Colorado Regulations Ch 3 Building and Fire Safety



( Illinois State Exam ◘ MODULE 7

Mock Exam 4

Stan Mucinic, LNHA

Legal Notices

Students enrolled in the “the “Illinois Laws and Rules Course” are purchasing the professional knowledge of the instructor to assist the student to prepare for the Illinois State Licensure Exam administered by the State of Illinois.

This is a 5-week intensive independent study program designed to provide students a unique personalized and structured learning environment where progress is monitored by the instructor through email to help students maintain focus and complete scheduled assignments timely.


An individual’s ultimate success in passing the licensure exam is dependent on an individual’s professional experience, academic preparation, and the time and energy the individual can commit to exam study and preparation. A student’s work schedule or other commitments may require more time to prepare for an exam than allotted. The student is solely responsible for licensing exam registration/testing and retesting fees.


Step 1 – VERY IMPORTANT - The personalized test organizer that comes with the program is the key to your success and sets this program apart from any other. It is critical you follow the instructions and score each exam, and file the completed exams into your binder. Try to keep to the schedule and email your test results to the instructor to stay focused.

Step 2. - Speed Reader – Read the speed reader for each module once or twice before taking the module exam(s). Read the speed reader over and over again until you familiarize yourself with its contents. THE MORE TIMES YOU LOOK IT THE MORE LIKELY YOU ARE TO REMEMBER IT.

Step 3 – Exam Packet - The exam packet contains questions designed to measure your comprehension and retention of the material you read. Take each exam over and over again until you score 100%. Make sure you score each exam and record the results in your organizer or you will not be able to gauge your progress.


Email Stan Mucinic at smucinic@ with any questions and after you score each practice exam

|1. |"Discharge" means _____________________ |

| | |

| |Moving a resident from the one facility to another with the receiving facility accepting responsibility for the resident |

| |Releasing a resident from a facility to a non-institutional setting (home) and having no further responsibility for their well being |

| |A failure to provide necessary care and services |

| |An intention to injure or harm a resident |

|2. |"Guardian" means _________________. |

| | |

| |A person appointed by a court to make decisions for a person determined to be lack capacity |

| |A person designated by a resident to make health care decisions for them |

| |A spouse, an adult child, a parent, an adult brother or sister, or an adult grandchild of a person. |

| |A nursing home administrator |

|3. |"Immediate family" means the spouse, an adult child, a parent, an adult brother or sister, or an adult grandchild of a person. |

| | |

| |A person appointed by a court to make decisions for a person determined to be lack capacity |

| |A person designated by a resident to make health care decisions for them |

| |A spouse, an adult child, a parent, an adult brother or sister, or an adult grandchild |

| |A nursing home administrator |

| | |

|4. |A weight loss or gain of ______ percent or more within a period of 30 days or 1 month is signicant.  |

| | |

| |5 |

| |7.5 |

| |10 |

| |12 |

| 5. |An advance directive that specifies whether an individual desires or declines life prolonging treatment is called a(n) _____________ |

| | |

| |Power of Attorney |

| |Advanced directive |

| |Living will |

| |Designation of a health care surrogate |

|6 |A facility is or is not required to have an advisory physician |

| | |

| |Is |

| |Is not |

|7 |Must have a medical advisory committee to advise the _______ on the overall medical management of the residents and the staff of the |

| |facility.  |

| | |

| |Director of Nursing |

| |Administrator |

| |Governing body |

| |All of the above |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|8 |The facility medical program must be approved by the _______ |

| | |

| |Director of Nursing |

| |Advisory physician or the medical advisory committee |

| |Corporate |

| |State licensing agency |

|9 |Residents must be seen by their physician at least |

| | |

| |Once every month during their stay |

| |Every other month during their stay |

| |Once every 30 days for the first 3 months and then every other month thereafter |

| |Every 2 months |

|10 |True or False - A physician orders or treatment plan may be signed by the physician using a rubber stamp |

| | |

| |True |

| |False |

| | |

| | |

|11 |Each resident must have a physical examination at least _______ |

| | |

| |3 days prior to admission or 2 days after admission |

| |24 hours prior to admission or 2 days after admission |

| |5 days prior to admission or 3 days after admission |

| |2 days prior to admission or 5 days after admission |

| | |

|12 |Nursing staff must make notations in a resident’s chart at least ______. |

| | |

| |Daily |

| |Weekly |

| |Monthly |

| |Quarterly |

|13 |Which of the following is true? |

| | |

| |The facility must obtain and record the physician's plan of care for the care or treatment of such accident, injury or change in |

