Home and Interior Design

Grades 11 and 12


Students will be provided with a basic knowledge of how to choose a place to live, basic home planning and construction details, individual room plans with furniture arrangement and color selection. Cultural and historical influences on today’s homes will be considered. The main focus of this course is the creation of a student portfolio which will contain scaled drawings, furniture selection, color selections, painting techniques, and finishes. A basic knowledge of math is needed. Students will be responsible for the cost of a final project, approximately $5-$10


Class Periods: Six (6) per six (6) day cycle

Length of Class Periods (minutes): Fifty-six (56)

Length of Course: One (1) semester

Unit of Credit: .50

Updated: June 2014

|COURSE: Home and Interior Design |GRADE(S): 11 - 12 |

|STRAND: 1.6 Speaking and Listening, CC.1.2 Reading Informational Text, |TIME FRAME: 1 semester |

|CC.1.5.9 Speaking and Listening, 11.2 Balancing Family, Work and | |

|Community Responsibility | |


| |

|1.6.12.A Speaking and Listening |

|Listen critically and respond to others in small and large group situations. |

|Respond with grade level appropriate ideas, information or opinions. |

| |

|11.1.12.C: Balancing Family, Work and Community Responsibility |

|Analyze the relationship among factors affecting consumer housing decisions (e.g., human needs, financial resources, location, |

|legal agreements, and maintenance responsibilities). |


| |


|CC.1.2.9-10.A: Determine a central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text, including how it emerges|

|and is shaped and refined by specific details; provide an objective summary of the text. |

|  |


|CC.1.5.9-10.A: Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions on grades level topics, texts, and |

|issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively. |


| |

|N/A |


| |

|Textbook: Sherwood, Ruth F. Homes & Interiors. 7th ed. McGraw Hill Companies, Inc. 2007 |

|Video: |

|Interior Design the Basics |

|The First Time Home Buyer |

|Real Estate Magazines |

|Local Newspaper Handouts |

|“HOUSE” Game (BINGO) |


| |

|The learner will identify factors to consider when making housing decisions. |


| |

|Define terminology consistent with buying a home. |

|Explain factors people use to determine an affordable price range for a home. |

|Compare and contrast various ways to finance the purchase of a home. |

|Utilize available guidelines to determine buyer’s price range for a home. |

|Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of new and older homes. |

|Identify factors that affect the resale value of a home. |

|Summarize the steps in the home buying process. |

|Identify the various inspections that potential home buyers should have performed before purchasing a home. |

|Identify the closing costs that home buyers have to pay. |


| |

|Compile a personal checklist of features to investigate before selecting a neighborhood to live. |

|Checklist to evaluate a property prior to buying. |

|Research current interest rates. |

|Complete worksheet "Determine Your Price Range" using mastery level salary to calculate maximum price range for a home. |

|Calculate maximum square footages of a home. |

|Analyze cost saving in a do-it-yourself project versus a paid professional. |


| |

|Test |

|Worksheets/practice exercise |

|Checklists |

|Activities/projects |

|Collaborative Group Work |


| |

|Correctives: |

|Conduct an in-depth career investigation. Choose three jobs in the housing industry that interests you. Make a chart that lists|

|the following information for each job: |

|Work environment |

|Interests and aptitudes needed |

|Education or training needed |

|Salary range |

|Job forecast |

|Determine which of the three jobs listed seems most suitable for your interests and skills. |

| |

|Extensions: |

|Write a paragraph about your idea for a new creative way of financing a home. Give the option a name and explain who will |

|qualify for it, the terms, and how it can help young people afford their first home. |

|COURSE: Home and Interior Design |GRADE(S): 11 and 12 |

|STRAND: 1.6 Speaking and Listening, CC.1.2 Reading Informational Text, |TIME FRAME: 1 semester |

|CC.1.5.9 Speaking and Listening, 11.2 Balancing Family, Work and | |

|Community Responsibility | |


| |

|1.6.12.A Speaking and Listening |

|Listen critically and respond to others in small and large group situations. |

|Respond with grade level appropriate ideas, information or opinions. |

| |

|11.2.12.E: Balancing Family, Work and Community Responsibility |

|Assess the availability of emerging technology that is designed to do the work of the family and evaluate the impact of its use on |

|individuals, families and communities. |


| |


|CC.1.2.9-10.A: Determine a central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text, including how it emerges|

|and is shaped and refined by specific details; provide an objective summary of the text. |

|  |


|CC.1.5.9-10.A: Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions on grades level topics, texts, and |

|issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively. |


| |

|N/A |


| |

|Textbook: Sherwood, Ruth F. Homes & Interiors. 7th ed. McGraw Hill Companies, Inc. 2007 |

|Computer |

|Handouts |


|The learner will evaluate the role of technology in homes today. |


| |

|Evaluate the benefits and drawbacks of different natural and manufactured materials used in home construction. |

|Describe the three basic methods of home construction. |

|Evaluate the role of high technology in homes today. |

|Assess the importance of building homes that follow the concept of universal design. |


| |

|Discuss materials used for home construction. |

|Research new technology used in homes today. |

|Brochure project. |

|Discuss universal design. |

|Design a room including five universal design features. |


| |

|Essay Rubric |

|Brochure Rubric |

|Tests |

|Collaborative Group Work |


| |

|Correctives: |

|In 150 words defend your position. Do architects and builders have an obligation to use more recycled materials in building |

|homes? |

| |

|Extensions: |

|You have decided to enter a contest called Design 3000, sponsored by the Advanced Housing Study Committee. The committee is |

|interested in finding new ideas for housing. |

|Describe in 300 words or less ways in which your house would go green! |

|Describe features of the home that would qualify as universal design. |

|Entries will be judged on practicality and originality. |

|COURSE: Home and Interior Design |GRADE(S): 11 and 12 |

|STRAND: 1.6 Speaking and Listening, CC.1.2 Reading Informational Text, |TIME FRAME: 1 semester |

|CC.1.5.9 Speaking and Listening, 9.2 Historical and Cultural Contexts | |


| |

|1.6.12.A Speaking and Listening |

|Listen critically and respond to others in small and large group situations. |

|Respond with grade level appropriate ideas, information or opinions. |

| |

|9.2.12.A: Historical and Cultural Contexts |

|Explain the historical, cultural and social context of an individual work in the arts. |


| |


|CC.1.2.9-10.A: Determine a central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text, including how it emerges|

|and is shaped and refined by specific details; provide an objective summary of the text. |

|  |


|CC.1.5.9-10.A: Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions on grades level topics, texts, and |

|issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively. |


| |

|N/A |


| |

|Textbook: Sherwood, Ruth F. Homes & Interiors. 7th ed. McGraw Hill Companies, Inc. 2007 |

|Images of historical, period homes. |

|Real Estate Books |

|Videos: |

|What is a House? |

|The American Home |

|Historical House Plan Book |

|House Design Magazines |

|Handouts |


| |

|The learner will identify and evaluate the influences on home architecture. |


| |

|Evaluate how events in America’s history have affected housing design. |

|Evaluate historical housing styles and elements that influence current housing designs. |


| |

|View images of housing during selected design periods. |

|Complete a worksheet comparing housing elements that reflect two distinct time periods. Discuss. |

|Brainstorm how the cultural and societal change influence changes in housing. |

|List the possible environmental technological and economic influences on housing styles. |

|Research a period style through a picture collection. |

|Utilize information in the selection of housing style for the portfolio home project. |


| |

|Portfolios |

|Test and quizzes |

|Group work |

|Rubrics for home style collection |


| |

|Correctives: |

|Choose an early home discussed in the chapter. Write an advertisement for the Pocono Record to offer the house for sale. Write |

|the advertisement so it reflects the historical period and addresses people who would be living at the time. |

|Make a picture collection of the main periods of house styles. Identify styles, features, and time frame. |

| |

|Extensions: |

|Draw or collect a series of pictures showing the evolution of housing styles from Native American homes to the end of the 20th |

|Century. |

|COURSE: Home and Interior Design |GRADE(S): 11 and 12 |

|STRAND: 1.6 Speaking and Listening, CC.1.2 Reading Informational Text, |TIME FRAME: 1 semester |

|CC.1.5.9 Speaking and Listening, 9.1 Production, Performance and | |

|Exhibition of Dance, Music, Theatre and Visual Arts | |


| |

|1.6.12.A Speaking and Listening |

|Listen critically and respond to others in small and large group situations. |

|Respond with grade level appropriate ideas, information or opinions. |

| |

|9.1.12.A: [pic]Production, Performance and Exhibition of Dance, Music, Theatre and Visual Arts |

|Know and use the elements and principles of each art form to create works in the arts and humanities. |

|Visual Arts: • color • form/shape • line • space • texture • value |


| |


|CC.1.2.9-10.A: Determine a central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text, including how it emerges|

