English Words - Valencia

English Words

2,000,000+ words in English

500,000+ words in an unabridged dictionary

150,000+ words in an abridged, “college” dictionary

50,000+ words in a college student’s memory and vocabulary

The Language

?-1100 Old English (Anglo-Saxon)

1400. Middle English

1400-X Modern English


Country trunk/boot, hood/bonnet, eraser/rubber

Occupational program JARGON

Public/Media “Oh, behave!” “I’ll be back!” Generation X

Regional pop/soda, bag/sack, youse/y’all/you guys COLLOQUIAL

Spoken cop, could of, iffy

Temporal cat’s meow/groovy/bad/whack/off the chain SLANG

Roots of English (as demonstrated by the spice cabinet)

Chili chili Nahuatl (Aztec language group)

Cinnamon qinnamown Hebrew

Cumin kuminon Greek

Curry kuri Tamil (a language group of India)

Mint minta Germanic

Paprika paprika Hungarian

Pepper pippali Scandinavian

Sage salvia Latin

Salt sealt Old English

Sugar sukkar Arabic

Vanilla vainilla Spanish

Irregularities: spelling, pronunciation

bough, cough, dough, tough, through

boo, coup, do, knew, lieu, Pooh, queue, rue, two, view, who

lead, read, minute, bow, wound tomato, Carribean

goose, moose, mongoose geese, moose, mongooses

Parts of Speech

Adjective modifies noun or pronoun

Adverb modifies adjective, adverb, or verb

Conjunction connects or links words, phrases or sentences

Interjection expresses emotion or commands attention; can stand alone

Noun is a person, place or thing

Preposition introduces a modifying clause

Pronoun substitutes for noun

Verb shows action or being

Parts of a Sentence

Direct Object receives the activity

Indirect Object receives the direct object

Object of the Preposition part of adjectival or adverbial phrase

Predicate action or being Required for a Sentence

Predicate Adjective description of subject

Predicate Nominative restatement of subject

Subject acts or is Required for a Sentence


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