
UAE University, University College, Foundation Program, English DepartmentLevel 1 WritingInformation Transfer #2:Writing about a Biographical TimelineExam InformationThe exam will be on ___________. It is worth ______% of your FP English mark.you will write a short essay about the life of a famous person. You must write ____ words in ______ minutes.right250571000Portfolio WorksheetsMini Project (Monday)Practice Test (Tuesday)Writing Center VisitGrammar Focus Verbs in the ______ tense (regular and _____________)PrepositionsPronounsTime order words How to connect sentences (punctuation, connecting words)Vocabulary Life eventsResourcesWorksheetsiBook, Unit 8Past Tense Grammar - Lots of Online Practice - ’s blog: uaeul1writing.Sheikh makhtoum lessonScheduleIn class Practice/Prepare (HW)PORTFOLIO Tasks: WorksheetsMini projectPractice test – 2 draftsGrammar quizSundaymodel essay5 keysguided practice Ibn SinaConnecting SentencesHW: take notes for mini project)MondayReview (PD and UK)Writing the intromini project - PortfolioEmily NasrallahPractice IntroductionsComplete your mini project (3 parts)TuesdayError Correction – P. HayatPractice TestWriting and grammar (verbs + prepositions)Re-writing Princess HayatVerbs – Um KulthoumWednesdayExam42235334982210PreviewWho is in the picture?CleopatraMarie CurieQueen ElzabethQueen RaniaWrite 3 things you know about her.Write 3 questions you have about her life.Model EssayRead the essay and complete the timeline.The Dangerous Life of CleopatraCleopatra was one of the most famous rulers in history, but she had a very difficult life. She was born in 69 BCE in Alexandria, Egypt. When she was a child, she studied many subjects, and she learned about the government of her country. In addition, she learned many languages. When her father died in 51 BCE, she became the queen. She was just 18 years old! Three years later, she ran away from her country because her brother wanted to kill her. In 46 BCE, she went to Rome with her husband, Julius Caesar. He was an important Roman leader and general. Unfortunately, in 44 BCE, the people of Rome killed Julius Caesar. Several years later, Cleopatra married Mark Antony in 37 BCE. Mark Antony was also a general in Rome. The Romans attacked Egypt in 32 BCE, so one year later, she escaped to Alexandria with Antony. They died in 30 BCE. After they died, the Romans invaded Egypt. Cleopatra had great power, but she did not have a safe life.(173 words)139700825500Check your understanding: When did Cleopatra become queen?What kind of life did she have?Why did she leave Egypt after she became queen?What happened to Julius Caesar?Study the reportHow many paragraphs is the report?righttop00Highlight the main idea/thesis in the introduction and conclusion.Underline the past tense verbs.Put a square around the time orders words, and write them below.Find examples of combined sentences. (, and - , or - , so – but, because). Mark the subjects and verbs (“S” and “V”)For more info about Cleopatra, view this animated video: VERBS in the PASTReview the reports about 1. Cleopatra and 2. Ibn Sina. Make notes in the chart below to help you remember the verbs (regular and irregular) in the present and the past. *Remember, there are TWO kinds of past verbs: _________________(ed) and _______________ (no rule)REGULAR VERBSRegular verbs end in –ed or –d.IRREGULAR VERBSIrregular verbs don’t end in –ed, and there is no single spelling rule.InfinitivePastInfinitivePast(Cleopatra)2. (Ibn Sina)Practice with Verbs in the Past - See iBook, p. 90 PREPOSITION reviewComplete the report with the correct prepositions, and the timeline.4649638817100Ibn SinaIbn Sina is one ____ the fathers of modern medicine. Dr. Sina was born ____ 980 ____ Bukhara, Central Asia. He was a very intelligent boy, and he learned the Koran and many classical Arabic texts before he was 10 years old. ____ 990 ____ 996, he studied philosophy, math and science. Next, ____ 996, he decided ____ study medicine, and he became a doctor ____ 998. He was only 18 years old! After that, he moved ____ Tehran ____ 1001. He worked as a doctor, and he began his famous book Qanun al-Tibb. ____ 1010 ____ 1025, he did many things. He traveled, he taught, and he wrote more books ____ medicine and science. He also spent a short time ____ prison. Then, ____ 1025 ____ 1035, he was a special advisor and doctor ____ a Persian ruler. Finally, he died ____ 1037 ____ the age of 57. center440667300After Ibn Sina’s death, medical schools ____ Europe used his books ____ the next 700 years. He was truly a great doctor and scientist.On the exam/timelineYour Sentences Born - June 6, Al AinHe was born in Al Ain on June 6.Born - June 1971, DubaiShe was born in 1971 in DubaiMove – 1990 LondonShe moved to London in 19901987 - 1990Between 1987 and 1990, he / she -------From 1987 to 1990, he / she she -------- He/ She has UAEU, 1988-1992He studied at UAEU from 1988 to 1992Graduate – UAEU – B. Comm.She graduated from UAEU with a m degree.Connecting SentencesConnecting Word (CW) Connects what? Example , and similar ideas Cleopatra studied her government, and she ___________ ______________________________. , but opposite ideas She was very rich, but her life was very _________ , so 1st idea firstThe ILC is open all the time, so ________________because 2nd idea firstThe ILC is popular because ____________________Exercise: Write complete sentences using the connecting words given. Compare with a partner. Khaled misses his brother, so ______________________________________________________Cleopatra’s brother tried to kill her, so _____________________________________________I would like to spend more time with my friends, but __________________________________Last month I finished high school, so _______________________________________________Last month, we travelled to KSA by car, and __________________________________________Cleopatra was very famous, but ___________________________________________________I like to get good scores at school, so ____________________________________________She was absent from class because ________________________________________________She was absent from class, so ____________________________________________________PRACTICE REPORT: TIMELINE OF FAMOUS PERSONleft659828500 What do you know about him? (Write 1-2 things) What do you want to know? (at least 1 thing) Watch Top 10 Stunts and Write past verbs for as many of the actions as you saw (regular + irregular)-1224915104140000Directions: Use all of the information in the timeline to write a report. Write 120-150 words, in FP format. Use past tense verbs, time order words, and combined sentences.126492014033500The timeline shows the life of _________________________. He is _______________________________________________________. Chan ____born ____ _______ ______ ________. ____ 1959, he ______ to primary school, but ____________________________________. In ____________, he _______________ regular school, ______ he _________studying ________________________________________________________. In _____________________________________________________________. The next year, in ________, he __________________________________________ Hong Kong. Six years ______________, he _________________________________________________________. _____ 1980, he _____________________________________________________ in the USA, but ______________________________________________________________. In __________, _________________________________________________and the next year, he _________________ Lin Fen Jaio, from Taiwan. In ________________, _______________________________________ a baby. ________ 1996 ______________, people _______________________________________________, around the world, _________________________________________ very rich.In 2006, ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________WORDS4756150719899500CHECK your writingDid you write in introduction with main idea?□ Yes □ NoDid you write a conclusion?□ Yes □ NoDid you use past tenses?□ Yes □ NoDid you use time order words?□ Yes □ NoDid you combine sentences?□ Yes □ NoDid you write at least 150 words?□ Yes □ NoDid you write the word count?□ Yes □ No*Points subtracted for Poor formatting -- no name - missing word count – lateExtra help!!Writing Center. Sunday, Mon., Tues, Wed., 9-4 and Thur. 9-12Mary’s Office hours Mon. - Wed., 2-35042583-219974Mini Project: Famous PersonDirections: Work with a group of 3 studentsCollect information about a famous person that you are interested in. You can use the internet (or blog). Take notes about the person’s life. Use only simple words that everyone can understand. Use base verbsBring your notes and a picture to class STUDENT NAMES 1) ____________________ 2) ___________________ 3)________________NOTESName of Person _______________________________________________Why are they famous? __________________________________________Why did you choose this person? _________________________________YEAR (s)EventBornWhat is your opinion of this person? ___________________________________Famous Person – Draft 1 – everyone in group writesChecklist: Biographical Timeline Good Writers CHECK their writing!CONTENT (5 points)Enough words (120-150)□ Yes □ Noinfo is complete and correct □ Yes □ Nonot copied or repetitive□ Yes □ NoORGANIZATION (5 points)3 paragraphs well separated (intro – body – conclusion)□ Yes □ NoGood time order words (correct and varied, not repetitive)□ Yes □ NoGRAMMAR (5 points)Verbs in the past□ Yes □ NoCombined sentences (PUNCTUATION, CW)□ Yes □ Noprepositions & pronouns□ Yes □ NoOther Grammar (#, C [articles: a, an, the])□ Yes □ NoVOCABULARY (5 points)variety of expressions□ Yes □ NoGood spelling□ Yes □ No1419225-104140Draft 2 (everyone)Checklist: Biographical Timeline Good Writers CHECK their writing!CONTENT (5 points)Enough words (120-150)□ Yes □ Noinfo is complete and correct □ Yes □ Nonot copied or repetitive□ Yes □ NoORGANIZATION (5 points)3 paragraphs well separated (intro – body – conclusion)□ Yes □ NoGood time order words (correct and varied, not repetitive)□ Yes □ NoGRAMMAR (5 points)Verbs in the past□ Yes □ NoCombined sentences (PUNCTUATION, CW)□ Yes □ Noprepositions & pronouns□ Yes □ NoOther Grammar (#, C [articles: a, an, the])□ Yes □ NoVOCABULARY (5 points)variety of expressions□ Yes □ NoGood spelling□ Yes □ No49847948505884left8331096VERBS - PracticeDirections:Add verbs. 2. (Circle) the time order words. 3. Box the prepositionsUmm KulthumUmm Kulthum ____________ a very famous singer from Egypt. Umm Kulthum _____________ born in 1904 in Zahayra, Egypt. When she ____________ five years old, she _____________ the Village School. In 1916, she ____________ a singing group, and in 1923, she __________ to Cairo. From 1923 to 1928, she ___________ at Music School. In 1932, she did concerts in Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, and Libya. Three years later, she _____________ her first film. In 1937, she ____________ to France for holiday. Between 1940 and 1950, she ___________ a job at Egypt Radio, and in 1953 she married Hassen Al Hafnaoui. In 1967, she ____________ very ill, and in 1972, she travelled to the USA. She ___________ in Cairo in 1976. -489098500332700Umm Kulthoum was an __________________ person. (124 words)Practise Introductions533400017018000Directions: Use the information below to write short introductions. Remember to insert verbs, prepositions, connecting words, etc..Azza Al Qubaisi (1978 - )Businesswoman. Famous jewellery designer. UAE.527240512128500Bill Gates (1955 - )American businessman, computer programmer and inventor. One of the richest men in the world.52197002603500Bruce Lee (1940-1973) Martial artist, film starright5778500Cristiano Ronaldo (1985 - )Famous football player. Plays for Real Madrid. Captain of the Portuguese national team. Body Sentences Directions:Practice writing the same information in different waysYou can change the words (but not the meaning) from the timelineUse the worksheet “Expressions” (p. __ ) to help you, and see the example below.EXAMPLE Azza Al Qubaisi1978 1998 2002 -11176078740born Abu Dhabibegin her artistic careergraduate London Guildhall University00born Abu Dhabibegin her artistic careergraduate London Guildhall University319849518224500-762563306260She began her artistic career in 1998. Four years later, she graduated from Guildhall University.Or When she was 20 years old, she started her artistic career in 1998. In 2002, she graduated from Guildhall University.(b) Bill Gates -55088114960born October 28 Seattle, USA.study Harvard University – Maths and Economics attend Lakeside School, Seattle – interested in computers 19551968-1973 197319731973 -197600born October 28 Seattle, USA.study Harvard University – Maths and Economics attend Lakeside School, Seattle – interested in computers 19551968-1973 197319731973 -1976422910014033500248644860910Or (c)445770017716500 Bruce Lee1940 1941086995born 27 NovemberSan FranciscoUSAfamily travel back to Hong Kong00born 27 NovemberSan FranciscoUSAfamily travel back to Hong Kong Cristiano Ronaldo (1985 - )47916654born February 5, 1985 – Madeira, Portugal. family poor.have heart operation - successfuljoin Sporting Lisbon Soccer club19851995200000born February 5, 1985 – Madeira, Portugal. family poor.have heart operation - successfuljoin Sporting Lisbon Soccer club198519952000422910013652500BODY PARAGRAPH EXPRESSIONS you should knowverbSimple presentSimple pastExamplesto be am /is /are____/ ____Her parents _________ from Saudi Arabia.to haveto spend (time)has / havespend / spends__________She _________an accidentShe _________two years in Abu Dhabi and then _________to Dubai in 2009.to be bornIs born_____ ____Noor _______ _______ in Lebanon, in 1987.Aisha _______ _______ on February 16, 1987.Aisha _______ _______ in Ras Al Khaimah, in the UAE, on February 16, 198.7to marrymarry / marriesget/gets married____________________She _______ _______ in 2009He _______ _______ in 1998She _________Ahmed in July, 2011.to attendattend / attends__________She _________High School from 2005 to 2012to graduategraduate / graduates__________He _________with a BA degree from UAEU in 1999to take take / takes__________Mariam _________dancing classesto getget / gets__________He _________ (won) a Gold Medal at the Olympics.to studystudy / studies__________She _________at Yale University, USA, for three years.From 2008 and 2010, Alia _________at UAEU.She _______ _______ a m at Oxford University for three years. to live live / lives__________From 2001 to 2010 Mohammed _________in Al Ain.