Duke University

Curriculum Vitae


Office: Duke University Home: 1213 Caribou Crossing

Department of Political Science Durham, NC 27713

P.O. Box 90204 (919) 544-4375

331 Perkins Library

Durham, NC 27708 Email: klhaynie@duke.edu

(919) 660-4366


Ph.D., 1994 University of North Carolina- Chapel Hill, (Political Science)

M.P.I.A., 1988, University of Pittsburgh, (International Affairs)

B.A., 1985, University of North Carolina- Chapel Hill, (Political Science and Peace, War, and Defense)

Professional Employment History:

Visiting Faculty, Bavarian-American Academy Summer Institute, Munich, Germany, July 2008.

Associate Professor (with tenure), Department of Political Science, Duke University, 2003-present; Associate Professor, Department of African and African American Studies, Duke University, 2007-


Adjunct Faculty, Department of Political Science, University of North Carolina, 2006-present

Associate Professor (with tenure), Department of Political Science, Rutgers University, 2002-03

Faculty Associate, Eagleton Institute of Politics Rutgers University, 2002- 03

Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, 1996-2002; joint appointment with the Eagleton

Institute of Politics, 1999-2002, Rutgers University - New Brunswick

Visiting Lecturer, University of Natal-Pietermaritzburg (South Africa), Summer 1998, 1999, 2000

Assistant Professor, Political Science Department, University of Pennsylvania, 1994-96

Lecturer, Political Science Department, University of Pennsylvania, 1993-94

Instructor, Department of Political Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1991-92

Administrative Positions:

Faculty Director, Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship Program, 2007-present

Associate Chair, Department of Political Science, Duke University, 2006-present

Co-Director, Center for the Study of Race, Ethnicity, and Gender in the Social Sciences, Duke University, 2004-present

Director of Graduate Studies, Department of Political Science, Duke University, 2004-06

Interim Director, Walt Whitman Center for the Culture and Politics of Democracy, Rutgers University, 2002-03

Awards, Fellowships and Grants:

Provost’s Common Fund Grant (Co-PI), Duke University, $25,000, 2008-09

Faculty Fellow (co-Convener), Social Science Research Institute, Duke University, 2007-08

National Science Foundation (Co-PI), $313,000, 2006-08

Josiah Charles Trent Foundation Grant, $2,000, 2006-07

Provost’s Common Fund Grant (Co-PI), Duke University, $8,600, 2006-07

Faculty Fellow, Social Science Research Institute, Duke University, 2005-06

Provost’s Common Fund Grant (Co-PI), Duke University, $28,200, 2005-06

Arts and Sciences Committee on Faculty Research Grant, Duke University, $3,400, 2005

University Research Council Grant, Rutgers University, $600, 1997-98

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American Political Science Association Travel Grant to attend the International Political Science

Association 17th World Congress, Seoul, Korea, $1,500, 1997

University Research Foundation Grant, University of Pennsylvania, $6,500 1995-96

Research Development Grant, Office of the Provost, University of Pennsylvania, $2,500, 1995-96



New Race Politics: Understanding Minority and Immigrant Politics. New York: Cambridge University

Press (co-edited with Jane Junn), 2008.

African American Legislators in the American States. New York: Columbia University Press, 2001.

The Encyclopedia of Minorities in American Politics, Vol. I: African Americans and Asian Americans.

Associate Editor (with Jeffery D. Schultz, Andrew Aoki, and Anne McCulluch). Colorado Springs, CO:

Oryx Press, 2000.

The Encyclopedia of Minorities in American Politics, Vol. II: Hispanic Americans and Native Americans. Associate Editor (with Jeffery D. Schultz, Andrew Aoki, and Anne McCulluch). Colorado Springs, CO:

Oryx Press, 2000.

Articles and Book Chapters:

“Gender, Race, Ethnicity and Representation: The Changing Landscape of Legislative Diversity,” (with Kathleen A. Bratton and Beth Reingold) in The Book of States, 2008 Edition (Lexington, KY: Council of State Governments, 2008).

“Understanding the New Race Politics: Conclusions and Challenges,” in New Race Politics: Understanding Minority and Immigrant Politics, Jane Junn and Kerry L. Haynie, eds., New York: Cambridge University Press, 2008.

“Racial Disparities in Diabetes a Century Ago: Evidence from the Pension Files of U.S. Civil War

Veterans” (with Margaret Humphreys, Idrissa Boly, Truls Ostbye, Philip Costanzo and Frank Sloan),

Social Science and Medicine, Vol. 64:8, 2007.

