McBride Honors Program in Public Affairs

McBride Honors Program Application?Submit application or direct questions to: honors@mines.eduContact InformationLast NameFirst NameMiddle InitialPreferred Name to Be Used:Preferred Pronouns: Permanent Address (street, city, state, zip):Complete Local Address (including dormitory name):Local Telephone NumberMajorCSM Email Address:Campus Wide ID (CWID):Application Materials Checklist_____ This Application Form (including photographs, creative submission, and writing sample)_____ Faculty/High School Teacher Recommendation Form (on McBride website)_____ Unofficial CSM Transcript (if current CSM student; attach PDF)_____ Other College Unofficial Transcript (required only if you have attended a college other than CSM; attach PDF)Academic History (answer all that apply) To be eligible for admission, to remain in the program, and to receive a Minor in Public Affairs with McBride honors distinction upon graduation, you must have a cumulative GPA of 2.9 and maintain a 3.0 GPA in all your McBride coursework.?Students with grades below these standards will be given a probationary semester to get their grades up. When we evaluate applications, we look for academic excellence, but that’s not all.?We’re seeking outstanding students who exhibit genuine intellectual curiosity, leadership potential, community engagement, diversity of experiences and perspectives, respect for others, and effective communication skills.CSM Cumulative GPA:Other College Name & Cumulative GPA:SATSCORES?Composite:Writing/Essay:Critical Reading/Verbal:MathACT SCORESComposite:English:English/Writing:Math:Reading:Science:AP/IB SCORES: List all AP or IB test scores here (e.g. U.S. History, 4):NHV:? Have you completed Nature & Human Values (NHV) or IDEAS? If so, what grade did you receive and what was the topic of your major research paper? If you are currently enrolled, who is your instructor?Photographs (please submit both)Clear Headshot—Please submit a photograph of yourself, make sure your face is clearly visible, as this will help jog our memories during and after the interview process. Creative Photo Submission—Please submit a photo of yourself that says something about you as a person. Please make sure you are the subject of the photo, and leave off any explanation. Short Essays In the McBride Honors Program, we seek students who have much to gain from joining our community, as well as much to contribute to it. We appreciate vivid detail that helps us learn about who you are.? Worry less about what you think we want to hear, and instead share what you’d like us to know about you. For some of the short essays, we have provided two options for you to choose from, so that you can respond to the questions that allow you to best express yourself. In fewer than 250 words, please answer the following prompt: Describe an experience that challenged your perspective of the world and how it shaped you.?In fewer than 250 words, please answer the following prompt: Describe an experience that challenged your perspective of the world and how it shaped you.?In fewer than 250 words, please answer ONE of the following prompts: (a) What objects, sounds, or smells tell the story of your life? (b) Describe one of your quirks and how/why it is central to who you are. In fewer than 250 words, please answer ONE of the following prompts: (a) What objects, sounds, or smells tell the story of your life? (b) Describe one of your quirks and how/why it is central to who you are. 12701198120In fewer than 250 words, please answer ONE of the following prompts: (a) If you could write one law, what would it be and why? (b) What is a problem you feel passionate about and what is a solution that you propose to help solve it?In fewer than 250 words, please answer ONE of the following prompts: (a) If you could write one law, what would it be and why? (b) What is a problem you feel passionate about and what is a solution that you propose to help solve it?4763121920Optional (150 words max): Is there anything related to your past or current academic performance you would like to explain? Optional (150 words max): Is there anything related to your past or current academic performance you would like to explain? 952645720In fewer than 200 words, please answer the following: How will your McBride experience enrich you, both in relation to your studies at Mines, and in the future? How will you enrich the McBride Program? Be specific and individual to you. In fewer than 200 words, please answer the following: How will your McBride experience enrich you, both in relation to your studies at Mines, and in the future? How will you enrich the McBride Program? Be specific and individual to you. Creative SubmissionPlease submit a creative piece in any medium. Provide an evocative title. Limit possible written works to 500 words or less. Academic Writing Sample Provide a short excerpt (500 word max) from any piece of writing you did in school. Note at the top what the writing was for (e.g. what class and assignment) and when you composed it (e.g. junior in high school, freshman at Mines). You may also add clarifying text so that we may understand the context from which this excerpt was taken.Paste writing sample below (500 words max): ................

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