Whitesboro Independent School District

Whitesboro ISD2020-2021Football handbookMS & HSCody FaganRyan HarperAthletic Director SuperintendentMarlene RobinsonAaron DodsonHigh School Principal Middle School Principal Athletic Program Objectives1. Contribute to the development and maturity of the student-athlete.2. Assist the Student-athlete in achieving academic success.3. Encourage student-athletes to be concerned with their attitude.4. Increase student-athletes self-discipline and commitment in all areas of their lives. 5. Teach the practice of excellence in competition.6. Develop, refine, and teach ethical values.7. Train the student-athlete for leadership.8. Instill humility while WINNING!Conduct and PenaltiesRules-We will have as few rules as possible other than the previously established WISD Code of Conduct and Student Handbook.We ask 3 QuestionsWill it make you a better person?Will it make you a better student?Will it make you a better athlete?If the answer is “NO” to any of the above, then it will be a rule, and there will be no exceptions.If the Answer is “YES” then there is no need for a rule.10 Guidelines-No drinking, smoking, or drugs of any kind at any time in any location.No ProfanityThe hair should always be kept neat, including Facial hair.No necklaces, bracelets, no earrings, no jewelry of any kind.If you must miss practice, call one of the coaches beforehandBe prompt and on time for all meetings and practicesKeep your locker clean and neat (pick up all towels and trash)Treat others as you would have them treat youAt all times you will be held responsible for your actionsDo RIGHT! DO YOUR BEST!Disciplinary Actions-Athletes will face disciplinary action, including possible suspension or expulsion, for demonstrating behavior that is detrimental to the team. Examples of unacceptable behavior include, but are not limited to:1. Inappropriate language2. Unwilling or lazy attitude, poor work ethic3. Disrespect to the coaching staff4. Disrespect to a game official5. Display of temper34290001028706. Not responsive to a coach’s request7. Argumentative attitude8. Habitual disregard for guidelines9. Negative effect on team morale10. Unsportsmanlike behavior11. Criminal Activity12. Inappropriate behavior in class13. Failing 14. HazingONLY THE ATHLETIC DIRECTOR CAN REMOVE A STUDENT FROM ATHLETICS. ANY OTHER ISSUES NOT ADDRESSED REGARDING DISCIPLINE WILL BE LEFT TO THE ATHLETIC DIRECTOR’S DISCRETION.Major Offense Disciplinary Action – 3 STRIKE POLICYMajor offenses may include but are not limited to the use of drugs, hazing, stealing or other serious violations of the law or rules. Some illegal actions may lead to immediate strike 3.STRIKE 1 – 1st Offense: Suspension and/or punishment activity.STRIKE 2 – 2nd Offense: Longer Suspension and/or punishment activity.STRIKE 3 – 3rd Offense: Removed from Athletics for the remainder of the school year.The Athletic Director must approve re-admittance into Athletics; the A.D. will review grades and conduct reports of student during their time away from athletics.ONLY THE ATHLETIC DIRECTOR CAN REMOVE A STUDENT FROM ATHLETICS. ANY OTHER ISSUES NOT ADDRESSED ABOUT DISCIPLINE WILL BE LEFT TO THE ATHLETIC DIRECTOR’S DISCRETION.Felony Offense Disciplinary ActionAny athlete found to be charged with a felony will be suspended from Athletics. This is not an assumption of guilt, but rather to provide the student-athlete with an opportunity to clear their name. Students will be reinstated when the case is either dismissed or found not guilty. If found guilty, see above policy for Strike 3ATHLETIC TEAM / PROGRAM REMOVAL1. Habitual missing of practices/meetings, not cooperating with the other members or coach, not maintaining the required grade average, and/or displaying a poor attitude toward one's responsibilities as a participant may lead to removal.2. If a student is placed in DAEP for less than 45 days or is suspended for any Student Code of Conduct disciplinary offense, he/she may be placed on probation by the Athletic Director with no participation or performance in any extra-curricular activities, including activities that occur during the weekends within the probationary period.3. A second placement in DAEP during the school year will result in dismissal from all extra-curricular activities for the remainder of the semester in which the 2nd assignment occurs. Any future DAEP assignments (3rd) would result in removal from extra-curricular activities for the remainder of the year.4. Any student Code of Conduct disciplinary offense that results in extended assignment (more than 45 days) to DAEP or expulsion will result in immediate dismissal from both the organization and from participation in all extra-curricular activities for the remainder of the Semester.ONLY THE ATHLETIC DIRECTOR CAN REMOVE A STUDENT FROM ATHLETICS. ANY OTHER ISSUES NOT ADDRESSED REGARDING DISCIPLINE WILL BE LEFT TO THE ATHLETIC DIRECTOR’S DISCRETION.Dismissal from a SportOn some occasions, an athlete will need to be dismissed from a sport due to