NOT FOR USE FOR CURRICULAR COURSE CHANGESREQUEST FOR PROGRAM IMPROVEMENTSNOTE: Changes to programs may require course changes, which must be processed electronically. Any questions should be directed to Associate Provost David Reinhold at 7-4564 or david.reinhold@wmich.eduDEPARTMENT: English COLLEGE: Arts & SciencesENG_CAS17-441_Prog_Imp_Creative WritingPROPOSED EFFECTIVE FALL YEAR: 2020RECD 10/03/2019 @12PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS: Academic Program Proposed Improvements FORMCHECKBOX New degree* FORMCHECKBOX New minor* FORMCHECKBOX Admission requirements FORMCHECKBOX New major* FORMCHECKBOX Deletion* FORMCHECKBOX Graduation requirements FORMCHECKBOX New curriculum* FORMCHECKBOX Revised major FORMCHECKBOX Change in Title FORMCHECKBOX New concentration* FORMCHECKBOX Revised minor FORMCHECKBOX Transfer FORMCHECKBOX New certificate* FORMCHECKBOX Other (explain**)** Other: Catalog LanguageTitle of degree, curriculum, major, minor, concentration, or certificate: English: Creative WritingChair, Department Curriculum Committee: Date FORMTEXT ?????CHECKLIST FOR DEPARTMENT CHAIRS/DIRECTORS FORMCHECKBOX For new programs and other changes that have resource implications, the dean has been consulted. FORMCHECKBOX When appropriate, letters of support from department faculty are attached. FORMCHECKBOX When appropriate, letters of support from other departments in the same college are attached. FORMCHECKBOX When appropriate, letters of support from other college deans, whose programs/courses may be affected by the change, are attached. FORMCHECKBOX The proposal has been reviewed by HIGE for possible implications for international student enrollment. FORMCHECKBOX The proposal is consistent with the departmental assessment plan, and identifies measurable learning outcomes for assessment. FORMCHECKBOX Detailed resource plan is attached where appropriate. FORMCHECKBOX All questions attached have been completed and supporting documents are attached. FORMCHECKBOX The proposal is written and complete as outlined in the Faculty Senate guidelines and the curriculum change guides.Chair/Director: Date FORMTEXT ?????CHECKLIST FOR COLLEGE CURRICULUM COMMITTEE FORMCHECKBOX The academic quality of the proposal and the faculty involved has been reviewed. FORMCHECKBOX Detailed resource plan is attached where appropriate. FORMCHECKBOX Consistency between the proposal and the relevant catalog language has been confirmed. FORMCHECKBOX The proposal has been reviewed for effect on students transferring from Michigan community colleges. Detailed information on transfer articulation must be included with undergraduate proposals. FORMCHECKBOX Consistency between the proposal and the College and department assessment plans has been confirmed. FORMCHECKBOX Consistency between the proposal and the College and department strategic plans has been confirmed. FORMCHECKBOX All questions attached have been completed and supporting documents are attached. FORMCHECKBOX The proposal is written and complete as outlined in the Faculty Senate guidelines and the curriculum change guides.Chair, College Curriculum Committee: Date FORMTEXT ?????NOT FOR USE FOR CURRICULAR COURSE CHANGESREQUEST FOR PROGRAM IMPROVEMENTSCHECKLIST FOR COLLEGE DEANS FORMCHECKBOX For new programs and proposed program deletions, the provost has been consulted. FORMCHECKBOX For new programs, letter of support from University Libraries Dean indicating library resource requirements have been met. FORMCHECKBOX When appropriate, letters of support from other college faculty and/or chairs are attached. FORMCHECKBOX When appropriate, letters of support from other college deans, whose programs/courses may be affected by the change, are attached. FORMCHECKBOX The proposal has been reviewed for implications for accreditation, certification, or licensure. FORMCHECKBOX Detailed resource plan is attached where appropriate. FORMCHECKBOX All questions attached have been completed and supporting documents are attached. FORMCHECKBOX The proposal is written and complete as outlined in the Faculty Senate guidelines and the curriculum change guides.Dean: Date FORMTEXT ?????FOR PROPOSALS REQUIRING REVIEW BY:GSC/USC; EPGC, GRADUATE