| |Course Title and Number : |English A (Revision) |

| |Descriptive Title : |Writing the College Essay |

| |Discipline : |English/ESL |

| |Division : |Humanities |

| |Course Length : |[pic]Full Term |

| | |[pic]Other  (specify: ) |

| |Hours Lecture : |2 |

| |Hours Laboratory : |2 |

| |Course Units : |3 |

| |Grading Method : |[pic]Letter |

| | |[pic]Pass/No Pass |

| | |[pic]Both |

| | |[pic]No Grade |

| |Course Type : |[pic]Credit, Degree Applicable |

| | |[pic]Credit, Not Degree Applicable |

| | |[pic]Non-Credit |

| |Transfer CSU : |[pic]Yes (Effective Date: ) |

| | |[pic]No |

| |Transfer UC : |[pic]Yes (Approval Date: ) |

| | |[pic]Pending |

| | |[pic]No |

| |Conditions of Enrollment: Specify Prerequisite, Corequisite, Recommended Preparation, Enrollment Limitation, or None. |

|  |  |Prerequisite: credit in English B or qualification by testing (English Placement Test) and assessment |

| |Catalog Description : |

|  |  |This course is designed to strengthen college-level writing skills. Students will read and analyze articles |

| | |and essays and will practice writing coherent, well-developed expository essays. Students will revise their |

| | |writing using peer review and weekly one-on-one tutorials. Students will review functional grammar and |

| | |sentence skills and be introduced to techniques of research and documentation. |

| | | |

| | |Note: Pass/no pass only |

| | |Note: Students who receive credit for both English A and English 84 can count only one course for degree |

| | |credit. |


| |List the major objectives of the course. These must be stated in behaviorally measurable terms. |

|  |  |1. Read and apply critical thinking skills to college-level expository prose for the |

| | |purposes of writing and discussion. |

| | | |

| | |2. Apply appropriate strategies in the writing process including prewriting, |

| | |composing, revising, and editing techniques. |

| | | |

| | |3. Demonstrate ability to incorporate into draft revision information received in peer review and one-on-one tutorials. |

| | | |

| | |4. Plan, write, and revise 500-word multi-paragraph expository essays including an introduction and conclusion, exhibiting |

| | |coherence and unity, avoiding major grammatical and mechanical errors that interfere |

| | |with meaning, and demonstrating awareness of audience, purpose, and language choice. |

| | | |

| | |5. Utilize MLA guidelines to format a document, to cite sources in the text of an |

| | |essay, and to compile a Works Cited list. |


| |Approximate Time in |The topics should be detailed enough to enable an instructor to determine the major areas that should be |

| |Hours |covered and so that the course may have consistency from instructor to instructor and semester to semester. |

| | |Major Topics |

| |8 |

| |I. The Writing Process: Prewriting strategies such as freewriting, brainstorming, listing, clustering, and outlining |

| | |

| |10 |

| |II. The Writing Process: Composing |

| | |

| |A. Paragraph structure such as topic sentence and general and specific support |

| |B. Developing ideas, including examples and description |

| |C. Sentence patterns and combining for subordination and coordination |

| |D. Production of 3,500-4,000 words of graded writing, both in and out of class |

| | |

| |16 |

| |III. The Writing Process: Revising |

| | |

| |A. Focused revision - multiple revisions at various stages of the writing process in response to peer and tutorial feedback |

| |B. Mechanics, basic grammar and usage - fragments, run-ons and comma splices, tense, point of view, agreement, and pronoun use |

| | |

| |8 |

| |IV. Critical Reading Skills |

| | |

| |A. Identifying thesis, locating main ideas, annotating, increasing vocabulary, and identifying authorial strategies |

| |B. Writing summaries of assigned readings |

| |C. Practicing analytical writing skills that develop and require critical thinking |

| | |

| |8 |

| |V. Active analysis of peer and professional writing - class discussion, small group peer review, and Socratic dialogue |

| | |

| |2 |

| |VI. In-class writing - instruction and practice |

| | |

| |6 |

| |VII. The "college essay" structure: introduction with lead-in and thesis statement, body paragraphs with topic sentences, and concluding|

| |paragraph |

| | |

| |10 |

| |VIII. Writing expository essays with a clear rhetorical purpose (to inform, to express, to persuade) using various methods of |