unacceptable behavior or violations of the athletic handbook. The following guidelines will be in effect for any athlete that is dismissed from a sport or from athletics.1. An athlete dismissed from a sport will be dismissed from the athletic program if the violation is deemed to justify such action.2. An athlete dismissed from a sport will NOT be allowed to start another sport until the first sport is completed and they have completed the 25-mile policy.3. An athlete dismissed from a sport, may regain participation privileges in that sport the following season upon approval by the Athletic Director.4. Any athlete dismissed from a sport a second time (same sport or different sport) may be refused participation in all athletic programs.5. A meeting with the Athletic Director, head coach, athlete, and parents will be held to discuss all issues and consequences if requested.ONLY THE ATHLETIC DIRECTOR CAN REMOVE A STUDENT FROM ATHLETICS. ANY OTHER ISSUES NOT ADDRESSED ABOUT DISCIPLINE WILL BE LEFT TO THE ATHLETIC DIRECTOR’S DISCRETION.Quitting a Sport (25 Mile Policy)Students who withdraw from a sport after the initial grace period of practice defined by the coach must?recognize and abide by the following (grace period is never longer than 10 practices or 2 weeks):?Student may not start any other Whitesboro ISD sport activity until the season of the sport the student quit or was dismissed from?is completely finished.? The season consists of regularly scheduled games and all playoff games at the Varsity level.? This policy applies to any freshman, JV or Varsity member.Student must complete running 25 supervised miles prior to the start date of the next sport in which they intend to participate & will be suspended for exactly half of the season in the next sport they participate in. The student will still be required to practice and attend all team functions during their suspension. Expectations for the AthleteAthletics is a privilege; furthermore, a student is not required to participate in athletics to graduate from high school. Participation in athletics is a choice; therefore, student athletes are required to conduct themselves with pride and dignity. Because participation in athletics is a choice and not a privilege, a student athlete who violates general policies or procedures will be subject to discipline/consequences.The philosophy of our Athletic Department is to create a successful program based on high standards. The coaching staff will work with each individual student athlete to ensure appropriate sportsmanlike behavior. The coaching staff will address any violation of policies (sportsmanship, training rules, missing practice, poor attitude, etc.) with the desire to help the student athlete. If the violations are repeated, the student will receive/could receive disciplinary action up to and not excluding removal from athletics. The welfare of the overall Athletic Department and the student teams will take priority. Coaches and parents should remember the following points when dealing with athletic discipline:1. A coach has the right to discipline an athlete on his/her team keeping in mind the welfare of the TEAM as well as the welfare of the INDIVIDUAL.2. Every violation/confrontation should first be addressed by a conference with the athlete to discuss the violation and reaffirm the expectations of the coach and the athletic department.3. A coach should exercise sound judgment in evaluating situations and penalties being as consistent as possible. Make the punishment fit the violation.4. A coach will NOT dismiss a student from the athletic program without first discussing the situation with Athletic Director.Academic Expectations for the AthleteOur expectation is that our Athletes pass ALL their classes and make Academics a top priority. We expect students to pass all classes year round, not just during their sports season. We expect every student to make time outside of school to study and complete the needed work even if we have had a long evening of athletics. We WILL NOT use athletic periods to go do make up work in an academic class, we will never ask a classroom teacher to allow us to get some extra athletic work during their class period or vice versa. Coaches will run weekly grade reports to find out who is struggling and in what subject. We will use these reports to create tutoring lists and check to ensure that athletes are attending tutoring; before school, after school or during activity periods. We will also use these reports to create groups who will do extra physical reminders at the end of practices or athletic periods as a result of not taking care of business with their academics.If a lack of effort and or habitual failure to meet classroom expectations persist, we will reserve the right to dismiss any athlete from the athletic program to ensure they have more time to focus on their academics. Any athlete who is academically ineligible for UIL events due to grades below a 70 for 3 consecutive eligibility check dates will be removed from the athletic program. WHAT YOU CAN EXPECT FROM YOUR COACHES: 1. To be loyal to you in all areas. 