AP Persuasive Essay Rubric

AP Persuasive Essay Rubric

|Criteria |Exemplary |Proficient |Needs Improvement |Unacceptable |Student |Teacher |

| |4 |3 |2 |1 |Grade |Grade |

|Quote Selection/Integration |quotes provide meaningful evidence to |most quotes provide meaningful evidence |some quotes merely restate assertions |no quotes or examples or inappropriate | | |

| |support assertions |most quotes related to argument |Quote choice needs improvement |ones | | |

| |Quotes are directly related argument |2 meaningful AQC per paragraph |comments restate assertions/some missing |Most quotes do not show connection to | | |

| |2 strong assertions per paragraph |Most quotes prefaced |Insufficient development of ideas |argument | | |

| |well prefaced passages |most comments reflective |more transitional elements needed or some|missing comments | | |

| |all reflective comments |transitional elements |inappropriate ones |Poor or no discussion of quotes used. | | |

| |Strong, appropriate transitional | | |no transitional | | |

| |elements | | | | | |

|Organization &Style |Body paragraphs clearly organized around |Most body paragraphs organized around |Insufficient body paragraph development |Body paragraphs summarize rather than | | |

| |separate ideas |separate ideas. |to support thesis |analyze | | |

| |Strong topic sentences |Most topic sentence strong |Weak topic sentences |Paragraphs do not support thesis | | |

| |Summative conclusion, specific to general|Conclusion specific to general |Conclusion not persuasive, may contain |Conclusion missing | | |

| |offers insight into argument |needs to offer insight into argument |trite expressions (i.e. “In conclusion” |Limited vocabulary | | |

| |Sophisticated, precise language engages |Some complex vocabulary |or “In summary”) |Incorrect/ineffective sentence structure | | |

| |reader |Sentence length/structure enhances flow. |Vocab may be simplistic |Run-ons/ fragments | | |

| |Uses language to expresses complex ideas |Lively active verbs |Sentence length structure may be choppy |Mostly passive verbs | | |

| |Varied sentence length /structure |Many strong adjectives |May include colloquial expressions |Weak adjectives | | |

| |Lively active verbs | |Some passive verbs | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Development: Incite & |Demonstrates critical thinking that is |Well- developed with more than adequate |Possesses limited knowledge of subject, |Undeveloped ideas, does not form | | |

|Originality |clear, logical, deep, broad, and relevant|detail and may show depth in thinking and|little substance, and weaknesses in |conclusions or exhibit critical thinking.| | |

| |to the topic. |research. |development |Rambling generalizations that are | | |

| |Uses imagination to make clear |Makes connections without higher level of|Analysis is general and lacks originality|loosely, if not at all, connected to the | | |

| |connections with ideas |thinking | |topic | | |

| |Takes risks in writing to effective prove|Understands topic, but offers slight |Represents slight misunderstanding of the|Paraphrases ideas instead of using any | | |

| |thesis. |underdeveloped ideas |topic and individual interpretation |form of analytical thoughts | | |

|Format/Mechanics |Displays overall accuracy in which errors| |Displays many errors that compromise |Displays glaring errors that seriously | | |

| |do not compromise understanding of |Displays few errors that do not |understanding of writing |compromise understanding of entire piece.| | |

| |writing. |compromise understanding of writing. |Uneven development in which grammar |Inconsistent, if not any, control over | | |

| | | |hinders the understanding of the topic |the elements of writing | | |

| | | | |Rambling | | |

Revised 10/28/07


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