January 3, 2006 FEMA Emergency Management Higher …

January 3, 2006 FEMA Emergency Management Higher Education Project Activity Report


January 3, 2006 -- Received news from Carol Cwiak, emergency management doctoral student at North Dakota State University, that she has just recently distributed a survey questionnaire to representatives of colleges and universities with emergency management programs on The College List on the EM HiEd Project website. In that emergency management literature continues to grow and evolve she is seeking to update results from a partially successful emergency management body of knowledge survey conducted last year -- not all leads for program levels (AD, BA/S, Grad) came through with committed for survey results. Carol is surveying at all three of these collegiate levels. Unlike last year's survey -- which sought to compile a listing of the top 50 "readings" in emergency management -- Carol is asking only for a listing of the top ten emergency management readings (books, articles, reports, etc.) believed to be absolutely essential for a student to have read prior to completion of an emergency management course of study -- again at three levels -- AD, BA/S, Graduate. If you receive one of Carol's survey instruments would you please take the time to complete it and email it back to her -- at madamgovnr@. These surveys are, we believe, important for the growth of the discipline of emergency management.


January 3, 2005 -- Reviewed 2nd draft of chapter 5 "Principal Hazards In The United States" (47 pages), and provided review comments to lead textbook developer, Dr. Michael Lindell, Texas A&M University.


"This chapter describes the principal environmental hazards that are of greatest concern to emergency managers in communities throughout the United States. Each of these hazards will be described in terms of the physical processes that generate them, the geographical areas that are most commonly at risk, the types of impacts and typical magnitude of hazard events, and hazard-specific issues of emergency response."

The chapter has been uploaded to the Project website -- Free College Courses, Books" section.


January 3, 2006 -- Received from Dr. Dennis Mileti, immediate past Director of the Natural Hazards Center at the University of Colorado at Boulder, his final edit of a transcript of his presentation on "The Future of Emergency Management," delivered on June 8, 2005 at the last Emergency Management Higher Education Conference. The four-page single-spaced presentation has been forwarded to the EMI Webmaster for upload to the Project website -- Hi Ed Conferences section -- 2005 EM HiEd Conference subsection -- click on "Agenda" and scroll down to June

8 morning session and then click on Dr. Mileti's name to access his presentation. Should be accessible shortly.


Yen, Hope. "U.S. Says It's Making Progress on Bird Flu." Associated Press, January 2, 2006. Accessed at:


Margasak, Larry. "Government Prepares For Next Big Disaster." The Associated Press, January 1, 2006. Accessed at:


January 3, 2006 -- The Department of Homeland Security issues a press release entitled "DHS Introduces Risk-based Formula for Urban Areas Security Initiative Grants," which, following the Hurricane Katrina response, alters the terrorism only criteria of the previous grant program to the largest cities in the country to incorporate natural hazards as well -- particularly to cities, or urban areas, facing multiple threats/hazards. The press release and two-page listing of eligible urban areas can be accessed at:


January 3, 2006 -- Talked with Jude Colle, Senior Researcher, Homeland Security Institute, about preparing for catastrophe -- Ms. Colle had learned of the Preparing for Catastrophe focus of the June 5-8, 2006 Emergency Management and Homeland Security/Defense Higher Education Conference and the potential pre-conference workshop on how to develop a college course on preparing for catastrophe -- and wanted additional information. The Homeland Security Institute has been tasked to work with the Department of Defense to develop a joint 2-3 week course on Strategic Planning for Catastrophic Emergencies aimed at a target audience of GS 14-15s and their DOD equivalents. Her timeline, however, is before the June Conference, so any materials developed immediately prior to, at or following the conference would not be of immediate use to the Homeland Security Institute project. Discussed differences to be made between disasters and catastrophes. For additional information, Jude Colle can be reached at: Judith.Colle@hsi.


Pipes, Daniel. "Two Germans vs. Islamism." Jewish World Review, January 3, 2006. Accessed at:

(9) WILMA:

Kestin, Sally. "FEMA Spent More On Generators Than On Repairs in Wake of Wilma." South Florida Sun-Sentinel, December 31, 2005. Accessed at:

Pounds, Marcia Heroux. "Time To Rethink Disaster Aid." South Florida Sun-Sentinel, January 2, 2006. Accessed at:

St. Petersburg Times (Editorial). "Stop FEMA's Hurricane Freebies."

