COLOR IN INTERIOR DESIGN - Malta College of Arts, Science and ...


John F. Pile


NewYork San Francisco Washington, D.C. Auckland Bogota Caracas Lisbon London Madrid Mexico City Milan Montreal New Delhi San Juan Singapore Sydney Tokyo Toronto


Chapter 1 Introduction

Chapter 2 Color in lnterior Design

Chapter 3 Vision, Light, and Color

The Eye 16 Light 17 The Visible Spectrum Daylight 20 Artificial Light 20 Color Temperature 21 Colored Light 24 Interior Lighting 25 Light Reflection 25 Light Absorption 25 Color in Interiors 26 Color Interaction 27 Color Blindness 31

Chapter 4 Color Systems

Munsell System 34 Ostwald System 36 DIN System 38 CIE System 38 OASSystem 38 Kuppers System 38 Gerritsen System 39

NCS System 39 Color-Aid System 40 Paul Klee at the Bauhaus 41 Color Systems in Practice 41 Simplified Color System 42 Color Terminology 43 Special Color Issues 45 Mixed Color Effects 46 Effects of Texture 47 Using Color Systems 48

Chapter 5 The Color Wheel

Additive Color 49 Subtractive Color 50 The Color Wheel 51 Monochromatic Color 53 Analogous Color 53 Complementary Color 54

Split Complementaries 56 Double Complementary

Color 56 Triad Color 57 Tetrad Color 58 Modification of Color Hues 58

Tints 59 Shades 59 Neutralization 60 Color Wheel Analysis 61


Chapter 6 Color Charts

Abstract Charts 63 Chart Materials 63

Mixing Color Chips 65 Making a Chart 67 Plan Color Charts 71 Color Maquettes 72 Using Color Charts 73

Chapter 7 Color Schemes

Color Harmony 77 Color Schemes by Type 77

Monotonal Color 78 Monochromatic Color 79 Analogous Color 80 Complementary Color

Schemes 80 Triadcolor 84 Tetrad Color 85 Use of Color Harmony 86

Chapter 8 Color Schemes in Practice

Theory and Pract~ce 88 Color Locations 88 Developing a Scheme 89 Color Choices 90 Favored Approaches 91

Neutral Schemes 92 Natural Color 9 7 Functional Color 99 Combined Schemes 101 Accent Color 102 Dominant and Subdominant Tones 103 Adaptation 104

Chapter 9 From Charts to Realization

Sample Charts 106 Sample Storage 10 7

Material Charts 108 Material Samples 111 Mock-up Spaces 112 Color Plans 112

Chapter 10 Analysis of Color Schemes


Chapter 11 Psychological Impact of Color

Warm, Cool, and Neutral Colors Impact of Specific Hues 142 Meanings from Color 151 Use of Color Implications

in Practice 154 Color and Form 156

136 137

Chapter 12 Use of Color in Various Functional Contexts 158

Residential lnteriors 159 Living Rooms and Dining Rooms 159 Recreation or Family Rooms 160 Bedrooms 760 Children's Rooms 161 Kitchens 162 Bathrooms 163 Libraries, Studies, and Dens 763

Nonresidential lnteriors 163 Hotels and Motels 163 Restaurants 163 Retail Outlets 7 6 7 Showrooms 168 Galleries 169 Office Interiors 169 Schools and College Buildings 1 74 Health Care Facilities 175 Transportation Equipment and Facilities 7 78 Industrial Facilities 7 82

Chapter 13 Color in Historic lnteriors

Ancient Egypt 185 Ancient Greece 186 Ancient Rome 186 Early Christian and

Byzantine Era 189 Middle Ages 189 Renaissance 189 Colonial America 199 Victorian Era 199 Eclecticism 203

Art Deco 21 3 Modernism 213

Postmodernism 215

Chapter 14 Work with Color


Preliminary Color Planning 222 Abstract Charts 224 Materials Sample Charts 225 Color Drawings 225 Alternative Color Presentation 228 Recording Color Data 230 Custom Colors 233 On-Site Adjustment 234 Approvals 234 Standard Color Schemes 235

Chapter 15 Problems with Color 237

Chapter 16 Special Situations


Outdoor/lndoor Spaces 245 Changeable Color 246

Accessories 24 / Artworks 248 Historic Restoration 251 Projected Light 254

Chapter 17 Color in Current Practice

Michael Graves 255 Suzanne Sekey 262 Norman Diekman 266 Shashi Caan 272 Alfredo De Vido 277 Vignelli Associates 284

Chapter 18 A Portfolio of Color Schemes

Glossary 297

Bibliography 299

Index 301


Aalto, Alvar, 103,217 Absorption, 25-26,51 Abstract charts, 63,224,224-225 Accent color, 102-103 Accessories, 247-248,2482,49 Achromatic color, 13,13 Adam Brothers, 198-199,1 99,200-201 Adaptation, 104-105 Additive color, 39,49,50 Additive m~xture(of color), 30 Addit~veprimaries, 12 Advancing color, 29 Advancing and receding color, 141 Afterimage, 28 Albers, Josef, 28 Aluminum, 1 19 American Academy of Arts and Letters (Boston), 134 American Charcuterie (New York City), 150 American Express (offices) (NewYork City), 175 American National Bank (Rockford,Illinois), 140 Analogous color, 53,54,80-83,81,131 Angstrom, 17 Animals, 6,9 Approvals, 234-235 Archive, The (NewYork City), 141 Artworks, 248,250,252 Art Deco, 210-21l, 213 Artificial light, 20-24,21-24 Artimide showroom (Miami, Florida),284 Asahi Building, Tokyo, 221 Azay-le-Rideau chateau (France), 194

Baldwin, Benjamin, 215 Band charts, 1 24 Barcelona Pavilion, 214,215

Barney's (store) (NewYork City),286 Baruch College, CCNY (NewYork City),264 Bathrooms, 149,163 Bauhaus, 41,92,156,757,213,215

BBPR (see Belgiojoso, Peressutti and Rogers)

Bedrooms, 1 60-161, 161 Belgiojoso, Peressutti and Rogers, 229,252 Bennett, Ward, 92 Berger Rait Design Associates, 96,730 Berries, 8 Birds, 9 Black, 150-151, 242 Blue, 148,241 Bodouva, William Ncholas, and Associates, 180-181 Bowery Savings Bank (NewYork City),253 Brass, 1 1 9 Breger, Willlam, 177 Brewster, David, 33 Brewster system, 39 Brick, 115,116 Bright colors, 15,43 Broken color, 46 Bronze, 1 1 9 Brown, 149,241 Byzantine, 189

Caan, Shashi, 272-274,272-274 C.A.B.S.Nursing Home (Brooklyn),177 Cafeterias, 769 Calder, Alexander, 218-219 Carlyle, Thomas, house (London),206 Carpet, 1 19,721 Casson, Conder and Partners, 230 Castello Sforzesco (Milan),229 Chadwick, Gordon, 149



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