(Mohammed _________in Al Ain from 2001 to 2010.)to startstart / starts__________Azza _________her own company in 2009Ahmed _______ _______ for the police when he was eighteen.to leave leave / leavesAfter she _________school in 2006, Khadija _________to UAEU.(Khadija _________school in 2006 and the following year she _________UAEU.)to makemake / makes__________Naima _________her first film in 1998to moveto joinmove / movesjoin / joins____________________Mohammed _________in Al Ain from 2001 to 2010. A year later, in 2011, he _________to Dubai and joined the police force.to workwork / works__________Between 2006 and 2009, Mohammed _________for the government as a soldier. Then he _________the army to run his own / and ran/ _________his own business.to becomebecome / becomes__________She _________a mother/ a designer / an architect/ an ambassador for UNICEF the following year.to playplay / plays__________He _________for Al Ain Football Club in 2013.to gogo / goes__________She _________to Yale University to study Law.She _________for a BA at UAEU and _________in 2010.to beginbegin / begins__________Noor _________her career as a policewoman in 2007. The next year she was promoted.to winwin / wins__________She _________many awards.to retireretire/retires__________He _________from his job when he was fifty-five.Time Words PracticeDirections: Complete the example answer using time order words from the box. One of the choices is NOT used. 5359888237732200Princess Diana (1961-1997)The timeline shows the life of Princess Diana, who was a very famous princess from England. Diana was born in Norfolk England 1)______ 1961. 2)___________ she was five years old, her parents got divorced. 3) ___________ 1973 to 1977, she attended three different schools. She met Prince Charles 4)___________ 1977, and she taught him to dance. 5)______________________, she moved to London, and she got a job at a preschool. 6)______ 1981, she married Prince Charles, and 750 million people watched on TV. 7)___________ 1982 and 1984, she had two children. Sadly, 8)___________ 1986 to 1996, she had many problems with her husband, and 9)______ 1996, they got divorced. 10) ____________________________, 1997, she died in a terrible car crash in France.Princess Diana was very famous and beautiful, but her life was very difficult. (130 words)-165100-16383000Tips: Using two verbs at a timeYou can (often, not always!) put two verbs together by using an infinitive (to + base) for the second verb. Example: Timeline: Decide – go London for holidayYour sentence: Last year, I decided to go to London for holidayTimeline (my husband): Want – make pasta for dinner.Your sentence: Last night, my husband_____________________________________Timeline (Aisha): Last year / Company begin / be successful Your sentence: Last year, my company______________________________________Timeline (Aisha): 1996 – 1998 / work hard / make her company successfulYour sentence: _________________________________________________________ start / write stories Your sentence: _________________________________________________________Emily Nasrallahrighttop00Famous writer of children’s stories from Lebanon.Part A. Write sentences about her life, using the information and verbs below.Example: Emily - born - Lebanon - 1931Emily was born in Lebanon in 1931. .1600200417830001. she - very bright – student1600200419735002. her family - poor - her uncle - pay - high school fees1600200419100001600200675640003. after high school - Emily - study - American University of Beirut1600200417830001600200673735004. she - first girl from her village - go – university1600200419735001600200675640005. university - she - start - write - stories – articles1600200417830001600200673735006. Emily - graduate - university - 1958 - BA degree in Education1600200419100001600200675640007. two years later - marry - Phillip Nasrallah - four children1600200419100001600200673735008. 