Building College-Level Vocabulary

Greek Affixes with examples

Anthropo man anthropod

Anti against antipode

Astro star Astros

Auto self automatic

Biblio book Bible

Bio life biology

Chrom color chrome

Chron time chronicle

Cosmo world cosmic

Cracy government democracy

Dem people demigod

Eu well, good euphoric

Geo earth geology

Graph write autograph

Hydro water dehydrated

Hyper over hyperactive

Hypo under hypodermic

Log speech, word log

Logy science, study logical

Meta beyond metaphysic

Meter measure metrical

Micro small microscope

Mis hate, wrong misspoke

Mono one monogamy

Onym name synonym

Pan all pander

Path suffering empathy

Peri around periscope

Phil love Philadelphi

Phob fear phobia

Phon sound phone

Poly many polygon

Pseudo false pseudonym

Psych mind psyche

Scop see scope

Soph wisdom sophistry

Syn together synthesis

Tele at a distance telephone

Theo God or god theology

Therm heat thermal


Uni One

Sesqui One and one-half

Duo Two

Tri Three

Tetra Four

Penta Five

Hexa Six

Septem- Seven

Octo- Eight

Novem- Nine

Decem- Ten

Centi- Hundred

Milli- Thousand

Other Greek Affixes

Acro edge, topmost

Allo other, different

Amphi on both sides

Ana again, backward

Apo away from

Archi chief, authority

Archeo old

Aero air

Agro tilled land

Angio vessel

Boni good

Cryo cold

Cyclo round

Dox opinion

Dulci sweet

Equi equal

Gen to give birth

Hem blood

Hetero different

Homo alike

Hydro wet

Idio one’s own

Krat power, rule

Lexi word

Macro long

Mali bad

Mega big

Meso middle

Micro small

Naut sailor, ship

Neo new

Oligo few

Orth straight, normal

Oxy sharp

Pachy thick

Phage to eat

Poly many

Proto front

Sclero hard

Semi one half

Sarko flesh

Steno narrow

Tauto same

Thermo hot

Vacuo empty

Greek end forms (usually in medicine/science)

-algia pain

-cele tumor

-ectomy cut

-aemia blood

-logy study

-oid form

-poesis make

-scope see into

-stomy mouth

Latin Roots Definition Example

Act do actual

Ami love amorous

Ced go precede

Cept take, hold capture

Cid kill, cut homicide

Clud shut, close preclude

Cred Believe credit

Cur Run current

Dict tell dictate

Duct lead air duct

Fact make, do factory

Fer bear, carry ferry

Flect flex, bend deflect

Here stick, adhere heresy

Ject throw inject

Junct join junction

Leg read, choose legible

Loqu talk, speak loquacity

Mit send transmit

Mov move remove

Ped foot pedal

Pel drive repel

Pend hang pending

Pon put ponder

Port carry report

Press hold repress

Rupt break rupture

Scrib write transcribe

Sect cut dissect

Sent feel sentiment

Sequ follow sequence

Spect look respect

Sta stand stasis

Tact touch contact

Termin end terminal

Tract draw, pull contract

Vent turn revert

Vict conquer victory

Vid see video

Voc call vocal

Volv roll, turn revolver

Common English Suffixes

-able capable, can do

-al aspect of

-ality property or aspect of

-ance state of

-ation state or concept of

-dom state or condition of

-esthesis sensation, feeling

-esque in the style of

-fare how things are going

-ia abnormal state

-ics the study of

-ite member of a group

Common Prefixes Meaning

a or an- negative

ab- away from

ad- to, towards, near

ante- before, in front of

anti- against

bi- twice, double

circum- around

co together

con- with

contra- against

de- down, away from

dis- apart, removed

dys- hard, difficult, bad

e- or ex- out of

en- in

epi- on, upon

extra- outside, beyond

hyper- over, above

hypo- below, under

in- in, into, on

infra- below

inter- between

intra_ within

intro- into

mal- badly, evil

meta- with, after, beyond

non- not

ob- in the way

para- along side of

per- through, thorough

post- after, behind

pre- in front of, before

pro- before, in front of

re- back, again

retro- backward

se- apart

semi- half

sub- under, below

super- above, upper

trans- across

ultra- beyond

-ive noun ( adjective

-ism doctrine, practice

-ium metallic element

-ise too cause to be

-less lack of

-let diminutive

-opsy examination

-ose full of, like

-osis process, action

-ship state of being

-wright person who makes


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