Jackson State Community College

Jackson State Community College

ENG 2220, British Literature II

Instructor: Mechel Camp, Office 250

Phone 731.424.3520, x 355—Please do not leave a message that needs an urgent response—Email will usually reach me quicker than phone messages: mcamp@jscc.edu

Office Hours: As posted and by appointment


John Keats




Course Description:

Survey of British literature from the Romantic, Victorian, early 20th Century and Modern periods, emphasizing 19th- and 20th-century ideas and events that shaped this literature and still influence our contemporary experience. Prerequisite: English 1010.

Textbooks and Supplies (bring to every class):

1. Abrams et al., eds. The Norton Anthology of English Literature. Vol. 2. 8th ed., 2006., ISBN# 0-393-92834-9

2. ********Pen/paper/pencils for note-taking in class*********

3. Folder to hold discussion writings (retain all papers in this folder until the end of the semester)


Lady Lilith By Dante Rossetti

This course should :

A. Give the student a broad background of the literary, philosophic, and

religious heritage of nineteenth- and twentieth-century Britain

B. Acquaint the student with specific literary works, terminology, and periods

C. Deepen the student’s understanding and awareness of human values and

concerns that are not bound by time or space

D. Facilitate the student’s understanding of literary works and periods in relation to the present time

and situation

Attendance Policy:

A. I hope that you will be able to come to class on time every day that it meets. However, there are occasions when you may be sick or when a personal matter necessitates your missing this class. Your absences will be reflected by a “0” for your daily grade. On some days, the daily grade will be based on work done in class, including classroom discussion. On others, it will be based on a reading quiz given at the beginning of class, a discussion writing, or another short assignment. You may not make up these daily grades if you are absent (regardless of reason) or tardy; you will receive a "0" for your daily grade when you are absent. I will drop three daily grades when calculating your final daily grade. Note that this grade comprises 15 % of your final grade in this course. Most people will need to use their drops for sickness, funerals, family activities, etc.; please do not “spend” yours by being unprepared for class.

B. If you arrive more than 20 minutes late for this class or leave more than 20 minutes early, you will be counted as absent and will be given a "0" for your daily grade, regardless of whether or not you submit work. Three tardies will be considered the equivalent of one absence.

C. As noted above, you may miss up to three classes without penalty. For each additional absence, your grade may be lowered up to a ½ letter grade for each additional class period missed. If you know that you will miss more than three class periods, please see me as soon as possible.

As always, please see me if you feel your circumstances require special consideration.

Please note the following paragraph from the Jackson State Student Handbook: “If a student is absent the equivalent of three weeks, an “FA” may be recorded, indicating the student has failed the class because of attendance. This may affect a student’s financial aid eligibility or result in penalties” (20).

Submission of Late Work:

If you are absent or tardy, you may NOT make up missed daily grades; however, you may drop three daily grades from your final grade. If you are absent and miss an essay deadline, note that late work may receive ½ letter grade deduction per class period. If you miss an assignment, PLEASE SEE ME RIGHT AWAY. If you are absent and miss an exam date, I may give you an alternate exam. Please seem me for rescheduling.


See p. 20 of the Jackson State Community College Catalog and Student Handbook 2006-2007 for the school's policy on academic misconduct. Plagiarism will result in a minimum penalty of "0" for the plagiarized assignment. We will review plagiarism in class; if you any questions about whether or not something you’re doing constitutes plagiarism, you should speak with me directly.

Disability Policy:

Any student with a disability is encouraged to inform me if he or she wishes the college to make appropriate accommodations. You may also contact Mr. Fred Deaton at 901.424.3520, x 273.

Grading Policy:

A—95-100; B—85-94; C—75-84; D—65-74; F—0-64.

Grades will be based on the following:

Daily Grades, Class Attendance and Participation 15%

Essay and Oral presentation 30%

Exams (3) 55%

The Daily Grades will consist of reading comprehension quizzes, short essay answer questions, group work, and responsive writings.

The Essay and Oral Presentation grade will consist of an essay about a work we’ve read in class as well as a presentation based on a movie. We will "build" our essays together, beginning with a paper proposal, rough draft, and final draft.


Students who do not submit the essay and the oral presentation will receive an "F" in this class.


Three Musicians by Pablo Picasso

Classroom Etiquette:

1. Please remember to turn off all cell phones, alarms, and pagers before entering class; these can be

disruptive to your classmates. If you need to leave to take a phone call, please take your books and

belongings with you and leave class for the day since only an emergency should warrant your doing this.

2. Once class begins, YOU SHOULD NOT LEAVE THE ROOM UNLESS THERE IS AN EMERGENCY. If you have an emergency and must leave the room, please take your books and belongings with you so that you will not further disrupt the class by coming back in to retrieve them.

3. Once class begins, please stay on task.

4. Please treat your classmates' opinions with respect at all times; you do not have to agree, but you should always listen to what others think.

5. Please do not bring children to class.

Important Information:

1. The last day to drop a class for spring semester is March 20, 2008.

2. If you have a grades-based scholarship or for some reason need to make a specific grade in this class, it’s important that YOU keep up with your grade. I record grades in a grading software program and can print out a grade report for you at any time so that you can check your progress. If you are not earning the grade you need, please come to my office during office hours and talk with me so that I can help you improve your grades. If you wait until the last weeks of the semester, you may not have enough time to bring your grade up.

3. The college provides every student with access to a FREE online tutoring service (Smarthinking) and tutors in the Academic Assistance Center and the Writing Center (both located in the library). I strongly encourage you to make use of these excellent resources.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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