“Agenda Setting and African American Women in State Legislatures.” (with Kathleen A. Bratton and Beth Reingold), Journal of Women Politics and Policy, Vol 28:3/4, 2006. Reprinted in, Carol Hardy-Fanta, ed., Intersectionality and Politics: Recent Research on Gender, Race, and Political Representation in the United States, (New York: Haworth, 2007).

“African Americans and the New Politics of Inclusion: A Representational Dilemma?” in Congress Reconsidered, 8th edition, Lawrence. C. Dodd and Bruce I. Oppenheimer, eds., (Washington, D.C.: CQ Press, 2005).

“African-American Representatives in the New Jersey Legislature: 1970- 1989,” International Journal of Africana Studies, Vol.9: 1, Spring 2003.

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“The Color of Their Skin or the Content of Their Behavior?: Race and Perceptions of African American

Legislators,” Legislative Studies Quarterly, Vol. 27:2, May 2002.

“Agenda-Setting and Legislative Success in State Legislatures: The Effects of Gender and Race,” (with Kathleen A. Bratton), The Journal of Politics, Vol. 63:3, August 1999.

Book Reviews:

Paul M. Sniderman and Thomas Piazza. 2002. Black Pride and Black Prejudice, in Perspectives on

Politics (March 2004)

Katherine Tate. 1993. From Protest to Politics: The New Black Voters in American Elections, in Journal

of Policy Analysis and Management (Winter 1995).

Paul E. Peterson, ed. 1995. Classifying By Race, in The Journal of Politics (May 1997).


“Daniel T. Blue,” Biographical entry in The Encyclopedia of Minorities in American Politics. Eds., Jeffery

D. Schultz, et al. Colorado Springs, CO: Oryx Press, 2000.

“Henry Frye,” Biographical entry in The Encyclopedia of Minorities in American Politics. Eds., Jeffery D.

Schultz, et al. Colorado Springs, CO: Oryx Press. 2000.

Books Under Contract:

Introduction to American Government (working title, with Michael Jones-Correa and Robert Lieberman), Longman Publishers.

Works In Progress:

A Whole New World? The Role of Race in Shaping the 21st Century American South (co-edited with William Chafe)

“When the Seniority Ladder Collapses: The Determinants of Leadership in Term Limited and Non-Term

Limited State Legislatures,” (with Kathleen A. Bratton). Revise and resubmit, State Politics and Policy


"Contextualizing Gender Differences: The Intersection of Race & Gender in State Legislatures" (with

Kathleen A.Bratton and Beth Reingold)

Teaching Areas:

African American Politics; American Government and Politics; Race Relations; State Politics and Federalism

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Undergraduate Courses Taught:

Introduction to African American Politics; The Legislative Process; The Politics of Race and

Representation; Race Relations and American Political Development; Introduction to American

Government and Politics; Race, Gender, and the Legislative Process; Comparative State Politics;

Southern Politics

Graduate Seminars Taught:

American Politics Proseminar; Race and Ethnic Politics; The Politics of Race; State and Nation:

Identity Politics in the United States of America and South Africa (with Dr. Laurence Piper)

Professional Activities:

Editorial Boards:

Affrika: Journal of Politics, Economy and Society (2008-) Journal of Politics (2005-07); Journal of Public Affairs and Issues (1998-); State Politics and Policy Quarterly (2003- ); Politics and Policy (2005-); Political Institutions: Legislatures (2007-)

Conference Papers:

“Descriptive Representation and Intersections of Race, Ethnicity, and Gender in State Legislatures,”

(with Kathleen A. Bratton and Beth Reingold). Presented at the 2008 annual meeting of the State Politics Section, Philadelphia, PA.

“Race, Ethnicity, Gender and the Political Geography of Descriptive Representation in American State Legislatures,” (with Kathleen A. Bratton and Beth Reingold). Presented at the 2008 annual meeting of the Southern Political Science Association, New Orleans.

“Descriptive Representation and Intersections of Race, Ethnicity, and Gender in State Legislatures,”

(with Kathleen A. Bratton and Beth Reingold). Presented at the 2007 annual meeting of the

American Political Science Association, Chicago.

“ Race, Gender, and Political Representation in the American States: An Agenda for Future Research,”

(with Kathleen A. Bratton and Beth Reingold). Presented at the 2006 annual meeting of the Hawaii

International Conference on Social Sciences, Honolulu.

“When the Seniority Ladder Collapses: The Determinants of Leadership in Term Limited State

Legislatures, (with Kathleen A. Bratton). Presented at the 2006 State Politics and Policy Conference,

Texas Tech University.

“Representation and the Intersection of Gender, Race, and Ethnicity,” (with Kathleen A.Bratton and Beth

Reingold). Presented at the 2006 annual meeting of the Southern Political Science Association, Atlanta.

