Group Discussion Assessment Templates

|Student Rubric for Evaluating Group Work, Sources: B. Frandsen, 2004. Participation Rubric for Group Development, |

| Accessed 20 May 2005. |

|J. Parr, 2003. Group Discussion Rubric, Accessed 20 May 2005. |

|Criteria |Distinguished |Proficient |Basic |Unacceptable |

| | | | | |

|Workload |Did a full share of the|Did an equal share of the |Did almost as much work as|Did less work than others; |

| |work--or more; knows |work; does work when asked; |others; seldom asks for |Doesn't get caught up after |

| |what needs to be done |works hard most of the time.|help. |absence;  doesn’t ask for |

| |and does it; volunteers| | |help. |

| |to help others. | | | |

|Getting Organized |Took the initiative |Worked agreeably with |Could be coaxed into |Did not meet partner(s) at |

| |proposing meeting time |partner(s) concerning times |meeting with other |agreed times and places. |

| |and getting group |and places to meet. |partner(s). | |

| |organized. | | | |

|Participation in |Provided many good |Participated in discussions;|Listened mainly; on some |Seemed bored with |

|Discussions |ideas for the unit |shared feelings and |occasions, made |conversations about the unit;|

| |development; inspires |thoughts. |suggestions. |rarely spoke up and ideas |

| |others; clearly | | |were off the mark. |

| |communicated desires, | | | |

| |ideas, personal needs | | | |

| |and feelings. | | | |

|Meeting Deadlines |Completed assigned work|Completed assigned work on |Needed some reminding, |Needed much reminding, Work |

| |ahead of time. |time. |work was late but it |was late and it did impact |

| | | |didn’t impact grade. |quality or grade. |

|Showing up for |Showed up for meetings |Showed up for meetings on |Showed up late but it |No show or extremely late. |

|Meetings |punctually, sometimes |time. |wasn’t a big problem for |Feeble or no excuse offered. |

|Score |ahead of time. | |completing work. | |

|Providing Feedback|Habitually provides |Gave feedback that did not |Provided some feedback |Was openly rude when giving |

| |dignified, clear, and |offend. |Sometimes hurt feelings of|feedback. |

|Score |respectful feedback. |  |others with feedback or |  |

| |  | |made irrelevant comments | |

| | | |  | |

|Receiving Feedback|Graciously accepted |Accepted feedback. |Reluctantly accepted |Refused to listen to |

|Score |feedback. |  |feedback. |feedback. |

| |  | |  |  |


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