Course Section Information - Algonquin College

Due to COVID19 this course may be offered via remote delivery in 2020-21. Your course may have changes that are not reflected in the Course Outline. Please refer to this Course Section Information document for updated information about your course. If you have questions please contact your professor.COURSE SECTION INFORMATION (CSI)Term: Spring 2021 <Insert Course Number and Course Title ><Insert Course Section Number ><Insert Program Name> Professor’s Name: Email/Contact Info:Learning ResourcesRequired Resources Required text(s) & resources must correspond to Course Outline <Insert textbooks ,articles, websites, audio/video files, software, hardware, equipment/tools>Additional Reference/Supporting Resources (specific to this course section)<Include any additional resources specific to this course section. As Algonquin College continues to respond to public health guidelines, many courses will be offered through remote delivery. As such, students will be required to have access to a computer and to the internet. There may also be additional technology-related resources required to participate in a course that are not included in the course materials fee, such as headphones, webcams, specialized software, etc. Details on these requirements should be indicated in this CSI document>Evaluation BreakdownMust correspond to Course Outline however may be further broken downReminder to include Assessment Due Dates in Brightspace CalendarAssessmentValueCLRse.g., Assignment 1: Formal Email5%1, 3, 4Learning Schedule (subject to change with notification)DateWeekly Theme and Learning OutcomesLearning ActivitiesAssessments (%) ResourcesCLRsWeek 1(insert date here)e.g., Introduction to CommunicationsIdentify common reasons for mis communicationExplain the basic principles of plain-style writingSelf-check Quiz: Osgood-Schramm model of CommunicationPlain-style writing practice paragraphAssignment 1: Formal Email (5%)(include due dates or timelines)Guffey, pp. 1-121, 2Week 2Week 3Week 4Week 5Week 6Week 7Week 8BREAKBREAKBREAKBREAKWeek 9Week 10Week 11Week 12Week 13Week 14Week 15Other Important InformationExamples of information to include in this section:Details regarding remote delivery (if applicable) and whether learning activities are synchronous or asynchronousClassroom policies specific to the course section (e.g., attendance, classroom etiquette)Process/expectations regarding late assignments and extensions Relevant College services ................

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