English 12 - ERWC

English 12 - ERWC


Instructors: Sara Maya and Paul Schloesser

Rooms: Mrs. Maya – C-1

Mr. Schloesser – D-4

Emails (best form of contact): smaya@ and pschloesser@

Class Website: (check here for daily agendas, handouts, and homework assignments)


Google Classroom Information: Class Code q9a66i7

Course Description:

This class will be dedicated to polishing your writing skills to the point where you will be fully college and career ready. The Expository Reading and Writing Course (ERWC) is a course developed by the CSU system to prepare high school seniors for either college or the workforce. This course places a large emphasis on reading and writing about non-fiction articles, which then leads to an extensive amount of writing. However, it does give students a tangible process they can use to break up complex texts so that they can understand and interact with them.

If a student receives a score of “conditionally ready” on the EAP junior year, and completes this course with a grade of “C” or higher, they will be exempt from taking the English Placement Test at any CSU and participating community college, including DVC.

Grading Policy:

This class relies heavily on classroom work, as well as out of class, timed, and untimed writings. Here is a breakdown:

End of Unit Final Writing Assignments = 50%

At the end of each unit, students will have a writing assignment that varies depending on the unit completed; some will be essays, others letters to the editor, cover letters, speeches, etc.

Classwork = 30%

Classwork consists of (but is not limited to) worksheets, informal writings, rough drafts, and participation. Classwork will receive credit based on completion, neatness, and correctness. Participation grades will be given during each 6-week grading period based on showing up on time, completing the in-class work, and classroom contribution.

Homework and Quizzes = 20%

Because so much of this course is completed in the classroom itself it is important that any supplemental work be completed at home. Quizzes will be given periodically to ensure completion of the homework by its assigned due date.


Come to class, on time, all the time.

When you are absent it is your responsibility to find out what you missed from a fellow student or by visiting the class websites to get any materials needed to complete your makeup work.


Please honor our time by arriving promptly and waiting quietly for the beginning of class. You will be marked tardy if you are not seated and ready to work when the bell rings. Per school rules, you will be issued a detention every time you are tardy.

Late Work:

This is a college-prep English course, late work is unacceptable. Students must submit all work by the scheduled due date with the exception of absences. Any work that is not turned in on time will automatically receive a 10% drop in grade per day that it is late.

If you are absent: For each class that you are absent, you will have one class to make up the work from that day’s absence. The exception to this rule is if you are aware of the due date in advance. Then, regardless of any absences, the work is still due on the scheduled due date and may be either emailed to me or turned in at the front office. All due dates for assignments refer to the beginning of the period on that date. This policy applies to email as well.

Required Materials:

Each student needs to bring the following items to class every day:

• 3-ring binder – can be just for this class or for other classes as well. However, if you are

using this binder for other classes as well, please be sure that there is a section dedicated to

this class.

• Composition Book or Spiral notebook – this is mandatory as we will be working in

notebooks daily in this course that are collected separately from other assignments.

• Ruled Binder Paper

• Pen or pencil (at least 2 different colors)

• Planner or organizational device

When you receive articles in class, treat them as you would a textbook, and bring them to class each day. Failure to bring materials could result in a loss of points and I may not have extra copies to provide you with.

Academic Honesty: Cheating in any form will not be tolerated. Any student who willfully or knowingly commits plagiarism (either from another student or from written or electronic media) will receive no credit on the assignment. The following violations are prohibited:


Cheating is the use or attempted use of unauthorized materials, information, and study aids, as well as unauthorized collaboration on exam, quizzes, and homework. It is your responsibility to consult with me concerning what constitutes permissible collaboration. Cheating or helping others cheat is academic fraud.


Plagiarism is the act of presenting as one’s own, the ideas or writings of another; plagiarism, in any of its forms, violates academic integrity. For papers in English class, students must cite their sources according to Modern Language Association (MLA) standards. If there are any concerns as to how to implement MLA citations and/or Works Cited pages, you must meet with me regarding the issue prior to turning in assignments.

Classroom Expectations:

Be accountable & Be self-motivated – I expect that you will be self-motivated and accountable for your education. You must accept responsibility for following through on requirements and due dates. It is not enough to just show up to class; you must be engaged in the learning process.

Be respectful - The format of this course will involve a great deal of classroom discussion. Openness to and respect for the thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and opinions of others is a requirement. Remember, being able to acknowledge a viewpoint is different than accepting it.

No Derogatory Comments (i.e.: race, class, gender, color, creed, political party, or sexual orientation)

A little note from us to you:

Welcome! We know this will be an exciting and challenging year, but please remember that we are here to help. Feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns.

Mr. Schloesser and Mrs. Maya are generally available in our classrooms at tutorial, during lunch, and briefly after school (unless there are meetings, wrestling practice, or other unforeseen circumstances). If you want to schedule an appointment we can do so at a time that is convenient; appointments are suggested if you are considering trying to meet with us either during lunch or after school.

You can also reach us by email at any time.

Mrs. Maya’s email: smaya@ (Room # C-1)

Mr. Schloesser’s email: pschloesser@ (Room # D-4)

We are sincerely looking forward to sharing this year with you!

Sara Maya Paul Schloesser

smaya@ pschloesser@

By signing below you are stating that: “I have read and understood the syllabus and expectations for the English 12 – ERWC class. I agree to support these expectations throughout the year.”

Student’s Name __________________________________________________________

Student’s Signature __________________________________________ Date _____________

Parent/Guardian’s Name ___________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian’s Contact information: (please note preferred form of contact)

Email ______________________________________________

Phone number __________________________ Best time to call ____________________________

Parent/Guardian’s Signature _________________________________ Date _______________

**Signed copy of Syllabus due: Monday, August 24, 2015**


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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