Story Book Project - Rubric

Names _____________________________ Period: Business Law: 5

Charting Constitutional History: Story Book Project – Rubric

1. This Project is to be done in either:

a. “Book” Format (all pages bound in some way, with a cover)

2. In this project you must include:

a. Cover page & Title for project

a. Make sure all the names/group members is clearly written on the outside cover

b. Table of Contents

c. Make sure to follow the organization of this outline exactly, points will be deducted if information is out of order,

3. Format

a. Vocabulary: All KEY words must be highlighted, in bold, underlined…in written portions of the assignment to receive credit.

b. Illustrations: Unless otherwise indicated, you are always welcome to print images from the Internet or draw your own pictures. They must be in Color

c. When no minimum or format is provided the default format in this class is: typed, double-spaced, one page min 12pt font.

d. Summaries: Before you begin each story, include a summary in academic language that introduces an adult reader to each chapter in history, which contributed to the United States Constitutional History. . Make sure to following the guidelines

a. One page minimum, typed, double spaced, 12 point font, Times New Roman

b. Include all the same topics & vocabulary words you used in your story.

1. Once again, vocabulary words should be in bold/underlined….

c. Remember!! The summary is for an adult reader; it should be formal & concise. No illustrations are needed for this portion of the project. ---You will be uploading the summaries to Turn-it- (Originality Checking)

e. Storybook: Using language that your classmates would understand, create a story for EACH topic listed below same as the summaries make sure to follow the guidelines below.

a. Each topic should have its OWN story.

b. Use as many pictures/illustrations you like to help explain the story

1. Make sure all pictures/illustrations are in color

2. A good guide is every page should have at least one picture

c. In addition to the “story text” you may use voice/thought bubbles if you like

d. Be creative!!! A great way to start your story is “In the year of…

f. Plagiarism: All or a significant amount of points will be deducted if students plagiarize any written portion of this project

a. I reserve the right to use my judgment based on the severity of each individual case to determine whether to deduct points or give the students a Zero on an individual section or the entire project.

g. Research: You should use PowerPoint lectures, textbook or the internet to research

In Class Work-Day (class work) ___________ / 5 pts

Rough Draft/Story board (homework) ___________ / 20 pts

Final Draft

Outside resource(s) listed ___________ / 5 pts

Required ideas all covered ___________ / 30 pts

Clarity of ideas/neatness ___________ / 10 pts

Creativity ___________ / 15 pts

Presentation ___________ / 15 pts

Total ___________ /100 pts


11/12 Partners declared & Plot summary. 1-2 paragraphs about the story.

11/16 Storyboard. Each block should have a brief description of what will be happening on each page. Text or picture/text page labeled.

11/17 Typed story. Each page separated clear.

11/18 Final Storyboard: NO LATE PROJECTS ACCEPTED & Presentation.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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