COLLEGE, and/or FACULTY SENATE EXECUTIVE BOARD FORMCHECKBOX Return to Dean FORMCHECKBOX Forward to: FORMTEXT ?????Curriculum Manager:Date: FORMTEXT ????? FORMCHECKBOX Approve FORMCHECKBOX Disapprove*needs review byChair, GSC/USC:Date FORMTEXT ????? FORMCHECKBOX Approve FORMCHECKBOX DisapproveChair, EPGC:Date FORMTEXT ????? FORMCHECKBOX Approve FORMCHECKBOX DisapproveGraduate College Dean:Date: FORMTEXT ????? FORMCHECKBOX Approve FORMCHECKBOX DisapproveFaculty Senate President:Date FORMTEXT ????? FORMCHECKBOX Approve FORMCHECKBOX Disapprove*needs review byProvost:Date FORMTEXT ?????NOT FOR USE FOR CURRICULAR COURSE CHANGESREQUEST FOR PROGRAM IMPROVEMENTSExplain briefly and clearly the proposed improvement:We wish to make a few changes in the catalog language—particularly in credit hour listing-- to make these consistent with recently passed changes to courses in the Creative Writing major. We wish also to change the statement on foreign language to locate responsibility clearly in the College of Arts and Sciences. Rationale. Give your reason(s) for the proposed improvement. We of course want the catalog to be accurate in its credit-hour information. The changes proposed here are not curricular; they are basically a matter of editing.Effect on other colleges, departments, or programs. If consultation with others is required, attach evidence of consultation and support. If objections have been raised, document the resolution. Demonstrate that the program you propose is not a duplication of an existing one.NAEffect on your department’s programs. Show how the proposed change fits with other departmental offerings.NAAlignment with college’s and department’s strategic plan, mission, and vision.NAEffects on enrolled students: Are program conflicts avoided? Will your proposal make it easier or harder for students to meet graduation requirements? Can students complete the program in a reasonable time? Show that you have considered scheduling needs and demands on students’ time. NAStudent or external market demand. What is your anticipated student audience? What evidence of student or market demand or need exists? What is the estimated enrollment? What other factors make your proposal beneficial to students?NAEffects on resources. Explain how your proposal would affect department and University resources, including faculty, equipment, space, technology, and library holdings. If proposing a new program, include a letter and/or email of support from the university libraries affirming that the library resource issues have been reviewed. Tell how you will staff additions to the program. If more advising will be needed, how will you provide for it? What will be the initial one-time costs and the ongoing base-funding costs for the proposed program? (Attach additional pages, as necessary.)NAList the learning outcomes for the revised or proposed major, minor, or concentration. The department will use these outcomes for future assessments of the program.NADescribe how this change is a response to assessment outcomes that are part of a department or college assessment plan or informal assessment activities.NA(Undergraduate proposals only) Describe in detail how this change affects transfer articulation for Michigan community colleges. For new majors or minors, describe transfer guidelines to be developed with Michigan community colleges. For revisions to majors or minors, describe necessary revisions to Michigan community college guidelines. Department chairs should seek assistance from college advising directors or from the admissions office in completing this section.NAPlease offer both “Current Catalog Language” and “Proposed Catalog Language” if there is to be a change in the catalog description for a given program. For the “current” language, please copy and paste relevant language from the most current catalog and for the “proposed” language, please share the exact proposed new catalog language. As possible, bold or otherwise note the key changes in the new proposed catalog language.Current Catalog Language: Bachelor of Arts English Major - Creative Writing Emphasis (34 hours)1. Required Entry-level Course (4 hours) ? ENGL 1100 - Literary Interpretation Credits: 4 