What Color is your Birkman?

What Color is your Birkman?

Discovering your Personality and Leadership Style through Birkman Assessments

What is the Birkman Method??

? A 298-question personality and leadership style assessment ? Combines motivational, behavioral and interest evaluations into a single assessment ? The questionnaire is completed on-line in about 30 to 45 minutes ? Available in 11 languages in addition to English ? The Birkman report sets are shared w ith groups by certified coaching teams

What can the Birkman Method do?

? Helps clergy better understand themselves and the people w ith w hich they work ? Facilitates team building, leadership development, and interpersonal conf lict resolution ? Ident if ies strengths, needs, interests and pref erred w ork styles ? Assists with stress management and balance betw een professional and personal needs ? Provides diversity aw areness and appreciation to enhance ministry collaboration ? Equips clergy to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the w orld

Who can take advantage of the Birkman Method?

? All Residency Covenant (RC) and Professional Disciplines ( PD) Groups ? Covenant Discipleship (CD) Groups ? Clergy Peer Groups ? Church Staffs, District and Conference Leadership Teams, Ministry Teams

Who are the Birkman Coaching Teams?

? All Birkman coaching teams have been trained and certified in the Birkman Method and approved by the Center for Clergy Excellence

? Our Birkman Coaches: Mr. Bob Bolling, Dr. Peter Cammarano, Rev. Lillie Ferrell, Ms. Janice Harris, Rev. Cy Helm, Dr. Kelton Ro-Trock, Rev. Cheryl Smith, and Rev. B.T. Williamson

For more inform ation or to schedule a Birkm an Assessment, contact: Barbara Kilby

Center for Clergy Excellence Texas Annual Conference

The United Methodist Church 5215 Main Street Houston, TX 77002

713-521-9383, ext. 322 bkilby@txcum

How can the Birkman help Clergy and Churches be more effective?

Churches succeed when they align their resources to support their strategic goals. The most complex and the most difficult resource for a church to align is its people. Each church member brings distinctive strengths and capabilities to

the team. The Birkman Method? identifies these strengths and capabilities in a framework of four general Ministry Strengths.

Like points on a compass, these ministry strengths represent four kinds of individual focus, all critical to successful church ministries. Each ministry strength, represented by a different color of The Birkman Method?, identifies the basic motivational direction that drives us toward our interests, overall approach and predispositions. These styles, or colors, filter our world view and determine how we choose to approach ministry assignments, solve problems and relate to people around us. Combinations of these styles provide diversity and significantly increase potential for optimal solutions.

The Birkman Method uses these colors to easily convey meaning of personality characteristics while also calling attention to the differences found within these characteristics. The four colors act as convenient descriptions to help each person understand the major differences in personality.

Many behavioral assessment tools often trap individuals by confining them to one type. The Birkman Method understands the unique traits that any one person may have might not conform nicely to an assigned category and takes into account the God-given diversity in each person.

Listed below are the Four Distinct Behav ioral Descriptions, which combine to create a unique personality profile for each person:

Blue ? Planning

Red ? Expediting

Focus ? Ideas & Innovation ? Creativity & Intuition ? Subjectivity & Reflection

Focus ? Solving Real Problems ? Achieving Tangible Results ? Working With the Physical World

Characteristics of Blue ? Considers new or unusual approaches ? Use s creativity to produce imaginative results ? Connects the dots and maintains a broad focus ? Focuses attention on the inner world of ideas

Green ? Communication

Characteristics of Red ? Decisive about the actions necessary to achieve tasks ? Applies energy in a practical, hands-on manner ? Emphasizes speed and action ? Manages crises and gets the job done

Yellow ? Organizing

Focus ? Selling & Persuading ? Promoting & Motivating

? Counseling & Teaching

Focus ? Rules & Procedures ? Scheduling & Details

? Consistency & Cautiousness

Characteristics of Green ? Operates comfortably in social interactions ? Demonstrates flexible and supportive behavior ? Focuses attention on the external world or others ? Relates to others instinctively

Characteristics of Yellow ? Works with numbers and systems ? Creates processes for implementing a task ? Handles details and navigates bureaucratic waters ? Closely controls work to avoid mistakes

Benefits of Using the Birkman Method in Ministry

? Team Building ? Stress Management ? Counseling/Mentoring

y Conflict Resolution y Strength Building

y Needs/Interests Insight

y Diversity Awareness y Proactive Problem Solving

y Identifying Blind Spots


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