January 2, 2006. Accessed at:

B.Wayne Blanchard, Ph.D., CEM

Higher Education Project Manager

Emergency Management Institute

National Emergency Training Center

Federal Emergency Management Agency

Department of Homeland Security

16825 S. Seton, N-430

Emmitsburg, MD 21727

(301) 447-1262, voice

(301) 447-1598, fax


January 4, 2006 FEMA Emergency Management Higher Education Project Activity Report


January 4, 2006 -- Discovered today that I missed this when it came out in 2005:

ASIS International. Business Continuity Guideline: A Practical Approach for Emergency Preparedness, Crisis Management, and Disaster Recovery. Alexandria VA: ASIS, International, 2005 (about 50 pages).

Accessed at:

From page 6 Summary:

"The BC Guideline is a tool to allow organizations to consider the factors and steps necessary to prepare for a crisis (disaster or emergency) so that it can manage and survive the crisis and take all appropriate actions to help ensure the organization's continued viability. The advisory portion of the guideline is divided into two parts: (1) the planning process and (2) successful implementation and maintenance. Part One provides step-by-step Business Continuity Plan preparation and activation guidance, including readiness, prevention, response, and recovery/resumption. Part Two details those tasks required for the Business Continuity Plan to be maintained as a living document, changing and growing with the organization and remaining relevant and executable."

Recommend reading in conjunction with this NFPA-1600 as well as the Business and Industry Crisis Management Course material found on the EM HiEd Project website -- Free College Courses section.


January 4, 2006 -- Called Dr. Larry R. Collins, Chair of the Department of Loss Prevention and Safety, to offer congratulations on the recent NIMS-related grant received by EKU. Dr. Collins noted that EKU is investigating the development of a Homeland Security Bachelors Degree. Further noted that a back burner item is the development of an Emergency Management Masters. For additional information, Dr. Collins can be reached at: larry.collins@eku.edu.


Scalet, Sarah D. "Risk Analysis - Spinning the Wheel of Misfortune."

CSO Magazine (Chief Security Officer), January 2006. Accessed at:

Scalet, Sarah D. "Three Not-to-Miss Risks." CSO Magazine, January 2006. Accessed at:


January 4, 2006 -- Reviewed 2nd draft of Chapter 6, "Hazard, Vulnerability, and Risk Analysis," and provided review comments to lead book developer, Dr. Michael Lindell, Texas A&M University. This chapter has been forwarded to the EMI Webmaster for upload to the Project website -- Free College Courses and Books section. Chapter abstract:

"This chapter describes how pre-impact conditions act together with event-specific conditions to produce a disaster's physical and social impacts. These disaster impacts can be reduced by emergency management interventions. In addition, this chapter discusses how emergency managers can assess the pre-impact conditions that produce disaster vulnerability within their communities. The chapter concludes with a discussion of vulnerability dynamics and methods for disseminating hazard/vulnerability data."


January 4, 2006 -- Received from Dr. David McEntire, University of North Texas, corrected transcripts we had provided him of two presentations at the June 2005 EM HiEd Conference -- 1., His defense of "Evolutionary Change" during the June 8 Plenary Panel on "Evolution or Revolution Needed in U.S. Emergency Management," and 2., his defense of the term "Comprehensive Vulnerability Management" during the June 9th Plenary Panel on "What Should We Call What We Do." Both transcripts have been forwarded to the EMI webmaster for upload to the Project website -- HiEd Conferences section -- 2005 EM HiEd Conference subsection -- click on "Agenda" and scroll to the appropriate presentations and click on Dr. McEntire's name.


January 4, 2006 -- Following up on yesterday's activity report on this initiative, talked with Dr. George L. Tanner, Director, Training, Education & Professional Development, DHS Preparedness Directorate, who is the Chairman of the Interagency (DHS & DOD) working group putting the "Strategic Planning for Catastrophic Emergencies" training course together. Pasted in below is some additional information on this initiative:

"Following an exchange between Secretaries Chertoff and Rumsfeld, HSI was tasked by DHS's Directorate of Preparedness to assist an interagency working group (currently being organized) in developing a joint 2-3 week course in Strategic Planning for Catastrophic Emergencies. The course is geared to GS 14-15s and their DOD equivalents. To the extent possible, the course will use existing training modules (and venues)--emphasizing strategic planning as taught and practiced at DOD and USCG, and emergency management as taught by DHS/FEMA, USCG, and others. The initial offerings will be presented to federal participants; however; subsequent offerings will include state/locals/tribes/private sector."

