|For office use only |

|1 |Name of the Institute | | |

|2 |Name of the affiliating University | | |

| | | | |

|3 |Address of the Institute | | |

| | | | |

| |City and Pin Code | | | | | | | | |

| |State / UT | | |

| | | | |

|4a |Landline No. 1 (include city code) | | |

|7 |Website | | |

| | | | |

|8a |Principal / Director’s Name | | |

|8b |Qualification | | |

|8c |Email | | |

|8d |Direct Landline No. (include city code) | | |

|9a |Name of contact person for the survey | | |

|9b |Email | | |

|9c |Mobile No. (10 digit mobile no.) | | |

|10a |Placement Head’s Name | | |

|10b |Email | | |

|10c |Mobile No. (10 digit mobile no.) | | |

|11 |Year in which the College/ Institution was | | |

| |established/registered | | |

|13 |Ownership Status |Central Govt. |1 | |

| |( Circle in the box corresponding to the relevant |State Govt. |2 | |

| |status) | | | |

| | |Trust |3 | |

| | |Society |4 | |

| | |Private |5 | |

| | |Other (specify)_______________________________ |9 | |

| | | | |

|14 |Affiliation Status |Institute of National Importance |1 | |

| |( Circle in the box corresponding to the relevant |University Department |2 | |

| |status) | | | |

| | |Affiliated to University |3 | |

| | |Deemed University |4 | |

| | |Other (specify)_______________________________ |9 | |

|15 |Category of the Institute |Co – Ed |1 | |

| |(Circle the relevant code) |Women Only |2 | |

| | |Men Only |3 | |

| | | | | |

|16 |Type of the Institute |Teaching Only |1 | |

| |(Circle the relevant code) |Teaching + Research |2 | |

| | |Teaching + Research + Consulting |3 | |

| | | | |

|17 |DCI Recognition Status |Recognized |8 | |

| |(For BDS Program) |Not Recognized |9 | |

|18 |If recognized |Recognition year | | |

| | | | | | | | |

|19 |NAAC Accreditation Status |Accredited |1 | |

| | |Not Accredited |2 | |

| | |Not eligible yet |3 | |

|20 |If Accredited |NAAC Accreditation valid upto |NAAC Accreditation Grade |NAAC Accreditation Score | |

| | |D |

|21 |Physical Resources Available |Land (in acres) | |

|21a |Exclusive for this Institution (BDS prgm.) | |

|22 |Hostel Facility |Yes / No |

| |(Circle relevant codes and provide other details for BDS Prgm. only) | |

|23 |Canteen Facility |Yes / No |No. of Canteens on campus | |

| |(Circle relevant codes and provide | | | |

| |other details) | | | |

| | |Y |N | | | | |


|24 |Library Facility | | |

| |Carpet Area of Library (in sq m) | | | | | | | | |

| |No. of seats in the reading space | | | | | | |Photocop|Y |

| | | | | | | | |ying | |

| | | | | | | | |facility| |

| | | | | | | | |in the | |

| | | | | | | | |library | |

| |Computerization of library functions like books |Y |N |Library services on internet/intranet |Y |N | |

| |search, indexing etc. | | | | | | |

| |Availability of Digital library content |Y |N | | | | |

| |No. of titles in the library | | | | |

| |(count of unique books, do not include magazines and journals) | | | | |

| |01 |Total no. of Magazines / Periodicals subscribed to (physical form) | | | | |

| |02 |No. of National journals subscribed to in hard copy (physical form) | | | | |

| |03 |No. of International journals subscribed to in hard copy (physical form) | | | | |

| |04 |No. of National journals subscribed to in E-copy / digital form | | | | |

| |05 |No. of International journals subscribed to in E-copy / digital form | | | | |

| | | |

|25 |Internet Facility | | |

| |Internet Access facility in the college |Y |N |Is the Campus Wi-Fi enabled? |Y |N | |

|26 |Laboratory – Computer | | | | | | |

| |Availability of computer labs for B.D.S |Y |N |Total no. of computers in all the labs | | | |

| |students | | | | | | |

| | |

|27 |Classrooms / Seminar Rooms / Faculty Rooms | | |

| |No. of classrooms for BDS | | | | | |

| |Availability of multimedia projectors in the |Y |N |Total no. of multimedia projectors for the BDS Prgm. | | | |

