Cheaper-than-Tuition! | Fake Diplomas, Transcripts & Degrees

1516380205739CHEAPER-THAN- CUSTOM TRANSCRIPT FORM!Use this form if you have chosen the option to specify YOUR OWN classes, grades, GPA and semesters you would like to have listed on your transcripts (as opposed to our default classes for your degree/major). Please note however that this is usually an additional cost option! Please see our online order form(s) for more information!When finished, please upload this form in .DOCX (Microsoft Word) or .PAGES (Apple Pages) format when completing the online order form on our website (you’ll see the button on the order form) or you can also email it to “Sales@Cheaper-than-”. Just be sure that we have received it before or when we receive your payment!PLEASE DO NOT email or attach .PDF’s or images of your own transcript or one you found online and say “print this” or “use these classes”. Unfortunately, that’s not something we currently do. All custom transcript information has to be submitted using this form.VERY, VERY, VERY IMPORTANT! While we do offer this option and allow you to customize your transcript with the exact classes, grades, and GPA you want, we just ask that you VERY CAREFULLY read and understand ALL of the instructions below before proceeding and then PROOFREAD EVERYTHING when you have finished.We have made the instructions below as clear and simple as we can but we still receive Custom Transcript Forms from customers quite frequently with obvious typo’s, incomplete information, credits and GPA’s that have been miscalculated, etc., etc…Proofread and “make sure your t’s are crossed and your i’s are dotted”, your dates are correct, your decimal points are in all the right places and everything is calculated correctly. We are going to assume that all of the information included below is complete, correct and exactly as you want it when you submit this form and we’re going to print all of the information on this form exactly as you have submitted it to us.If you’re not quite clear on all of the instructions above, you can generally find a lot more information on all of this elsewhere online by Googling whatever questions you may have. Worse case scenario though, if you’re still not absolutely clear on what classes you need or how grade points and GPA’s are calculated, we recommend leaving it to us and using our default classes based on your desired degree/major and calculate everything. We’re pro’s at this.INSTRUCTIONS & TIPS FOR CUSTOMIZING YOUR TRANSCRIPTSEMESTERS / TERMS:The number of semesters in one college year may vary from one school to another. In general, there are two semesters in every college year (usually listed as “FALL” and “SPRING” or “WINTER” semesters). A 4-year “Bachelor” Degree will generally consist of 8 semesters and approximately 120 credits, although this can vary slightly depending on the type of degree. 2-year “Associate” Degrees usually require at least 60 credits and graduate / “Master” Degrees usually require 30-60 credits. Ph.D. Degrees can vary quite a bit, with most of the work consisting of research, publishing academic papers, thesis’, etc. instead of typical classes or course work (please note: we can make custom Ph.D. transcripts, but we do not produce any type of medical degrees)CLASSES & CREDITS (“CR”): A full time student takes 12 or more credits per semester. An average class is 3 credits/units but math, lab science, and language classes are usually more credits and fitness classes are usually less credits. You can usually find information such as class codes and credits pertaining to your degree on the college or university web site of your choice.GRADES (“GR”) & POINTS (“PTS”):Grades are worth the following points: A = 4.00, A- = 3.70, B+ = 3.30, B = 3.00, B- = 2.70, C+ = 2.30, C = 2.00, C- = 1.70, D+ = 1.3, D = 1.0, D- = 0.7To calculate total points earned for a class, simply multiply grade points by credit hours. For example, lets say you got a “B-“ in your History class, which is a 3 credit hour class. You would multiply 2.7 x 3.0 for a total of 8.1.CALCULATING GPA:You can calculate your Grade Point Average (“GPA”) for a semester or for your entire transcript or academic record by simply adding up the total credit hours (“CR”) and the total points earned (“PTS”) for an entire semester. Then, all you have to do is divide the Points by Credits. The result is your GPA.CUSTOMER / STUDENT TRANSCRIPT INFORMATIONStudent Name:LAST, FIRST MIDDLEDate of Birth:MM/DD/YYYYStudent I.D. #:Example: AB34567-1 or 123-45-6789Degree Type: Example: Bachelor of ScienceMajor:Example: Business AdministrationGraduation Date:MM/DD/YYYY (…or “didn’t graduate”)Honors Options:“Cum Laude”? None?Ending GPA:3.33TRANSCRIPT CLASSES, GRADES & INFORMATION!Listed below are two sample semesters (about 1 full-time year) to give you a general template and starting point. Feel free to add or subtract as many semesters as you like, as well as add or subtract as many classes as you like to each semester. People that attended school part time for example will probably have fewer classes per semester but more semesters (and even possibly summer semesters).|———————————— MAXIMUM WIDTH ———————————|———————————— BEGINNING OF ACADEMIC RECORD ————————————COURSE DESCRIPTION CR GR PTS GPA======================================================FALL 20XXORI 101 CLASS 1 1.0 A 4.0MAT 082 CLASS 2 4.0 B+ 13.2ENG 131 CLASS 3 3.0 C- 5.1ART 100 CLASS 4 3.0 A 12.0CHM 121 CLASS 5 3.0 A- 11.1CHM 121L CLASS 6 1.0 C 2.0 TERM TOTALS 15.0 47.4 3.16 CUMULATIVE TOTALS 15.0 47.4 3.16SPRING 20XXWRT 111 CLASS 7 3.0 A 12.0MAT 102 CLASS 8 4.0 B+ 13.2ENG 150 CLASS 9 3.0 C 6.0SPN 101 CLASS 10 3.0 B 9.0BIO 111 CLASS 11 3.0 B+ 9.9BIO 111L CLASS 12 1.0 B 3.0PE 117 CLASS 13 3.0 D 3.0 TERM TOTALS 20.0 56.1 2.81 CUMULATIVE TOTALS 35.0 103.5 2.96——————————————— END OF ACADEMIC RECORD ———————————————|———————————— MAXIMUM WIDTH ———————————|


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