Rubric for Article Review - Stephen F. Austin State University

Rubric for Article Review

|Task Description: (Teacher may explain specific assignment in this space.) |

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|Criteria |weight |Exemplary |Effective |Minimal |Unsatisfactory |

|Appropriate Topic |25% |Relevant to assigned subject matter and |Relevant to assigned subject matter |Minimal relevance to assigned subject |Not relevant to assigned subject matter |

| | |peer interest |Article content meets expectations |matter |Fails to meet content requirements |

| | |Article content exceeds requirements | |Article content fails to meet all | |

| | | | |requirements | |

| |15% |Article has great significance |Article has some significance |Article has little significance |Article has no significance |

|Significance to Class / | |Student summary exceeds average peer |Student summary meets project |Summary meets minimal expectations |Summary does not meet minimal |

|Relativity to Class | |perspective and understanding |expectations |Little understanding of article’s |expectations |

| | |Student displays understanding of |Some understanding of article’s |relevance to topic |No understanding of article’s relevance |

| | |article’s relevance to topic |relevance to topic | | |

|Article Submission |10% |Article printed/copied and effectively |Article printed/copied and displayed on |Article attached to summary |No article |

| | |displayed on 8½ x 11 paper |8 ½ x 1 paper |Partial documentation of article | |

| | |Display of article includes correct |Display of article includes correct | | |

| | |citation |citation | | |

Assignment Score ______________ + Beyonder/Bonus ______________ = Final Score ________________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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