| |development |

| | |

| |4 |

| |IX. Introduction to research skills |

| | |

| |A. How to use library databases, Internet sources, case studies, and textbooks |

| |B. Utilizing and incorporating at least two secondary sources, including using direct and indirect quotations and avoiding plagiarism |

| |C. MLA style for document format and documentation (in-text citation and Works Cited pages) |

| | |

| |[pic] |

| | |

| | |

| |72 |


| | |



|Check the PRIMARY method of evaluation for this course. |

|  | |[pic]Substantial writing assignments |

| | |[pic]Problem solving demonstrations (computational or non-computational) |

| | |[pic]Skill demonstrations |

|  |A minimum of one response in 1, 2, or 3 below, as applicable, is required. However, you may check all that apply. |

|  | |1. |Indicate the types of writing assignments used as primary or secondary methods of evaluation for this course. |

|  | |  |[pic]Essay exams  |

| | | |[pic]Written homework  |

| | | |[pic]Term or other papers  |

| | | |[pic]Reading reports  |

| | | |[pic]Laboratory reports  |

| | | |[pic]Other (specify)  |

| | | |  |

| | | |journals |

| | | | |

|  | |2. |Indicate the types of problem-solving demonstrations used as primary or secondary methods of evaluation for this course. |

|  |  |  |[pic]Exams |

| | | |[pic]Laboratory reports  |

| | | |[pic]Quizzes  |

| | | |[pic]Homework problems  |

| | | |[pic]Fieldwork  |

| | | |[pic]Other (specify)  |

| | | |  |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|  | |3. |Indicate the types of skill demonstrations used as primary or secondary methods of evaluation for this course. |

|  |  |  |[pic]Class performance  |

| | | |[pic]Performance exams  |

| | | |[pic]Fieldwork  |

| | | |[pic]Other (specify)  |

| | | |  |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|  | |4. If objective exams are also used, check all that apply. |

|  |  |  |[pic]Multiple choice  |

| | | |[pic]Completion  |

| | | |[pic]Matching items  |

| | | |[pic]True/false  |

| | | |[pic]Other (specify)  |

| | | |  |

| | | | short answer |

| | | | |


|  | |Indicate the methods of evaluation that will be used to determine that the stated objectives have been met. |

|  |  |  |



| |Provide an example of a typical assignment. This assignment must correspond to the PRIMARY method of evaluation indicated in Section |

| |IV, Methods of Evaluation. That is, it must be a writing assignment or, if more appropriate, an assignment involving problem solving or|

| |skill demonstration. |

|  | |A classification essay divides the topic into categories, each with its own identifying characteristics. Write a |

| | |classification essay of at least 500 words in which you identify and describe three roles you play in your everyday life.|

| | |Examples of roles would be student, athlete, sales associate, son/daughter, or parent. Begin your essay with an |

| | |introductory paragraph that ends in a thesis statement. In each body paragraph, describe one of your roles. Be sure to |

| | |begin each body paragraph with a topic sentence that identifies the role you'll discuss. End your essay with a concluding|

| | |paragraph. |


| |Cite two specific assignments that demonstrate college-level critical thinking. (Required for degree applicable courses only.) |

|  |1. |Read Norman Cousins' essay "The Right to Die" and write a one- to two-page essay. In your essay, address one of the following |

| | |items: |

| | | |

| | |A. How convincing do you find the article's arguments for |

| | |"the right to die"? Explain. |

| | |B. Can you think of any objections to Cousins' position? |

| | |Can you think of any problems that might arise from |

| | |adopting this position? State at least two. |

| | |C. Do you approve of the action of the Van Dusens? Should |

| | |people have the right to decide when to die? Why or |

| | |why not? |

|  |2. |Find three magazine ads. In a 5-paragraph, 500-word essay, discuss the target audience and the strategies the advertisers use to |

| | |sell their products. Devote one body paragraph to each ad. |


| |Two hours of work outside of class are required for each hour of lecture or equivalent. Each student in this course will be required to|

| |participate in the following work outside of class time. Check all that apply. |

|  | |[pic]Study |

| | |[pic]Answer questions  |

| | |[pic]Skill practice  |

| | |[pic]Required reading  |

| | |[pic]Problem solving activity  |

| | |[pic]Written work (such as essay/composition/report/analysis/research) |

| | |[pic]Journal (done on a continuing basis throughout the semester) |

| | |[pic]Observation of or participation in an activity related to course content |

