
Academic Year

2008 - 2009


Unit Strategic Plan and Annual Report – College of Business Graduate Programs

Academic Year 2008-2009

Unit Title: Graduate Programs

College: Business

Unit Administrator: Carla A. Johnson

II. Student Outcomes

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Learning Outcome |Data Collection & Analysis |Results of Evaluation |Use of Evaluation of Results |

| | |1) ) For 2008-09 academic year 92% of | |

|1. College of Business |1) At least 80% of College of |MGT 601, FIN 601, CIS 601 and MKT 601 |1) The objective is being met in |

|graduate students will |Business graduate students enrolled|students (MBA) earned a grade of B or |the MBA, aviation and public |

|demonstrate the ability to |in MGT 601, FIN 601, CIS 601, & MKT|better on the comprehensive project, |accountancy programs. Beginning |

|perform library research; |601, FIN 600(MBA), ACC 650 (MPA), |compared to 79% in 2007-08, 95% in |Spring 2007, a service learning |

|effective oral and written |and CAV 605 (MCA) will earn at |2006-07 ,and 93% during the 2005-2006 |project was added to the MGT 695. |

|communication skills; and the |least a grade of B on their |academic year. 97%, 94% and 89% of | |

|ability to think critically. |comprehensive project. |graduate students enrolled in FIN 600, |2) Faculty member increased the |

| | |CAV 605 and ACC 650 respectively earned|number of written assignments (case|

|GE 3 | |at least a grade of B. |studies), included more essay |

| | | |questions on exams and added |

| | |2) The College of Business is scheduled|presentations in FIN 600 as a |

| | |to re-conduct another Alumni/Graduate |piloted course. Results indicated |

| | |Survey during the 2009-2010 academic |that students’ performance in this |

| | |year. The last Alumni Graduate Survey |course increased. |

| |2) At least 90% of the College of |was conducted in the Fall 2006 | |

| |Business graduates responding to |semester. |3.) All MPA program faculty added |

| |the Alumni/Graduate Survey will | |writing and presentation |

| |report that the College of Business| |requirements to enhance and improve|

| |programs enhanced their | |students’ oral and written |

| |presentation/writing skills | |communication skills. |

| | |3) 88% of College of Business graduate | |

| | |students enrolled in the MBA program | |

| | |scored a 3.5 on the GMAT or a 3.0 on | |

| |3) At least 90% of College of |the CAAP writing exam. | |

| |Business graduate students enrolled| | |

| |in the MBA program will score a 3.5| | |

| |on the GMAT or a 3.0 on the CAAP | | |

| |writing exam. | | |

| | | | |

| |3 |1) For 2008-09, 82% of CIS 600 students|2 |

|2. College of Business |1) ) At least 80% of students |earned a grade of B or better; 91% of |1) Beginning with Fall 2007 |

|graduate students will |completing CIS 600 (MBA), ACC 630 |the students enrolled in CAV 660 earned|semester, additional online |

|demonstrate the ability to use|(MPA), and CAV 660 (MCA) courses |at least a grade of B; 92% of graduate |assignments were added to the CIS |

|and manage business and |will earn a grade of B or better on|accountancy students enrolled in ACC |600 courses. Also, the University |

|industry technology. |special projects/exams requiring |630 earned at least a grade of B. |and College of Business established|

| |the use of technology. | |a Computing Across the Curriculum |

|GE 4 | |100% of graduate faculty required the |lab in Broom Hall. This lab |

| | |use of technology in their classes |provides assistance to students in |

| | |during the 2007-08 academic year. |completing laboratory assignments. |

| | | | |

| | | |2) Survey responses will be |

| | |2) The College of Business is scheduled|analyzed, and findings will be used|

| | |to re-conduct another Alumni/Graduate |to guide curriculum discussions |

| | |Survey during the 2009-2010 academic |during the 2010 fall semester. |

| | |year. The last Alumni/Graduate Survey |Included among decisions were: |

| |2) ) At least 90% of the College of|was conducted in the Fall 2006 |increase in the number of internet |

