MAT 0020C – Prep Mathematics Intensive - Valencia College

MAT 0028C – Developmental Math II

Summer 2012, East Campus

Instructor: Merrill McKee Math Department Office: EC 7-142

E-mail: Math Department Phone: (407) 582-2451

Lab Assistant: Damika Sanders

Course Websites: (in order we will be using them)

(MyMathLab / CourseCompass)

(Blackboard, for state exam)

Online Homework:

Office Hours and Location: By appointment. Location TBD.

Also, I work as a tutor in the SPA

MW 4:00pm – 10:00pm EC 4-SPA

First and Last Day of Class: May 8th, 2012 to July 31st, 2012

Holidays: Monday, May 28th (Memorial Day)

Wednesday, July 4th (Independence Day)

Section CRN 33332:

Class Time & Location: TR 4:45pm – 6:20pm EC 7-122

Lab Time & Location: R 3:30pm – 4:35pm EC 7-112A

State Exam 1st, July 26th R EC 4-124

State Exam 2nd, July 30th M EC 4-124

Final Exam, July 31st T 4:45pm – 6:20pm EC 7-122

Syllabus Date 4.30.2012

Course Description

Prerequisites: Knowledge of integers, real numbers, fractions and decimal arithmetic. Introductory

knowledge of variables and formulas. This can be demonstrated by a C or higher on MAT0012, MAT0018, or a satisfactory score on an assessment test.

This course is designed to supplement the algebraic background of students prior to taking certain mathematics courses at the college level. Topics include sets, fundamental operations with polynomials, linear equations and inequalities with applications, factoring and its use in algebra, introduction to graphing of linear equations, and introduction to radicals.

This course does not apply toward mathematics requirements in general education or toward any associate degree at Valencia Community College. A grade of "C" or higher is needed for entry into intermediate algebra, MAT 1033C.

| | |

|[pic] |MyMathLab License (required): |

| |Course ID – mckee97183 |

| |Purchase online or at bookstore ($80-82) |

| |Use existing license if retaking MAT0022C or |

|[pic] |MAT0028C |

| | |

| |Textbook (recommended): Beginning Algebra with |

| |Applications and Visualization, Rockswold, |

| |Krieger, 2nd Edition, 2009 |

| | |

| |The textbook is required. However, there is an online copy of the textbook provided |

| |with the MyMathLab license. Hard copies of the textbook can be borrowed in the SPA |

| |tutoring area in Building 4. |

| |A used copy is fine. |

| | |

| |Lab Manual: Provided |

| | |

| |Calculator: None are required (or allowed on exams) but students might want to |

| |consider purchasing a |

| |TI-83 Plus or TI-84 Plus since this is the most commonly used calculator in subsequent|

| |Valencia math and statistics courses. Walmart, Target, and Amazon stock these |

| |calculators. |

Attendance Policy:

Attendance is expected. It is worth 10% of your overall grade. You are responsible for assignments given out in class and any material discussed. By missing class, you are also stating that you can teach the material to yourself by reading and other sources (tutors, SPA, friends/family/classmates, YouTube).

Failure to attend class by May 15th will result in you being withdrawn under Valencia’s “no-show” policy.

The instructor may withdraw students who miss 5 or more classes and show little progress or effort in the course. A warning email will be sent to the student stating the concerns about attendance, grades, and progress. Failure to respond or address the individual issues will result in the student being withdrawn from the course.

Failure to attend one exam will result in your State Exam grade taking its place. Each additional exam missed will result in a zero for that exam. No makeup exams are given. Students who attend all exams can replace their lowest exam grade with their State Exam grade.

If you are automatically withdrawn from the course for reasons unrelated to the class (usually tuition or financial aid) but feel you may be able to remedy the issue, it is your responsibility to notify me and continue to attend classes, submit homework, and take exams.


Coming in late or leaving early may result in a zero attendance grade. Please be on time. Please be considerate.

Disruption and rudeness by talking, texting, sleeping, phones ringing or vibrating is avoidable and rude. Cell phones should be off or on silent (not vibrate). Ear buds or headphones need to be removed. If you need to talk, take a call, text, or go to the bathroom, simply excuse yourself and return as soon as possible. You do not need to ask for permission. Like any absence, you are responsible for what you missed. Cell phones are not needed for this course. Your hands do not need to touch your cell phone in class. If you need to touch your cell phone for any reason, please step outside first. Students who prefer their cell phone to class may eventually be withdrawn.

Any behavior listed above may result in an absence for the class. If the behavior is repeated or gross in nature, it may result in you being withdrawn from the course.


In the subject of your emails to me, please identify the class and class time (or section) you are in.

One of your first homework assignments will be returning one of my emails. It is your responsibility to check your Atlas or primary email on a regular basis. Many students forward their Atlas email to their primary gmail/hotmail/yahoo email account.