2. To be totally honest. 3. To provide the leadership and training necessary to achieve our goals. 4. To work you harder than you have ever worked before. 5. To assist you in any way possible now and after you graduate. 6. To treat you as an adult and respect you. 7. To make all decisions predicated on what is best for the team first, then the individual. 8. To do everything within our power to improve our facilities and make this the best place in Texas to go to school and be an athlete. 9. To help you mature and grow. 10. To help you reach your goals. 11. To NEVER say “CAN’T”. Athletic Participation In order to compete in a UIL, THSPA, THSWPA sanctioned sporting event for any Whitesboro ISD athletics team an athlete must be in the school day athletic period. Students can only compete for Whitesboro in a UIL event if they are currently enrolled in our athletic period, with current physical and all release forms on file with the Athletics office. Whitesboro ISD Athletic Program Commitment to Strength & Conditioning WorkoutsGirls and Boys athletics will use our in school athletic periods or before school / after school for 3 days a week of weight and strength training and 2 days a week of speed and quickness movement training throughout the year. This schedule will be kept for both in season and off season teams in all sports. The two days per week of quickness and speed training will sometimes be substituted for in season or out of season sport specific drills (normally game days for in season sports, but also periodically used for off season skill development in specific sports). These workouts will always be led by a WISD coach and will be conducted in an orderly fashion with a specific purpose.This complete athletic program commitment to strength and conditioning will allow us to develop and refine the skills of every athlete in our programs grades 7-12 and help them achieve at their highest possible level in ALL SPORTS. Proper strength and conditioning workouts not only help develop the growing student physically but aide in injury prevention.Multi- Sport Athletes It is the desire of the Whitesboro ISD athletics department to see our athletes compete in as many sporting events as possible during their time here at Whitesboro. Every opportunity will be given to students to compete in as many sports as they so desire. We WILL find a way as coaches to work together and give our athletes the opportunities they deserve to be multi-sport athletes. EARNING A LETTER JACKET We, as a coaching staff, consider it an honor and a privilege to earn a letter from the Whitesboro ISD Athletic Department. We ask that each athlete follow some prescribed guidelines to be considered for a letter. We want to challenge and motivate the athletes to be the very best she/he possible can in order to receive a letter. We ask that each athlete follow these guidelines: Attend every practice – preseason included unless there is illness or a family crisis (death in family). If you can’t be at practice communicate with your coach!2. Compete in a prescribed number of games, matches, meets or tournaments. The number will be set by the head coach of each sport. 3. Be an active participant in each practice session, excluding those that she/he is injured. 4. Each athlete will be in complete compliance with this athletic policy prescribed in this handbook. 5. Jackets will be ordered in November and April for those who have successfully completed the requirements. 6. Complete the season in good standing. 7. A head coach may use his/her own discretion if there are extenuating circumstances. The head coach of each sport will be given the right at her/his own discretion to letter an athlete or athletes even though they might not meet all the requirements needed for receiving a letter. These situations would include injury, the attitude of the athlete or athletes involved, work habits, level of competition, classification in school and contribution said athlete or athletes have made to that sport. U.I.L. GENERAL ELIGIBILITY RULESEligibility rules are found in Section 400 of the Constitution and Contest Rules. Any question regarding a student’s eligibility, should be addressed to the school principal and/or superintendent. Residence requirements according to Sections 400 (d) 440, and 442 should be thoroughly investigated for any student new to school. Students are eligible to represent their school in varsity interscholastic activities if they: Are not 19 years of age or older on or before September 1 of the current scholastic year. (See 504 handicapped exception.) Have not graduated from high school. Are enrolled by the sixth-class day of the current school year or have been in attendance for fifteen calendar days immediately preceding a varsity contest. Are full-time day students in a participant high school? Initially enrolled in the ninth grade not more than four calendar years ago. Are