Honors College Study - James Madison University - JMU

312991548895Honors College Study Abroad Scholarship Application020000Honors College Study Abroad Scholarship ApplicationStudent InformationDate: FORMTEXT ?????Full Name: FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? Last First MiddlePermanent Address: FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? Street AddressTelephone # (include Area Code) FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ?? FORMTEXT ????? CityStateZIP CodeStudent ID#: FORMTEXT ?????E-mail: FORMTEXT ?????Are you a transfer student? FORMTEXT ?????Major(s): FORMTEXT ?????Minor(s): FORMTEXT ?????Cumulative GPA: FORMTEXT ?????1st semester at JMU: FORMTEXT ?????Expected grad semester: FORMTEXT ?????Application QuestionsWhich study abroad program or experience are you applying for? Please indicate location and dates. FORMTEXT ?????Discuss your interest in studying abroad. Please make reference to the specific program for which you are applying. FORMTEXT ?????Have you travelled internationally before? If yes, please list all instances, including location, dates, and purpose. FORMTEXT ?????Describe your experiences in the Honors College. FORMTEXT ?????Indicate the amount you are requesting ($300, $500, $1000). Please keep in mind that funds are limited; only request the amount you need. FORMTEXT ?????Please discuss any factors that would affect your ability to study abroad that the scholarship committee should take into consideration. FORMTEXT ?????Return the application to: Honors College main office, Hillcrest 105; or email to honors@jmu.edu. Revised 09/2019 jldADDITIONAL INFORMATIONHONORS COLLEGE STUDY ABROAD SCHOLARSHIPSDEADLINES AND NOTIFICATIONSNovember 1: Applications for funds for Honors College-sponsored study abroad programs in spring and summer. You will receive an e-mail award notice indicating the amount awarded or notice of denial within one week of deadline.Rolling basis: Applications for all other study abroad programs and opportunities. These funds are limited and will be awarded on a first come, first served basis. You will receive an e-mail award notice indicating the amount awarded or notice of denial up to three weeks after receipt of application.AMOUNT OF AWARDSScholarship awards are $300, $500 or $1000 depending on the financial need of the applicant, the cost of the study abroad experience, and the level of available funds. AWARD CRITERIAAwards are based on a combination of financial need, academic merit, quality of scholarship application responses, and level of engagement in the Honors College. Students must be in good academic standing in the Honors College and must demonstrate financial need that is appropriate to the level of funding requested. If necessary, preference is given to students who have had limited international travel experience. Track III Honors students are not eligible for Honors College study abroad funds.Honors College Fiscal Administrator ONLYDate Request Rec’d:Semester:Approval (YES or NO) and amount:Reason:Payment process method (Scholarship, Budget Office, Departmental Scholarship, etc.)Payment Process Date:Honors CollegeApproval signature:______________________________________Bradley R. Newcomer, Dean Honors CollegeDetails/Notes: ................

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