
Detailed Lesson Plan in K to 12 Grade 8 EnglishOBJECTIVES:At the end of the session, the students will be able to:Identify general information from Japan;Identify the notable Japanese literary works; andAppreciate different literary genres (short story, novel, poetry, drama, etc.) by the Japanese.SUBJECT MATTER AND MATERIALSSubject Matter:Exploring the Literatures of Prose, Drama, and Poetry from Japan. Reference:English Communication Arts and Skills through Afro-Asian Literature by Josephine B. Serrano and Milagros G. Lapid. 2018The Best Japanese Novels That Have English Translations ( HYPERLINK "; )10 Japanese Books You Need to Read ( HYPERLINK "; )What to Expect at a Japanese Summer Festival ( HYPERLINK "; )Example of Haiku Poems( HYPERLINK "; )Materials:Laptop, projector, whiteboard, marker, paper, pen, etc. PROCEDURESTeacher’s ActivityStudent’s ActivityMotivationBefore we start our lesson today, the class will be divided into five (5) groups. I have forty-four (44) sheets of paper here which may be red, yellow, blue, green, and pink. Each of you will pick a paper which will determine who your groupmates would be. After, sit with your groupmates in the assigned places. All members must join in the discussion during our activity. I have several questions, and each group must be able to answer the question, in order to gain a point or points for the quiz bee game. Are you ready? Guide questions: (These are flashed on the screen which may be in interrogative sentence form or clues in the form of pictures.)What country has this flag?Yes, correct! This flag is from Japan. Japan has a simple design of their flag with only two colors unlike in other countries such as the Philippines. Similar to the elements found in the Philippine flag, the elements in the former have meaning too.What are these two colors?Right. These colors stand for something just like all the other flags in other countries do too. To give you a clue, I will give you some examples. The Indonesian flag also has the same colors as Japan’s flag. The difference lies in the meaning of the colors. In the Indonesian flag, red means bold, and white means sacred. The same is true with the Philippine flag. Each color and element stand for something too.For us to know the meaning of the red color in the Japanese flag, perhaps it is better to know about its geographical location. Are you familiar with cardinal directions?Cardinal directions or cardinal points are the general directions that we have. They are north, east, south, and west. Where is Japan located in the map?Good. It is in the east. Now, the red color of the Japanese flag has something to do with the Japan being in the east. The red stands up for something that rises in the east. What does the red now mean?Correct. The red means sun for the Japanese. Why do you think they interpret it as such?Very good. What about the white? What do you think does it stand for?I can see why you said such. It’s very close to the answer. Yes, in a way, it stands up for cleanliness, but not cleanliness in the physical sense. What do you think about that?Okay, correct. What adjective do we use to describe people who possess such characteristic?Very good, (Student)! The white in the Japanese flag stands for honesty. Thank you for your insightful answers. Moving on, the official name of the Japanese flag is Nissho-ki. Nissho-ki is a formal name, but most people say it as Hinomaru which means sun circle. The white color on the Japanese flag symbolizes honesty and integrity adopted by the Japanese people. Meanwhile, the red circle on the flag symbolizes sincerity and represents Amaterasu. As my explanation before, that the name of the Japanese flag is Nissho-ki, or Hinomaru which means “sun circle”. What does “sun circle” mean?I will give you a hint. In my country, Indonesia, it is known as “A Country of a Thousand Islands”. This name was given because of its archipelagic attribute. How about in your country, the Philippines? What is it called as aside from Philippines?Correct. My first question which is asking about the meaning of sun circle is also connected to your answer earlier about Japan being in the east and having the sun rising in places in the east. Do you now know what sun circle means? What does it mean?Why is Japan called the land of the rising sun? Why not choose the other countries? Good! Anything else? Yes, that’s correct! Because the location of Japan is in the eastern part of China. The sun is rising from the east. So, at that time the Chinese called Japan the 'Land