| |condition at the time of notification.  |

| |Outbreaks of scabies and other skin infestations must be reported to the Department |

| |The facility must notify the resident's physician of any accident, injury, or significant change in a resident's condition that threatens|

| |the health, safety or welfare of a resident, |

| |All of the above |

|14 |Any outbreak of reportable communicable diseases (Flu, TB, food poisoning, sexually transmitted diseases) must be reported to the |

| | |

| |The Illinois Department of Health |

| |The local health department. |

| |The CDC |

| |The CMS |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|15 |Must have at least ___ person(s) on duty at all times certified in basic life support |

| | |

| |One |

| |Two |

| |Three |

| |Four |

| 16 |Physician orders limiting resuscitation is referred to as ______ |

| | |

| |A cease and desist order |

| |A do-not-resuscitate order (DNR) |

| |Withhold All Resuscitation Order (WAR) |

| |A living will  |

|17 |Any medical treatment, procedure, or intervention that prolongs the dying process is called _____.  |

| | |

| |Life-sustaining treatment |

| |Euthanasia |

| |Palliative care |

| |Respite care |

|18 |Which of the following are life sustaining procedures: |

| | |

| |Assisted ventilation |

| |Renal dialysis |

| |Blood transfusions |

| |Artificial nutrition and hydration |

| |All of the above |

|19 |A decision maker acting in accordance with the Health Care Surrogate Act is called a _____. |

| | |

| |Proxy |

| |Legal representative |

| |Guardian |

| |Surrogate |

|20 |Within____ days of admission, new residents must be given written information describing the facility's policies on making a Living Will |

| |or Power of Attorney for Health Care and the right to decline consent to life-sustaining treatment available at the facility. |

| | |

| |3 |

| |7 |

| |10 |

| |30 |

| | |

|21 |Any decision made by a resident regarding life-sustaining treatment or withdrawal or withholding of such treatment must be recorded in |

| |the ______ |

| | |

| |24 hour report |

| |Incident log |

| |Resident's medical record |

| |Adverse incident log  |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|22 |The resident, agent, or surrogate may change his or her decision regarding life-sustaining treatment. Such decision must be communicated|

| |to the treating facility by ________ |

| | |

| |Orally |

| |In writing |

| |Both writing and orally |

| |Either in writing or orally |

|23 |Each long-term care facility must have a dental program which must provide for in-service education on which of the following topics: |

| |  |

| |1. Nutrition and diet control measures which are dental health oriented. |

| |2. Proper oral hygiene methods. |

| |3. Maintenance of proper oral hygiene when resident leaves the long-term care facility |

| |4. All of the above |

| | |

|24 |The direct care staff must receive in-service education on dental care at least ______. |

| | |

| |Weekly |

| |Monthly |

| |Quarterly |

| |Annually |

|25 |Each facility must have a denture marking system that marks individual dentures within ___ days of admission |

| | |

| |5 |

| |10 |

| |20 |

| |30 |

|26 |A facility must _____ administer a vaccination against influenza (Flu shot) to each resident, unless the vaccination is medically |

| |contraindicated or the resident has refused the vaccine. |

| | |

| |Weekly |

| |Monthly |

| |Quarterly |

| |Annually |

| | |

|27 |Influenza vaccinations for all residents age 65 and over must be completed by ____ of each year |

| | |

| |January 31 |

| |June 30 |

| |November 30 |

| |December 31 |

|28 |The facility must provide the necessary care and services to attain or maintain the highest practicable physical, mental, and |

| |psychological well-being of the resident, in accordance with which of the following: |

| | |

| |Comprehensive assessment |

| |Plan of care |

| |MDS |

| |All of the above |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|29 |A critical program to help resident’s attain and maintain their highest practicable physical, mental and psychosocial well being is the |

| |_________ |

| | |

| |Restorative nursing program |

| |Therapeutic activities program |

| |Quality improvement program |

| |Infection control program |

|30 |State law requires a ____________ to run the restorative/rehabilitative nursing program. |

| | |

| |Administrator |

| |Advisory physician |

| |Licensed nurse |

| |Physical therapist |

|31 |True or False - The facility must maintain a record of any resident's belongings, including money, valuables and personal property, |

| |accepted by the facility for safekeeping.  |

| | |

| |True |

| |False |

|32 |Records for any resident who is discharged prior to being 18 years old must be retained at least until the resident reaches the age of |

| |_____. |

| | |

| |21 |

| |23 |

| |25 |

| |29 |

|33 |Records of residents who are over 18 years old at the time of discharge must be retained for a minimum of ______ years. |