Dr. Tanner notes that his interagency working group is shooting for a May 2006 roll-out of this course. He also noted that additional information would be forthcoming as it becomes available -- so stay tuned. As noted yesterday, for additional information on this project, contact Judith Colle at the DHS Homeland Security Institute -- Judith.Colle@hsi.


January 4, 2006 -- Made modifications to the "Select Emergency Management Terms and Definitions" 88-page document and forwarded to EMI Webmaster to upload to the Project website -- Free College Courses section -- Courses Under Development subsection -- Hazards, Disasters and U.S. Emergency Management course -- to replace the previous version of this document in the Appendix section.


Wald, Matthew L. "Even After 'Dirty Bomb' Exposure, Residents Might Be Allowed Back In." New York Times, January 3, 2006. Accessed at:


January 4, 2006 -- Noted in yesterday's activity report the posting on the DHS website of information on the 2006 Urban Areas Security Grants and how, this year, natural disaster hazards will be taken into account.

Today read transcript of January 3 press statement followed by a few Q&A's -- Secretary Chertoff's written statement can be found in the "Speeches and Statements" section of the DHS website -- at:

Pasted in below a very relevant short excerpt dealing with natural



Can you talk a little bit about how much the risk of natural disasters plays in and your eligibility along those lines? Say there's marginal terrorism risk in certain areas, like northern Florida, but big hurricane risk; how does that...


This program is tied to risk of terror.

So we're operating within the terms of the program.

But the kinds of capabilities that we are considering to be appropriate as needs-based funding are capabilities that would certainly do double duty in the case of catastrophe. So, for example, capabilities to evacuate people would obviously have relevance in a terrorism case, with a certain kind of attack, but would also have relevance in a natural disaster of a certain kind.

So we are broadening our sense of what is need and what is an investment justification to take account of things that may do some double duty.


But eligibility and how they apply -- they wouldn't be applied citing their risk for a natural...


Correct, although common sense is going to tell you that consequence -- there will often be a lot of overlap. For example, where you have critical infrastructure that's a risk to terror, it may also be at risk for natural disasters."

Related news articles (amongst many that could be sited):

Amen, Rob. "New Grant Formula May Mean Less Money for Area."

Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, January 4, 2006. Accessed at:

McGlone, Tim. "Region Passed Over Again on Homeland Security List."

The Virginian-Pilot, January 4, 2006. Accessed at:

New York Times (Editorial). "Risk Wins a Round Over Politics." January 4, 2006. Accessed at:


Received from Terrence Downes at Middlesex Community College in Lowell, MA, notes from a December 6, 2005 conference on Avian Influenza Pandemic

-- pasted in below, and to be uploaded to the Project website in complete version -- Articles, Papers, etc. section -- where they should be accessible shortly.

MIDDLESEX COMMUNITY COLLEGE -- The Program On Homeland Security -- Terrence B. Downes, Esq., Executive Director -- Lowell, MA 01852 -- downest@middlesex.mass.edu

Avian Influenza Pandemic Conference, Tuesday, December 6, 2005

Conference Notes by: Edwin Jewett

A conference for emergency response & health planners on the possibility of an Avian Influenza Pandemic was conducted on December 6, 2005, at Middlesex Community College in Lowell, MA. The presenters were all top-flight, well-recognized, well-credentialed Centers for Disease Control, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and local public health, medical and emergency services experts.

The presenters included (inter alia):


Infectious Diseases Consultant at both the Lowell General Hospital and the Saints Memorial Medical Center, Lowell, MA


Associate Dean for Public Health Practice, Harvard School of Public Health, Boston


National Immunization Program, Centers for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC), Atlanta


Chief Medical Officer, Massachusetts Department of Public Health, and Director, Massachusetts Bureau of Communicable Disease Control

"Everyone is a public health practitioner."

pandemos - of all the people

50-100 million died in the 1918 pandemic (called the "Spanish Flu"

because Spain was a neutral country during World War I and thus had the only uncensored news, and was responsible for the early reports of the outbreak).

influenza -- medieval Italian for "influence of the stars"

The world suffers from "cultural amnesia" (Mike Davis, 2005) about the

1918 pandemic because there are few alive today who were alive then.

This is also relevant in terms of immunity.

In addition to death and disability, pandemic flu shortens life spans among survivors by as much as 10 years.

The H5N1 virus will impact young and middle-aged healthy individuals far more than normal seasonal flu due to the severity of the inflammation or cytokine storm it induces in healthy lungs. (See below for more on cytokine storms.)