| |Business graduates responding to |semester. |assignments, case studies, and |

| |the Alumni/Graduate Survey will | |spreadsheet and research |

| |report that the College of Business| |assignments in FIN 600, ACC 600, |

| |programs enhanced their ability to | |and MGT 695. |

| |use and manage business technology.| | |

| | | |3) During the Fall 2007 semester, |

| | |3) This question was not addressed in |the College of Business opened the |

| | |the 2008 Survey of Graduates. In the |Baioni Conference Center. This |

| | |2007 Survey of Graduates, College of |technologically state- of-the-art |

| |3) Student responding to the |Business students assigned a rating of |facility has been used by several |

| |University’s Survey of Graduates |1.7 when asked to rate the extent to |of the graduate faculty to teach |

| |will indicate their ability to use |which College of Business programs |several of the graduate business |

| |and manage business technology by |improved their computer literacy and |courses exposing students to a |

| |assigning a rating of 1.5 (Likert |software usage. This is compared to a|corporate-like environment. |

| |Scale of 1 to 4 with 1 being the |rating of 1.7 in 2006. |Students from the iMBA program |

| |highest), 5 to Item 62, “Rate the | |utilize this center for |

| |extent to which you believe Delta | |presentations. |

| |State “Improve computer literacy by| | |

| |making computer services available | |4) All courses in the MCA program |

| |and by facilitating the use of | |are fully online and the iMBA |

| |appropriate software throughout the| |program courses are offered in a |

| |curriculum.” | |hybrid format. |

| | | | |

| | | |5)MGT/MKT/CIS/FIN601 course has |

| | | |been revamp to include more |

| | | |assignments requiring the use of |

| | | |technology like Microsoft Excel. |

| | | | |

| | | |6) Faculty in the MPA program added|

| | | |internet assignments; case studies |

| | | |and research assignments requiring |

| | | |the use of electronic databases. |

|3. College of Business | | | |

|graduate students will |1) College of Business students |1) The Major Field Test was not |1) The College of Business is |

|demonstrate a broad |(MBA) will score in the 50th |administered in the MBA program this |considering developing its own |

|understanding of the |percentile on the Major Field |year. In lieu of the MFT for the MBA |assessment tool for use in the |

|functional areas of business. |Achievement Test (MFT). |program, final team project grades in |2009-2010 academic year. |

| | |the MGT 695 – Strategic Project | |

| | |Management class were evaluated to | |

|GE 6 | |demonstrate students’ broad |2) Assessment goal was met in all |

| | |understanding of the functional areas |Graduate Business Programs. |

| | |of business. MGT 695 is the capstone | |

| | |course for the MBA program and requires| |

| | |the use of knowledge in the functional | |

| | |areas of business. 95% of the students| |

| | |in MGT got a grade of “B” or better. | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | |2) For 2008-2009, 95% of MGT 695 | |

| | |students (MBA) earned a grade of B or | |

| | |better on the comprehensive project, | |

| | |compared to 79% in 2007-08, 95% in | |

| | |2006-07 ,and 93% during the 2005-2006 | |

| | |academic year. 86% of aviation | |

| |2) At least 80% of all graduate |graduate students enrolled in CAV 670 | |

| |students enrolled in MGT 695 (MBA),|earned at least a grade of B, while | |

| |CAV 670 (MCA), and ACC 693 (MPA) |100% of accountancy graduate students | |

| |courses respectively, will earn a |earned at least a B in ACC 693. | |

| |grade of B or better on their final| | |

| |comprehensive project. |3) The College of Business is scheduled| |

| | |to re-conduct another Alumni/Graduate | |

| | |Survey during the 2009-2010 academic | |

| | |year. The last Alumni/Graduate Survey | |

| | |was conducted in the Fall 2006 | |

| | |semester. In a Fall 2006 Alumni | |

| | |Survey, 89% of the College of Business | |

| | |graduates indicated the ability to | |

| | |understand the broad functional areas | |

| |3) At least 90% of the College of |in business. 86% of the graduates | |

| |Business graduates responding to |indicated an ability to apply business | |

| |the Alumni/Graduate Survey will |theory learned in class to real world | |

| |report that the College of Business|practice. | |

| |programs enhanced their | | |

| |understanding the board functional | | |

| |areas of business. | | |

| | | | |

|4. College of Business majors|1) College of Business students will |1) The Major Field Test was not |1) The objective is being met in |

|will demonstrate the ability |score in the 50th percentile (MBA) on|administered in the MBA program this |all College of Business Graduate |

|to reason, analyze, define, |the Quantitative Business Analysis |year. In lieu of the MFT for the MBA |programs. |

