Long Hollow Baptist Church

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1. Give preschoolers crayons and the Bible story color sheet.

2. Give each child the take home “Bible and Me” sheets. Help them complete the activity on the back page.

Transition Activity Time

Use this group activity while waiting for parents.

This material is adapted from Bible study lessons from the Winter2009 quarter of Bible Teaching for Kids: 3’s—Pre-K Leader Guide, which is copyrighted by LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Used by permission.

Bible Verse:

“Go and tell others about Jesus.”

Mark 16:15

Small Group Bible Activity Time – Teacher prepares the activities from the teaching box. Activities are placed on the tables or floor for children to rotate through in small groups. Each activity relates to the Biblical truth. (about 25 minutes.)

Large Group Bible Story Time or Tree Hollow– Children will hear the Bible story, participate in a Bible verse activity, sing and worship through a large group experience. This activity is led by the teacher unless Tree Hollow is scheduled for your hour. (about 20 minutes)

Large Group Bible Game Time – Children can play a game or activity as a large group to reinforce the Bible truth. (about 10 minutes)

Transition Activity Time – large or small group activities for preschoolers to transition into the next hour. (about 10 minutes)

Snack Time – Snack will be brought to your room if it is served during your session time.

Bible Story: “Paul Told Lydia About Jesus” Acts 16:11-15, 40

Bible Truth: People can tell one another about Jesus.

Bible Verse: “Go and tell others about Jesus.” Mark 16:15

Life Application: I will learn that missionaries tell people about Jesus.

Age: 3s-Pre-K

January 31, 2010

Bible Teaching Overview

Schedule and Explanation of Activities

Supplies Needed

8:45 & 11:30 (11:00 at WH and 11:15 at Gallatin) 10:00 (9:30 at White House)

Purple paper, white paper, purple crayons, purple Various colored paper [include purple].

Markers, glue scissors. Macaroni noodles, yarn, markers.

“Bible & Me” pages. White paper, tape, markers, crayons

Dish pan, water, various rocks, towel.

Blocks, white paper, crayons

Fabric pieces, glue, paper.

1. Before the session, cut 2” squares from different colors of construction paper and place in a paper bag. When children are settled for Bible Story Time, ask each child to reach in the bag and pull out a colored square. Invite each child to name something in the room that matches his color square.

2. Tell boys and girls that the Bible story is about a lady who sold a pretty colored material. Ask them to listen for the color of material she sold.

3. Open your Bible and tell the story as you make eye contact with the children.

Bible Story Time

(Ask children to sit on the carpet or at tables as you lead the Bible story time)

Paul Told Lydia About Jesus

Acts 16:11-15, 40

Paul went many places telling people about Jesus. One day Paul and his friends were traveling by boat. They stopped at a big city, Paul wanted everyone in the city to hear about Jesus. On the day Paul and his friends usually went to church, they walked out of the city and down to the river. There Paul and his friends found some women. Because there was no church in the city, the women met beside the river to pray and learn about God.

Paul talked to the women about Jesus. One of the women was named Lydia. She sold purple cloth. Paul told Lydia and the other women that Jesus loved them. Lydia believed the things Paul said about Jesus. Lydia asked Paul and his friends to come to her home. And they did.

4. Ask children what color cloth Lydia sold. Show the Bible story picture and ask boys and girls questions like: “Where was Lydia when she heard about Jesus? Who told her about Jesus? Who was she with when Paul told her about Jesus? What did she want Paul and her friends to do after she learned about Jesus?”

5. Pray and thank God for the story of Paul and Lydia. Ask God to help us tell others about Jesus.

6. Ask a child to open your Bible to the purple Bible marker. Read the verse “Go and tell others about Jesus.” Mark 16:15. Say the verse together.

Find the Bible phrases. Place the colored Bible phrase strips in the preschool teaching Bible in the appropriate place. Ask the preschoolers to sit around you and choose a colored marker. Ask them to tell you the color and you share with them the Bible phrase—ask them to repeat it after you. After all have been chosen, place them back in the Bible and let preschoolers take turns choosing a colored marker and saying the Bible phrase on their own.

Play “I Can.” Place preschoolers in a semi-circle. Put a chair in the center of the circle. Select a child to sit in the chair with eyes closed. Place a scarf or piece of fabric on the floor behind the chair. Select another child to quietly take the item and go back to his place. The child in the chair gets 3 guesses to identify who took the item. Encourage the one guessing to say: “I Can tell you who took the scarf.” Then say, “We all Can tell others about Jesus.”

Bible Learning Game Time

Bible Learning Activities

8:45 & 11:30 (11:00 at WH and 11:15 at Gallatin)

Intro Activities:

* Place the different kinds of purple paper and the sheets of white paper on the table. Provide purple crayons, purple markers, glue and scissors.

*Show the Bible and Me page to the children. Tell boys and girls that Lydia sold purple material. One day Paul came and told her about Jesus.

*Invite preschoolers to make a purple picture. Write the words Jesus and Bible on their pages, and encourage them to trace the words.

Bible Learning Activities:

1. Wash Rocks—Before the session, place a dishpan on a towel and lay out several sizes and colors of rocks. Place a small amount of water in the dishpan. Invite preschoolers to place the rocks in the dishpan and give them a good washing. Talk about how Lydia and her friends were sitting on a river bank praying when Paul came along and told them about Jesus.

2. Build a Bridge—Before the session, tape a strip of white paper in the block area or on a table top. Draw a river down the middle of the paper. Provide crayons and markers. Show the Bible story picture to preschoolers. Talk about what is happening in the picture. Invite preschoolers to color the water in the river and draw things they see in the Bible story picture around the river. (Children can use blocks to build a bridge over the river.)

3. Make a Fabric Collage—Place fabric squares, scissors, white paper, and glue on a table. Invite preschoolers to make a picture using the fabric pieces. Tell how a lady named Lydia in the Bible sold expensive fabric to make a living. Paul told her about Jesus.

10:00 (9:30 at White House)

Intro Activities: Cut various squares of colored paper. (Be sure only 3 or 4 of them are purple.) Hide the colored squares around the room. Tell the preschoolers how many pieces of paper you have hidden and how many of the pieces are purple. Ask them to “seek and find” the pieces of paper. Say, the first person to find a purple piece gets to be the “line leader” going to Tree Hollow today. Tell the preschoolers that the color, purple was a special color in Bible times.

Complete the “Bible & Me” pages.

Bible Learning Activities:

1. Make an African Necklace—Place macaroni noodles, yarn, and markers on the table. Invite preschoolers to color their pieces of macaroni and string them to make a necklace. As children work, tell the following story:

Noah Carruthers is four and he lives with his family in Africa. His mom and dad are missionaries. They tell people about Jesus. Noah enjoys going to an “outside” church where he can see the sky. He helps his parents by staying quiet as they talk to the people about Jesus. Noah’s mom teaches him at home. He likes to color and play with his brother and sister. Noah’s favorite foods are pineapple and macaroni. He helps his mother buy them at the store.

Ask the preschoolers: “Where did Noah live? What do missionaries do? Can you be a missionary?” Say, “Sure, we all can be missionaries and tell others about Jesus.”

2. Make a Mural—Cover a table top with white paper. Tape underneath. Place crayons and markers on the table. Print the Bible verse on the paper. Talk about places we can tell others about Jesus such as: school, the park, the store, friend’s house, etc. Invite preschoolers to draw pictures of those places we can tell others about Jesus.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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