Because of this abnormal and obverse peak of mortality across the demographic curve, the pandemic threatens social paralysis and disruption, will have a severe impact on familial and daily care (esp. for toddlers and the elderly), have a severe impact on the functionality of industry, government, health care et al, and will generate significant issues surrounding burial practices, social gatherings, and more.

The Top Ten Things You Need to Know...

1) Avian flu is not necessarily pandemic flu. The development of a

pandemic is dependent on the degree of pathogenicity in the virus.

2) We are globally interdependent.

3) Flu pandemics are recurring events; we are on the brink of one


4) When a pandemic arrives, there will be widespread illness and


5) Current medical supplies are inadequate or insufficient.

6) Economic and social disruption will occur.

7) We need to build "surge capacity" into our health care systems.

8) Education is critical and will generate trust and confidence in

government, planners, medical care providers, etc. Such trust and confidence will emerge and sustain itself only if there is "transparency in communications".

9) All planning must be local.

10) A rejuvenation of the public health system is required.

The H5N1 virus is highly pathogenic and has the potential to create a pandemic if:

* A new sub-type will emerge (this has occurred);

* It will infect humans (133 documented human deaths thus far as

of 12/5/05);

* It spreads easily and sustainably (this has not yet been confirmed) as a result of viral reassortment, adaptiveness and mutation.

The current situation is the most severe poultry outbreak on record, already resulting in the deaths of 150 million birds (directly or through preventive culling) in five Asian countries. Vietnam is the epicenter, where probable human-to-human transmission has been reported.

The 1918 pandemic killed approximately 25-30% of the population.

Mortality occurs in about 25-55% of those infected.

[Note: to place this into perspective, take a moment to mentally walk through your locale or community and see one out of every four individuals falling sick with 48 hours of onset, and one-quarter to one-half of those dying over the course of a week. In a city of 100,000 people, 25,000 will likely not report to work, and 6-12,000 will die.]

The World Health Organization is conservatively estimating that 2.0-7.5 million will die worldwide. In the US, the worst-case scenario is that

1.9 million will die, and that 8.5 million will require hospitalization.

There will be high rates of absenteeism, and the disruption of essential services.

Businesses are urged to undertake immediate continuity of operations


There is a need to build strong social capital.

Planning must proceed on the basis of "space, staffing and supplies".

Every home should develop an emergency plan.

Education about cough etiquette, the necessity for respiratory and hand hygiene, and the use of "increased social distance" must be undertaken.

Infection occurs before symptoms present themselves. Infected individuals remain contagious for 2-7 days (longer in children!).

There is scientific unanimity about the fact that we are overdue for such a pandemic.

The disease will spread rapidly and affect an entire nation pretty much at the same time. Thus the ability to call on outlying regions for support, supplies, manpower, etc. will not exist. We live in a Just-in-Time distribution economy, and this distribution chain will be affected by absenteeism etc.

Urban crowding drives up the attack rate of the disease.

Low socio-economic status also drives up the attack rate of the disease.

The disease has been shown to infect European cats.

The SARS virus, a relative slow-mover, moved from Honk Kong to Vancouver in one month.


1) Get the right people involved.

2) Define how coordination among entities will occur.

3) Move beyond "planning to plan".

4) Define who is in charge.

5) Review legal authority as pertinent.

6) Think through whether the plan addresses the entire population.

7) Consider special ways to deal with the isolated, chronically

ill-at-home, mass child care needs, and more.

There are a large number of unknowns with regard to this disease:

* Epidemiology;

* Demographics;

* Severity;

* Absenteeism rates across demographics;

* The effectiveness of vaccines and anti-virals;

* The production/supply/distribution of vaccines and anti-virals;

* The possible effect of the use of adjuvant extenders in


Prioritization for the Use of Vaccines and Anti-Virals (current draft working plan in the US):

1A Manufacturers and Distributors of Vaccines and Anti-Virals

1B Highest Risk 16 million(age 65+ with chronic disease, < age 65 with

two or more chronic diseases)

1C Pregnant Women and their Household Contacts 1D Public Health

Emergency Responders Key Government Officials

2A High Risk 58 Million

2B Personnel from Public Safety and Critical Infrastructure

3 Other Key Decision-Makers; Funeral Officers

4 Healthy Children and Adults

This is a critical and difficult social triage question, given the unknowns, given the debatable effectiveness of vaccines and anti-virals, given the expected high fatal impact on young health adults due to cytokine storms, and given the lack of supplies and resources to handle intensive health care needs (esp. acute respiratory issues). Many "first responders" and health care personnel feel that they and their families must be far higher on the prioritization list.