|and is shaped and refined by specific details; provide an objective summary of the text. |

|  |


|CC.1.5.9-10.A: Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions on grades level topics, texts, and |

|issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively. |


| |

|N/A |


| |

|Textbook: Sherwood, Ruth F. Homes & Interiors. 7th ed. McGraw Hill Companies, Inc. 2007 |

|Video: The Magic of Faux |

|Handouts |

|Poster Paint |

|Magazines |


| |

|The learner will describe factors to consider when planning a color schemes. |


| |

|Describe the elements of good design. |

|Explain how texture can be used to create desired effects. |

|Explain why color is the most significant element of design. |

|Analyze how color can be used to create mood and illusions. |

|Identify the characteristics of different types of color schemes. |

|Describe the effects of value and intensity in various hues. |


| |

|Generate a list of colors describing how each color makes one feel. Link how color perceptions affect feelings about a room, space|

|or objects. |

|Develop individual color wheels using poster paint. |

|Define hue, value, and intensity of colors. |

|Make a chart displaying value and intensity of two colors. |

|Combine colors to make a neutral color, shade and tint on a chart. |

|Discuss color schemes using pictures to depict the 7 types. |

|Discuss the elements of design, space, line, shape, form, texture, and color. |

|Discuss the 5 main principles of design. |

|Discuss faux finishes. |

|Make faux finish samples for portfolio. |

|Tinsel Art Activity |


| |

|Portfolio Rubric |

|Test and quizzes |

|Color Wheel and Tint Neutral Assessment |

|Collaborative Group Work |


| |

|Correctives: |

|Research how color is used to affect people’s behavior in schools, shopping malls, restaurants, and hospitals. Report findings |

|to class. |

| |

|Extensions: |

|Provide students with reproductions of famous paintings. Discuss how each artist used various color schemes to create the |

|particular effect in each painting. |

|COURSE: Home and Interior Design |GRADE(S): 11 and 12 |

|STRAND: 1.6 Speaking and Listening, CC.1.2 Reading Informational Text, |TIME FRAME: 1 semester |

|CC.1.5.9 Speaking and Listening, 11.2 Balancing Family, Work and | |

|Community Responsibility | |


| |

|1.6.12.A Speaking and Listening |

|Listen critically and respond to others in small and large group situations. |

|Respond with grade level appropriate ideas, information or opinions. |

| |

|11.2.12.D: Balancing Family, Work and Community Responsibility |

|Based on efficiency, aesthetics and psychology, evaluate space plans (e.g., home, office, work areas) for their ability to meet a |

|variety of needs including those of individuals with special needs. |


| |


|CC.1.2.9-10.A: Determine a central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text, including how it emerges|

|and is shaped and refined by specific details; provide an objective summary of the text. |

|  |


|CC.1.5.9-10.A: Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions on grades level topics, texts, and |

|issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively. |


| |

|N/A |


| |

|Texbook: Kicklighter, Clois E, Joan C. Kicklighter. Residential Housing & Interiors. The Goodheart- Wilcox |

|Company, Inc. 2005 |

|Graph paper |

|Rubrics |

|House templates |

|Handouts |

|Demonstrations |


| |

|The learner will determine the utility of a floor plan in relation to a family’s needs. |


| |

|Map a circulation pattern and evaluate its quality. |

|Identify specific activities and areas involved in family, work, service and guest circulation patterns. |

|Identify symbols used to draw floor plans. |

|Draw the information shown on a house plan for individual portfolios. |

|Create an individual portfolio. |


| |

|Evaluate floor plans to determine room relationship and circulation patterns. |

|Choose floor plan for portfolio. |

|Use scale drawings to depict the house floor plan using 1/4" for each foot. Include 1st, 2nd level, garage space, decks, patios, |

|and porches. |

|Use the correct symbols to indicate walls, doorways, door swing, windows, electrical outlets, fireplaces, and other features on a |

|floor plan. |


| |

|Portfolios |

|Tests and quizzes |

|Assessment on floor plan (rubric) |

|Portfolio Rubric |


| |

|Correctives: |

|Role-play a homebuyer. The home buying process has been narrowed down to three homes -- one with a slab, one with a crawl space,|

|and one with a basement. What would be the 1st, 2nd and 3rd choice? Why? |

| |

|Extensions: |

|Assume that you are an architect for a home design firm. You are working on your first home design with Universal Design. Draw |

|a basic floor plan for a home, using the blueprint symbols. Write a paragraph explaining your decision and reason for choosing |