| | |

| |5 |

| |10 |

| |15 |

| |20 |

|34 |The DON must work a minimum of ____ days per week.  |

| | |

| | |

| |2 days |

| |4 days |

| |5 days |

| |6 days |

|35 |All treatments and procedures must be administered as ordered by _____ |

| | |

| |The administrator |

| |The Director of nursing |

| |A Physician |

| |An advisory physician. |

|36 |At least ___ percent of DON’s time must be regularly scheduled between 7 A.M. and 7 P.M. |

| | |

| |20 |

| |30 |

| |50 |

| |70 |

|37 |The Director of Nursing must be a _____ nurse |

| | |

| |Licensed practical nurse |

| |Registered nurse |

| |Vocational nurse |

| |Certified nurse |

|38 |The DON is a full-time employee who is on duty a minimum of ___ hours a week |

| | |

| |20 |

| |30 |

| |36 |

| |40 |

|39 |In facilities with a capacity of fewer than ____ beds, the DON may also provide direct patient care, and this person's time may be |

| |included in meeting the staff-to-resident ratio requirements |

| | |

| |30 |

| |40 |

| |50 |

| |60 |

|40 |True or False - Each facility must keep an active medical record for each resident that is kept current, complete, legible and |

| |available at all times to those personnel authorized by the facility's policies, and to the Department's representatives. |

| | |

| |True |

| |False |

|41 |The ____ must supervise and oversee the nursing services of the facility, |

| | |

| |Administrator |

| |Advisory physician |

| |DON |

| |All of the above |

| | |

|42 |The ____ must oversee the comprehensive assessment of each resident. |

| | |

| |Administrator |

| |Advisory physician |

| |DON |

| |All of the above |

|43 |The assistant director of nursing (ADON) must be a ______ |

| | |

| |Licensed practical nurse |

| |Registered nurse |

| |Vocational nurse |

| |Certified nurse |

|44 |The ____ must participate in the screening of prospective residents and their placement in terms of services they need and nursing |

| |competencies available. |

| | |

| |Administrator |

| |Advisory physician |

| |DON |

| |All of the above |

|45 |Must employ an assistant administrator in skilled nursing facilities with _____ or more occupied beds. |

| | |

| |25 |

| |60 |

| |75 |

| |100 |

|46 |The ADON must work a minimum of _____ days per week |

| | |

| |2 |

| |4 |

| |5 |

| |6 |

|47 |Must have a licensed nurse as a charge of nurse on ________ |

| | |

| |7 to 3 shift |

| |3-11 shift |

| |11-7 shift |

| |All shifts |

|48 |If registered nurses and licensed practical nurses are on duty on the same shift, the nurse in charge must be a _______________. |

| | |

| |Licensed practical nurse |

| |Vocational nurse |

| |Registered nurse |

| |Certified nurse |

| | |

|49 |There must be at least ___ staff member(s) awake, dressed and on duty at all times in each separate nursing unit.  |

| | |

| |1 |

| |2 |

| |3 |

| |4 |

|50 |Must have at least one registered nurse on duty seven days per week, ___ consecutive hours per day, in a skilled nursing facility.  |

| | |

| |8 |

| |12 |

| |16 |

| |24 |

| | |

| | |

|51 |There must be at least ____ registered nurse(s) or licensed practical nurse(s) on duty at all times |

| | |

| |1 |

| |2 |

| |3 |

| |4 |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|52 |There must be at least ___ registered nurse(s) or licensed practical nurse(s) on duty on each floor housing residents in a skilled |

| |nursing facility.  |

| | |

| |1 |

| |2 |

| |3 |

| |4 |

|53 |True or False - The Department can require a facility to retain a nurse to serve as a "house supervisor" on certain shifts whose sole |

| |duties will consist of supervising the nursing services of the facility, |

| | |

| |True |

| |False |

|54 |Each resident must have at a complete bath and hair wash at least ______ each week. |

| | |

| |Once |

| |Twice |

| |Three times |

| |Four times |

|55 |Each resident must have clean bed linens at least _____ weekly |

| | |

| |Once |

| |Twice |

| |Three times |

| |Four Times |

|56 |All persons required to report abuse, including facility employees. Suspected abuse must be reported to the _______ |

| | |

| |The Department |

| |The CMS |

| |The Central Complaint Registry |

| |Local law enforcement |

| | |

|57 |True or False - Each entry in a resident’s record must be authenticated by the person making the entry by initialing the entry. |

