Conference Overview - Mohawk College

Inspiring Minds: What is Student Success? | Call for ProposalsConference OverviewConference?Purpose?As the Mohawk community moves From Recovery to Innovation, the purpose of Inspiring Minds: What is Student Success??is to:??Renew our collective, college-wide and personal commitment to promote/enhance?student success?throughout the student lifecycle.?Engage the college-wide community in conversations about student success, what it is, and how it relates to their role moving forward?from recovery to innovation.??Audience??The?primary?audience for this conference includes?all educators in the?Mohawk College community: faculty and instructors, staff, administrators and collaborative partners.?External participants are welcome.??Dates?Call for Proposals?Open: March 2 – 22, 2021?Proposal Deadline: March 22, 2021, 4:00 p.m.?Notice of Acceptance: March 30, 2021?Registration Opens: early April?Presentation Materials:?April – a week prior to the conference?Conference:?Wednesday, April 28 and Thursday, April 29, 2021?-?9:00?a.m.?– 12:30 p.m.?Format??All?synchronous?sessions will be?30 minutes in length. If you feel your content requires additional time, please suggest a two-part session in your proposal.??While there will be two mornings of synchronous content, asynchronous content?of various lengths?will also be showcased at this conference. Please indicate your preference in your proposal.??Please note that all sessions will be recorded and posted as asynchronous content after the conference.??Learning Outcomes??All sessions will need to support at least one of the three conference learning outcomes:?LO01 -?Examine?student success?throughout the student lifecycle?from a?variety of?perspectives.??LO02 -?Investigate?evidence-based?resources, tools,?strategies?and supports to promote student success in technology-mediated learning environments.??LO03?-?Foster collaboration to promote student success.??Proposal Overview?Proposals may?either?be?emailed to?, by March 22, 2021 @ by 4:00 pm, in one of following three?formats:?Complete the Word form??Create a video submission by including?all?the information below?and sending the link by email?Create an audio submission by including all?the information below?and sending the link by email?Inspiring Minds: What is Student Success??Proposal?Presenter Name(s) & Contact InformationPlease?include your name(s) and contact information.?Click or tap here to enter text.Session Title?Please?include the title of your proposed session.?Click or tap here to enter text.Session?Description?Briefly (150 words max) outline your proposed session.??Click or tap here to enter text.?Learning Outcomes?Please indicate which learning outcomes your session will address (check all that apply):?? LO01 -?Examine?student success?throughout the student lifecycle?from a?variety of?perspectives.??? LO02 -?Investigate?evidence-based?resources, tools,?strategies?and supports to promote student success in technology-mediated learning environments.??? LO03?-?Foster collaboration to promote student success.??Please explain how your session will address the indicated learning outcomes.?Click or tap here to enter text.?Delivery?How would you prefer to deliver your content??? Synchronously?(30 minutes)?? Asynchronously?(Any length)?Will you need a two-part?synchronous?session (60 minutes)??? No?? Yes?Please rank your preferred presentation day: Choose an item. Wednesday, April 28, 2021Choose an item. Thursday, April 29, 2021Considerations?Please describe how you will make your audience feel included in your session (e.g.?provide a variety of ways to communicate in the session, invite questions, include diverse?examples or case studies, etc.).?Click or tap here to enter text.Session content for the Inspiring Minds: What is Student Success? Conference needs to be accessible. To learn more about how to make your content accessible, please review?Mohawk College’s Accessibility Tools and Resources webpages.?Resources?Please list the resources you will be providing in advance of the session:?Click or tap here to enter text.Presenter Information?Please include a brief biography (50 words max) for each presenter.??Click or tap here to enter text.Additional Information?Please share any additional information you feel the selection committee should know about you or your session.??Click or tap here to enter text. ................

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