Withdrawal Policy:

Per Valencia Policy 4-07 (Academic Progress, Course Attendance and Grades, and Withdrawals), a student who withdraws from class before the withdrawal deadline of (Friday, June 29th, 2012) will receive a grade of “W.”

Advantages to Withdrawing From a Course:

o Your overall GPA will not be affected

Disadvantages to Withdrawing From a Course:

o Hundreds of dollars

o May be required to pay out-of-state tuition rate to retake the course

o May affect your financial aid for this and next semester

o May delay your graduation

o May result in being denied access to limited access programs

o May affect your eligibility for the Honors Program

o May affect your immigration status

o May result in required repayment of scholarship (Bright Futures)

o May affect your ability to graduate; some courses have limited attempts

o May affect your transfer GPA

If you are considering withdrawing, please talk to your advisor, a financial aid representative, and me prior quitting the course.

Students with Disabilities:

If you are a student registered with Valencia’s Office for Students with Disabilities, please contact me so I can make arrangements for you.

Academic Dishonesty:

You are expected to do your own work. For homework assignments, you are encouraged to communicate and leverage the knowledge of your instructors, fellow students, Valencia tutors, and textbook/online resources. However, you must submit your own work. On exams, cheating will not be tolerated. This includes communicating with other students during an exam, looking at neighboring students’ exams, allowing other students to easily look at your exam, checking your cell phone, using a calculator when they are not permitted, and using any other aid not allowed. In addition to possibly getting an immediate grade of F for the course, gross or repeat offenders may be expelled from Valencia Community College. Valencia’s full policy is found at .

State Test (week of July 23rd to July 26th):

At the end of the semester, you are required to take the state test. To pass the course, you must pass the state exam. If you fail to pass the state test on your first attempt, you may get a second attempt to take it. The second attempt is contingent upon passing three online practice state tests and having this verified. Upon meeting this requirement, a second attempt will be granted. To pass the state test, you need 80% or 24 or more correct out of 30 questions. If a student does not pass this test on either attempt, the highest class grade that can be given (due to policy) is a D, regardless of your overall average.

Practice problems and two practice exams are available in section A of the lab book given out the first day of lab.

|Q1 – Order of Operations (PEMDAS) |Q16 – Subtracting Polynomials (5.2) |

|Q2 – Order of Operations (PEMDAS) |Q17 – Monomial ( Polynomial (5.3) |

|Q3 – Absolute Value Expressions (1.4) |Q18 – Binomial ( Binomial (5.3) |

|Q4 – Distribution; Like Terms (1.7-1.8) |Q19 – Factoring (GCF) (6.1) |

|Q5 – Evaluating an Expression (PEMDAS) |Q20 – Factoring (DOS) (6.4) |

|Q6 – Solving an Equation (2.2) |Q21 – Factoring (FBG) (6.1) |

|Q7 – Solving an Equation, Fractions (2.2) |Q22 – Factoring a Trinomial (6.2-6.3) |

|Q8 – Solving a Literal Equation (2.3, 3.5) |Q23 – Rational Expressions (7.1, 6.2-6.4) |

|Q9 – Translating English to Math (2.3) |Q24 – Quadratic Equations (6.6, 6.2) |

|Q10 – Word Problems (2.3-2.4) |Q25 – Quadratic Equations (6.6, 6.3) |

|Q11 – Proportions (handout or 7.7) |Q26 – Radical Expressions (8.2) |

|Q12 – Exponents (5.1) |Q27 – Radical Expressions (8.3) |

|Q13 – Exponents (5.1, 5.5) |Q28 – Solving Inequalities (2.5) |

|Q14 – Exponents (5.1, 5.5) |Q29 – Finding Intercepts (3.3) |

|Q15 – Scientific Notation (5.5) |Q30 – Graphing (3.2 – 3.5) |


Your grades are updated quickly and available in your online gradebook.

| |Points |Weight |Textbook |State Exam |

|Exam 1 |100 Points |10% |1.1-1.8, 2.1 |Q1-Q5 |

|Exam 2 |100 Points |10% |2.2-2.5 |Q6-Q7, Q9-Q11, Q28 |

|Exam 3 |100 Points |10% |3.1-3.6 |Q8, Q29-Q30 |

|Exam 4 |100 Points |10% |5.1-5.6 |Q12-Q18 |

|Exam 5 |100 Points |10% |6.1-6.6, 7.1-7.3 |Q19-Q25 |

|Exam 6 |100 Points |10% |8.1-8.3, Cumulative |Q26, Q27 |

|HW |250 Points |25% |Online/Textbook/Labs | |

|Quizzes |50 Points |5% | | |

|Attendance |100 Points |10% | | |

|Total |1000 Points |100% | | |

Q ( State Exam Question in Lab Book

A ≥ 90.0% B ≥ 80.0% C ≥ 70.0% *D ≥ 60.0% *F < 60.0% *must retake the course


Exams are meant to measure your knowledge. They will be closed notes, closed books, and no calculator (or cell phone) will be allowed. Notes and cell phones should be invisible or on the floor. They are timed so you should practice enough so you can finish problems in a prompt manner. The majority of questions will be short answer, not multiple-choice. You must show work to receive credit. While you may receive partial credit, you will only receive partial credit for work done in a manner that would have accurately solved the problem. The few multiple-choice questions on each exam will simulate state exam questions.