| | |

| |True |

| |False |

|58 |All physician's orders, plans of treatment, Medicare or Medicaid certification, recertification statements, and similar documents must |

| |have the authentication of the _____. |

| | |

| |Administrator |

| |Physician |

| |Medical director |

| |Director of Nursing.  |

|59 |A resident’s chart should document progress in attaining goals set by the __________. |

| | |

| |CMS |

| |State surveyors |

| |Resident |

| |Nursing staff |

| | |

| | |

|60 |The use of a physician's rubber stamp signature, with or without initials is or is not acceptable |

| | |

| |Is |

| |Is not |

|61 |True or false - The Department the city, village or incorporated town which licenses a nursing home has the right at any time to visit |

| |and inspect the facility for compliance |

| | |

| |True |

| |False |

|62 |Discharge information must be completed within _____ hours after the resident leaves the facility.  |

| | |

| |24 |

| |36 |

| |48 |

| |72 |

| |96 |

|63 |At the time of admission, the facility must obtain a history of prescription and non-prescription medications taken by the resident |

| |during the ___ days prior to admission to the facility (if available). |

| | |

| |15 |

| |30 |

| |60 |

| |90 |

|64 |After the death of a resident, the resident's record must be retained for a minimum of ____ years. |

| | |

| |5 |

| |10 |

| |15 |

| |20 |

|65 |Telephone orders must be transcribed into the resident's medical record or a telephone order form and signed by the ___________. |

| | |

| |Administrator |

| |Director of nursing |

| |Attending physician |

| |Nurse taking the order |

|66 |True or False - A skilled nursing facility is strongly recommended to retain a health information management consultant. |

| | |

| |True |

| |False |

|67 |True or false – A facility may only retain a health information management consultant on a full time bases |

| | |

| |True |

| |False |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|68 |True or False - A facility is strongly recommended to designate a full time employee to be responsible for medical records but is not |

| |required to do so by state law |

| | |

| |True |

| |False |

|69 |The facility must retain the facility records (not records pertaining to residents) for a minimum of ___ years.  |

| | |

| |1 |

| |2 |

| |3 |

| |4 |

|70 |Which of the following needs to be retained for 3 years: |

| | |

| |The annual financial statement |

| |The minutes of resident advisory council meetings |

| |The records of staff in-service training. |

| |Copies of reports of serious incidents or accidents involving residents |

| |Records of the emergency medication kit review by the pharmaceutical advisory committee |

| |The reports of findings and recommendations from consultants |

| |All of the above |

|71 |The transferee must notify the Department of the transfer and apply for a new license at least ___ days prior to final transfer. |

| | |

| |15 |

| |30 |

| |45 |

| |60 |

|72 |The transferor must notify the Department at least ____ days prior to final transfer. The transferor will remain responsible for the |

| |operation of the facility until such time as a license is issued to the transferee. |

| | |

| |15 |

| |30 |

| |45 |

| |60 |

|73 |"Health Care Surrogate" means _________________. |

| | |

| |A person designated by a resident to make health care decisions for them |

| |A person appointed by a court to make decisions for a person determined to be lack capacity |

| |A spouse, an adult child, a parent, an adult brother or sister, or an adult grandchild of a person. |

| |A nursing home administrator |

|74 |Must submit a facility license renewal application not less than ____ days before it expires |

| | |

| |90 |

| |120 |

| |150 |

| |180 |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|75 |True or False – Neither the resident nor the resident's guardian or representative should be encouraged to participate in developing the |

| |resident’s care plan. |

| | |

| |1. True |

| |2. False |

|76 |Before commencing construction or alteration of a facility, must submit construction plans to the _______. |

| | |

| |The CMS |

| |Illinois Department of Construction and Permits |

| |Illinois Department of Health |

| |The American National Standards Institute |

|77 |A nursing assistant must meet which of the following requirements: |

| |         |

| |Be at least 16 years of age, of temperate habits and good moral character, honest, reliable and trustworthy. |

| |Provide evidence of employment or occupation, if any, and residence for 2 years prior to his present employment. |

| |Have completed at least 8 years of grade school or provide proof of equivalent knowledge. |

| |All of the above |

|78 |A CNA who is not certified must begin a current course of training approved by the Department, within ____ days of initial employment |

| | |

| |30 |

| |45 |

| |90 |

| |120 |

|79 |A CNA who is not certified must successfully complete their training course_____ days of of initial employment in the facility. |

| | |

| |30 |

| |45 |

| |90 |

| |120 |

|80 |Each skilled nursing facility that admits persons who are diagnosed as having Alzheimer's disease or related dementias must require all |