|and solve problems, and make |area Major Field Achievement Test |program, final team project grades in | |

|decisions. |(MFT). 80% of the graduates |the MGT 695 – Strategic Project | |

| |students enrolled in ACC 610 (MPA) |Management class were evaluated to | |

|GE 1 |and CAV 610 (MCA) will earn at least |demonstrate students’ ability to | |

|GE 2 |a grade of B on their project. |reason, analyze, define, and solve | |

| | |problems, and make decisions. MGT 695| |

| | |is the capstone course for the MBA | |

| | |program and requires the use of skills| |

| |2) ) At least 90% of the College of |in the area of problem solving, | |

| |Business graduates responding to the |decision making and the ability to | |

| |Alumni/Graduate Survey will report |reason. 95% of the students in MGT | |

| |that the College of Business programs|got a grade of “B” or better. 100% | |

| |enhanced their ability to think |of the students in the ACC 610 (MPA) | |

| |critically and make decisions. |and the CAV 610 (MCA) courses scored a| |

| | |final grade of “B” or better. | |

| | | | |

| | |2) The College of Business is | |

| | |scheduled to re-conduct another | |

| | |Alumni/Graduate Survey during the | |

| | |2009-2010 academic year. The last | |

| |3) Student responding to the |Alumni/Graduate Survey was conducted | |

| |University’s Survey of Graduates will|in the Fall 2006 semester. In a Fall | |

| |indicate their ability to solve |2006 alumni survey, 89.5% of the | |

| |problems and think make decisions by |College of Business graduates | |

| |assigning a rating of 1.5 (Likert |indicated that the College of Business| |

| |Scale of 1 to 4 with 1 being the |programs indicated an ability to think| |

| |highest), to Item 55, “Teach students|strategically and identify or define | |

| |to think critically, to solve |business problems, respectively. | |

| |problems, and to develop patterns of |77.8% indicated an ability to | |

| |thought.” |statically analyze data, while 89.5% | |

| | |stated they had the ability to make | |

| | |ethical business decisions. 88.3% | |

| | |indicated that the College of Business| |

| | |programs enhanced their decision | |

| | |making skills. 58.7% indicated the | |

| | |ability to think globally. | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | |3) This question was not addressed in | |

| | |the 2008 Survey of Graduates. | |

III. College of Business Graduate Programs Goals 2008-2009 Academic Year

A. Goal #1: Increase the number of partnerships with business and industry leaders.

1. Institutional Goal which was supported by this goal:

SP Goal # 1: Enhanced academic programs will ensure that graduates are well prepared for successful careers and ready to contribute to the civic life of their communities.

QEP Goal # 1: Delta State University will enhance student engagement through increased student-student interaction and faculty-student interaction.

QEP Goal # 4: Student engagement in free-flowing, multi-directional communication with faculty and other students will increase.

2. Evaluation Procedure(s):

Faculty and Graduate Programs Coordinator will review the number of external stakeholders participating on advisory councils, speaking to student classes, offering internship, and supporting fundraising activities.

3. Actual Result(s) of Evaluation:

The College of Business Graduate Programs developed a new partnership with the Mound Bayou Public Schools to offer paid

internships for Graduate Students in the MBA program. Students in the MBA and MPA program are given the opportunity to apply for the B.F. Smith Scholars program in which offers students an opportunity to work with an Economic Development Agency. The B.F. Smith Scholars program also gives the students a $10,000 ($5,000 per semester) scholarship and tuition waiver. The MPA program was approved to receive funding from the WIA program. The WIA program offers tuition and books scholarship to students in the MPA program who qualify.

4. Uses of Evaluation Results:

The benefits of the results were used during the 2008-09 academic year as a recruiting/marketing tool to increase enrollment in the Graduate Business Programs (Goal #2).

B. Goal # 2: Increase enrollment and retention of high-quality graduate students.

1. Institutional Goal which supported this goal:

SP Goal # 2: Students will enroll in greater numbers and a larger and a larger percentage will persist to graduation.

QEP Goal # 4: Student engagement in free-flowing, multi-directional communication with faculty and other students will increase.

2. Evaluation Procedure(s):

Graduate Program staff will review recruitment, admission procedures, and retention rates.

3. Actual Result(s) of Evaluation:

Average GMAT scores, cumulative and upper-level grade point average of entering graduate students will increase by 5%.

