Jesuit College requirements - Creighton University

Jesuit College Requirements

|Jesuit Institution |FACHEX Admission based on: |School Admission Deadline |Description |Will you accept Fachex |Administrative Fees? |How many Fachex awards do you |

| | | |(Location, Size, Popular Majors) |requests for Transfer | |typically award? |

| | | | |students? | | |

|Canisius College |First come/First serve to all |Rolling |Buffalo, NY - 3,300 Undergrad. Liberal |Yes | |5-10 |

| |accepted into Canisius * | |Arts | | | |

|College of the Holy Cross |Academic record |Regular Decision January 15 |Worcester, MA – 2,700 undergraduate, 0 |No | |0-2 |

| | | |graduate, Liberal arts curriculum | | | |

|Creighton University |Academic record |Rolling |Omaha, NE – 3,931 Undergrad. Health |Yes | |5-7 |

| | | |Professions, Business, Biological | | | |

| | | |Sciences. 2802 Grad and Professional | | | |

|Fairfield University |Academic record |Jan. 15 |Fairfield, CT – 5100 Undergrad & |NO | |1-3 to incoming freshmen: Highly |

|Phyllis Fitzpatrick | | |Graduate students: 4 undergraduate | | |competitive |

|203-254-4000 ext 2774 | | |schools: Arts/Sciences; Business; | | | |

| | | |Nursing; and Engineering | | | |

| | | |English, Psychology, Biology largest | | | |

| | | |majors | | | |

|Fordham University |Academic Record |February 1 |Bronx, NY – 6,358 Undergrad. & Grad. |NO |NO |0-4 |

|Mr. Dino Rallis | | |Business, Psychology, Communication. | | |(Only offered to entering Fall |

|Phone: 718-817-3423 | | | | | |Freshman – Highly Competitive |

|Gonzaga University |Based on order of admission |Must apply for Early Action |Spokane, WA – - 4,100 Undergrad. |Yes | |0-3 |

| | |(Nov. 15) |Popular majors include Business | | | |

| | | |Administration, Social Sciences and | | | |

| | | |Engineering | | | |

|John Carroll University |All applications are accepted |February 1 |University Heights, OH (Suburban | | | |

| |(with acceptance to the school)| |Cleveland) – 3,599 Undergrad. | | | |

| | | |Communication, Biology, Education. | | | |

|Le Moyne College |All admitted students * |Rolling up to Mar. 1 |Syracuse, NY – 2,350 Undergrad., |Yes | |Varies |

| | | |Biology, Education, Psychology, | | | |

| | | |Sociology, Business Administration. | | | |

|Loyola College |Academic record |January 15 |Baltimore, MD – 3,556Undergraduate, |As of Spring 2003, Loyola | |2-3 |

| | | |2631 Graduate |will no longer accept | | |

| | | | |FACHEX requests for | | |

| | | | |transfer students | | |

|Loyola Marymount University|Selective academic Recordytyt |Jan 15 |Los Angeles, CA – 5,000 Undergrad. | | |Present LMU students on our FACHEX |

| | | |Business, L1beral Arts, Film/TV, |Yes, but realistically it | |Waitlist will eventually be offered |

| | | |Science/Engineering, Fine and |is unlikely that the | |tuition remission if space becomes |

| | | |Communication Arts |student would ever receive| |available. |

| | | | |FACHEX. | | |

|Loyola University of |The selection process will be | Students must be admitted to |Chicago, IL – 7,497 Undergrad. |Yes | |15-20 |

|Chicago |competitive and merit based |Loyola Chicago by February 1. |Biology, Business, Psychology. | | | |

| |A minimum cumulative grade | | | | | |

| |point average of 3.0 will be | | | | | |

| |required for annual renewal | | | | | |

|Loyola University New |Selective- academics, |Dec. 1st is both the priority |New Orleans, LA – 3,298 Undergrad. |Yes | |1-3 |

|Orleans |interview, date of application,|deadline for admission and |Psychology, Communication, | | | |

| |date of acceptance |deadline for FACHEX |International Business. | | | |

|Marquette University |Academic Record; see full |Rolling; priority deadline Feb.|Milwaukee, WI – 7499 Undergrad. |Preference is given to | |0-9 |

| |policy at |1 |Liberal Arts and Business, Nursing, |freshmen | | |

| | |Engineering, Health Sciences. | | | |

| |home/student/undergrad/forms | | | | | |

|Regis University |First come/First serve |Rolling |Denver, CO – 1,103 Undergrad. Nursing,| | | |

| | | |Business | | | |

|Rockhurst College |Academic record |Rolling |Kansas City, MO – 2,074 Undergrad. | | | |

| | | |Nursing, Biology, Psychology. | | | |

|Saint Joseph’s University |Academic record |Early Action Nov. 15 (Dec. 15 |Philadelphia, PA – 4,200 Undergrad. |No | |3 |

| | |for Fachex) |Food Marketing, Education, Psychology. | | | |

|Saint Louis University |ACT/SAT scores with GPA and |Rolling |Saint Louis, MO – 9,836 Undergrad. |No | |Traditionally 1-12 |

| |then timeliness of application | |Psychology, Biology, Nursing, Business,| | | |

| |as the tie breaker | |Communication, Arts and Science, Parks | | | |

| | | |- Engineering. | | | |

|Saint Peter’s College |First come/First serve |Rolling |Jersey City, NJ (20 miles from NYC) – | | | |

| | | |3,211 Undergrad. Business Management, | | | |

| | | |Accounting, Elementary Education. | | | |

|Santa Clara University |Academic Record |January 15 |Santa Clara, CA – 4,500 Undergrad. |Yes | |0-2 |

| | | |Arts and Sciences, Business Engineering| | | |

|Seattle University |Academic Record |Rolling |Seattle, WA – 5200 Undergrad. Nursing,|No | |3-5 |

| | |February 1st for Fachex |Business School, Engineering | | | |

|Spring Hill College | | | | | | |

|University of Detroit Mercy|All applications are accepted | |Detroit, MI – 4,275 Undergrad. | | | |

| |(with acceptance to the school)| |Nursing, Engineering, Architecture, | | | |

| | | |Environmental Design. | | | |

|University of San Francisco|Academic Record |Early Action Nov. 15th and |San Francisco, CA – 4,690 Undergrad. |Yes | |0-2 |

| | |priority deadline Feb. 1st |Nursing, Business School. | | | |

|University of Scranton |Academic record | |Scranton, PA – 4,018 Undergrad. |will accept FACHEX | | |

| | | |Biology, Communication, Elementary |applications for transfer | | |

| | | |Education. |upper-class students | | |

|Wheeling Jesuit University|All applications are accepted |Rolling |Wheeling, WV – 1,286 Undergrad. |Yes | |1-3 |

| |(with acceptance to the school)| |Psychology, Nursing, Nuclear Medicine, | | | |

| | | |Elementary Education. | | | |

|Xavier University |Academic record |Rolling |Cincinnati, OH – 3,855 Undergrad. |Yes | |3-6 |

| | |Feb 1 for Fachex |Business & Education. | | | |


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