meeting academic standards required by state law? Live with their parents inside the school district attendance zone their first year of participation (Parent residence applies to varsity athletic eligibility only.) When the parents do not reside inside the district attendance zone the student could be eligible if: the student has been in continuous attendance for at least one calendar year and has not enrolled at another school; no inducement is given to the student to attend the school (for example: students or their parents must pay their room and board when they do not live with a relative; students driving back into the district should pay their own transportation cost); and it is not a violation of local school or TEA policies for the student to continue attending the school. Students placed by the Texas Youth Commission are covered under Custodial Residence (see Section 442 of the Constitution and Contest Rules). Have observed all provisions of the Awards Rule. Have not represented a college in a contest. Have not been recruited. (Does not apply to college recruiting as permitted by rule.) Have not violated any provision of the summer camp rule. Incoming 10-12 grade students shall not attend a baseball, basketball, football, soccer, or volleyball camp in which a seventh through twelfth grade coach from their school district attendance zone. Works with, instructs, transports or registers that student in the camp. Students who will be in grades 7, 8, and 9 may attend one baseball, one basketball, one football, one soccer, one softball, and one volleyball camp in which a coach from their school district attendance zone is employed for no more than six consecutive days each summer in each type of sports camp. Baseball, Basketball, Football, Soccer, Softball, and Volleyball camps where school personnel work with their own students may be held in May, after the last day of school, June, July and August prior to the second Monday in August. If such camps are sponsored by school district personnel, they must be held within the boundaries of the school district and the superintendent or his designee shall approve the schedule of fees. Have observed all provisions of the Athletic Amateur Rule. Students may not accept money or other valuable consideration (items which are wearable, salable or usable) for participating in any athletic sport during any part of the year. Athletes shall not allow their names to be used for the promotion of any product, plan or service. Students who inadvertently violate the amateur rule by accepting valuable consideration may regain athletic eligibility by returning the valuable consideration. If individuals return the valuable consideration within 30 days after they are informed of the rule violation, they regain their athletic eligibility when they return it. If they fail to return it within 30 days after they are informed of the rule violation, they regain their athletic eligibility when they return it. If they fail to return it within 30 days, they remain ineligible for one year from when they accepted it. During the period of time from when students receive valuable consideration until they return it, they are ineligible for all varsity athletic competition. Minimum penalty for participating in a contest while ineligible is forfeiture of the contest. Did not change schools for athletic purposes. A student in basketball or swimming may take a paid visit for purpose of recruiting prior to November 1 (soccer until January 1) and then after the end of that season for that student. Self-financed trips/tickets. There is no limit to self-financed college trips (all expenses paid by student/parents). Students may accept admission (through a pass gate-no tickets being given) to collegiate athletic events during self-financed trips. Scholarships. Letter of intent (including agreement and scholarship guarantee) may be signed any time during the school year by seniors providing no valuable consideration is received until the student enters the school. Note: Colleges may be restricted as to “signing dates” for players by NCAA, NAIA, NJCAA or other college/university rules. Have not enrolled in or audited an athletic or physical education college course. PARENT INFORMATION MANUAL If you or your student would like a copy of the UIL Parent Information Manual the manual is available at: PARENT / COACH RELATIONSHIPS Both parenting and coaching are very difficult vocations. By establishing an understanding between coaches and parents, both are better able to accept the actions of the other and provide a more positive experience for everyone.Parents have the right to know, and understand, the expectations placed on them and their children. Coaches have the right to know that if parents have a concern, they will discuss it with the coach at the appropriate time and munication parents should expect from their child’s coach:1) Coach’s philosophy.2) Expectations the coach has for your son or daughter, as well as other players on the team.3) Locations