The following regulations apply to Indian Hills Community College credit tuition waivers. The waiver only applies to tuition for Indian Hills courses.

( This benefit is intended for those eligible employees, spouses and dependent children who select Indian Hills as their “college of choice”. Effective Fall term, 1998, those who have previously matriculated at another college must wait three years from the last date of enrollment to qualify for this benefit.

( Eligible employees are those who are employed with a Board of Trustees approved faculty contract to teach a full load for a minimum of 3 terms in an academic year and/or a Board of Trustees approved letter of employment to work 36 hours per week for a minimum of 3 terms per academic year consistent with guidelines, definitions and procedures developed and administered by the college.

( Eligible spouses are those who are presently married to an Indian Hills employee qualified for this benefit, as verified by college officials. Should a divorce, legal separation or annulment occur, the tuition waiver will terminate at the next college term.

( Eligible dependent children include natural children, legally adopted children or stepchildren who are listed as dependents on the eligible employee’s most recent federal tax return as verified by college officials.

( Educational programming for employees, spouses and dependent children who are disabled will be developed through Academic Support Services in accordance with department policy.

( Employees, spouses and dependent children who enroll at IHCC under terms of this policy must submit a tuition waiver request on a form available in the Human Resource Office. This form must be completed and received with all required documentation in the Human Resource office no later than the due date. The due date is the official board approved ending date of the term preceding the waiver’s effective term. The waiver must be renewed annually.

( Employees, spouses and dependent children enrolling under this policy are expected to register and attend classes in the same manner as any other student and to comply with the same rules, prerequisites, etc., as other students.

( This benefit allows enrollment as a full-time or part-time student. However, part-time students must submit an educational plan leading to a degree to qualify (see below). Students must be attending credit classes leading to a degree, diploma or certificate.

( Employees, spouses and eligible dependents that participate in this program may complete multiple programs of study through the tuition waiver program. However, all course work must be completed within 4 years of initial enrollment. Part-time students may apply for extensions to complete their educational plan. In the case of joint programs, the waiver only applies to IHCC courses.

( To remain eligible for continued support through this program, the student must continue to make satisfactory progress in his/her studies. Students must maintain a 2.0 minimum GPA in their initial term and a 2.5 cumulative GPA after their second term and throughout the remainder of their studies. Students who fall below a 2.5 GPA will have one term grace period to bring their grade point back to the minimum standard, before being dropped from this program. Students may return to the tuition waiver program when all eligibility is met. Students will be required to sign a waiver allowing college officials to access grade records for this purpose.

( Employees must be employed by the college for the duration of the program that they or their spouses or dependent children are enrolled in to be eligible for continued support. If the employee leaves the college, or no longer qualifies under these regulations, the tuition waiver will terminate at the next college term.

( Payment for all books, supplies, fees, room/board, etc., is the employee’s, spouse’s or dependent child’s responsibility.

( Employees, spouses and dependent children may not request that past enrollments be changed from employee/spouse/dependent child-paid to college waiver. This tuition waiver is not retroactive.

■ It is recommended that applicants apply for financial aid. Aid that is not specifically designated for tuition may be used for books, fees, etc. Aid designated for tuition will be applied prior to the waiver. Receipt of the credit tuition waiver supercedes receipt of an IHCC Foundation scholarship as both are for tuition only. For more information on Foundation scholarships, contact the Foundation office.

■ The college retains the right to require applicants to apply for financial aid.

( This tuition waiver may affect any financial aid applied for.

■ Interpretation and administration of this policy/procedure, as well as unique situations not addressed by these regulations, shall be determined at the discretion of the president of the college or his/her designee.

Educational Plan: This plan must include the anticipated graduation date, the hours needed to graduate, a schedule that includes how many hours per term will be taken, a schedule of classes for the waiver year and the student signature. The waiver may not be renewed if the student fails to generally adhere to the plan.



This application must be COMPLETE WITH ALL REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION ATTACHED and be received in the personnel office by the due date or the application WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED. Please review guidelines on back prior to applying for a credit tuition waiver.

1. Student Name: _________________________________________ Soc. Sec. # __________________

2. Employee Name: _________________________________________ Soc. Sec. # __________________

(if different from student name):

3. Check Appropriate Box ( Eligible Employee ( Spouse ( Dependent

4. Is this an ( Initial application ( annual renewal ( re-applying

NOTE: Required documentation must be re-submitted with each annual renewal.

5. What year/term are you applying for?

Term: ( Fall ( Winter ( Spring ( Summer Year: _______________________

6. Program of Study ____________________________________ ( full-time ( part-time

7. What is your anticipated graduation date from this program? __________________________

8. Last college attended, other than IHCC, if applicable:

____________________________________________________ Dates: _______________________


If part-time, attach an educational plan leading to a degree. See back for requirements.

• If a dependent, attach a copy of most recent tax return indicating child as an eligible dependent.

Receipt of the credit tuition waiver supercedes receipt of an IHCC Foundation scholarship as both are for tuition only. For more information on Foundation scholarships, contact the Foundation office.

Payment for books, supplies, fees, room/board etc., is the student’s responsibility. Applicants are encouraged to apply for financial aid. You may be eligible for aid that may be used for these expenses.

The personnel office must be notified immediately if family status changes affecting eligibility for the tuition waiver (e.g.: divorce, child losing dependent status, etc.) Failure to do so could result in the student being responsible for reimbursement of all tuition waived after the date the tuition waiver would have been terminated.

By signing below I authorize Indian Hills Community College to review my grades for the purpose of monitoring eligibility of this tuition waiver and give permission for the college to share information regarding my academic progress, as the school deems suitable. I also assign to Indian Hills Community College any monies received on my behalf from tuition grants. Outside scholarships/grants designated for tuition will be applied prior to this waiver.

9. ___________________________________________________________ _______________________

Student Signature Date

10.___________________________________________________________ _______________________

Employee Signature (if different from student) Date

Received: _______________ Personnel Office Approval _____________________________

Notified: _______________________________________________


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