| |nursing assistants to receive _____ hours of training in the care and treatment of such residents |

| | |

| |3 |

| |6 |

| |12 |

| |20 |

|81 |A certified nursing assistant who has not performed nursing or nursing-related services for a period of ___ consecutive months will be |

| |listed as "inactive" and cannot perform services as a nurse aide. |

| | |

| |12 |

| |16 |

| |24 |

| |30 |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|82 |The maximum noise level from a resident room to another resident room is ____ decibels |

| | |

| |29 |

| |44 |

| |49 |

| |54 |

| |65 |

|83 |True or False – A physician’s order to administer an anti-depressant medication to a resident is sufficient justification for its use? |

| |True |

| |False |

|84 |True or False – A physician’s order to administer an anti-psychotic medication to a resident is sufficient justification for its use? |

| | |

| |True |

| |False |

|85 |A facility must keep inspection reports and Department enforcement orders for the past _____ years |

| | |

| |3 |

| |5 |

| |8 |

| |10 |

|86 |Each licensee must file an attested financial statement with the Department ______. |

| | |

| |Monthly |

| |Quarterly |

| |Annually |

| |Bi-annually |

|87 |Every facility must conspicuously post in its offices accessible to residents, employees, and visitors which of the following: |

| | |

| |Current facility licenses |

| |Procedures to file a complaint and the name, address, and telephone number of a person authorized by the Department to receive |

| |complaints; |

| |A copy of any order pertaining to the facility issued by the Department or a cour |

| |A list of the material available for public inspection |

| |All of the above |

|88 |Each facility must retain which the following for public inspection: |

| | |

| |A complete copy of every inspection report of the facility received from the Department during the past 5 years; |

| |A copy of every order pertaining to the facility issued by the Department or a court during the past 5 years |

| |A description of the services provided by the facility and the rates charged for those services and items for which a resident may be |

| |separately charged; |

| |A copy of the statement of ownership |

| |A record of personnel employed or retained by the facility who are licensed, certified or registered by the Department of Professional |

| |Regulation; |

| |A complete copy of the most recent inspection report of the facility received from the Department |

| |A copy of the current Consumer Choice Information Report |

| |All of the above |

| | |

|89 |Must retain a copy of every order pertaining to the facility issued by the Department or a court during the past ___ Years |

| | |

| |3 |

| |5 |

| |7 |

| |10 |

|90 |An inspection should occur within ____ days prior to license renewal |

| | |

| |90 |

| |120 |

| |150 |

| |180 |

|91 |Upon completion of a compliance survey, Department personnel who conducted the survey must submit a copy of their report to the licensee |

| |__________. |

| | |

| |Within 10 days of exiting the building |

| |Within 15 days of exiting the building |

| |Within 30 days of exiting the building |

| |Upon exiting the facility |

|92 |Any documentation or comments of the licensee regarding survey results must be submitted by the licensee to the Department within ____ |

| |days of receipt of the report (informal dispute resolution) |

| | |

| |5 |

| |10 |

| |15 |

| |30 |

|93 |Violations found during survey will be determined no later than ____ days after completion of each inspection, survey and evaluation. |

| | |

| |30 |

| |60 |

| |90 |

| |120 |

|94 |The Department and the licensee must maintain all inspection, survey and evaluation reports for at least _____ year(s) and be accessible |

| |to the public. |

| | |

| |1 year |

| |3 years |

| |5 years |

| |7 years |

|95 |The Department must conduct a revisit survey within ____ days of exiting the facility after completing the survey |

| | |

| |10 |

| |20 |

| |30 |

| |60 |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|96 |The Department must survey each facility at least ____ annually, unless the facility has been issued a 2-year license |

| | |

| |Once |

| |Twice |

| |Three times |

| |Four times |

|97 |A violation which creates a condition that proximately caused a resident's death is a _________ . |

| | |

| |Type "AA" violation |

| |Type "A" violation |

| |Type "B" violation |

| |Type "C" violation |

|98 |A violation which creates a substantial probability that less than minimal physical or mental harm to a resident will result is a |

| |______________ |

| | |

| |Type "AA" violation |

| |Type "A" violation |

| |Type "B" violation |

| |Type "C" violation |

|99 |A violation that is more likely than not to cause more than minimal physical or mental harm to a resident. Is a __________. |

| | |

| |Type "AA" violation |

| |Type "A" violation |

| |Type "B" violation |

| |Type "C" violation |

|100 |A violation that creates a substantial probability that the risk of death or serious mental or physical harm to a resident will result or|