There are no makeup exams under any circumstances. If a test is missed, your state exam grade will replace it. If you attend every exam, your state exam will replace your lowest grade.


There will be a considerable amount of homework over the course of the semester. A list of assignments and due dates is available in another handout.

Online Homework:

The majority of your homework will be assigned in . The due dates are displayed within the website but most online homework is due at 10pm after the following lecture. This time intentionally coincides with the closing time of the SPA (math tutoring area). Students should try to finish all of the homework by the beginning of the next class. Any problems they are having trouble with should become questions in lecture. Write the specific problem down when you have a question about it. After lecture, students who have not finished their homework should consider staying on campus to finish it with the help of classmates, SPA tutors, and myself.

You get unlimited attempts on the online homework. If you miss a problem 3 times, click “Similar Exercise” and you will get a new similar problem. If you do a problem multiple times, only your best attempt will be counted. One way to practice for exams is to go back over old homework problems since your homework grade will not be reduced.

Handwritten Homework from the Textbook, Lab Book, or Handouts:

Since the exams are generally not multiple-choice and multiple-choice exams mask math inaccuracies, textbook homework and handouts will be given through the semester to supplement the online homework. If answers have been given, posted, or discussed, late assignments will not be accepted.

You must show work to receive credit. No exceptions.

Late Homework Policy:

Online homework done after the due date is worth 70% credit. However, you will still receive full credit for problems finished on time so it is to your advantage to do every possible problem, regardless of date. You cannot finish any online homework after your final exam.

Handwritten homework can be turned in one class late at 70% maximum credit. Please turn in assignments on time.

Reading Quizzes:

Reading is fundamental to being an independent learner and successful college student. You are expected to read the sections of your textbook prior to the class in which they are taught. You may not understand everything on the first pass reading. Hopefully your questions and your teacher’s responses will fill the gap.

About half of lectures will start with a 3-5 question reading quiz. Questions are meant to be trivial if you have read the relevant sections. Questions will also favor bolded words and boxed theorems. Quizzes will be announced either the prior lecture or by email. If by announced by email, the email will be sent at least one day before the reading quiz.

Missing a quiz will result in a zero. You may drop your two lowest reading quizzes.


Labs are meant for students to practice the math with the assistance of other students, the lab assistant, and floating lab assistants. Very often, students in lab will be required to work in groups of 2, 3, or 4. It will be up to the lab assistant to determine how he/she wants to run the lab.

Please respect the rules and directions of your lab assistant. They may differ from rules in lecture.

Please show your work on a separate sheet of paper. Write the names of every group member if a group submission is required.

Tip: It is recommended that you use a staple remover and put the lab book in a 3-ring binder.

Some labs will be graded for accuracy. These grades will count as homework assignments. Other labs will be graded for completion. For these labs, attendance and work are the only grades.

If your lab group completes the assignment early, they must remain and

o work on the secondary assignment

o help other groups

o work on any homework (you may bring your laptop)

o study for the next exam

o anything else that is productive and school-related

Attendance Grading:

There will be approximately 35 lecture and labs over the course of the semester excluding testing days. Some companies offer employee sick days and reward them for not using them. You will be given 3 “sick days” this semester. Each additional absence, regardless of excuse, hurts your overall grade. Missing lab and lecture on the same day counts as 2 absences.

|Absences |Attendance Grade |

|0-3 |100% |

|4 |90% |

|5* |80% |

|6* |70% |

|7* |60% |

|8* |50% |

|9* |40% |

|10* |30% |

|11* |20% |

|12* |10% |

* At risk for being withdrawn from the course.


A calendar of lectures, exams, and due dates is available in another handout. It will also be posted on my virtual frontdoor website:

(search by my last name McKee)

Math Tutoring:

If you need help on anything math or class related, please bring the questions or problems to class. Another option is to email me. Another option is to click the “Ask the Instructor” button if your question is related to a MyMathLab problem. This will send me a link to the problem you are working on. Please explain where you are stuck on the problem in the email form.

If you would like more dedicated time, ask if we can meet at a certain hour. The location will be Building 4 on campus.

If you need immediate help, the SPA is a free math tutoring area that focuses on three courses: MAT0018, MAT0028, and MAT1033. Computers are available so you can do MyMathLab homework with tutors nearby. This summer, I will tutor there Monday and Wednesday afternoons and evenings.

SPA hours and information:


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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