Denver Public Schools


February 3, 2004

Management Items

Cabinet Report

Following is a regular report about major issues and information discussed during the weekly Cabinet meetings. The Cabinet includes three principal representatives, all nine area and assistant area superintendents, other assistant superintendents and several department heads. Please contact your Cabinet representative with questions.

Major Issues

• The Board of Education meeting Thursday, February 5 includes first consideration of four major issues coming forward:

• Consolidation of Ebert Elementary School enrollment with three nearby schools — Whittier, Wyman and Gilpin. The proposal includes transferring the program that serves homeless students to Gilpin. A related proposal would relocate the Polaris Program (currently at Crofton Elementary School) to Ebert.

• New collaboration with RTD to provide high school transportation, allowing high schools to move bell times to 9 a.m. and 29 elementary schools to move bell times to 8 a.m.

• New Teacher Compensation Plan.

• Proposal from the Art and Music Mill Levy Committee (guidelines for use of $6.5 million mill levy initiative).

• Other Board agenda items this week include first consideration of a proposal to convert Bryant-Webster Elementary to a K-8 school and change Bradley Elementary School from ECE-6 to ECE-5.


• Department of Human Resources reviewed new Self-Evident Applications (SEA) that will be expanded for employee use over the next eight weeks or so.

• Department of Human Resources reviewed the selection process for principals and assistant principals.

Teacher Information Sessions To Explain Internal Teacher Transfer Process

Teacher Information Sessions are now being conducted to address the new online Internal Teacher Transfer process. HR is providing a four-page handout to teachers in the sessions. The teacher handout is online at from the “Internal Teacher Transfer/Staffing – Teacher Information” section. Please make this information available to teachers, and encourage them to attend a training session.

CDE Requires New Fingerprint Card

Beginning March 1, 2004, a new fingerprint requirement will be enforced by the Colorado Department of Education. This will impact all licensed employees who received their first Colorado license prior to 1991 and are renewing their license after March 1, 2004. Check under the “what’s new” section of the HR website for details — .


New Provision For Administrator Retirements

The district has implemented a new provision for administrator retirements between July 2–September 1, 2004. The attached letter provides details on this new provision and will be sent to your home address this week. If you have questions, please contact Robin Kane, Human Resources, 303-764-3525.

New Vacation Accrual Process

Beginning on September 1, 2004, employees will be awarded their vacation time on a monthly basis. Check under the “what’s new” section of the HR website for details — .

School Closures Due To Bad Weather

Please remind your employees that if Denver Public Schools is closed due to bad weather or other emergencies, each employee should seek out district closure status. Employees should not rely on media notification alone. The central district phone center message will be updated daily by 5 a.m. The phone number is 303-764-3200. If employees are unsure about closure status, they should call the phone center message or log onto the district website at .

Charters And Bus Companies

Some schools are using the Bus Service Company and Bus Express for excursions. The Public Utilities Commission (PUC) has verified that there is no insurance filed for this company. If DPS uses a bus that is not registered with the PUC, DPS are putting the students and the district at risk. DPS has a list of approved charter companies. Schools should use only approved companies. Schools also should get approval from Transportation when someone else is paying for the bus. A phone call to Transportation, 303-575-4604, can approve these within several hours. The only information needed is the company’s US DOT Number.

For Your Information

Collaborative School Committee Training 

If you were unable to attend the “Building a Strong School Community” training on Saturday, there will be a make-up session from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. tomorrow night (Wednesday, February 4) at Gove Middle School, 4050 E. 14th Ave. A light dinner, translation and child care will be provided. If you would like to attend or want more information, please contact Ginny Tice at ginny_tice@ or 303-764-3577. Here is a link to the handouts distributed at the training session — $230.

The feedback that we’ve received so far tells us that this was a valuable session focusing on information-sharing and answering questions.

DPS On Channel 8

Spread the word! Include this information in your employee/parent/community newsletters —

The February 2004 production of “DPS Today,” the monthly television show about issues and progress in Denver Public Schools, features updates on two mill levy initiatives approved by voters last November. The first is a conversation about the $6.5 million initiative that will expand art and music education in elementary schools. The second is about the $3.5 million initiative designed to expand Early Childhood Education and kindergarten offerings across the district.

The show can be seen every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at 8 a.m. and every Friday and Saturday at 8:30 p.m. throughout the month of February. The show is carried on Denver 8 cable and is hosted by News 4 reporter Anna Alejo.

February guests include: Clark Strickland, chair of the Denver Public Schools Arts Resource Council and member of committee overseeing implementation of the arts and music mill levy effort; Park Hill elementary school teacher Cristina Sandoval; Cheryl Caldwell, Director of Early Childhood Education for Denver Public Schools; and Tammy Brown, Early Childhood Education specialist for the northwest area. For more information, contact the Public Information Office at 303-764-3414.