of the Rising Sun'. So, that’s name given by China. What is the capital city of Japan? Good! Every year Tokyo holds a festival, one of them is the summer of traditional festival. Summer festival traditions such as Bon Odori (the Bon dance) and fireworks festivals are rooted in Obon, as these were meant to welcome and celebrate the dead as they briefly visit their world. Meanwhile, the case of fireworks festivals send them off afterwards. The Japanese people usually use their traditional dress in this festival. What is the name of the traditional dress from Japan? All right! (Showing the picture of kimono) The traditional dress of Japan is the kimono. Do you know when we can wear that dress, except in that festival?Great answer! Kimonos, which are generally made of silk, have large sleeves and reach from the shoulders all the way down to the heels. They are tied with a wide belt called an obi. Kimonos are now usually worn only on special occasions, such as the festival, weddings, and graduation ceremonies. Alright, I think you got many things from Japan. There is also a woman from Japan who always wear this dress in her everyday life, if you know her name it means you’re very familiar with Japan. Who knows the name of this woman? Okay! she always uses a thick make up, then uses a red lipstick, and hair bun (showing a picture of Geisha).Correct! Her name is Geisha, who entertain through performing the ancient traditions of art, dancing and singing. If you want to see Geisha, you may go to Japan and she her in Gion Corner, the location is located in Yasaka Hall. Moving on students! Usually, kimono not only worn by Geisha in her everyday life. Sometimes kimono also is appeared in a short story. There are many a classical short story from Japan, let’s see the example of that (Showing a short story). The first story is Kaguyahime also known as?The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter,?is another popular tale. It primarily details the life of a mysterious girl called Kaguya-hime, who was discovered as a baby inside the stalk of a glowing?bamboo?plant.And the last story is Shita-kiri suzume means "tongue-cut sparrow" and is a very famous tale in Japanese folklore. It is about the consequences of greed and jealousy. Okay! It’s all about short story, short story usually known as folktale, how about longer story? What do we call that story? Yes, you’re right a long story. But it has name. What the name of that story?Usually, this story is made because a real event or just an imagination from the authors. You can always read this story everywhere, anywhere . So, back to the question, what is the name of this literary work?You’re true, but I want you to make it specific. There are many kinds of fiction also, so what is that? Correct! It’s novel. These are several novels from Japan(Showing the pictures).The first novel is Death in Midsummer (1953) by Yukio Mishima, this is a powerful collection of Yukio Mishima. Filled with black humor and fraught relationship. The second novel is, The waiting years (1957) by Fumiko Enchi. This novel is a beautifully written tale of suffering set in Meiji Japan. This story told us about Tomo. She is the novel’s female lead, struggles through her life and marriage to her unfaithful husband. If you want to know more, you have to read it. Next, this is a first novel in the world, and it comes from Japan. The writer is female, and her name is Murasaki Shikibu. The novel of Murasaki Shikibu wrote would later be known as The Tale of Genji. The Tale of Genji is perhaps the most famous work to come out of Japan. It is a story of love set in a court of the Heian period, with the central character having to navigate her way through the social and political obstacles of the time. Okay, that’s all about the novels. What about the other literary works, usually this work is short but has a million meanings, it usually uses the number of syllables to write it. What is the name of the literary work? Okay, I will give you a hint. This literary work sometimes can be played with a guitar, while we read it. What do you think about that work?Correct! It’s called a poetry. In japan there were four master haiku poets, known as "the Great Four." They were Matsuo Basho, Kobayashi Issa, Masaoka Shiki, and Yosa Buson. Haiku means a Japanese poem of seventeen syllables, in three lines of five, seven, and five. To make it clear I will show you the examples of that poetry (Showing the example of poetry). These are the examples of Haiku poetry. If you take a look carefully, the