|particular design options. |

|COURSE: Home and Interior Design |GRADE(S): 11 and 12 |

|STRAND: 1.6 Speaking and Listening, CC.1.2 Reading Informational Text, |TIME FRAME: 1 semester |

|CC.1.5.9 Speaking and Listening, 11.2 Balancing Family, Work and | |

|Community Responsibility | |


| |

|1.6.12.A Speaking and Listening |

|Listen critically and respond to others in small and large group situations. |

|Respond with grade level appropriate ideas, information or opinions. |

| |

|11.2.12.D: Balancing Family, Work and Community Responsibility |

|Based on efficiency, aesthetics and psychology, evaluate space plans (e.g., home, office, work areas) for their ability to meet a |

|variety of needs including those of individuals with special needs. |


| |


|CC.1.2.9-10.A: Determine a central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text, including how it emerges|

|and is shaped and refined by specific details; provide an objective summary of the text. |

|  |


|CC.1.5.9-10.A: Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions on grades level topics, texts, and |

|issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively. |


| |

|N/A |


| |

|Texbook: Kicklighter, Clois E, Joan C. Kicklighter. Residential Housing & Interiors. The Goodheart- Wilcox |

|Textbook: Sherwood, Ruth F. Homes & Interiors. 7th ed. McGraw Hill Companies, Inc. 2007 |

|Magazine catalogs/flyers |

|Handouts/worksheets |

|Graph paper |

|Kitchen templates |


| |

|The learner will explain basic principles for designing efficient service areas of a home. |


| |

|Describe the three centers of the work triangle. |

|Plan an efficiently arranged kitchen. |

|Evaluate the location, layout, and efficiency of laundry facilities. |

|Plan an efficient laundry center. |

|List possible uses and layouts of basements. |

|Determine the best location on a floor plan for the garage. |

|Plan possible uses and layouts for the garage. |

|List types and uses of special-purpose rooms. |

|Plan efficient service entries into the home. |


| |

|Collect pictures of kitchens, bathrooms, basements, garage and service entries. Identify strengths and weaknesses of the picture |

|designs. |

|Discuss the three basic kitchen work centers. Identify each on collected kitchens. |

|Using literature on appliances, cabinets and counters, discuss the types, shapes, sizes, and colors, available. |

|Discuss the six common kitchen floor plans and work triangle with the aid of transparencies. |

|Using individual floor plans, evaluate the design of the kitchen.. |

|Draw a scale on functional arrangement of the kitchen including cabinet template, appliances, lighting, and other features. |

|Discuss location, size and arrangement of laundry facilities. |

|Design an efficient laundry area identifying appliances, fixtures, storage, and lighting and other desired features. |

|Discuss location, size and designs of garages. |

|Design an efficient garage area for the portfolio identifying space for cars, service entrance to the home, storage, lighting, and |

|garage door sizes. |

|Discuss location size and design of service entry. |

|Plan an efficient service entry into the home using templates provided. |


| |

|Tests and quizzes |

|Worksheets designed to demonstrate knowledge of concepts taught |

|Collaborative Group Work |

|Kitchen rubric |

|Portfolio rubric |


| |

|Correctives: |

|Make a clipping file of cabinet and fixture options for kitchens. Mount pictures and describe the most liked features. |

| |

|Extensions: |

|Choose a kitchen design, sketch a layout and label features that would make the room accessible to all people (Universal Design).|

|COURSE: Home and Interior Design |GRADE(S): 11 and 12 |

|STRAND: 1.6 Speaking and Listening, CC.1.2 Reading Informational Text, |TIME FRAME: 1 semester |

|CC.1.5.9 Speaking and Listening, 11.2 Balancing Family, Work and | |

|Community Responsibility | |


| |

|1.6.12.A Speaking and Listening |

|Listen critically and respond to others in small and large group situations. |

|Respond with grade level appropriate ideas, information or opinions. |

| |

|11.2.12.D: Balancing Family, Work and Community Responsibility |

|Based on efficiency, aesthetics and psychology, evaluate space plans (e.g., home, office, work areas) for their ability to meet a |

|variety of needs including those of individuals with special needs. |


| |


|CC.1.2.9-10.A: Determine a central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text, including how it emerges|

|and is shaped and refined by specific details; provide an objective summary of the text. |

|  |


|CC.1.5.9-10.A: Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions on grades level topics, texts, and |

|issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively. |


| |

|N/A |


| |

|Texbook: Kicklighter, Clois E, Joan C. Kicklighter. Residential Housing & Interiors. The Goodheart- Wilcox |