If the pandemic is of a moderate to severe nature, our response to it will be "qualitatively different".

The challenges:

* The magnitude;

* The severity;

* Staff shortages;

* Limited ability to call in extra-regional resources;

* Other services will be disrupted.

The disease features:

* a short incubation period (1-4 days, 2 on average),

* abrupt onset, with peak infection curve arriving early, and

* the clinical illness from flu infection is non-specific.

There is a great deal of attention and energy being focused on the ability of the world to contain or slow down the spread of the pandemic at its source.

Planning must and will consider:

* School closures (to prevent spread and incubation);

* The cancellation of all large gatherings;

* "Snow Days" (or asking businesses to allow workers to stay home from work) though this has serious implications re: timing, loss of service/income, the effect on the business and the economy, etc.)

* Deferring travel to involved areas;

* The widespread use of masks (Effectiveness ?, supply ?);

* Communications (the development of phased messaging to the


* Risk Communication to the public.

* The best role for those who have survived the illness (the

"deployment of the immune").

What and where is the triggering point or mechanism that will swing planning into action?

A Massachusetts public health expert looked at the newspapers in Boston from the 1918 pandemic, factored in the population data from today, and said that "The Boston Globe will run 12-14 pages of death notices for weeks". In 1918, on one day in Philadelphia, over 700 people died.

If we ask major segments of the population to stay home for days on end,

Who will provide the services? Who will provide day care to the children if they are not in school and the parent(s) is/are sick or dying?

* There will be very little warning.

* There will be simultaneous outbreaks.

* There will be a shortage of supplies of all types.

* Facilities will be overwhelmed.

* Health care workers et al will be at highest risk.

* There will be widespread illness and a shortage of workers.

* There may be more than one wave of infection.

* All planning and response will have to be local. (You're on

your own.)

* Critical attention must be paid to the legal, public health and

socio-psychological aspects of the collection, identification and disposal of bodies.

Planning should seek to improve health care systems and public health "surveillance" through monitoring of data, etc. Clinicians at all locations and levels will be "sentinels". Syndromic surveillance should be improved and extended.

"Exercises and simulations are a very good way to elicit critical ideas and suggestions."

More specifically, business continuity planning must address:

* Forecasting of employee absences;

* The dissemination of information to employees;

* The establishment of policies for employees who

Have been exposed;

Are expected to become ill;

Become ill at the worksite.

* The impact of the pandemic on the business;

* The impact on employees and customers;

* The allocation of resources to protect employees and customers;

* Communication and education for employees;

* Connection with external organizations and communities.

"Destiny should not be confused with poor planning."

Cytokine Storms

"As concern mounts over the potential spread of avian flu to humans, researchers believe they've discovered one reason why the infection can prove so deadly. Experiments with human cells have found the H5N1 virus can trigger levels of inflammatory proteins called cytokines and chemokines that are more than 10 times higher than those that occur during a bout of the common flu. This massive increase in cytokine and chemokine activity can inflame airways, making it hard to breathe. It also contributes to the unusual severity of the avian flu, which can result in life-threatening pneumonia and acute respiratory distress." [ "Health Day"]

"The study, published in the online journal Respiratory Research, might suggest that if H5N1 does cause a pandemic, it could disproportionately affect the young and healthy as compared with seasonal flu, which kills many elderly but few young adults." [MS-NBC ]

"A recent laboratory study has produced more evidence that infection of human lung cells with the H5N1 avian influenza virus leads to intense inflammation similar to what was seen in victims of the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic....The H5N1 viruses were "more potent inducers" of cytokines and chemokines-chemical messengers that trigger inflammation-than H1N1 viruses were, says the report by a team led by J.S.M. Peiris of the University of Hong Kong. A flood of inflammation-triggering chemicals released by the immune systems has been referred to as a "cytokine storm." Autopsies of H5N1 avian flu victims in Vietnam and elsewhere have revealed lungs choked with debris from the excessive inflammation triggered by the virus. Similar severe lung damage was frequently reported in victims of the 1918 pandemic, which disproportionately killed people with the strongest immune systems-young, healthy adults". [CIDRAP News]

"This study confirms earlier work that H5N1 induces a cytokine 'storm,'" said Michael T. Osterholm, director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota School of Public Health, in Minneapolis. "It helps us understand the pathophysiology of the disease." The noted increase in cytokine production is what distinguishes avian flu from other flu, Osterholm said. "The hyperproduction of cytokines is very relevant. It points out that the way people actually experience severe illness with this virus is different than what we see with other influenza viruses."

