Coach Chew

Team Sports I


History- The game of football directly evolved from soccer and rugby. The first football game was played on November 6, 1869 between Rutgers University and Princeton University. A set of rules was added to the game in 1876. At first kicking the ball through the goal was the main emphasis as the scoring reflected. A field goal was worth 5 points and a touchdown was worth 2 points. As the game evolved, more emphasis was put on running the football. Finally the scoring was updated to reflect this change in emphasis. In 1912, the touchdown was raised to its present day value of 6 points.

In the early days, throwing the ball forward was illegal. So, to change the view of football as a brutal game, the forward pass was allowed in 1906 to make it more of a finesse game.

Key points in History

- First professional game, 1895

- Early 1890’s players began wearing leather helmets

- Helmets were required by NCAA in 1939

- A National Football League was formed in 1902

- The American Professional Football Association(AFPA) was formed in 1920, in 1922 it changed its name to the National Football League(NFL) which is the league we know today

- The first NFL championship game was in 1932 between the Chicago Bears and the Green Bay Packers

- The American Football League(AFL) was formed in 1960

- Spring 1966 AFL and NFL merge

- The first Super Bowl was in 1967 between the Green Bay Packers and the Kansas City Chiefs

Object- It is the object of the game for one team to carry or pass the ball across the goal line or to kick the ball through the opponent’s goal by a place kick or drop kick. The game is won by the team which accumulates the most points.

Rules and Terms-

- 11 players per side on the field

- Team with the ball attempts to advance ball by carrying or passing it

- The team in possession has 4 downs to advance the ball to the line to gain which is 10 yards in advance of the spot where the series begins

- The offensive team must have 7 players on the line of scrimmage

- A penalty is a result imposed by rule against a team or team member that has committed a foul

- An interception is the catch of an opponents pass

- The line of scrimmage is a vertical plane through the point of the ball nearest the team’s goal line

- The boundary lines are the lines are the end lines and sidelines and are out of bounds

- The goal line is the vertical plane which separates the field of play from the end zone

- A team’s own goal line is the one that it is defending

- The neutral zone is the space between the ends of the football

- Tackling is the use of hands, arms, legs or body by a defensive player in his attempt to hold a runner or to bring him to the ground

- Pass Interference occurs when a player hinders with an opponents opportunity to move toward the catch

- Touchdown is worth 6 points

- Try after touchdown if kicked is worth 1 point, if carried or passed is worth 2 points; Also called Point After Touchdown(PAT)

- Field Goal is worth 3 points

- Safety is worth 2 points; occurs when an offensive player in possession of the ball is tackled or stopped behind his own goal line

- Sack- The tackling of a Quarterback behind his own line of scrimmage

Players’ Positions-

Offense- Quarterback, running back, tight end, wide receiver, offensive line

Defense- Cornerback, safety, linebacker, defensive line


Flag Football Rules-

- 6 players per side

- 4 offensive players must be on the line of scrimmage

- The line to gain for a first down shall be mid field

- No blocking or moving shielding is allowed

- A tackle is replaced by the pulling of a flag belt

- All offensive players are eligible to receive a forward pass

- There must be one designated pass rusher who will line up 7 yards from the line of scrimmage and who must rush the quarterback in order to sack the QB or to speed up the passing action

- The quarterback may not run past the line of scrimmage directly after receiving the snap

- The quarterback may hand the ball to a player on his team

- All fouls will result in a penalty with a loss of 5 yards and where required, a loss of down

- Touchdown is worth 6 points boy to boy; 7 if girl to boy; 8 if girl to girl

- The point after touchdown is worth 1 point if scored from the 3 yard line or 2 points if scored from the 5 yard line

Statistical Terms-

Pass attempt- the attempt to throw a forward pass to a team mate

Pass Completion- When a forward pass is caught by a team mate

Reception- When a receiver catches a forward pass by his own quarterback

Tackle- When a player is on defense and pulls the flag of an opponent who is carrying the ball

Touchdown- When a player carries the ball into the end zone, or when a player catches a pass while in the end zone

Pass deflection- The act of batting or hitting a passed ball so as to prevent the opponent from catching the ball

Flag Football Positions-

Offense- Quarterback, running back, wide receiver, center

Defense- Cornerback, Safety, Linebacker, Pass rusher

Local Football Teams-

Professional- Miami Dolphins

College- University of Miami Hurricanes,

Fla. Intl. Golden Panthers

For more recent information:


Field Markings and Dimensions

Regulation Football


Field Markings and Dimensions

Flag Football



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