Ling-Ling Chinese – Learn Chinese in a Fun Way

Grammar 4语法四: Duration of Action (Textbook p. 241)A: Repetition of the verbB: Time expression placed before the object, often with 的 I watch Chinese news for half an hour every day.Watching news for two hours every day has increased my English level. My listening comprehension in English is getting better!It has been rainy for several hours.A: Can he swim?B: He is a great swimmer. He swims 50 minutes every morningCreate your own sentence:Language Practice E: A busy day (Textbook, p. 245)请先跟你的同学练习说中文______________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________.______________________________________________________________Grammar 5语法五: 着 (zhe) (Textbook p. 242)着 signifies the continuation of an action or a state. Its function is descriptive. When 着 is used between two verbs, the one that precedes 着 signifies the accompanying action, while the second verb signifies the main action.看图造句“着”和 “在”在用法上有什么不同?A: 你们在做什么?B:______________________________________Language Practice G: Describing what you see (Textbook, p. 247)—practice speaking with your classmate. No writing required for this section.Grammar 语法 6: 被 (bèi) /叫 (jiào) /让 (rang) in Passive-Vocie Sentences(Textbook p.243) (Read instruction on 244) \Receiver of the action + 被/叫/让 +agent of the action + other element (complement/了 etc.)My book bag was stolen!My chocolate was eaten by my little brother!.My homework was eaten by my dog.The money that he stole was taken away by the police.Oh gosh, your tennis racket was crushed by the car. Look, all the pears were crushed by the big watermelon.In Chinese, the passive voice is not used as often as it is in English. It often carries negative connotations and usually appears in situations that are unpleasant for the receiver of the action, or in situations where something is lost. In a passive-voice sentence with 被/叫/让,the agent of the action does not always have to be specified. If the agent of the action is someone that is not identifiable or need not be identified, it can be referred to simply as “人”.My credit card was taken away.My brothers are listening to music really loud. The noise is driving me nuts.Language Practice H. Not His Lucky Day! (Textbook, p. 248) 请跟你的同学练习说中文Language Practice I. Workout Queen/king! (Textbook, p. 248) 请跟你的同学练习说中文Language Practice F. Study Stretegies (Textbook, p. 246) 请跟你的同学练习说中文____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ................

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