“The Intersection of Race and Gender: The Behavior and Success of African-American Women in State

Legislatures,” (with Kathleen A.Bratton and Beth Reingold). Presented at the 2005 annual meeting of the

American Political Science Association, Washington.

“Is Getting In Good Enough? African American Inclusion and Influence in the Legislative Process: A

View From the States.” Presented at the Conference on New Perspectives on The Study of Race and

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Political Representation, University of Rochester, May 2003.

“The Determinants of Leadership in Term-Limited and Non-Term-Limited State Legislatures,” (with

Kathleen A. Bratton). Presented at the 2001 annual meeting of the American Political Science

Association, San Francisco, California.

“The State of the States for African Americans: Race, Power, and Politics in the 21st Century.” Presented

at the 2001 State Politics and Policy conference on Politics in the American States; Texas A&M

University, College Station, Texas.

“The Representation of Interests Through Political Institutions: Race, Gender, and Committee Service”

(with Kathleen A. Bratton). Eagleton Institute of Politics conference, New Brunswick, New Jersey, 1999.

"Do Differences Matter? A Study of Race and Gender in State Legislatures" (with Kathleen Bratton).

Presented at the 1992 annual meeting of the Southern Political Science Association. Atlanta, Georgia

"Agenda-Setting and Policy Influence in State Legislatures: The Effects of Gender and Race" (with

Kathleen A. Bratton). Presented at the 1994 annual meeting of the American Political Science

Association, New York, NY.

"Representation and the First African American Members of Congress." Presented at the 1991 annual

meeting of the American Political Science Association, Washington, D.C.


Panelist, “Who Draws the Lines? The Consequences of Redistricting Reform for Minority Voters,”

University of North Carolina School of Law, 2006.

Discussant, “America’s Ambivalent Egalitarianism,” Gerst Conference, Duke University, 2003

Panel Chair and Discussant, “Legislative Processes and Policy-making in the States,” Southern Political

Science Association 2002 Annual Meeting, Savannah, GA.

Panel Chair and Discussant, “The Effects of Party Competition On State Politics,” Southern Political

Science Association 2002 Annual Meeting, Savannah, GA.

Roundtable Participant, “Teaching Introductory Government in a Changing World,” 2002 annual meeting

of the Southwestern Political Science Association, New Orleans.

Panel Chair and Discussant, “Racial Redistricting and Majority Minority Districts,” Midwest Political

Science Association 2001 Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.

Roundtable Leader, “Unity and Diversity in America,” 42nd Air Force Academy Assembly, Colorado

Springs, CO, February 2000.

Panel Chair and Discussant, “Politics, Process, and Policy in State Legislatures.” Southern Political

Science Association 1998 Annual Meeting, Atlanta.

Panel Chair, “Democracy and Difference: The Impact of Electoral Laws on the Representation of Women

and Minorities.” International Political Science Association 17th World Congress, Seoul, Korea, 1997.

Discussant, “Policymaking and Diversity.” Northeastern Political Science Association 1996 Annual

Meeting, Boston, MA.

Discussant, “Social Bases of Poverty: Comparative Strategies of Intervention.” Center for the Advanced

Study of India colloquium, University of Pennsylvania,1996.

Panel Chair, "Legislative Behavior." Midwest Political Science Association 1996 Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.

Discussant, panel on "Patterns in State Legislative Careers." Midwest Political Science Association 1996

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Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.

Discussant, panel on "African Americans and the Clinton Administration." National Conference of Black

Political Scientists 1995 Annual Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland.

Discussant, panel on "Racial Oppression and Strategies for Redress." National Conference of Black

Political Scientists 1994 Annual Meeting, Hampton Virginia.

Invited Talks:

Institute of Government, University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill, 2008

University of North Carolina – Charlotte, 2008

Afro-America Cultural Center of Charlotte, NC, 2008

North Carolina School of Math and Science, 2008

Cary Academy, September 2008

Mary Institute and Saint Louis Country Day School, 2008

Ralph Bunche Summer Institute, Duke University, 2008

Union Theological Seminary and Presbyterian School of Christian Education, 2008

Bavarian American Center, Munich, Germany, 2007.

German-American Center- James F. Byrnes-Institute, Suttgart, Germany, 2007

America House, Nuremberg, Germany, 2007

Erlangen University, Erlangen, Germany, 2007.

German-American Center, Heidelberg, Germany, 2007.

Ralph Bunche Summer Institute, Duke University, 2007

Bavarian American Center, Munich, Germany, 2006.

Woodrow Wilson School and Center for the Study of Democratic Politics, Princeton University, 2002.

Loyola University - Chicago, 2001.