number of syllables consists of 5, 7,5. Okay class! You have learned a short story, novel, poetry. How about if the story showed in the stage directly, and it is played by the actors/actress. How do we call that?I can see why you said such. It’s very close to the answer. Yes, this is a classical show, and usually this stage is not necessary use the manuscript. Usually, this story performing the ancient traditions of art, the history,and etc . How do you think about that? I will give you a clue, the first word is “T”.Very good! So, it’s known as drama theater. There three types of drama have been developed in Japan : The Noh play, the Bunraku or puppet play, and the Kabuki play. The first silde is The Noh play. Noh theater developed in the 14th century, emerging hand-in-hand with a form of comedic. Noh is performed in a very stylized fashion, with actors wearing masks and singing in monotone as they perform slow, ritualized movements to music. The second is, Bunraku, traditional Japanese puppet theater, is a serious art form aimed at adults that largely evolved out of Osaka during the Edo Period (1603-1868). A?bunraku?puppet is about half the size of a human being, and operated by three people who dress all in black but are otherwise in clear view of the audience. The head puppeteer controls the head and right hand, while the other two puppeteers operate the left hand and legs. The story is narrated in a form of chant called?Joruri.And the last is Kabuki. The performance is a great way to spend a day indoors. Unlike a Western theater experience, which will last up to perhaps three hours, a kabuki performance will typically start before noon and run with periodic breaks until evening, with scenes from multiple plays of varying lengths strung together throughout the day. You can get? HYPERLINK "; \t "_blank" single-act tickets?in some theaters, but you'll likely have to wait in line for them. And seats are not only limited, you may end up standing at the back of the room.So, that’s all about the drama. How about movie from Japan?Have you watched movie from Japan? What movie have you watched? Anything else? Good! I also have a favorite movie from Japan (Showing the pictures of that drama).The first is 1 Litre of tears. This story it’s so sad. The story tell about a young girl, and she has a terrible disease where the cerebellum of the brain gradually deteriorates to the point where the victim cannot walk, speak, write, or although eat. The second movie is sadder, who knows about this story? Good! Tell a bit about that story. Thank you, as you said that this story tell about the dog and his owner. This dog very loyal with his owner, Eizaburo. He loved his dear dog above all and treated him as his son. The two of them were inseparable. But after all the time, Eizaburo had suffered from a cerebral hemorrhage and died suddenly and unexpectedly while at work. That’s all about the story. To find out how far your knowledge about Japan, let's take a look at the next slide.You may see, there are two pictures here. What do you think the differences both of them?Good! But what is the other name for the comic?Correct! But, what are the specific differences of them? For example : Anime is this and bla bla bla, and manga is this bla bla bla. That’s great, thank you. Moving on to the next question. Are anime and manga included as a literary works? If you say no, why? And if you say yes, why? Give me your reason.Okay! good, tell me your reason why anime and manga are not included as literary work? Great answers class! Actually, many people think that those are not included as literary works, meanwhile the others think those are included as a literary works. To make it clear, actually anime refers to animated shows or movies. Meanwhile manga refers to comic books or graphic novels. How nice students! So, the conclusion of our lesson today.Why do we need to know about literature of Japan?Correct! Thank you for those great answers. Any suggestion? What we can achieve from studying the literary works from other countries is that we can get a lot of information, whether is about the culture, habits, which is put together into a literature. APPLICATION Answer the following questions by using TRUE (T) or FALSE (F) !Japan is a country from East Asia. It is also known as the “Pearl of the Orient Seas.”Indonesian flag has a same meaning with Japanese flag. Which means, red is bold and white is sacred.There are many a classical short stories from Japan, such as Geisha, Urashima Taro, The Tale of Genji, and