hours 2. Required Writing Courses (14 hours) ? ENGL 2660 - Writing Fiction and Poetry Credits: 4 hours Plus six (6) hours of credit from the following courses Any of these courses may be repeated one time for credit. ? ENGL 3660 - Advanced Fiction Writing Credits: 3 hours ? ENGL 3670 - Advanced Poetry Writing Credits: 3 hours ? ENGL 3680 - Playwriting Credits: 3 hours ? ENGL 3700 - Writing Creative Non-Fiction Credits: 3 hours Four (4) hours of credit from the following courses: Each of these courses may be repeated one time for credit. The same course may not be taken twice concurrently. ? ENGL 5660 - Creative Writing Workshop - Fiction Credits: 4 hours ? ENGL 5670 - Creative Writing Workshop - Poetry Credits: 4 hours ? ENGL 5680 - Creative Writing Workshop - Playwriting Credits: 4 hours ? ENGL 5700 - Creative Writing Workshop - Creative Non-fiction Credits: 4 hours 3. Literature and English Language Courses (13 to 14 hours) A. Two of the following courses: ? ENGL 3200 - American Literature I Credits: 3 hours ? ENGL 3210 - American Literature II Credits: 3 hours ? ENGL 3300 - British Literature I Credits: 3 hours ? ENGL 3310 - British Literature II Credits: 3 hours B. One of the following courses: ? ENGL 4400 - Studies in Verse Credits: 4 hours ? ENGL 4420 - Studies in Drama Credits: 4 hours ? ENGL 4440 - Studies in the Novel Credits: 4 hours C. One Additional Course One additional English Department literature or English language course at the 2000, 3000, or 5000 levels. 4. ElectivesAt least one additional English Department course at the 2000, 3000, 4000, or 5000 levels to complete the major. The following courses cannot be used for this purpose: ENGL 3070, 3080, 3110, or 4800. 5. Foreign Language Requirement Minimum of two semesters of a modern or classical foreign language at the college level with a grade of "C" or better, or two years of the same language in high school level with grade of "B'' or better in the second semester of the second year. One year at the high school level coupled with the second semester of the same language at the college level is also satisfactory.Proposed Catalog Language:Bachelor of Arts English Major - Creative Writing Emphasis (33-34 hours)1. Required Entry-level Course (4 hours) ? ENGL 1100 - Literary Interpretation Credits: 4 hours 2. Required Writing Courses (14 hours) ? ENGL 2660 - Writing Fiction and Poetry Credits: 4 hours Plus six (6) hours of credit from the following courses Any of these courses may be repeated one time for credit. ? ENGL 3660 - Advanced Fiction Writing Credits: 3 hours ? ENGL 3670 - Advanced Poetry Writing Credits: 3 hours ? ENGL 3680 - Playwriting Credits: 3 hours ? ENGL 3700 - Writing Creative Non-Fiction Credits: 3 hours One creative writing course at the 5000-level (3-4 credits): Each of these courses may be repeated one time for credit. The same course may not be taken twice concurrently. ? ENGL 5660 - Creative Writing Workshop - Fiction Credits: 4 hours ? ENGL 5670 - Creative Writing Workshop - Poetry Credits: 3 hours ? ENGL 5680 - Creative Writing Workshop - Playwriting Credits: 3 hours ? ENGL 5700 - Creative Writing Workshop - Creative Non-fiction Credits: 3 hours 3. Literature and English Language Courses (13 to 14 hours) A. Two of the following courses: ? ENGL 3200 - American Literature I Credits: 3 hours ? ENGL 3210 - American Literature II Credits: 3 hours ? ENGL 3300 - British Literature I Credits: 3 hours ? ENGL 3310 - British Literature II Credits: 3 hours B. One of the following courses: ? ENGL 4400 - Studies in Verse Credits: 4 hours ? ENGL 4420 - Studies in Drama Credits: 4 hours ? ENGL 4440 - Studies in the Novel Credits: 4 hours C. One Additional Course One additional English Department literature or English language course at the 2000, 3000, or 5000 levels. 4. ElectivesAt least one additional English Department course at the 2000, 3000, 4000, or 5000 levels to complete the major. The following courses cannot be used for this purpose: ENGL 3070, 3080, 3110, or 4800. 5. Foreign Language Requirement As required by the College of Arts and Sciences. See College of Arts and Sciences advising for specifics. ................

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