Syllabus - Műszaki Könyvkiadó


Subject: Geography

Grade: 7

Book: Geography Grade 7

Number of lessons per week: 3

Number of the lessons per year: 55

Date: September 2009

Written by: Maria Ocsenás

|Lessons |Lessons’ topic |Vocabulary, new terminology |Tasks, skill development |Tools needed |

|1 |Revision |Revision of the last year’s geography topic |Word-king, cross the word, |Word cards from the last year |

| | |and vocabulary. |running dictation, cabbage ball |Maps, slides |

|2 |Revision |Revision of the last year’s geography topic |Word-king, cross the word, |Word cards from the last year |

| | |and vocabulary. |running dictation, cabbage ball |Maps, slides |

|3.-4. |Theme I. |Precambrian, Paleozoic, |Checking with sentence and word matching, New words, |Word cards, student maps, illustrations on overhead |

| |THE CHANGING EARTH |Mesozoic, Cenozoic, |vocabulary, answering questions, doing workbook |projector, symbol cards mineral resources, stone |

| | |Quaternary, Tertiary |exercises, Worth reading presentation, Developing |collection, slides or pictures about the times of the |

| |Geologic Time Scale |Iron, nickel, black coal, brown coal, rock |reading, writing, speaking and listening skills |Earth, |

| | |oil, natural gas | | |

|5.-6. |Inside the Earth |Crust, mantel, outer liquid core, solid inner| Checking with cabbage ball, New words, vocabulary, |Word cards, Earth model, illustration on overhead |

| | |core, |definition hunting, answering questions, doing workbook|projector, video film, pictures and posters about the |

| | |Ocean ridges ( under-water mountain chain, |exercises, Worth reading presentation, Developing |inside of the Earth |

| | |volcanic islands, steep-sided rift valleys ) |reading, writing, speaking and listening skills |Wall map, student maps |

|7.-8. |Movement of the Earth’s plates |Continental- oceanic meet, |Checking with odd one-out questions, New words, |Word cards, illustration on overhead projector, video film,|

| | |Two continental plates meet, |vocabulary, |pictures and posters about the plates of the Earth |

| | |Oceanic-oceanic meet, |Group work and presentations about the types of |Wall map, student maps |

| | |Transform fault |movements, answering questions, doing workbook | |

| | | |exercises, Worth reading presentation, Developing | |

| | | |reading, writing, speaking and listening skills | |

|9.-10. |Climates of the Earth |Polar zone: Arctic, Tundra, |Checking with running dictation, New words, vocabulary,|Word cards, wall map, student maps, student globes, |

| | |Temperate zone: Taiga, continental, maritime,|sentence hunting, answering questions, doing workbook |Climate diagrams, pictures and slides about the vegetation |

| | |Mediterranean, desert, monsoon, subtropical |exercises, Worth reading presentation, Developing |and animals |

| | |Tropical zone: equatorial, savanna, desert, |reading, writing, speaking and listening skills | |

| | |monsoon | | |

|11. |ThemeII. |Arktos, North Pole, Arctic Ocean, mineral |Checking with cabbage ball ( read the sentences and |Word cards, wall map, student maps, outline maps on |

| |CONTINENTS: |mining, rich wildlife, Aurora, half year |name the climate ) new words, vocabulary, map reading, |overhead projector, pictures, slides about the aurora, |

| |Arctic, Antarctic |seasons, nomadic life, Peary, |analyzing pictures and slides about the Poles, group |animals, explorers, research stations, people |

| | |Mt Erebus, South Pole, research stations, |work and presentations about the Poles, answering | |

| | |lowest temperatures, Roald Amundsen, Robert |questions, doing workbook exercises, Worth reading | |

| | |Scott |presentation, Developing reading, writing, speaking and| |

| | | |listening skills | |

|12.-13 |ThemeIII. |Strait, Gibraltar, Suez, Madagascar, Gulf of |Checking with true and false sentences, new words, |Word cards, wall map, student maps, outline maps on |

| |CONTINENTS: |Guinea, |vocabulary, analyzing pictures and slides about Africa,|overhead projector, pictures, slides about the landscapes, |

| |AFRICA, AUSTRALIA AND THE |30, 3 million km2, coastline, |group work and presentations about the chapters of the |coastline, stone collection |

| |PACIFIC |Sahara, stone, sandy and clay deserts, Sudan,|text, map reading, answering questions, doing workbook | |

| |Location, borders, coastline |Guinea Plain, |exercises, Worth reading presentation, Developing | |

| |and landscapes of Africa |Congo Basin, Ethiopian, East and South |reading, writing, speaking and listening skills | |

| | |African Highlands, | | |

| | |Atlas Mt, | | |

|14.-15. |Climate, rivers and lakes of |Tropical zone, trade winds, |Checking with crossword puzzle, new words, vocabulary, |Word cards, wall map, student maps, outline maps on |

| |Africa |Equatorial, savanna, desert climates, ebony, |definition hunting, analyzing pictures, climate |overhead projector, pictures, slides about the vegetation |

