Coordinating Conjunctions (Also known ... - Valencia College

Coordinating Conjunctions (Also known as FANBOYS)

|Cause |Addition |Negative Choice |Contrast |Choice |Contrast |Cause/effect |

|For |And |Nor |But |Or |Yet |So |

Subordination Conjunctions (Also known as Dependent Words)

|Time |Place |Cause |Condition |Contrast |Other |

|when, while, since, before,|where, wherever |because, since, as, now |if, unless, on condition |although, even though, |that, which, who, whoever, |

|after, until, once | |that, inasmuch as |that |despite, in spite of, |whom, what, why, how.... |

| | | | |while, where, whereas | |

Adverbial Conjunctions (Also known as Transitions)

|Making a list |Adding to or reinforcing|Making a comparison |Contrasting |Summarizing |Giving Examples |Paraphrasing |Giving Results |

|first, second, third, |also, furthermore, |equally, likewise, |instead, on the |in conclusion, to sum |namely, in other words, |otherwise, in other |consequently, hence, |

|to begin with, in the |moreover, in addition, |similarly, in the same |contrary, in contrast, |up, nevertheless, still,|for example (e.g.), |words, in that case |therefore, thus, as a |

|first place, |above all |way |by comparison, |yet, |for instance, that is | |result |

|in the second place, | | |alternatively, rather, |in any case, at any |(i.e.), that is to say | | |

|next, then, finally, to | | |on the other hand, |rate, after all | | | |

|conclude | | |however | | | | |

Sample Sentences Using Conjunctions

Explanation: Below you will see a list of sample sentences using conjunctions. The conjunctions are underlined if there are any. The next two columns tell you the type of conjunction and the type of sentence that is created by using the conjunction.

|Example |Conjunction Type |Sentence Type |

|1) I live in Lake Mary |One Sentence No Conjunction |Simple Sentence |

|2) I live in Lake Mary. I work in Orlando. |Two Sentences No Conjunction |Two Simple Sentences |

|3) I live in Lake Mary. However, I work in Orlando. |Adverbial Conjunction (transition) |Two Simple Sentences |

|4) I live in Lake Mary; however, I work in Orlando. |Adverbial Conjunction (transition) |Compound Sentence |

|5) I live in Lake Mary, but I work in Orlando. |Coordinating Conjunction (FANBOYS) |Compound Sentence |

|6) Although I live in Lake Mary, I work in Orlando. |Subordinating Conjunction (Dependent Word) |Complex Sentence |

|7) I live in Lake Mary although I work in Orlando. |Subordinating Conjunction (Dependent Word) |Complex Sentence |

Study Recommendations:

I would recommend that you know the different types of conjunctions. For example, you should know that we have discussed 3 types of conjunctions and that those three types each have 2 different names, an easy name and a difficult name. You should learn both names and which conjunctions belong to which group. For example, if I give you a list of conjunctions, you should be able to tell me if they are coordinating (FANBOYS), Subordinating (Dependent Words), or Adverbial (Transitions). You should also be able to identify them in sample sentences like the ones above. Good luck!


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