Evaluation Strategies (Methodologies)

Student performance is evaluated as follows:

|20 % |Examinations |

|55 % |Assignments (quizzes, writing assignments, discussions, presentations, collaborative activities) |

|20 % |Final examination or project |

|05 % |Post-test |

|100 % |Total possible score |

Grading Scale

A final grade is determined using the following grading scale

|90-100% |A |

|80-89.99% |B |

|70-79.99% |C |

|65-69.99% |D |

|Up to 64.99% |F |

Methods of Course Delivery: The subject matter in this course is presented in various forms which may include lectures, class discussions, demonstrations, collaborative activities, computer assignments, student projects and presentations, on-line research, guest speakers, or field trips.


Class attendance is mandatory and imperative for student success. If you plan on missing class, will be late, or need to leave early, please let me know ahead of time and understand that it is your responsibility to complete all assignments to the best of your ability and turn them in on time.

Students who miss 20% or more of the classes will not be eligible to take the final exam and will not be able to pass the course.

Students who miss 2.5 or more classes will be ineligible to take the midterm and/or final exam.

Part of the attendance includes dress code, which means you must be in business attire as part of the class and Keiser requirements. Students not properly dressed will be asked to leave and return when dressed appropriately.

Students are responsible for all course material, assignments, quizzes, tests, essays, and exams that are missed due to class absences.

Students must be present on the days of the midterm and final. Students will not be permitted to makeup the exam without proper documentation.

Any quiz, test, exam, or writing assignment missed must be made up by Friday of that week in order to avoid earning a grade of “0.” (The quiz, test, or exam will be in the library.)

Withdrawing from the Class

If you decide to withdraw from the course, you must do so by the end of week 2 in order to avoid receiving a “WF.”

Late Policy

Late work will not be accepted. If you are absent on the date that an assignment is due, it must be e-mailed to me by the beginning of class.

Students who do not turn in an assignment will receive a grade of “0.”


Plagiarism is the use of words and/or ideas of another as if they were one’s own and without acknowledgement of their source. The act of plagiarizing will result in a failing grade in the course. If you are unsure how to properly cite your sources, please e-mail me or see me during my office hours. Please see the Keiser University Catalog for more information on the disciplinary actions of plagiarism.

Classroom Expectations

Students are expected to complete all assignments.

Class participation is important and expected.

Please bring your textbook and a notebook or laptop to each class.

Be respectful of all members of the class.

You may bring food or drinks to class, but please save them for the break and do not eat or drink in class.

Please keep cellphones out of sight. If you are expecting an important phone call, please let me know at the beginning of class.

You are required to login to 2-3 times a week to access course information and to submit assignments

Login: WPBENC1101

Password: Success


Course Control Document – Evidence of Understanding

Course: ENC 1101

By signing below, I affirm that I have received, read and understand the information provided in the above course control document; and the grade which I must achieve to pass the course.

Print Name: ____________________________________________

Signature: _____________________________________________

Date: __________________________________________________

Instructor: _____________________________________________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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