| |has resulted in actual physical or mental harm to a resident is a _______. |

| | |

| |Type "AA" violation |

| |Type "A" violation |

| |Type "B" violation |

| |Type "C" violation |

|101 |A Type "AA" or "A" violation must be eliminated _______. |

| | |

| |Within 5 days |

| |Within 15 days |

| |Within 30 days |

| |Immediately |

|102 |For a Type "B" violation, a plan of correction must be submitted to the Department within ____ days of the receipt of the report of |

| |deficiencies |

| | |

| |5 |

| |10 |

| |20 |

| |30 |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|103 |For a Type C violation, a plan of correction must be submitted to the Department within ____ days. |

| | |

| |5 days |

| |10 days |

| |30 days |

| |A plan of correction is not required |

|104 |A conditional license will not be issued for greater than _______. |

| | |

| |90 days |

| |150 days |

| |180 days |

| |365 days |

|105 |A licensee who commits a Type "AA" violation automatically issued a conditional license for a period of _____ months. |

| | |

| |3 |

| |6 |

| |12 |

| |18 |

|106 |A plan of correction for a Type B violation will include a fixed time period to correct all violations not to exceed ____ days |

| | |

| |30 |

| |60 |

| |90 |

| |120 |

|107 |If the Department finds a condition which violates any licensing regulation but does not constitute a Type "AA", Type "A", Type "B", or |

| |Type "C" violation, the Department will issue a(n) ________. |

| | |

| |Administrative warning |

| |Report of Deficiencies |

| |Notice of Termination of Contract |

| |Letter of Censure |

|108 |The _____ must ensure that married residents residing in the same facility be allowed to reside in the same room. |

| | |

| |Director of Nursing |

| |Social Worker |

| |Administrator |

| |Dietary manager |

|109 |If a facility desires to contest any Department action, it must send a written request for a hearing to the Department within _____ days |

| |of receipt of notice of the contested action |

| | |

| |5 |

| |10 |

| |20 |

| |30 |

|110 |Tardive Dyskinesia is a side effect of which type of medication? |

| | |

| |Anti-depressant |

| |Anti-psychotic |

| |Anti-Anxiety |

| |Sleep inducing |

|111 |Generally, rooms that requires negative pressure require ____ changes of room air every hour |

| | |

| |2 |

| |4 |

| |6 |

| |8 |

|112 |If a resident appeals an involuntary discharge within ____ days of receipt of the notice of discharge, the resident may remain in the |

| |facility until conclusion of the appeal |

| | |

| |5 days |

| |10 days |

| |15 days |

| |30 days |

|113 |If a resident loses his appeal of an involuntary discharge, the resident can or cannot be transferred or discharged prior to the |

| |expiration of 30 days following receipt of the original notice of the transfer or discharge |

| | |

| |Can |

| |Cannot |

|114 |If the Department rejects a plan of correction, the facility has ___ days after receipt of the notice of rejection in which to submit a |

| |modified plan. |

| | |

| |5 |

| |10 |

| |15 |

| |20 |

|115 |A resident who is not on Medicaid or Public Aid may be discharged for non payment of a bill. If a resident fails to pay a bill within |

| |___ days after receipt of the bill, the facility may send a notice to the resident and responsible party requesting payment within 30 |

| |days. |

| | |

| |10 |

| |15 |

| |30 |

| |45 |

|116 |If the responsible party pays the amount of a bill n full prior to the effective date of a transfer or discharge for non-payment, then |

| |the resident may or may not remain in the facility. |

| | |

| |May |

| |May not |

|117 |An administrative warning is issued for which type of violation: |

| | |

| |Type A |

| |Type AA |

| |Type B |

| |Type C |

|118 |True or False – A facility must provide each resident at the time of admission information regarding the reporting of fraud, abuse, and |

| |neglect. |

| | |

| |True |

| |False |

|119 |True or False - A facility employee who becomes aware of abuse or neglect of a resident must immediately report the matter to the |

| |Department and to the facility administrator |

| | |

| |True |

| |False |

|120 |A facility administrator who becomes aware of abuse or neglect of a resident will immediately report the matter by ____________ to the |

| |resident's representative, and to the Department. |

| | |

| |Telephone only |

| |Writing only |

| |By Telephone and in writing |

| |A Face to Face meeting |

|121 |Every licensed long term care facility that receives Medicaid funding is or is not required to prominently display in its lobby, in its |

| |dining areas, and on each floor of the facility information approved by the Illinois Medicaid Fraud Control Unit on how to report fraud, |