1962 – write – first novel – win - three Arabic literary prizes 5786120333375?00?righttop00Part B. Listen & Respond. Listen to the beginning of a story by Emily Nasrallah. happened in the story? Write several sentences.What is your opinion about it? Write a few sentences.How do you think the story will end? Write a few sentences.Part C. More Practice/ Credit: Make a timeline and/or report for Emily Nasrallah (10 points). For more extra credit, take your report to the writing center. (10 points)Azza Al QubaisiAzza Al Qubaisi is a famous jewelry designer from the UAE. The timeline of her life is given below. rightbottom00-1387475202882500Practice On Your Own (at home)Select a timeline (Bruce Lee, or Azza al Qubaisi) to write about. Check your work with the checklist.PRACTICE : Information Transfer #3: BIOGRAPHY TIMELINE 126492014033500Checklist: Biographical Timeline Good Writers CHECK their writing!CONTENT (5 points)Enough words (120-150)□ Yes □ Noinfo is complete and correct □ Yes □ Nonot copied or repetitive□ Yes □ NoORGANIZATION (5 points)3 paragraphs well separated (intro – body – conclusion)□ Yes □ NoGood time order words (correct and varied, not repetitive)□ Yes □ NoGRAMMAR (5 points)Verbs in the past□ Yes □ NoCombined sentences (PUNCTUATION, CW)□ Yes □ Noprepositions & pronouns□ Yes □ NoOther Grammar (#, C [articles: a, an, the])□ Yes □ NoVOCABULARY (5 points)variety of expressions□ Yes □ NoGood spelling□ Yes □ NoPractice On Your Own (in class practice test)Select a timeline (Bruce Lee, or Azza al Qubaisi) to write about. Check your work with the checklist.PRACTICE : Information Transfer #3: BIOGRAPHY TIMELINE 126492014033500Checklist: Biographical Timeline Good Writers CHECK their writing!CONTENT (5 points)Enough words (120-150)□ Yes □ Noinfo is complete and correct □ Yes □ Nonot copied or repetitive□ Yes □ NoORGANIZATION (5 points)3 paragraphs well separated (intro – body – conclusion)□ Yes □ NoGood time order words (correct and varied, not repetitive)□ Yes □ NoGRAMMAR (5 points)Verbs in the past□ Yes □ NoCombined sentences (PUNCTUATION, CW)□ Yes □ Noprepositions & pronouns□ Yes □ NoOther Grammar (#, C [articles: a, an, the])□ Yes □ NoVOCABULARY (5 points)variety of expressions□ Yes □ NoGood spelling□ Yes □ NoCommon mistakes – Timeline – Azza – Bruce LeeP – punctuation/comb – combining sentencesShe was born in 1978, twelve years later, she began her artistic career.1n 1965, he did his first TV show, “The Green Hornet” have a son, Brandon.In 1946, he made his first movie, in 1953 he began Kung Fu lessons.TW - Time WordsBetween 2003 to 2005, she worked hard to make her company a success.In next year, she had an exhibition.After two years, she graduated from Guildhall University in London.V - VerbsBetween 2003 and 2005, she worked hard to made her company successful.In 1946, he maked his first movie.In 1953, he was began taking Kung Fu lessons.In 2005, her company began to was successful. In 2006, she creates the “Angel Tears” Pearl collection.The timeline show the life of Azza Al Qubaisi.Pro - pronounsShe celebrated 10th anniversary. Her began her artistic career in 1998Prep – prepositionHe studied philosophy universityError Correction - PracticeDirections: Correct the errors that are marked in the report about Princess HayatPrincess Haya bint Al Hussein (1974 - ..….)VCV C PVThe timeline show the life of princess haya bint Al Hussein, she the wife of the Prime VMinister of UAE and Ruler of Dubai (V). She also the daughter of the late King of Jordan.pro V prep VTHer born in 1974 on Amman, Jordan. In 1985, she attend the Badminton Boarding prep VT prep –art - C prepSchool for Girls – Bristol, UK. She win a bronze medal for show jumping – Pan arab games on prepSyria in 1992. Next, from 1992 and 1995, she studied at St. Hilda’s College at Oxford Pprep – art#VUniversity, she graduated BA degree. When she was 30 year old, in 2004, she was married His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashed Al Maktoum. In 2006, she was elected president of the FEI (International Equestrian Federation). The next year, she born a baby daughter named Sheikha Al Jalila, and in 2012, she havesright740791000another baby named Sheikh Zayed bin Mohammed. Princess Haya had an amazing life, she achieved a lot. (about 150 words)Scrambled Sentences [under construction/unfinished]The timeline / shows / the life / of Nancy Ajram. / She / is /a famous singer / from Lebanon. Ms. Ajram / was born / on / 16-May, 1983 in / Beirut, Lebanon. When / she / was / 12 years old, / she / won / a TV talent show. From / 1995 to 1998, / she / studied / music, / and / she / made / her first / CD / in 1998. In 2003, she made her third CD, and she became very famous and rich! The next year, in 2004, she began to advertise Coca Cola in the Middle East. Between 2004 and 2007, she made many CDs and music videos, and she made some films. In 2007, she appeared on the Oprah Winfrey show. In 2008, she married Fadi Hachem and she won the World Music Award. On 16-May-2009, she had a baby, named Mila, and in 2010, she started to work for UNICEF to help poor children. Nancy Ajram is a very popular singer, and she has a very interesting life. 156 wordsTimeline of Your LifeComplete the timeline below so that it is true for you. Add any dates that you need to add. Then, write a report about your life on A4 paper. Take it to the writing center, and then re-write it for your portfolio.482600166370000 ................

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