A&S ABROAD SCHOLARSHIP - University of Wyoming

College of Engineering and Applied Science

International Study Scholarship

Fact Sheet

• It is generally assumed that international study involves additional financial burdens on all students beyond those associated with study at UW. Hence, applications are judged primarily on merit. Additional criteria include the academic and professional goals of the applicant and the suitability of the proposed international program. Submission of an application does not guarantee funding.

• The College will award no more than one scholarship to the same individual in any two-year period.

• Incomplete applications will not be considered for funding. Applicants who do not follow the application directions will be deemed ineligible. Follow all directions given on the scholarship application and include all required documentation.

• Do not submit extraneous material that is not requested.

• Applicants should seek funding from several sources. For instance, the Office of International Programs administers the Cheney Study Abroad Grants and the Cheney Fellowship for Excellence in Study Abroad. Applicants should seek funding from sources outside the University as well. Funding matches from other sources are viewed favorably in award decisions.

• Funding is only available for UW-approved programs.

• The International Study Scholarship is regarded as a supplement to any other scholarships or financial aid that the recipient might receive. It will not be used to underwrite or supplant other funds.

• Acceptance of a scholarship obligates the recipient to:

1) deliver to the College Dean’s office two copies of a thank-you letter addressed to the donor of the funds by the specified date in the award letter (the Dean’s office will mail the letter)

2) deliver to the College Dean’s office two copies of a report on the international study addressed to the donor of the funds within one month of return to UW (the Dean’s office will mail the report)

3) participate in a service project with the International Engineering Program (IEP) upon the recipient’s return to UW, coordinated through the director of the IEP.

Do not submit this fact sheet with your application.

College of Engineering and Applied Science

International Study Scholarship


Undergraduate and graduate students are invited to apply for a College of Engineering and Applied Science International Study Scholarship to support their study abroad or other international academic activity.

Eligibility and Criteria:

▪ The minimum UW cumulative GPA at time of application is 3.25 for undergraduate students; 3.5 for graduate students.

▪ Undergraduates must have at least 30 hours of coursework completed or in progress at UW. Graduate students must have at least 9 hours of directed coursework completed or in progress at UW.

▪ Students enrolled in a degree program in the College who plan to participate in study abroad, an international exchange program, international internship, or another UW-sanctioned activity abroad may apply.

Name:_________________________________________ E-Mail:____________________ W#_____________

Local Address:__________________________________ Local Phone:________________________

Major: __________________________________

UW hours completed:_________ UW GPA:_________ Expected Graduation Date:_________

Study Abroad locale:

Dates you will be abroad: from_______________ to

Include with your application:

(1) A one-page statement of purpose documenting what you expect to gain from your proposed international experience. You should address efforts that you have made to prepare for international study, including foreign language training, your financial contribution, and other preparations for this opportunity. Include information about previous travel, study, and work abroad, if any. Prior international experience is not required.

(2) A one-page description of the intended program of study, including prospective courses and how those courses fit into your long term academic and professional plans.

(3) A copy of a recent, unofficial transcript (printed from WyoWeb)

Hand-deliver applications to the Steve Barrett, Associate Dean for Academic Programs, Room EN 2076, College of Engineering and Applied Science. Email applications will not be accepted.

Application Deadlines:

• October 15 for Spring semester funding

• February 15 for Summer term funding

• April 1 for Fall semester funding


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