| |abuse, and neglect. |

| | |

| |Is |

| |Is not |

|122 |Any report of abuse and neglect of residents made to a facility administrator, a director of nursing, or any other person with management|

| |responsibility, must then be reported to the owners and licensee of the facility within ____ hours of the report. |

| | |

| |24 |

| |36 |

| |48 |

| |72 |

|123 |A facility administrator who becomes aware of a facility employee or agent's theft or misappropriation of a resident's property must |

| |immediately report the matter by ________ to the resident's representative, to the Department, and to the local law enforcement agency. |

| | |

| |Telephone only |

| |Writing only |

| |By Telephone and in writing |

| |A Face to Face meeting |

|124 |Title XVIII of the Social Security Act is _________. |

| | |

| |Medicare |

| |Medicaid |

|125 |Title XIX of the Social Security Act is _________. |

| | |

| |Medicare |

| |Medicaid |

|126 |Within ______ days after admission, new residents who do not have a guardian or an executed power of attorney for health care must be |

| |provided with written notice of their right to provide the name of one or more potential health care surrogates that a treating physician|

| |should consider in selecting a surrogate to act on the resident's behalf should the resident lose decision-making capacity. |

| | |

| |15 |

| |30 |

| |60 |

| |90 |

|127 |Medication that is used for antipsychotic, antidepressant, anti-manic, or anti-anxiety behavior is called ___________. |

| | |

| |An anti psychotic medication |

| |An anti-anxiety medication |

| |A psychotropic medication |

| |An anti-depressant medication |

|128 |A Facility is or is not required to ensure a resident and the resident's physician, a registered pharmacist (who is not a dispensing |

| |pharmacist for the facility where the resident lives), or a licensed nurse, have a discussion about the possible risks and benefits of a |

| |recommended medication and the use of a standardized consent form |

| | |

| |Is |

| |Is not |

|129 |True or False - Each time a psychotropic medication is administered, a facility is not required to obtain the signatures of 2 licensed |

| |health care professionals on each informed consent signed by a resident for the administration of a psychotropic medication, and which |

| |certifies the personal knowledge of each health care professional that the consent was obtained in compliance with state law. |

| | |

| |True |

| |False |

|130 |An identification wristlet may or may not be placed on a resident without an order from a physician documenting the need for such |

| |identification in the resident's clinical record. |

| | |

| |May |

| |May not |

|131 |The ______ must ensure that resident correspondence is conveniently received and mailed, and that telephones are reasonably accessible. |

| | |

| |Director of Nursing |

| |Social Worker |

| |Administrator |

| |Dietary manager |

|132 |A bathroom must have _____ air pressure |

| | |

| |Negative |

| |Positive |

| |Neutral |

| |Controlled |

|133 |A resident room must have ____ changes of room air every hour |

| | |

| |2 |

| |4 |

| |6 |

| |8 |

|134 |A facility is or is not required to provide at admission a written statement explaining to each resident their spousal impoverishment |

| |rights and the resident's rights regarding personal funds and listing the services for which the resident will be charged |

| | |

| |1, Is |

| |2. Is not |

| | |

|135 |The facility may keep up to $_____ of a resident's money in a non-interest bearing account or petty cash fund, to be readily available |

| |for the resident's current expenditures. |

| | |

| |$25 |

| |$50 |

| |$100 |

| |$200 |

|136 |The initial employee health evaluation must be started or initiated not more than ___ days prior to the employee beginning employment in |

| |the facility |

| |7 |

| |14 |

| |30 |

| |45 |

|137 |The initial employee health evaluation must be completed not more than ____ days after the employee begins employment in the facility. |

| |7 |

| |14 |

| |30 |

| |45 |

|138 |The facility must obtain a health inventory from the ____ which must include the employee's immunization status and any history of |

| |infectious diseases. |

| |The employee’s physician |

| |The employee |

| |The facility nurse |

| |The local health department |

| |  |

|139 |The health inventory must include any history of ______ |

| |Tuberculosis |

| |Hepatitis |

| |Dermatologic conditions |

| |Chronic draining infections or open wounds |

| |1 and 2 above only |

| |All of the above |

| | |

| | |

|140 |True or False - The initial health evaluation must include a physical examination to detect any unusual susceptibility to infection and |

| |any conditions which would increase the likelihood of the transmission of disease to residents, other employees, or visitors. |

| |True |

| |False |

|141 |The tuberculin skin test must be completed no more than _____ days prior to the date of initial employment in the facility, or |