and times of practices and contests.4) Team requirements, i.e., fees, special equipment needed, school & team rules, off-season expectations.5) Procedures that will be followed if your child becomes injured during munication coaches expect from parents:1) Concerns regarding their son or daughter expressed directly to the coach at the appropriate time and place.2) Specific concerns regarding the coach’s philosophy and/or expectations.3) Notification of any schedule conflicts well in advance. As your child becomes involved in interscholastic athletics, they will experience some of the most rewarding moments of their lives. It’s important to understand there may be times when things do not go the way you or your child wishes. These are the times discussion with the coach is encouraged.Appropriate concerns to discuss with a coach:1) The mental and physical treatment of your child.2) What your child needs to do to improve.3) Concerns about your child’s behavior. It is very difficult to accept your child is not playing as much as you may hope. Coaches make decisions based on what they believe is in the best interests of all students participating. As you can see from the list above, certain things can and should be discussed with your child’s coach. Other things, such as those listed next, must be left to the discretion of the coach.Issues NOT appropriate for discussion with your child’s coach:1) How much playing time each athlete is getting.2) Team strategy.3) Play calling.4) Any situation that deals with other student-athletes.There are situations that may require a conference between the coach and parent. These are not discouraged, as it is important for each party to have a clear understanding of the others’ position. When these conferences are necessary,If a parent has a concern to discuss with the coach, the following procedure should be followed:1) Call the coach to set up an appointment.2) If the coach cannot be reached, call the athletic director and ask him or her to set up a meeting with the coach for you.3) Think about what you expect to accomplish as a result of the meeting.4) Stick to discussing the facts, as you understand them.5) Do not confront the coach before, during or after a practice or contest. These can be emotional times for both the parent and coach. Meetings of this nature do not promote resolution of the situation, but often escalate it.What should a parent do if the meeting with the coach didn’t provide satisfactory resolution?1) Call the athletic director to set up a meeting with the athletic director, coach, and parent present.2) At this meeting, an appropriate next step can be determined, if necessary.The following Form will be used by coaches and Athletic Director for every Parent / Coach conference- WISD Athletics Parent Conference FormConference Guidelines to be read at the beginning of conference:In order to ensure the integrity of our athletic programs and to guarantee that playing time or scheme will never be influenced by variables outside of the athletic program, playing time for a student athlete will always be at the coaches discretion and will not be a topic of discussion at a Parent conference. Coaches will be happy to discuss your student-athletes progress and areas for improvement as well as any other concerns on the playing surface, in the classroom, physically, socially or mentally. Under NO circumstances will any other student athletes be discussed by the Coach or Athletic Director. A parent or guardian may address a concern with possible issues with another student-athlete so that the coach can begin an investigation into the allegations and take appropriate action if substantiated. Date: _____________________ Time: ____________________________Parent / Guardian Name & Cell: ____________________________________Student- Athlete Name: ___________________________________________Parent / Guardians Concerns:Actions to be taken by Coach / Athletic Director:Parent Signature: ________________________________________________Coaches Signature: _______________________________________________Students’ involvement in co-curricular activities has been proven to increase their chances of success later in life. We hope the information contained in this handbook helps make that experience more enjoyable for everyone involved.Fans / Parent Expectations at Athletic EventsThe following transcript comes directly from the UIL-THIS GAME IS BEING CONDUCTED ACCORDING TO THE RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE UNIVERSITY INTERSCHOLASTIC LEAGUE. REGARDLESS OF THE OUTCOME OF TONIGHT'S GAME, ALL OF THE PLAYERS HAVE PROVEN THEIR WILLINGNESS TO WORK AND SACRIFICE IN ORDER TO ACHIEVE ATHLETIC EXCELLENCE. WE ASK THAT AS A SPECTATOR, YOU CONSIDER THE TIME AND EFFORT EACH OF THESE TEAMS, COACHES, AND ATHLETES HAVE PUT FORTH. CHEER THESE YOUNG ATHLETES, APPLAUD THEM, BUT DO NOT, THROUGH ANY OF YOUR ACTIONS, CAUSE THEM TO DOUBT THE VALUE OF ATHLETICS. BY YOUR CONDUCT, ALLOW THESE YOUNG PEOPLE TO FEEL PRIDE IN THEIR COMMUNITIES