| |classrooms | | | | | | |

| | | | |

| |Number of Auditoriums | | |

| |Association with the hospital for training to students | |

| |Own Hospital |1 |Medical College |2 |Govt. General Hospital |3 | |

| |Is the hospital associated with the college on the same campus? (Yes - Y, No - N) |Y |N | |

| |Total number of beds in the hospital | | | | | | |

| |Average no. of dental cases in a day | | | | | | |

| |No. of dental operation theatres in the hospital | | | | | | |

| |No. of major dental surgeries performed | | | | | | |

| |No. of minor dental surgeries performed | | | | | | |


|28b |Dental Chairs | | |

| |Total number of Dental Chairs | | | | | | |

| |Number of Dental Chairs electrically operated | | | | | | |

| |Number of Dental Chairs non-electrically operated | | | | | | |

|29 |Games & Sports Facilities | | |

| |Availability of Indoor Games |Y |N |Tennis Court |Y |N | |

| |Football Ground |Y |N |Basketball Court |Y |N | |

| |Cricket Ground |Y |N |Badminton Court |Y |N | |

|30 |Other Facilities | | |

| |Availability of Gymnasium |Y |N |Availability of Swimming Pool |Y |N | |

| |Common rooms for Girls |Y |N |Common rooms for Boys |Y |N | |

|31 |Safety & Security facilities | | |

| |Availability of an Anti-Ragging Cell |Y |N | |

| |Availability of Women Grievance Redressal Cell |Y |N | |

| |Availability of Self Defense Training for Women |Y |N | |

| |Availability of Video surveillance in the campus |Y |N | |

| |(Coverage of the campus by CCTV in the main areas such as library, labs, etc.) | | | |

| |Fire Alarm System |Y |N | |

| |Parent and Visitor Management System |Y |N | |

| |(The computerized visitor management system enables the person-in-charge to automatically verify the | | | |

| |authorization of the visitor) | | | |

|31a |Other Safety Measures | |

| |(Kindly list down other measures taken by the institute to ensure safety of students in the campus) | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

Provide data in an additional sheet if the space provided here is not sufficient


| |Details of Full Time Faculty in the BDS program | | |

| |(DO NOT INCLUDE the details of visiting faculty / part time faculty here) | | |

|32a |No. of Teaching Faculty for BDS (only full time faculty, include professors, associate professors, assistant | | | | | |

| |professors and other teaching staff) | | | | | |

|32b |No. of Professors (full time) | | | | | |

|32c |No. of Associate Professors / Readers / Senior Lecturers (full time) | | | | | |

|32d |No. of Assistant Professors / Lecturers (full time) | | | | | |

|32e |No. of other teaching staff (if any) (full time) | | | | | |

|32f |No. of Non-teaching Staff (full time) | | | | | |

| |Note: No. of teaching faculty (32a) = No. of Prof (32b) + No. of Associate Prof (32c) + No. of Assistant Prof (32d) +No. of other teaching | |

| |staff (32e) | |

|33 |Teacher Student Ratio (Teacher : Student) |: | | |

|34 |Male to Female Ratio of Permanent Faculty (Male : Female) |: | | |

| | | | |

| |Faculty Qualification (provide data only for full time faculty who are currently associated with the institute) | |

|35a |No. of Faculty Members with Ph.D | | | | | |

|35b |No. of Faculty Members with MDS | | | | | |

|35c |No. of Faculty Members with BDS | | | | | |

|35d |No. of Faculty Members with MS/MD | | | | | |

|35e |No. of Faculty with MBBS or an equivalent degree | | | | | |


| |Faculty Experience (Sum of these should be equal to total no. of full time teaching faculty in 32a) | | |

|36a |No. of Faculty Members with less than 5 yrs of experience in teaching | | | | | |

|36b |No. of Faculty Members with 5-10 yrs of experience in teaching | | | | | |

|36c |No. of Faculty Members with 11-15 yrs of experience in teaching | | | | | |

|36d |No. of Faculty Members with 16-20 yrs of experience in teaching | | | | | |

|36e |No. of Faculty Members with more than 20 yrs of experience in teaching | | | | | |

| | | | |

| |Faculty Research (Published in a national / international journal) | | |

| |(Sum of these should be equal to total no. of full time teaching faculty in 32a) | | |

| |(Attach supporting documents) | | |

|37a |No. of faculty who have None / Less than 5 research publications | | | | | |