| | |    (such as theatre event, museum, concert, debate, meeting) |

| | |[pic]Course is lab only - minimum required hours satisfied by scheduled lab time |

| | |[pic]Other (specify)  |

| | |  |

| | |  |

| | | |


| |Check all planned instructional activities that apply: |

|  |  |[pic]Lecture  |

| | |[pic]Lab |

| | |[pic]Discussion |

| | |[pic]Multimedia presentations  |

| | |[pic]Demonstration |

| | |[pic]Group activities  |

| | |[pic]Role play/simulation  |

| | |[pic]Guest speakers  |

| | |[pic]Field trips  |

| | |[pic]Other (specify)  |

| | |  |

| | | Lab component: Instruction during lab sessions will be supported by a tutor provided by the Writing Center. |

| | | |

| |NOTE: In compliance with Board Policies 1600 and 3410, Title 5 California Code of Regulations, the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and |

| |Sections 504 and 508 of the Americans with Disabilities Act, instructional delivery shall provide access, full inclusion, and |

| |effective communication for students with disabilities. |


|If multiple selection is offered, only representative texts need be listed. An up-to-date list of required and recommended materials is |

|maintained in the division office. |

| |A. REQUIRED TEXTS (title, author, publisher, year) |

|  |  |College Writing Skills with Readings, Langan, McGraw-Hill, 2007. |

| | |Wordsmith: A Guide to College Writing, Arlov, Prentice-Hall, 2009. |

| | |Keys to Successful Writing, with Readings, Anderson, Longman, 2008. |


|  |  |Rules for Writers. ECC Edition. Hacker, Bedford/St. Martin's, 2009. |


|  |  | |


|If this course has a prerequisite or corequisite, complete section A. If this course has an Enrollment Limitation, complete section B. |


| |1. |Indicate if this course has a prerequisite, corequisite, both, or none. |

|  |  |[pic]Prerequisite |

| | |[pic]Corequisite |

| |2. |Indicate Type. Check all that apply. |

|  |  |[pic]Sequential |

| | |[pic]Computational/Communication Skills  |

| | |[pic]Health and Safety  |

| | |[pic]Non-Course |

| | |[pic]Standard (If this is a Standard Prerequisite or Corequisite, attach CCC Form D.)  |

| |3. |Entrance Skills/Knowledge |

| | | |

| | |List the required skills and/or knowledge without which a student would be highly unlikely to receive a grade of A, B, C, or Credit |

| | |(or for Health and Safety, would endanger self or others) in this course. |

|  |  |1. Read and apply critical thinking skills to pre-collegiate texts for the purposes of writing and discussion. |

| | | |

| | |2. Apply appropriate strategies from the writing process to create, compose, revise, and edit drafts. |

| | | |

| | |3. Plan, write, and revise paragraphs based on personal experience and observations, including a topic sentence and supporting |

| | |details, and avoiding grammatical and mechanical errors that interfere with meaning. |

| | | |

| | |4. Compose a variety of sentence types and edit them for correct grammar, appropriate word choice, and accurate spelling. |

| | | |


| |1. |Indicate the category which describes the Enrollment Limitation for this course. |

|  |  |[pic]Band/Orchestra |

| | |[pic]Theater |

| | |[pic]Speech |

| | |[pic]Chorus |

| | |[pic]Journalism |

| | |[pic]Dance |

| | |[pic]Intercollegiate Athletics  |

| | |[pic]Honors Course  |

| | |[pic]Blocks of Courses  |

| | |[pic]Other (specify)  |

| | |  |

| | | |

| | | |

| |2. |List Degree and/or Certificate requirements that are met by this course. |

|  |  | |

| |3. |List all El Camino College courses that also satisfy the requirements listed above in section B.2. |

|  |  | |

|[pic] |

| | |Originator: |

| | | E. Jones and English A Committee |

| | |Submittal Date: |

| | | Fall 1963 |

| | | |


| | |  |

| | | |

| | |Reviewed and/or Revised by: |

| | | |

| | | S. Bachmann |

| | |Date: |

| | | 1/92 |

| | | |

| | | B. Budrovich |

| | |Date: |

| | | 11/98 |

| | | |

| | | Sara Blake and Susan Corbin |

| | |Date: |

| | | July 1, 2009 |

| | | |

| | | |


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