What to do and what to look for when visiting a college campus:

College visited___________________________________

Date of visit__________________

Admissions contact person__________________________

Financial aid contact person_________________________

1. Make an appointment on campus, during the week if possible, not during college vacations. You will get a more realistic picture of the college if you have the chance to observe everyday activities on campus

2. Attend a class, if possible, preferably in the academic field of study in which you plan to major.


3. Take a campus tour. Ask for a complete tour of all major buildings and facilities (if you have the time and the campus is a reasonable size). If the college offers only group tours of preselected buildings and equipment, you might want to take your own tour for comparison. Look especially at:

a. Dormitories (their proximity to library, etc.)

b. Dining hall (try it out!)

c. Student center

d. Library

e. Classrooms

f. Recreational and athletic facilities

g. Any special features


4. Ask about forms of transportation in the locality (esp. if you won’t have a car on campus.)


5. Research the college beforehand, so that you can ask informed questions. Take this list with you for possible questions to ask:

a. The comparison between the average class size and student-faculty ratio

b. Opportunities for outside interests, extracurricular activities, and leadership roles

c. Your chances for acceptance

d. The college financial stability (most colleges have information on endowments, alumni gifts, grants awarded to academic departments, percentage of operating costs supplied by student tuition, and other details.)


6. Make sure you have a current catalog and current information from the college on academic requirements, curriculum and tuition.

7. Check out the surrounding community or communities for shopping, entertainment, etc.


8. Be prepared for the admissions interviewer to ask you questions such as the following:

a. Why do you want to attend college?

b. Why are you interested in this college?

c. Why did you choose your major (if already chosen)? Do you have a career direction in mind?

d. What are your academic strengths and weaknesses, and what are your academic interests?

e. What do you like to do in your spare time? Do you know any alumni of the college?

9. Talk with students and faculty. Ask:

a. What is it like here?

b. How is the social life?

c. Do you find the college academically challenging?

d. How easy is it to talk with instructors and administrators? Is extra help available when you need it?

e. What is the atmosphere? (preppy, intellectual, very liberal, conservative, religious, sports-oriented?)


10. Stay overnight on campus if possible. When calling the admissions office for your appointment, you can ask the personnel if they can arrange for an overnight visit.


11. Write a thank-you note to the admissions interviewer after your campus visit. (This act of courtesy shows your genuine interest in the college.)

Remember – Like it or not – You are making an impression. Be yourself. Be relaxed. Be prepared. Dress neatly. Ask questions!



1. What religious organizations are active and what provisions are there for chapel services, religion classes and other spiritual emphases?

2. How are roommates selected?

3. Are cultural activities available to suit your interests?

4. Is part-time work available and how is it arranged?


1. Will you be more comfortable at a junior college or a four-year college?

2. Is the school fully accredited?

3. Are there advanced placements? What type are they? Credit by exam? Summer school credits? Do they require, or will they accept, achievement tests for placements?

4. Are there special academic programs available?

5. How is the academic year divided? What is the normal course load and what provisions are required to take more or less?

6. Are credits transferable to other schools you might consider for transfer?

7. What percentage of the incoming freshman class actually graduate?

8. Find out what percent of graduates go on to graduate school. What percent receive admittance of those who apply?

9. What are the foreign language requirements for admission and/or graduation?

10. Is there a job placement service for graduates?

NOTE: You may want to duplicate these pages to record information from each school being considered.

HELFPUL HINTS Practical Living Skills

1. Learn how to learn. Consider signing up for a study skills class and/or speed reading.

2. Learn how to type! (if you don’t already)

3. Take a library tour the first week!

4. Decide in advance where you will spend holidays.

5. Ask Mom for a lesson in washing clothes before you leave.

6. Ask Dad for lessons and a trial run in budgeting before you leave.

7. Ask Dad for a roll of quarters. Save these in a safe place (and out of temptations’ way) for the washateria. You’ll be glad you did.

8. If living in an apartment, copy some of your favorite recipes from Mom’s kitchen.

9. Attend Welcome Week!!!!!!!!!

10. Listen well during orientation. WRITE DOWN how to drop/add a class—steps involved. Deadline for doing so. (Changes in schedules may be necessary and are not a sign of failure.)

11. Note the regulations for using the Health Center.

12. Begin signing your name on all documents with first name, middle initial and last name. (Avoid nicknames in your official signature.)

13. Memorize your social security number.

14. Start saving now for a slush fund of approximately $200 for use in emergencies. Tell no one of its whereabouts (in which shoebox to look). Examples of need: Deposit for lost room key, extra text needed mid semester, etc.)

15. Open a checking account. Pay all bills by check, signing your official signature. This will give you proof of payment and a record of expenses.

16. Put your social security number or student I.D. on all checks.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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