| | |mahogany, rattan palm, baobab, date palm |diagrams and slides about climates and landscapes, map |and animals, rivers, lakes |

| | |tree, Temperate zone, Mediterranean climate, |reading, answering questions, doing workbook exercises,| |

| | |cork, olive trees, River Nile, Niger, Congo, |Worth reading presentation, Developing reading, | |

| | |Zambezi, Victoria Fall, lakes in fault line, |writing, speaking and listening skills | |

| | |Tanganyika, Victoria | | |

|16. |Peoples of Africa |Densely populated areas, |Checking with odd-one out game, new words, vocabulary, |Word cards, wall map, student maps, outline maps on |

| | |Birth rates, poor health-care system, lack of|group work and presentation, map reading, analyzing |overhead projector, pictures, slides about the African |

| | |education, |pictures or slides about the African races, answering |races, wars, famine, refugees, living circumstances, |

| | |Environmental damage, |questions, doing workbook exercises, Worth reading | |

| | |Civil wars, drought, famine, poverty, Arabs, |presentation, Developing reading, writing, speaking and| |

| | |black people, |listening skills | |

| | |European descents, refugees, | | |

| | |Economic problems | | |

|17.-18. |Countries of Africa |Northeast Africa: agriculture, tourism, |Checking with crossword puzzle, new words, vocabulary, |Word cards, wall map, student maps, outline maps on |

| | |phosphate, and oil |group work and presentation about the regions, |overhead projector, pictures, slides about the farming |

| | |chemicals and fertilisers |analyzing slides or pictures about the countries, |methods, crops and |

| | |Northeast Africa: wars, inefficient farming |precious trees, crops and products, map reading, |precious trees, tourist attractions and African cities and |

| | |methods, fertile Nile valley, farming, Egypt,|answering questions, doing workbook exercises, Worth |villages |

| | |cotton and dates, textile industry, |reading presentation, Developing reading, writing, | |

| | |West Africa: Sahel belt, drought, soil |speaking and listening skills | |

| | |erosion, overgrazing areas, equatorial area, | | |

| | |small farms, huge plantations, minerals | | |

| | |Central Africa: equatorial savanna climates, | | |

| | |precious mahogany, ebony and teak, minerals, | | |

| | |Central East Africa: | | |

| | |savanna, natural beauty, tourists, farming, | | |

| | |minerals | | |

| | |Southern Africa: The Republic of South | | |

| | |Africa, advanced economy, minerals, | | |

| | |Farming, Pretoria, Cape Town, Johannesburg | | |

|19.-20. |Australia |Tasmania, Great Barrier Reef, |Checking with six fact bingo, new words, vocabulary, |Word cards, wall map, student maps, outline maps on |

| | |7,6 million km2, Western Australia, |group work and presentation about the chapters, |overhead projector, pictures, slides about the explorers, |

| | |Australian Plain, Great Dividing Range, |analyzing pictures and slides about the landscapes and |people, landscapes, vegetation and animals, cities and |

| | |Murray, Darling, Sydney, Melbourne, Canberra,|climates, cities, answering questions, map reading, |products |

| | |minerals, machinery, wool producing, meat, |doing workbook exercises, Worth reading presentation, | |

| | |dairy products |Developing reading, writing, speaking and listening | |

| | | |skills | |

|21. |The Pacific |Volcanic and coral islands, atolls, |Checking with top ten questions, new words, vocabulary,|Word cards, wall map, student maps, outline maps on |

| | |Melanesia, Micronesia, |answering questions, group work and presentation about |overhead projector, pictures, slides about the groups of |

| | |Polynesia, Papua New Guinea, New Zealand, |the chapters, analyzing pictures and slides about |islands, people, crops and products |

| | |Hawaii, Sugar, ginger, black pepper, copra, |groups of islands and products, map reading, doing | |

| | |fish, timber, livestock and minerals, coffee,|workbook exercises, Worth reading presentation, | |

| | |sugar cane, cocoa, rubber, oil palm, sheep, |Developing reading, writing, speaking and listening | |

| | |fruit, pineapple, sugarcane, fishing, tourism|skills | |

|22.-23. |Revision: |Using and practicing English vocabulary, |Word king, word bingo, running dictation, cabbage ball,|Maps, slides, pictures, posters, outline maps used in the |

| |Africa, Australia and the |definitions, topographical names, |crossword puzzle, odd-one out, gap filling games, |theme during the units, |

| |Pacific |geographical processes and contexts |definition hunting, answering |overhead projector |

| | | |the questions of the book, filling workbook exercises, | |

| | | |map reading practices | |

|24. |TEST I. |Continents, Africa, Australia, | | |

| | |The Pacific | | |

|25.-26. |Theme II. |Bering Strait, Korea, Indochina, Malaysia, |New words, vocabulary, group work and presentation |Word cards, wall map, student maps, outline maps on |