AND SCHOOL. WHILE YOUR SPORTSMANLIKE ACTIONS MAY PLAY ONLY A SMALL PART IN THE OUTCOME OF THIS GAME, IT WILL PLAY A GREATER ROLE IN CONTINUING TO ENCOURAGE COMPETITIVE ATHLETICS. WE ALSO ASK THAT YOU SHOW YOUR APPRECIATION FOR THE STUDENTS WHO WILL BE TAKING PART INDIRECTLY IN TONIGHT'S GAME--THE CHEERLEADERS, THE BANDS, THE PEP SQUAD, AND THE STUDENTS WHO HAVE SUPPORTED THEIR TEAMS AT HOME AND AWAY. THESE YOUNG PEOPLE PLAY AN INTEGRAL PART IN THEIR TEAM'S SUCCESS. THE OFFICIALS FOR THIS GAME HAVE BEEN MUTUALLY AGREED UPON BY SCHOOL OFFICIALS FOR BOTH SCHOOLS. THEIR ROLE IS NOT UNLIKE THOSE OF PLAYERS, COACHES, TEACHERS, AND SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS. WITHOUT THEM THIS GAME WOULD NOT BE POSSIBLE. THEIR KNOWLEDGE AND APPLICATION OF THE RULES ARE A RESULT OF ANNUAL TESTING, YEARS OF STUDY, AND CONTINUAL PARTICIPATION IN CLINICS THAT FURTHER REFINE THEIR UNDERSTANDING OF THE GAME. WE ASK YOU, AS STUDENTS, PARENTS, AND CITIZENS, TO DEMONSTRATE THE KIND OF RESPECT FOR THESE OFFICIALS YOU WOULD EXTEND TO ANY DEDICATED PERSON IN A POSITION OF RESPONSIBILITY. THIS MEANS THAT YOU AS A FAN: 1) SHOULD NOT CRITICIZE THE PLAYERS ON EITHER TEAM, 2) SHOULD NOT BOO THE OFFICIALS3) SHOULD NOT HAVE ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES ON PUBLIC SCHOOL GROUNDS SINCE IT IS A VIOLATION OF STATE LAW4) SHOULD BE COURTEOUS TO THE VISITING FANS5) SHOULD CHEER FOR YOUR TEAM 6) SHOULD SHOW RESPECT FOR INJURED PLAYERS ON BOTH TEAMS.Any behavior that does not follow the above expectations can and will result in your removal from any WISD athletic event at the discretion of the Administrator on duty.***If you are asked to leave the premises of any WISD athletics event by; a game official, security officer, police officer or WISD Administrator you are subject to FURTHER suspension by WISD at the discretion of WISD Administration. We will not tolerate parents or fans displaying disrespect for our student athletes, coaches, opposing teams, opposing fans, game officials or any other person for any reason. FOOTBALL SPECIFIC ITEMSAll equipment issued is property of Whitesboro ISD and needs to be left at the fieldhouse daily. We will wash the Laundry for the kids daily.Cleats / Gloves / Socks / Tights / Arm sleeves or any other extra “flashy” items must be cleared through Coach Fagan before being worn in practice or games. A good plan is to save your money and not get any of the extra gadgets because Coach Fagan will most likely not allow you to wear it. HS football players will be issued EVERYTHING they will need to compete in a football game other than cleats. MS Football players will need to purchase their own girdle (tight undergarment with built in thigh, hip and backbone pads) and cleats.All levels of Football at Whitesboro should use these guidelines when purchasing cleats to alleviate wasted money on a cleat that will not be allowed on the field in games. Cleats must be Black, White, Grey, or Silver, NO other colors will be allowed, Shoelaces must be one of those colors also. We will not look like individuals and bring undo attention to any one person in any aspect of the game especially our attire…Travel Policy-Varsity Football Players will ALWAYS travel to and from the games with the team, unless an emergency arises. Sub Varsity (JV and MS) will be allowed to travel home with their parents ONLY IF they have an email or written note turned into the Head Coach of their specific team 24 hours in advance of the game or an Emergency Situation Arises. ***Under NO circumstances can an Athlete be sent home with a friend or teammates parents…***The Football “Tryout or Grace Period window” is 9 Practice Days, if you choose to Leave because you don’t think football is for you before the 1st scrimmage you will not fall under the quitting a sport policy. If you travel to the 1st Scrimmage you are committing to a Full Season.ACKNOWLEDGEMENTA condition to participate in any extracurricular athletic activity is to sign the following acknowledgement that the student and the parents have read and understand this document. Date _____________ I have read the Whitesboro ISD Athletic Handbook and Whitesboro ISD Extra-Curricular Code of Student Conduct and agree to adhere to these rules as a condition of my voluntary participation in Whitesboro ISD Athletics. I understand that failure to do so will result in disciplinary measures related to my athletic participation. Student Name __________________________ Student Signature _______________________ I have read the Whitesboro ISD Athletic Handbook and Whitesboro ISD Extra-Curricular Code of Student Conduct and understand these rules as a condition of my child’s voluntary participation in Whitesboro ISD Athletics. I also understand that failure to comply will result in disciplinary measures to myself and/or related to my child’s athletic participation. Parent Name __________________________ Parents Signature ______________________ ................

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