IEC Sample Survey Questions for ... - Gavilan College

IEC Sample Survey Questions for Assessing Program Satisfaction

On the next two pages is a template survey using the name FOO to represent your program name. To replace FOO with your program name, use the find and replace function (ctrl-h). Contact the researcher or the staff resource center for assistance with this function. Comments on each question are provided below:

Question 1: Agreement Ratings

Note that some of these statements are stated in the negative to encourage respondents to read each question carefully. Feel free to change positive to negative and vice versa as needed to encourage conscientious responses. Also feel free to add, delete, and modify questions to meet your program needs. These questions have been added as a table so that you must insert or delete rows to add or remove questions. Contact the researcher or the staff resource center for assistance with formatting.

Questions 2 and 3: Learning excitors and inhibitors

These questions extract qualitative information about what in your program is working well and what needs improvement. By explicitly asking about learning, these questions can also be used for meeting accreditation requirements.

Question 4: Comments

Tries to capture other qualitative aspects not covered elsewhere.

Questions 5-12: Demographics

Used to give a profile of respondents and interpret their responses in the context of their personal characteristics.

Administration and analysis:

Generally more surveys give better data but also take more time to analyze. Between 50 and 100 surveys should be sufficient with a bare minimum of 30. It is not strictly necessary to enter all the data and analyze statistically. Often, open response comments are the richest information and worth reading a few times. If there are statements that at least a quarter of respondents give a 1 or 2, those are likely problem areas that should be addressed. The characteristics of these dissatisfied respondents should be reviewed to see if a particular type of student is concerned or if it is a more general concern. The final result of reviewing survey results would be a set of self-recommendations of items to improve or maintain.


FOO Program Satisfaction Survey


We would like your feedback on how well the FOO program is meeting your needs as well as your suggestions for improving the program. Please review and answer the following questions to best of you ability.

1. Please rate your agreement with the following statements about the FOO program on a scale of 1 to 7 with 1 being completely disagree and 7 being completely agree:

|Rating |Statement |

| |I have learned what I expected from my FOO classes |

| |I have the opportunity to learn all the skills I need |

| |Equipment and facilities are sufficient and well maintained |

| |I have trouble making my FOO required classes fit into my schedule |

| |FOO instructors are knowledgeable |

| |I have a good idea of what jobs I might be able to get when I complete the FOO program |

| |The FOO program is rigorous |

| |I would recommend the FOO program to family or friends |

| |It has been difficult to access FOO labs to study and practice |

| |I have the same opportunity to succeed as other FOO students |

| |Support services such as tutoring and counseling helped me succeed in the FOO program |

| |Support services such as tutoring and counseling are adequate the FOO program |

2. What 3 things about the FOO program have most helped you learn?


3. What 3 things about the FOO program have most slowed down or inhibited your learning?



4. Do you have any other comments or suggestions to help improve the FOO program?


Please tell us about yourself by marking the responses that best describe you.

5. How many units are you taking?

|□ |0 to 3 |□ |4 to 11 |□ |12 or more |

6. How many semesters have you attended this college, including this semester?

|□ |1 |□ |2 |□ |3 |□ |4 or more |

7. I am taking classes…

|□ |day only |□ |evening only |□ |both day and evening |

8. Educational Goal: (Mark any that apply)

|□ |Transfer to a 4-yr college |□ |Job Skills |

|□ |AA/AS Degree or Certificate |□ |Personal Interest |

| | |

|□ |Other:_____________________________________________ |

9. Ethnicity

|□ |Asian |□ |Native American |

|□ |African-American |□ |Pacific Islander |

|□ |Filipino |□ |White; Non-Hispanic |

|□ |Hispanic |□ |Other:______________________________ |

10. Gender

|□ |Female |□ |Male |

11. Age

|□ |17 or younger |□ |30 – 34 |

|□ |18 – 20 |□ |35 – 39 |

|□ |21 – 24 |□ |40 – 49 |

|□ |25 – 29 |□ |50 or older |

12. Disability Status

|□ |I have a physical disability |

|□ |I have a learning disability |

|□ |I do not have any known disabilities |

Thank you for completing this survey!


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