Transitional Words

Transition WordsWhen writing, use these transition words to help you connect ideas, sentences, or paragraphs.In Additionin additionfurtherfurthermorebesidesand thenlikewisemoreoverequally importantnextfirstsecondlyalsonorthirdlyfinallylastlastly tooagainTo showComparisonsimilarlylikewisein like mannerby comparisonvis a visPurpose to this endfor this purposewith this object in mindTo show a Resulthencetherefore,accordinglythusthereuponas a resultthen consequentlyTo showContrastbutyethoweveron the contraryalthough this may be trueafter allnotwithstanding stillneverthelesswhereas after allon the other handbalanced againstalthoughconverselymeanwhileTo give an EXAMPLEfor examplefor instancein this case to demonstrateto illustrateas an illustrationin another caseon this occasionin this situationtake the case ofTo show Timemeanwhileat lengthsoon afterwardlaterfirst, next, lastand so forthnextfollowing thissimultaneouslyconcurrentlyhencein the meantimeimmediatelyafter a few hoursfirst, second, finallyat this timenowat this pointafterafterwardthusafter a few daysthereaftersoonpreviouslyformerlysubsequentlyconsequentlypreviouslybefore this thereforePlaceherebeyondnearbyadjacent toon the opposite sideopposite toTo Prove an ideabecauseforsincefor the same reasonobviouslyevidentlyfurthermoremoreoverthat isbesidesin deedin factin additionin any caseTo show Exceptionyetstillhoweverneverthelessin spite ofdespiteof courseonce in a whilesometimesTo Emphasize an ideadefinitelyobviouslyin factindeedcertainlyundeniablyin any caseabsolutelypositivelynaturallysurprisinglyalwaysforeverneveremphaticallyunquestionablewithout a doubtwithout reservationToSummarize ideas to sum upin briefon the wholein sumin shortto concludein conclusionas a resultconsequentlyin other wordsto be sureas has been notedfor examplein summarythereforeaccordinglyfor instancein factin deed as I have saidin any eventsumming uphencethusWorks CitedHodges, John. Harbrace College Handbook. San Diego: Harcourt College Publisher, 1998. Print.J. Haugh / X Drive Transition Words/ 2012“Transitional Devices.” Purdue Online Writing Lab. Online Writing Lab Purdue University, 2012. Web. 24 Feb. 2012. ................

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