4. Uses of Evaluation Results:

The coordinator and graduate assistants will modify recruitment and retention processes.

C. Goal # 3: Prepare students for job placement, business promotion, doctoral school, and community service.

1. Institutional Goal which supported this goal:

SP Goal # 1: Enhanced academic programs will ensure that graduates are well prepared for successful careers and ready to contribute to the civic life of their communities.

QEP Goal # 2: Delta State University will enhance student engagement through the increased use of technology and web-based communication in classroom activities and assignments.

QEP Goal # 3: Delta State University will grow in the knowledge and practice of a variety of communication skills by having these skills reinforced in all courses.

QEP Goal # 4: Student engagement in free-flowing, multi-directional communication with faculty and other students will increase.

2. Evaluation Procedure(s):

Alumni/Graduate Survey will be reviewed for employment information.

3. Actual Result(s) of Evaluation:

The Alumni/Graduate Survey was not administered this year. The survey will be administered during the 2009-10 academic year and will be reviewed for results.

4. Use of Evaluation Results:

Revise curriculum requirements to include preparation activities for employment.

IV. Graduate Programs Goals – 2009-2010 Academic Year

A. Goal #1: Increase the number of partnerships with business and industry leaders.

1. Institutional Goal which was supported by this goal:

SP Goal # 1: Enhanced academic programs will ensure that graduates are well prepared for successful careers and ready to contribute to the civic life of their communities.

QEP Goal # 1: Delta State University will enhance student engagement through increased student-student interaction and faculty-student interaction.

QEP Goal # 4: Student engagement in free-flowing, multi-directional communication with faculty and other students will increase.

5. Evaluation Procedure (s):

Faculty and Graduate Programs Coordinator will review the number of external stakeholders participating on advisory councils, speaking to student classes, offering internship, and supporting fundraising activities.

6. Expected Result(s):

The Program will realize a 10% increase in partnerships which will enhance student internships, scholarships, and interaction opportunities with alumni and business leaders.

7. Anticipated/Intended Uses of Evaluation Results:

Revise requirements to include more interaction with business and industry leaders and internship opportunities.

B. Goal # 2: Increase enrollment and retention of high-quality graduate students.

1. Institutional Goal which supported this goal:

SP Goal # 2: Students will enroll in greater numbers and a larger and a larger percentage will persist to graduation.

QEP Goal # 4: Student engagement in free-flowing, multi-directional communication with faculty and other students will increase.

2. Evaluation Procedure(s):

Graduate Program staff will review recruitment, admission procedures, and retention rates.

3. Expected results:

Average GMAT scores, cumulative and upper-level grade point average of entering graduate students will increase by 5%.

4. Anticipated/Intended Uses of Evaluation Results:

The coordinator and graduate assistants will modify recruitment and retention processes.

C. Goal # 3: Prepare students for job placement, business promotion, doctoral school, and community service.

1. Institutional Goal which supported this goal:

SP Goal # 1: Enhanced academic programs will ensure that graduates are well prepared for successful careers and ready to contribute to the civic life of their communities.

QEP Goal # 2: Delta State University will enhance student engagement through the increased use of technology and web-based communication in classroom activities and assignments.

QEP Goal # 3: Delta State University will grow in the knowledge and practice of a variety of communication skills by having these skills reinforced in all courses.

QEP Goal # 4: Student engagement in free-flowing, multi-directional communication with faculty and other students will increase.

2. Evaluation Procedure (s):

Alumni/Graduate Survey will be reviewed for employment information.

3. Expected Results:

A 5% increase in the number of graduates hired or promoted.

4. Use of Evaluation Results:

Revise curriculum requirements to include preparation activities for employment.

V. Data and Information for Department:

Mission Statement: The purpose of the graduate programs is to provide the student with a broad understanding of business concepts and operation.

Credit Hour Production (2008-09): The following table displays credit hours production specifically for graduate and nontraditional programs (MBA, MCA, EMBA, iMBA, and MPA):

|College of Business Graduate Programs |

|Credit Hours Produced |

|Program Area |2003-04 |2004-05 |2005-06 |2006-07 |2007-08 |2008-09 |

|MCA |411 |387 |561 |423 |456 |582 |


|Program Area |2003-04 |2004-05 |2005-06 |2006-07 |2007-08 |2008-09 |

|MCA |11 |11 |6 |15 |11 |15 |

|EMBA |14 |21 |2 |19 |7 |1 |

|MPA | | | |6 |5 |10 |

|iMBA | | | | | |21 |

Total Graduates


62 |



42 |

69 |

44 |

87 | |

*Note: The iMBA program replaced the EMBA program in the 2008-09 Academic Year.

