Write down any phrases, slang, expressions - PROF. JONES

“Travels with my Father” Episode 1, Season 1 Watching WorksheetWrite down any phrases, slang, expressions (colloquialisms) that you didn’t understand or don’t usually use/hear:“Conan in Korea” from Conan Without Borders Watching WorksheetComplete the questions as you watch “Conan in Korea”:What is the first activity that Conan does after he gets to Korea?What is the animal that Conan wants to adopt?In the “Korean Drama,” describe the meeting that took place.What is the name of the friend Conan meets up with in Korea?What does Conan do after he visits the Buddhist temple?Answer the questions after watching the Reality Shows:Describe how Thailand was shown after watching “Travels with my Father”:Describe the relationship between Jack and his Father:Describe Conan’s attitude toward Korea. Do you think that he was being respectful to Korean culture?How is Korean Culture portrayed in the show “Conan in Korea”?Do you think that Korean and Thai culture are portrayed correctly in these shows? Why or why not?Overall, what is your opinion of these two reality shows? Did you like or dislike them? Why? Give specific reasons. ................

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