|37b |No. of faculty who have 5-10 research publications | | | | | |

|37c |No. of faculty who have 11-15 research publications | | | | | |

|37d |No. of faculty who have more than 15 research publications | | | | | |

| | | | |

| |Faculty Book Publication (Already Published) | | |

| |(Sum of these should be equal to total no. of full time teaching faculty in 32a) | | |

|38a |No. of faculty without any book | | | | | |

|38b |No. of faculty who have 1-2 books | | | | | |

|38c |No. of faculty who have 3-4 books | | | | | |

|38d |No. of faculty who have 5 or more books | | | | | |

| |Patents | | |

| |(Sum of these should be equal to total no. of full time teaching faculty in 32a) | | |

|39a |No. of faculty without any patents/copyrights | | | | | |

|39b |No. of faculty who have 1-2 patents to their credit | | | | | |

|39c |No. of faculty who have 3-4 patents to their credit | | | | | |

|39d |No. of faculty who have 5 or more patents | | | | | |

|40 |Number of NEW patents filed by the institute in the year 2019-20 | | | | | |

|41 |Total number of patents granted to the institute till date | | | | | |

| |Details of Visiting Faculty in the BDS prgm. | | |

|42 |Total no. of Visiting Faculty | | | | | |

|43 |No. of Visiting Faculty Members with Ph.D | | | | | |

|44 |No. of Visiting Faculty Members with MDS | | | | | |

|45 |No. of Visiting Faculty Members with BDS | | | | | |

|46 |No. of Faculty Members with MS/MD | | | | | |

|47 |No. of Faculty with MBBS or an equivalent degree | | | | | |


|48 |Availability of post graduation programme (Yes - Y / No - N) |Y |N | |

|49 |Availability of Ph.D Programme (Yes - Y / No - N) |Y |N | |

|50 |No. of Ph.Ds produced till date | | | | | |

| | | | |

|51 |Mentoring system to help students (Yes - Y / No - N) |Y |N | |

| | | | |

| |Formal mentoring by faculty | | |

|52a |Number of students per faculty | | | | |

|52b |Frequency of Meeting |Weekly |1 | |

| | |Monthly |2 | |

| | |Need Based |3 | |

| | |

|53 |Availability of psychological and psychiatric counseling (Yes - Y / No - N) |Y |N | |

| | | | |

|54 |Availability of Counseling facility for higher studies (Yes - Y / No - N) |Y |N | |


| |Student’s Intake (only for academic year 2019-20) | | |

|55 |Student intake strength (sanctioned for 1st year BDS Prgm.) | |

|58a |Entrance Test Score | | |

| |Name of the Entrance Exam |No. of Students |Highest Rank |Lowest Rank | |

| |(Enter detail only for Academic year 2019-20) |Admitted |(for Gen Merit |(for Gen Merit | |

| |(enter the names only for entrance exams) | |category only) |category only) | |

|59a |AIIMS | | | | |

|59b |AIPMT | | | | |

|59c |State’s Common Entrance Test ____________________ | | | | |

|59d |Entrance exams conducted by private college consortiums (COMEDK | | | | |

| |etc.)_____________________________ | | | | |

|59e |College’s own Entrance Test (specify) ___________________ | | | | |

|59f |Others (specify)___________________________________ | | | | |

|59g |

|60 |Student Profile (for students admitted in 2019-20) | | |

| |

| |Industry Interface (Between Jan 2019 - Dec 2019) | | |

|61 |No. of student workshops/ training programs apart from internships | | | | |

|62 |No. of national level competitions won by the students | | | | |

|63 |No. of international level competitions won by the students | | | | |

|64 |Total no. of guest speakers | | | | |

|65 |No. of National Conferences organized | | | | |

|66 |No. of International Conferences organized | | | | |

| | | | |

|67 |Alumni | | |

| |Does Alumni Association exist (Yes - Y, No - N) |Y |N |Total no. of |

| | | | |members in |

| | | | |Alumni |

| | | | |Association |

| |No. of students participating in the student exchange programme between | | | | | |

| |Jan 2019 - Dec 2019 | | | | | |


I certify that the information provided above is extracted from the records and to the best of my knowledge, is correct and complete.

I understand that any false statement/information of consequence may lead to rejection. I also understand that Hansa Research Group Pvt. Ltd. will have the right to decide on the basis of the information provided whether the institution should be considered to be a part of the evaluation process.

Place: Signature, Name and Designation of the

Date: Head of the Institution with seal




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