"This is basically a cytokine storm induced by this specific virus, which then leads to respiratory distress syndrome," Osterholm said."This also makes sense of why you tend to see a preponderance of severe illness in those who tend to be the healthiest, because the ability to increase the production of cytokines is actually higher in those who are not immune-compromised. It's more likely in those who are otherwise healthy." []


General News

[See this link for information and further links to GenoMed.]

Related Medical Studies:

B.Wayne Blanchard, Ph.D., CEM

Higher Education Project Manager

Emergency Management Institute

National Emergency Training Center

Federal Emergency Management Agency

Department of Homeland Security

16825 S. Seton, N-430

Emmitsburg, MD 21727

(301) 447-1262, voice

(301) 447-1598, fax


“Please note: Some of the Web sites linked to in this document are not federal government Web sites, and may not necessarily operate under the same laws, regulations, and policies as federal Web sites.”

January 5, 2006 FEMA Emergency Management Higher Education Project Activity Report


January 5, 2006 -- Communicated with Bob Wood, a Program Manager at Auburn, who notes that Auburn is investigating the development of a Center for Emergency Preparedness "that would offer a Certificate in Business Continuity as well as individual courses in emergency planning and preparedness." Mr. Wood noted that, if this initiative comes to fruition, the courses would be non-academic credit CEU courses offered through the School of Continuing Education and targeting "first responders, volunteers and those...in the private sector...responsible for emergency services." We have previously discussed the availability and use of EMI training courses and EM HiEd Project developed educational courses. For additional information, Bob Wood can be reached at: rwood2@mail.aum.edu


January 5, 2006 -- Finished review of 86-page Chapter 8 (more like a small book), "Business Crisis and Continuity Management Planning," and provided review comments to the textbook developer, George Haddow, George Washington University. Three case studies and an introductory section are provided:

The 2003 Northeast Blackout

Marriott Corporation Practices Business Continuity Planning University of Washington's Experience with FEMA Disaster Resistant Universities Program

Forwarded this chapter to the EMI Webmaster for upload to the EM HiEd Project website, where it should be accessible soon.

In addition, began investigating with Mr. Haddow the addition of a new chapter related to Hurricane Katrina private sector response case studies (three), to be supported via a new micro purchase work order.


January 5, 2006 -- Received for review from lead book developer, Dr.

David McEntire, University of North Texas, 5th draft of chapter on "The Contributions of Management Theory and Practice to Emergency Management," by Dr. John Pine, Director of the Disaster Science and Management Program at LSU, as well as Interim Chair of the Department of Geography and Anthropology.


January 5, 2006 -- Received today two CD ROMS containing the final version (I trust) of this graduate level course on Floodplain Management

-- from lead course developer, Robert Freitag, University of Washington.

CD ROMS will now go to Admin Support to produce a printed copy of this approximately 1000 page course -- for me to review prior to posting in the Completed Courses section of "Free College Courses section on the EM HiEd Project website -- to ensure that the "final" copy is consistent with course modification agreements reached at the conclusion of the course review comment period. If all goes well, the final copy should be posted to the Project website in fairly short order.


Fiorill, Joe. "Major Metro Areas Found Ineligible for Anti-Terror Grants." Global Security Newswire, January 4, 2006. Accessed at:

George, Justin. "Bay Area Safer, So Gets Less Money - Homeland Security's Ranking of the Region [Tampa Bay, FL] Based on Terrorism Risk Means Less Funding for Disaster Preparedness and Hurricane Response." St. Petersburg Times (FL), January 5, 2006. Accessed at:

New York Daily News (Editorial). "Promises, Promises, Mr. Chertoff."

January 4, 2006. Accessed at:

Ripley, Amanda. "The Real Deal Behind Chertoff's New Funding Plan."

Time, January 4, 2006. Accessed at:

Salt Lake Tribune (Editorial). "Homeland Security: Anti-Terror Money Should Go Where It is Most Needed." January 4, 2006. Accessed at:

Walton, Don. "Nelson Defense Rural Homeland Security Funding." Lincoln Journal Star (NE), January 4, 2006. Accessed at:



January 5, 2006 -- Reviewed 1st draft of Chapter 7, "Hazard Mitigation"

(43 pages); provided review comments to lead textbook developer, Dr.

