Military Training Tax Year 2017

Military Training Tax Year 2017

Military Scenario Tax Year 2017 Interview Notes

Michael and Jessica Williams are married and want to file a joint return. They do not have any dependents.

Michael is active duty military and was deployed to a combat zone in 2017 from March 15th to September 15th.

Jessica is in the reserves and has a part-time job with a catering company. She attended four weekend drills and one two-week active duty assignment in 2017. All four weekend drills were held at the same post and a round trip was 224 miles from her home. Jessica spent a total of $340 for lodging during the weekend drills and $350 on meals. Both of these expenses are within the federal per diem rate for the area. She quarters on base for the two-week active duty assignment which was 175 miles from her home.

They moved from Charleston, South Carolina to Austin, Texas in October 2017. This was a permanent change of duty station for Michael and they choose to do the move themselves. The service approved 3 days and 2 nights for the move. Michael and Jessica spent $160.00 for the two nights and drove 1273 miles which was the shortest distance between Charleston and Austin. The rental cost for the moving truck was $1,575.00.

Michael and Jessica have a property in Dallas, Texas they have rented since January 1, 2013. They provide excellent records and last year's return. Jessica made two trips to check on the property in 2017.

? The first trip from Charleston to Dallas incurred the following travel expenses:

o Airfare


o Hotel


o Car rental - 2 days


? The second trip from Austin to Dallas (Jessica drove) incurred these travel expenses: o 414 miles round trip o $95.00 for one night at hotel

The car Jessica used to travel for reserve duty and check on the rental property is a 2008 Toyota she purchased March 15, 2008.

Michael and Jessica were insured through the military all year.

If they have a refund they would like it deposited into their checking account (2234567890) at Wells Fargo (routing 111900659).


367-00-8912 Michael Anthony Williams Michael A Williams Michael's DOB: 4.12.1972

341-00-2567 Jessica Elizabeth Williams

Jessica E Williams Jessica's DOB: 6.27.1974


Form 13614-C

(October 2017)

Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service

Intake/Interview & Quality Review Sheet

OMB Number 1545-1964

You will need:

? Tax Information such as Forms W-2, 1099, 1098, 1095. ? Social security cards or ITIN letters for all persons on your tax return. ? Picture ID (such as valid driver's license) for you and your spouse.

? Please complete pages 1-3 of this form.

? You are responsible for the information on your return. Please provide complete and accurate information.

? If you have questions, please ask the IRS-certified volunteer preparer.

Volunteers are trained to provide high quality service and uphold the highest ethical standards. To report unethical behavior to the IRS, email us at wi.voltax@

Part I ? Your Personal Information (If you are filing a joint return, enter your names in the same order as last year's return)

1. Your first name MICHAEL 2. Your spouse's first name JESSICA 3. Mailing address 5601 LAUREL DRIVE 4. Your Date of Birth

M.I. Last name


M.I. Last name


Apt # City


5. Your job title

6. Last year, were you:

Telephone number 512.555.1212

Are you a U.S. citizen?



Telephone number 512.555.1212

Is your spouse a U.S. citizen?




ZIP code



a. Full-time student

Yes No



b. Totally and permanently disabled

Yes No c. Legally blind

Yes No

7. Your spouse's Date of Birth 8. Your spouse's job title

9. Last year, was your spouse:

a. Full-time student

Yes No



b. Totally and permanently disabled

Yes No c. Legally blind

Yes No

10. Can anyone claim you or your spouse as a dependent?




11. Have you or your spouse: Part II ? Marital Status and Household Information

a. Been a victim of identity theft?

Yes No b. Adopted a child?

Yes No

1. As of December 31, 2017, were

Never Married



(This includes registered domestic partnerships, civil unions, or other formal relationships under state law)

a. If Yes, Did you get married in 2017?

Yes No

b. Did you live with your spouse during any part of the last six months of 2017? Yes



Date of final decree

Legally Separated Date of separate maintenance agreement


Year of spouse's death

2. List the names below of: ? everyone who lived with you last year (other than your spouse) ? anyone you supported but did not live with you last year

If additional space is needed check here and list on page 3 To be completed by a Certified Volunteer Preparer

Name (first, last) Do not enter your Date of Birth

name or spouse's name below




Relationship to you (for example: son, daughter, parent, none, etc)


Number of US months Citizen lived in (yes/no) your home last year



Resident Single or of US, Married as Canada, of 12/31/17 or Mexico (S/M) last year (yes/no)



Full-time Totally and Is this

Student Permanently person a

last year Disabled qualifying

(yes/no) (yes/no)


of any other





Did this person provide more than 50% of his/ her own support? (yes/no)

Did this Did the



have less provide more

than $4,050 than 50% of

of income? support for

(yes/no) this person?


Did the taxpayer(s) pay more than half the cost of maintaining a home for this person? (yes/no)


Catalog Number 52121E

Form 13614-C (Rev. 10-2017)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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