| |10 |

| |14 |

| |30 |

| |60 |

| |90 |

|142 |The tuberculin skin test must be commenced no more than ____ days after the date of initial employment in the facility. |

| |10 |

| |14 |

| |30 |

| |60 |

| |90 |

|143 |The facility must obtain a health inventory from the ____ which must include the employee's immunization status and any history of |

| |infectious diseases. |

| |The employee’s physician |

| |The employee |

| |The facility nurse |

| |The local health department |

| |  |

|144 |The health inventory must include any history of ______ |

| | |

| |Tuberculosis |

| |Hepatitis |

| |Dermatologic conditions |

| |Chronic draining infections or open wounds |

| |1 and 2 above only |

| |All of the above |

|145 |True or False - The initial health evaluation must include a physical examination to detect any unusual susceptibility to infection and |

| |any conditions which would increase the likelihood of the transmission of disease to residents, other employees, or visitors. |

| | |

| |True |

| |False |

|146 |The tuberculin skin test must be completed no more than _____ days prior to the date of initial employment in the facility, or |

| | |

| |10 |

| |14 |

| |30 |

| |60 |

| |90 |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|147 |The tuberculin skin test must be commenced no more than ____ days after the date of initial employment in the facility. |

| |10 |

| |14 |

| |30 |

| |60 |

| |90 |

|148 |Must provide residents requiring skilled care ___ hours of care per resident |

| | |

| |1.0 |

| |1.5 |

| |1.7 |

| |2.5 |

| |2.9 |

|149 |Must provide residents requiring intermediate care (ICF) ___ hours of care per resident |

| | |

| |1.0 |

| |1.5 |

| |1.7 |

| |2.5 |

| |2.9 |

|150 |Must provide residents light intermediate care ___ hours of care per resident |

| | |

| | |

| |1.0 |

| |1.5 |

| |1.7 |

| |2.5 |

| |2.9 |

|151 |Must staff a minimum of ___ percent of total staffing hours for licensed nurses on each shift |

| | |

| |5% |

| |10% |

| |15% |

| |20% |

| |25% |

| |30% |

Mock Exam 4 of 4 - Answer Key

|Quest # |Answer |Explanation |

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Mock Exam 4 - Answer Sheet

| | |36 | | |73 | | |110 | | | 147 | | | |1 | | |37 | | |74 | | |111 | | | 148 | | | |2 | | |38 | | |75 | | |112 | | | 149 | | | |3 | | |39 | | |76 | | |113 | | | 150 | | | |4 | | |40 | | |77 | | |114 | | | 151 | | | |5 | | |41 | | |78 | | |115 | | | 152 | | | |6 | | |42 | | |79 | | |116 | | | 153 | | | |7 | | |43 | | |80 | | | 117 | | | 154 | | | |8 | | |44 | | |81 | | |118 | | | 155 | | | |9 | | |45 | | |82 | | |119 | | |156 | | | |10 | | |46 | | |83 | | |120 | | |157 | | | |11 | | |47 | | |84 | | |121 | | |158 | | | |12 | | |48 | | |85 | | |122 | | |159 | | |13 | | |49 | | |86 | | |123 | | |160 | | | |14 | | |50 | | |87 | | |124 | | |161 | | |15 | | |51 | | |88 | | |125 | | |162 | | | |16 | | |52 | | |89 | | |126 | | |163 | | | |17 | | |53 | | |90 | | |127 | | |164 | | | |18 | | |54 | | |91 | | |128 | | |165 | | | |19 | | |55 | | |92 | | |129 | | | | | | |20 | | |56 | | |93 | | |130 | | | | | | |21 | | |57 | | |94 | | |131 | | | | | | |22 | | |58 | | |95 | | |132 | | | | | | |23 | | |59 | | |96 | | |133 | | | | | | |24 | | |60 | | |97 | | |134 | | | | | | |25 | | |61 | | |98 | | |135 | | | | | | |26 | | |62 | | |99 | | |136 | | | | | | |27 | | |63 | | |100 | | |137 | | | | | | |28 | | |64 | | |101 | | |138 | | | | | | |29 | | |65 | | |102 | | |139 | | | | | | |30 | | |66 | | |103 | | |140 | | | | | | |31 | | |67 | | |104 | | |141 | | | | | | |32 | | |68 | | |105 | | |142 | | | | | | |33 | | |69 | | |106 | | |143 | | | | | | |34 | | |70 | | |107 | | |144 | | | | | | |35 | | |71 | | |108 | | |145 | | | | | | | | | |72 | | |109 | | |146 | | | | | | |


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