Death in Midsummer.The location of Japan is in the eastern part of China. The sun is rising from the east. So, at that time the Chinese called Japan as the “Land of the Rising Sun.”Philippine flag has a meaning. The white triangle symbolizes freedom, equality, and brotherhood. The red color at the bottom symbolizes patriotism and courage. The blue color at the top symbolizes peace, honesty, and justice. The yellow sun symbolizes unity, independence, people's democracy and sovereignty. Three stars in each corner of the triangle are three groups of islands in the Philippines, i.e Luzon, Bisaya, and Mindanao. The six rays of sun symbolize the six initial provinces in the Philippines, i.e Metro Manila, Cavite, Pampanga, Bulacan, Nueva Ecija, and Tarlac.The official name of the Japanese flag is Nissho-ki, but most people say it as Hinomaru or which means sun circle. The white color on the Japanese flag symbolizes honesty and integrity adopted by the Japanese people. Meanwhile, the red circle on the flag symbolizes sincerity and represents Amaterasu.Indonesia, it is known as “A Country of a Thousand Islands”. This name was given as well as emphasizing that Indonesia is an archipelagic country with the largest number of islands in the world.Every year Tokyo holds a festival, one of them is the summer of traditional festival. Summer festival traditions such as Bon Odori (the Bon dance) and fireworks festivals are rooted in Obon, as these were meant to welcome and celebrate the dead as they briefly visit their world. Meanwhile, the case of fireworks festivals send them off afterwards. The Japanese people must wear their casual outfit in this festival.In japan there were four master haiku poets, known as "the Great Four.” They were Matsuo Basho, Kobayashi Issa, Masaoka Shiki, and Yosa Buson. Haiku means a Japanese poem of seventeen syllables, in three lines of seven, five, seven. Anime refers to animated shows or movies. Meanwhile manga refers to comic books or graphic novels. That’s why those are not included as a literary works.(They must be able to finish it until 10 minutes)ENRICHMENTThe students have to make a summary at least 2 paragraphs, based on the lesson today. (They must be able to finish it until 10 minutes)GeneralizationThank you for those great answers. You have truly understood about our lesson today. You have done with your summary, and now I want some of you to read the things that you have written in there.Anyone else? Good! You have already understood all the materials today. I hope that someday you have a chance to visit Japan, then you can get a lot of information from there especially for the literature. Good Job class!Yes, Ma’am!The country which has that flag is Japan, Ma’am.They are red and white.No, Ma’am.Japan is located in the east, Ma’am.Ma’am, perhaps, the red in the said flag means sun.Ma’am, maybe because the red is shaped like a circle which is similar to how the sun looks like when it rises and sets in the east. Ma’am, for me, white may stand up for cleanliness among Japanese. Isn’t it the Japanese are so clean in their homes that they consider it as being impolite if you do not remove your shoes when entering a household. I think it stands up for cleanliness of intentions or conscience, Ma’am. Ma’am, we call them honest people! So, maybe the white for the Japanese means honesty!We don’t have a clue, Ma’am.Ma’am, the Philippines is also known as the “Pearl of the Orient Seas.”Sun circle means “Land of the Rising Sun.”It is because the sun is rising from the east, Ma’am. It’s Tokyo, Ma’am. The name of traditional dress from Japan is Kimono, ma’am.Probably, when we have a special moments like wedding, or celebration party, etc. We don’t have a clue, Ma’am. She is Geisha, Ma’am!It is Long story, ma’am!It is fiction, Ma’am.It is a novel, Ma’am!We don’t have an idea, Ma’am!It’s a poetry, Ma’am.It is drama , Ma’am. That’s a theater, Ma’am. Yes, Ma’am!(Students mention the drama)(The students raise their hand)(Student tells about the story)The first is anime and the second is comic, Ma’am.It’s Manga, Ma’am.Manga is like a comic, and anime is showed in movie, Ma’am. Anime and manga are not included as a literature, Ma’am.Because it’s only imagination, Ma’am, it’s not real. So, it’s included as a literary works, Ma’am.It’s because we need to know more things from other countries, ma’am.(Students answer the question vary).(Students raise their hand to read the summary)Evaluation Assignment ................

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