Michael Lindell, Texas A&M University; and forwarded chapter to the EMI Webmaster for upload to the Project website, where it will be available soon. Chapter Abstract:

"This chapter will explain what hazard mitigation is, and how it fits in with the other classic phases of emergency management. Next, the chapter will describe the most widely used mitigation strategies and the ways they are applied to the most common types of environmental hazards. The following section will describe the legal basis for hazard mitigation as it stands in the United States today. Problems in the adoption and implementation of mitigation policies will be described and some methods of addressing them will be offered. Finally, the chapter will conclude with as discussion of the relationship between hazard mitigation and sustainable development."


January 5, 2005 -- Received today from Nancy Rowledge at SUNY Canton a request to post the following faculty vacancy announcement on the EM HiEd Project website -- which is being done:

"SUNY Canton invites applications for a tenure track faculty position beginning Fall 2006 for a new baccalaureate degree in Emergency and Disaster Management. The responsibilities include: teaching, advising and recruiting students; engaging in scholarly activities; developing online courses; developing internship sites for students; seeking external funds; and supervising, monitoring, and assessing student internship activities.

Preferred qualifications include: an earned doctorate (ABD will be

considered) in a discipline related to disaster, emergency and crisis management from a regionally accredited institution; a minimum of 3 years higher education experience; the ability to develop and deliver web-based coursework; 5 years experience related to business (private or public) continuity, emergency preparedness operations, disaster preparedness, security management, mitigation, community recovery, and training utilizing simulations and modeling. Candidates with emergency and disaster education and training with additional education or experience in a field closely related to Criminal Justice will be considered.

Send letter of interest, curriculum vitae, a statement to include qualifications and teaching philosophy, and copies of transcripts, email address, and contact information for five references to: Emergency and Disaster Management Faculty Recruitment Committee, Human Resources Dept., SUNY Canton, 34 Cornell Drive, Canton, NY 13617. Review of applications will begin mid-December and continue until the position is filled. SUNY Canton is an Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer with a commitment of diversity in our faculty, staff, and student body."


Traynor, Ian, and Ian Cobain. "Intelligence Report Claims Nuclear Market Thriving - European Firms Warned They Are Main Target of Illicit Trade in Weapons Parts." Guardian (London), January 4, 2006. Accessed


B.Wayne Blanchard, Ph.D., CEM

Higher Education Project Manager

Emergency Management Institute

National Emergency Training Center

Federal Emergency Management Agency

Department of Homeland Security

16825 S. Seton, N-430

Emmitsburg, MD 21727

(301) 447-1262, voice

(301) 447-1598, fax


“Please note: Some of the Web sites linked to in this document are not federal government Web sites, and may not necessarily operate under the same laws, regulations, and policies as federal Web sites.”

January 6, 2006 FEMA Emergency Management Higher Education Project Activity Report


Laurel Outlook (MT). "Funds Help Examine Preparedness." January 5, 2005. Accessed at:


January 6, 2006 -- Received for review from Damon Coppola at George Washington University, 2nd draft of Chapter 7, "Statutory Authority" (74 pages, single-spaced).


Fineout, Gary. "Gov. Bush Wants $600M To Stormproof State." Miami Herald. January 6, 2006. Accessed at:



January 6, 2006 -- Reviewed 3rd draft of chapter on "Economic Applications in Disaster Research, Mitigation, and Planning," by Dr.

Terry Clower, Associate Director, Center for Economic Development and Research, University of North Texas; provided review comments to lead book developer, Dr. David McEntire, University of North Texas; and forwarded to EMI Webmaster for upload to the EM HiEd Project website -- Free College Courses and Books section -- where it should be accessible soon. Abstract:

"This chapter examines the contributions of the economics discipline to disaster research, mitigation, and planning. Economics offers modeling techniques for assessing the impacts of disasters, theories of development for understanding the choices that individuals and firms make in selecting residential and business locations, approaches for risk and vulnerability assessment in insurance and disaster planning, and policy insights in each of these areas that are affected by the political economy. The chapter gives particular attention to common and emerging techniques for assessing the indirect economic impacts of disaster events offering an assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of each analytic approach."


Democratic Staff, Committee on Homeland Security, U.S. House of Representatives. Beyond Connecting The Dots: A Vital Framework For Sharing Law Enforcement Intelligence Information. December 28, 2005.

Accessed at:


Democratic Staff, Committee on Homeland Security, U.S. House of Representatives. Leaving The Nation At Risk: 33 Unfulfilled Promises From the Department of Homeland Security (Investigative Report).