DPS Distance Learning Network Hands-On Elementary Science Lessons

“Way Cool Science!!” with Scott Sala features hands-on, inquiry-flavored, standards-driven, grade level specific science lessons that are creative and interactive for elementary students. Upcoming opportunities include the sheep’s heart dissection lesson for fourth-graders on Monday, February 23 and the cow’s eye dissection lesson for third-graders on Monday, March 15. The show will broadcast live from the Denver Zoo the week of May 3 for Animal Adaptations (fifth-graders).

• Monday and Friday, 1–1:45 p.m. on Channel 22

• Tuesday and Thursday, 9:30–10:15 a.m. on Channel 48

• Tuesday and Thursday, 2–2:45 p.m. on Channel 22

The program is working with the Lolo Toy Company on a new series of family fun events in May. If you are interested in trying out some great games, please call Gloria Lopez at 303-964-3112 or Scott Sala at 303-9643173. For more information, access the Distance Learning Network at .

TUESDAY TELEGRAM — Click on this link to access past issues:

(Back to New Provision for Administrator Retirements)




January 30, 2004

TO: All Administrators

FROM: Andre Pettigrew

Robin Kane

THROUGH: Jerry Wartgow

RE: 2003-2004 RETIREMENT PROVISIONS for Active Administrators

The district is committed to ensuring that each school and department is led by a qualified and experienced administrator. This is key to ensuring that the district goals are met. In order to post and fill vacancies of retiring administrators in a timely manner to attract the highest quality candidates, the following provisions will take effect on February 1, 2004, for all active administrators whose anniversary date (service date) is July 1, 2004, or later and who are planning to retire no later than September 1, 2004.

Current Provision: Retirement Date: June 1, 2004, through July 1, 2004

If you submit an application to retire to the DPS Retirement System (“DPSRS”) with final notification to the district by February 13, 2004, and your retirement date is between June 1 through July 1, 2004, you will receive a $1200 early notification incentive. It is understood that once the final notification is filed with the district, no changes can be made without prior approval of the district. This is the same provision that has been in effect for several years.

New Provision: Retirement Date: July 2, 2004, through September 1, 2004

If you submit an application to retire to DPSRS by February 13, 2004, and your retirement is between July 2, 2004, and September 1, 2004, you will receive your normal July and August salary, as appropriate. However, instead of working through August 31, you will sign a document with the district to “owe” the district the number of work days you are scheduled to work in July and/or August (normally 40 days, depending on your work year). These “work days” are to be completed within 13 months, or no later than October 1, 2005. The work days will be scheduled based on your availability to work and the district’s needs. The district has the right to post (as soon as DPSRS notification to the district of your pending retirement) and fill the position that you currently hold prior to your retirement date. It is understood that the early notification incentive of $1200 will not be paid if the effective date of retirement is after July 1, 2004. It is further understood that once the final notification is filed with the district, no changes can be made without prior approval of the district.

If you have any questions about this new provision, please contact Robin Kane at x3525.

Cc: Cabinet/DPSRS

2003-2004 Special Retirement Agreement for Administrators


Retiring Administrator: Submit an application to retire through DPS Retirement Systems by February 13, 2004. Then, please complete the form below and sign and date it. Forward it to your supervising administrator for approval by February 20, 2004. Retain a copy for your records.

Supervising Administrator: Please sign and date this to show your approval. Then, forward to the Executive Director of Human Resources by February 27, 2004.

Name of Administrator (last, first)

Effective Retirement Date

Phone Number

Local Address

If you submit an application to retire to DPSRS by February 13, 2004, and your retirement is between July 2, 2004, and September 1, 2004, you will receive your normal July and August salary, as applicable. However, instead of working through August 31, you will sign a document with the district to “owe” the district the number of work days you are scheduled to work in July and/or August (normally 40 days, depending on your work year). These “work days” are to be completed within 13 months, or no later than October 1, 2005. The work days will be scheduled based on your availability to work and the district’s needs. The district has the right to post (as soon as DPSRS notification to the district of your pending retirement) and fill the position that you currently hold prior to your retirement date. It is understood that the early notification incentive of $1200 will not be paid if the effective date of retirement is after July 1, 2004. It is further understood that once the final notification is filed with the district, no changes can be made without prior approval of the district.

Work Assignments may include, but are not limited to,

• Classroom and teacher observations

• Curriculum materials review and assistance

• Administrator training

• Mentoring and coaching

I agree to the provisions above. I have met these requirements. I understand that I will be contacted by the district to schedule my work days, based on district needs and my availability. I will notify the district if my phone number or local address change.

Signed Date

Retiring Administrator

Signed Date

Retiring Administrator

Cc: Retiring Administrator

Assistant Superintendent or Area/Assistant Superintendent

Personnel file




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