U.S. Air Force Academy, Colorado Springs, CO, 2000.

Eagleton Institute of Politics, Rutgers University, 1999.

Brennan Center for Justice, New York University School of Law, 1999.

Binghamton University, 1999.

University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa, 1998.

Dartmouth College, 1996.

Wharton School of Business, University of Pennsylvania, 1994.

Professional Memberships:

American Political Science Association

Midwest Political Science Association

National Conference of Black Political Scientists

Southern Political Science Association

Professional Service:

Chair, Lucius Barker Award Committee for Best Paper on Race or Ethnicity, Midwest

Political Science Association, 2007.

Executive Council, American Political Science Association, 2006-08

Executive Council, State Politics and Policy Section, 2005-07.

Selection Committee, State Politics and Policy Best Paper Award, 2005-06

Chair, V. O. Key Book Award Committee, Southern Political Science Association, 2006

American Political Science Association’s Committee on the Status of Blacks in the Profession, 2004-

Ted Robinson Award Committee, Southwest Political Science Association, 2004

Member, Executive Committee, Southern Political Science Association, 2002-05

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Chief Reader, Advanced Placement Government and Politics Program, 2002-2006

Chair, State Politics Section, Southern Political Science Association Meeting, 2002, Savannah, GA

Chair, The College Board’s Government and Politics Advanced Placement Examination Development

Committee, 1999-2002

Member, Board of Directors, Population Connections (formerly Zero Population Growth, Inc.), 1999-2002

Chair, Legislative Politics Section, Southern Political Science Association Meeting, 1998, Atlanta.

Member, The College Board’s Government and Politics Advanced Placement Examination Development

Committee, 1997-99

Member, Committee on Graduate Student Issues; Race, Ethnicity, and Politics Section, American Political

Science Association, 1995-96.

Ad Hoc Committee on Inclusiveness, Southern Political Science Association, 1994-95.

Occasional Reviewer For:

Allyn and Bacon Publishers; Cambridge University Press; Chatham House; Columbia University Press; CQ Press; McGraw Hill; Pearson-Longman Publishers, Pennsylvania State University Press; Prentice Hall, Oryx Press; American Journal of Political Science; American Politics Research; Journal of Politics; Journal of Policy Analysis and Management; Journal of Public Affairs and Issues; Legislative Studies Quarterly; Political Science Quarterly; Polity, Public Choice, Social Science Quarterly, State Politics and Policy Quarterly, Politics and Policy

Departmental Service:

Duke University:

Chair, Alexandra Cooper Adjunct Professor review committee, 2007-08

Committee on Undergraduate Curriculum, 2007

Associate Chair, 2006-present

External Review Committee, 2005-06.

Director of Graduate Studies, 2004-06

Joint Appointment Reappointment Committee, 2004

Undergraduate Affairs Committee, 2004-05

American Politics Field Chair, 2004-05

Rutgers University:

Eagleton Fellows Selection Committee, 2001, 2002

American Politics Search Committee, 2000, 2001, 2002

Wynona Lippman Chair Advisory Committee, Eagleton Institute of Politics, 2000-3

Graduate Admissions Committee, 2000, 2002

Ralph Bunche Institute, Minority Graduate Student Recruitment, 1999, 2000, 2001

Department of Political Science/Eagleton Institute of Politics Liaison Committee, 1999

Political Science Department Advisory Committee, 1997-2001

Faculty Mentor, State of New Jersey Minority Academic Careers Program, 1996-97

University of Pennsylvania:

Graduate Program Executive Committee, 1995-96

American Politics Search Committee, 1994-95

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Undergraduate Advisor, 1994-96

University Service:

Duke University:

Faculty Director, Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship Program, 2007- present

Co-Convener, Black Faculty Caucus, 2007-08

B.N. Duke Scholars Selection Committee, 2007-08

Member, Academic Council, 2007-2008

President’s Ad hoc Committee to Review the Athletic Council, 2006

President’s Ad hoc Committee to Investigate the Men’s Lacrosse Team, 2006

Search Committee for Dean of the Graduate School, 2005-06

Arts & Science Global Health Strategic Planning Committee, 2005-06

Provost’s Blue Sky Faculty Strategic Planning Committee, 2004-06

Executive Committee of the Graduate Faculty, 2004-05; 2007-08

Athletic Council, 2004-06

Provost’s Review Committee for Reappointment of the Dean of the Law School, 2004

Rutgers University

Rutgers College Political Science Honors Student Mentor, 2001-03

Livingston College Faculty Fellow, Rutgers University, 2001- 03

Co-coordinator of Livingston College’s 2001 Global Futures Symposium

Rutgers College Faculty Fellow, 1996-2003



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