December 27, 2005. Accessed at:


Cramer, Elisa. "When Will FEMA See The Light?" Palm Beach Post, January 6, 2006. Accessed at:

Kestin, Sally, Megan O'Matz, and John Maines. "Fla. May End Hurricane Generator Reimbursement Program." South Florida Sun Sentinel, January 6, 2006. Accessed at:


January 5, 2006 -- Reviewed 2nd draft of Chapter 11, "Disaster Recovery," and provided review comments to lead textbook developer, Dr.

Michael Lindell, Texas A&M University. Chapter Abstract:

"This chapter defines disaster recovery in terms of its distinctive activities and explains how it differs from activities that take place during other phases of the emergency management cycle. The chapter begins with a brief description of the routine functioning of U.S.

communities and then turns to the housing, economic, and psychological recovery of households and the operational recovery of businesses. The chapter then turns to the recovery assistance that can be expected from state and federal government and from insurance. The chapter concludes with a discussion of local government's pre-impact recovery planning and the implementation and improvisation of that plan during a disaster's aftermath."

This chapter has been forwarded to the EMI Webmaster to upload to the EM HiEd Project website -- Free College Courses and Books section.


January 6, 2006 -- Talked with Dr. John Pine, the Director of the several Disaster Science Programs at LSU, about how, in general, his programs are going, and specifically how his "Principles and Practices of Emergency Management" course went last semester (very well). Dr.

Pine noted that student and faculty interest in the Disaster Science Program is increasing -- about 100 faculty members are now associated one way or another in the courses that support this program and student interest continues to grow -- particularly at the graduate level, even though Dr. Pine states that the school has no problem filling the 75 undergraduate seats for the annual offerings of the Introduction to Emergency Management course and the Hazards Overview course.


Ramberg, Bennett. "Why North Korea Will Not Give Up The Bomb."

International Herald Tribune, January 6, 2006. Accessed at:

Sciolino, Elaine. "Iran Declares Its Nuclear Plan Nonnegotiable." New York Times, January 5, 2006. Accessed at:

Sheridan, Michael. "North Korea Gathers Kit For Nuclear Bomb." Times

(London), January 1, 2006. Accessed at:


January 6, 2006 -- Received from Dr. Nancy Grant at the University of Akron, a request to post the following two faculty vacancy announcements to the EM HiEd Project website -- EM Faculty Positions section -- in that an emergency management specialization is one of the sought-for


TITLE: Assistant Professor



SALARY: Competitive START: August 2006

DUTIES: Teach graduate courses, generate and conduct research, mentor and advise graduate students and participate in service to the University and to the community.

QUALIFICATIONS: Doctorate from an accredited university in public administration, public policy, urban studies, political science, or a closely related field required at the time of appointment. Background in public administration and a secondary field in one or more of the following specializations preferred: urban public management, emergency management, non-profit management, and policy analysis and program evaluation.

COMMENTS: Applicants should submit a curriculum vita, cover letter, and contact information for three references. This is a tenure-track nine-month position.

SEND APPLICATION MATERIALS TO: Chair Search Committee, The Department of Public Administration and Urban Studies, The University of Akron, 265 Polsky Building, Akron, Ohio 44325-7904.


TITLE: Department Chair



SALARY: Competitive START: July 2006

DUTIES: Teach graduate courses, generate and conduct research, mentor and advise graduate students, and assume a leadership role in the department.

QUALIFICATIONS: Doctorate from an accredited university in public administration, public policy, political science, or a closely related subject required. Academic qualifications to be appointed at the rank of

Professor required. Relevant administrative experience in areas such

as program development and interdisciplinary collaboration required.

Strong external research and publication record and experience guiding student research preferred.

COMMENTS: Applicants should submit a curriculum vita, cover letter, and contact information for three references. This is a tenure-track position.

SEND APPLICATION MATERIALS TO: Chair Search Committee, The Department of Public Administration and Urban Studies, The University of Akron, 265 Polsky Building, Akron, Ohio 44325-7904.


(11) WEATHER 2005:

Pickoff-White, Lisa. "Climate and Storms Break Records in 2005."

National Academies, December 30, 2005. Accessed at:

B.Wayne Blanchard, Ph.D., CEM

Higher Education Project Manager

Emergency Management Institute

National Emergency Training Center

Federal Emergency Management Agency

Department of Homeland Security

16825 S. Seton, N-430

Emmitsburg, MD 21727

(301) 447-1262, voice

(301) 447-1598, fax


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