C. Number of Majors: Average number of Graduate Program majors is provided in the following illustration:

D. Accomplishments

1. The College of Business Graduate Programs had a total of 21 graduates to complete the Integrated Master of Business Administration (iMBA) program and has average a total of 22 students in the program.

2. Enrollment in the traditional MBA program for the 2008-09 academic year increased by 42.4% from last academic year (2007-08).

3. There was a 15% increase in credit hours produced in the traditional MBA program. This increased followed a 39% increase last year from the year before.

4. There was a 90% increase in the number of graduates from the traditional MBA program.

5. Enrollment for the MCA program saw a 53.9% increase for the 2008-09 academic year.

6. There was a 36% increase in the number of graduates from the MCA program for the 2008-09 academic year.

7. The MCA program experienced a 28% increase in credit hour production during the 2008-09 academic year.

8. Enrollment for the MPA program saw a 35.7% increase for the 2008-09 academic year.

9. The MPA program saw a 20% increase in credit production during the 2008-09 academic year.

10. There was a 100% increase in the number of graduates from the MPA program for the 2008-09 academic year.

11. The College of Business Graduate Programs experienced a 60% increase in credit hour production overall.

12. There was a 98% increase in the number graduates from the College of Business Graduate Programs as a whole.

13. The College of Business Graduate Programs saw a 33% increase in enrollment.

E. Economic Development Initiatives and/or impact:

➢ The College of Business Graduate Programs partnered with the AmeriCorps*VISTA program to offer Credit and Budget Management workshops in the local community to educate participants about repairing bad credit and maintaining good credit. Through these trainings participants will learn to better manage their money and their credit and therefore will be better able to stimulate the economy.

➢ The College of Business Graduate Programs also partnered with the AmeriCorps*VISTA program to offer Basic Computer Training to assist participants develop their technological skills making them more marketable in the job market. Therefore, allowing them to apply for better jobs and make more money to stimulate the economy.

F. Diversity Compliance Initiatives and Progress:

14. Sabrina Bland and Shemeka Phipps, both minorities, were hired as AmeriCorps*VISTA members to assist with promoting the College of Business Graduate Programs.

15. Credit Management workshops were held in Mound Bayou, a minority town, to educate participants on how to repair and management their credit.

16. Carla A. Johnson attended the Black Business Association/National Black MBA Association Networking meeting to promote the College of Business Graduate programs with an emphasis on the iMBA program.

17. The College of Business Graduate Programs in partnership with the AmeriCorps*VISTA program held a Youth Entrepreneurial Day at I.T. Montgomery Elementary School in Mound Bayou, MS.

18. Carla A. Johnson attended the Graduate and Professional School Enrollment Management Corporation (GAPSEMC) workshop on “How to Recruit Minority Students” while attending the “How to Recruit Graduate Students: getting the Results You Want” course.

VI. Personnel

Noteworthy activities and accomplishments

19. Information about faculty members’ accomplishments can be found in each Departments’ or Divisions’ Annual Report.

20. Carla A. Johnson, Coordinator of College of Business Graduate Programs was recognized and took part in the following activities and accomplishments:

▪ Membership in the National Black MBA Association.

▪ Served as a Youth Motivation Task Force Consultant for the Mississippi Valley State University Youth Motivation Task Force Conference.

▪ Attended the “How to Recruit Graduate Students: Getting the Results You Want” course.

▪ Attended the Annual Magellan Exchange Coordinator’s Meeting in Branson, MO.

▪ Co-host a GMAT Prep Workshop with Graduate and Continuing Studies.

▪ Attended the Black Business Association/National Black MBA Association Networking meeting in December to promote the College of Business Graduate programs with an emphasis on the iMBA program.

▪ Awarded the AmeriCorps*VISTA Site Supervisor of the Year (2008).

New positions requested with justifications


Recommended change of status (promotion/tenure/change in responsibilities)


VII. Degree Program Additions/Deletions and/or Major Curriculum Changes

21. The College of Business Graduate Programs deleted the Executive Master of Business Administration (EMBA) program. The EMBA was replaced by the iMBA program.


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