College Success 1

Summing up Interests

Look back at your scores from the activity in this chapter titled “Learn about Your Interests.” Rank the interest areas from 1 to 6 based on your scores, with 1 being the area you are most interested in.







The areas that you ranked 1, 2, and 3 form a code that you can use to look up occupations that match your interests. For example, if A, R, and E are your first three choices, you can look up the code ARE in a career resource such as the Occupations Finder* to find careers matching the artistic, realistic, and enterprising interests. Under this code, you would find occupations such as merchandise displayer, floral designer, pastry chef, and architect.

Write your interest code here:

The Occupations Finder is available in most college career centers. You can learn more about your interests and recommended occupations by taking the Strong Interest Inventory or other assessments, also available in most college career centers.

Using the Occupations Finder, the information in this chapter, the results of the Strong Interest Inventory or other assessments, list some careers that match your interest code above.





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