|Magazines |

|Worksheets/handouts |

|Floor plans |


| |

|The learner will list the rooms and activities involved in the living areas of a home. |


| |

|List the rooms and activities involved in the living areas of a house. |

|Judge the appropriateness of a living room for a family according to its location, size and arrangement. |

|Identify a dining room that meets the size and location needs of a specific family. |

|Determine the appropriateness of a family room’s location, size and arrangement. |

|Recognize various types of entryways according to purpose and location. |

|List possible uses and styles of patios, porches, and courts. |

|Plan efficient living areas of the home. |


| |

|Create a list of considerations for good design in terms of location, size and arrangement of the living room, family room, dining |

|room and entryways for individual house plans. |

|Collect pictures of rooms in the living areas. Identify strengths and weaknesses of the picture designs. |

|Calculate square footage for the rooms, compare to a chart determining if rooms are small, average, or large. |

|Discuss furniture size groupings, circulation paths and clearance space needed for each room. |

|Plan a functional arrangement for the living areas of the home on the floor plan using templates provided. |


| |

|Tests and quizzes |

|Assessment on completed work |

|Portfolio rubric |


| |

|Correctives: |

|Design three versions of the same living room featuring different style of furniture each time. Discuss how different styles |

|affect the purpose, feelings and mood in each version. |

| |

|Extensions: |

|Choose a television show to watch that will have indoor scenes. Tape the show. Analyze the set. Evaluate the design theme, |

|design elements, furniture, and principles of furniture arrangement. Show the tape to the class. Explain the evaluation. |

|COURSE: Home and Interior Design |GRADE(S): 11 and 12 |

|STRAND: 1.6 Speaking and Listening, CC.1.2 Reading Informational Text, |TIME FRAME: 1 semester |

|CC.1.5.9 Speaking and Listening, 11.2 Balancing Family, Work and | |

|Community Responsibility | |


| |

|1.6.12.A Speaking and Listening |

|Listen critically and respond to others in small and large group situations. |

|Respond with grade level appropriate ideas, information or opinions. |

| |

|11.2.12.D: Balancing Family, Work and Community Responsibility |

|Based on efficiency, aesthetics and psychology, evaluate space plans (e.g., home, office, work areas) for their ability to meet a |

|variety of needs including those of individuals with special needs. |


| |

|N/A |


| |


|CC.1.2.9-10.A: Determine a central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text, including how it emerges|

|and is shaped and refined by specific details; provide an objective summary of the text. |

|  |


|CC.1.5.9-10.A: Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions on grades level topics, texts, and |

|issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively. |


| |

|Texbook: Kicklighter, Clois E, Joan C. Kicklighter. Residential Housing & Interiors. The Goodheart- Wilcox |

|Handouts/worksheets |

|Closet templates |

|Floor plan |

|Magazines |

| |


| |

|The learner will list the rooms and activities involved in the sleeping areas of the home. |


| |

|Describe the two main types of bedroom plans. |

|Arrange bedroom furniture in a style that is attractive and functional. |

|List the three main types of bathrooms and the fixtures they include. |

|Plan efficient sleeping areas in the home. |


| |

|Make a list of considerations for good design in terms of size, arrangement, location, and types of bedroom and bathroom plans. |

|Develop a checklist of guidelines for furniture arrangement and clearances for the bedroom. |

|Discuss minimum space for closets and location of closets, windows and doors in the bedroom. |

|Plan an efficient, organized closet for the master bedroom. |

|Plan a functional furniture arrangement for all the bedrooms on the floor plan using given templates. |

|Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of individual floor plans as to the location, size, and arrangement of the bathroom. |

|Discuss pictures of bathroom styles and fixtures. |

|Plan a functional layout for each bathroom on the floor plan using template, including fixtures, lavatories, water closet, sauna, |

|whirlpool, cabinets, and storage space. |


| |

|Tests and quizzes |

|Assessment on written work |

|Collaborative Group Work |

|Portfolio rubric |


| |

|Correctives: |

|Using graph paper, make a scale drawing of a bedroom. Create templates for furniture. Arrange furniture in a comfortable, |

|functional, attractive arrangement. Explain the principles behind the arrangement. |

| |

|Extensions: |

|Find illustrations of typical bedrooms from a historical period. Make a chart that compares this bedroom with a typical |

|contemporary bedroom. Include furnishings, lighting and accessories on the chart. Site reasons for the differences and |

|similarities in the bedrooms. |


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