| |CONTINENT: |Indian Subcontinent, Small Asia, Arab |about the chapters, analyzing pictures and slides about|overhead projector, pictures, slides about the landscapes, |

| |ASIA |peninsulas. |the landscapes, video film about the formation of the |video film |

| |Location, borders, coastline |Philippines, Indonesian, Japan Islands. |Himalayas, map reading, answering questions, doing | |

| |and landscapes of Asia |Landmasses: Central-Siberian Plateau, |workbook exercises, Worth reading presentation, | |

| | |South-Chinese Mountains, Deccan- Plateau, |Developing reading, writing, speaking and listening | |

| | |Arab |skills | |

| | |Middle mountain ranges: Ural, Tien-Shan, | | |

| | |folded mountains: Himalayas, Pamir | | |

| | |Plains: Western-Siberian, Mesopotamian, | | |

| | |Turanian, Hindustanian, Chinese | | |

|27.-28. |Climate, rivers and lakes of |Climates of the zones, Ojmjakon, -78Co, |Checking with word cards on the outline map, new words,|Word cards, wall map, student maps, outline maps, and |

| |Asia |Temperate Desert, Temperate Monsoon climates,|vocabulary, group work and presentation about the |illustrations of the monsoon wind-system on overhead |

| | |monsoon wind- system, tropical monsoon |chapters, analyzing pictures, diagrams and slides about|projector, climate diagrams, pictures, slides about the |

| | |climate, Ob, Yenisei, Lena, Yangtze, Yellow |the climates, rivers and vegetation, map reading, |vegetation, animals, rivers and lakes of the continent, |

| | |river, |answering questions, doing workbook exercises, Worth | |

| | |Ganges, Indus, Euphrates, Tigris rivers, |reading presentation, Developing reading, writing, | |

| | |Lakes: Caspian Sea, Aral, Baikal |speaking and listening skills | |

|29. |People of Asia |Earliest civilizations, most populated areas,|Checking with running dictation,new words, vocabulary, |Word cards, wall map, student maps, outline maps on |

| | |China, India, Bangladesh, lowest population: |group work and presentation about the chapters, |overhead projector, pictures, slides about the Asian races,|

| | |Mongolia, super cities: Hong Kong, Singapore,|analyzing pictures and slides about human races, map |churches, cities and villages, |

| | |Tokio, Asian race, white people, Malaysians, |reading, answering questions, doing workbook exercises,| |

| | |religions: Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, |Worth reading presentation, Developing reading, | |

| | |Christianity and Islam. |writing, speaking and listening skills | |

|30.-31. |China |1,3 billion people, strong ties to past and |Checking with TOTO questions,new words, vocabulary, |Word cards, wall map, student maps, outline maps on |

| | |traditions, many regional climates, minerals,|group work and presentation about the chapters, |overhead projector, pictures, slides about the landscapes, |

| | |fertilizers, bicycles, cars, lorries, |analyzing pictures and slides about landscapes, people,|cities, crops, yak, and products of China, CD about |

| | |textiles, clothing, paper and electronics. |cities, products of the country, map reading, |traditional music, collection of traditional product, ( |

| | |traditional handicraft industry, Beijing, |listening traditional music, answering questions, doing|wood carvings, lacquer boxes, silk, etc..), |

| | |Shanghai, and Canton, paddy fields, soya, |workbook exercises, Worth reading presentation, | |

| | |wheat, corn, potatoes, millet, tea and |Developing reading, writing, speaking and listening | |

| | |peanuts, yak, camels |skills | |

|32. |Japan |chain of 4.000 islands, Honshu, Hokkaido, |Checking with cabbage ball( true and false sentences ),|Word cards,wall map, student maps, outline maps on overhead|

| | |Shikoku, and Kyushu, hard-working, high |new words, vocabulary, group work and presentation |projector, pictures, slides about the landscapes, cities, |

| | |standard of living, good health and education|about the chapters, analyzing pictures and slides about|crops, and products of Japan, CD about traditional music, |

| | |system, lack of minerals, world leader in |the landscapes, climates, cities, products of the |collection of traditional products, ( paper, paintings, |

| | |research and development of new technology, |country, listening traditional music, map reading, |bonsai, etc..), |

| | |electronic goods, high average yields, |answering questions, doing workbook exercises, Worth | |

| | |sophisticated farm machinery, fertilizers and|reading presentation, Developing reading, writing, | |

| | |chemicals, financial sector, largest stock |speaking and listening skills | |

| | |exchange, headquarters of many major banks | | |

| | |and corporations | | |

|33.-34. |Countries of Southeast Asia |fast economical development, |Checking with gap filling sentences, new words, |Word cards, wall map, student maps, outline maps on |

| | |South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore,|vocabulary, group work and presentation about the |overhead projector, pictures, slides about the landscapes, |

| | |Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia and the |chapters, analyzing pictures and slides about the |cities, crops and products of the countries, |

| | |Philippines, |countries, their products, map reading, answering | |

| | |Computers , video sets, cameras and |questions, doing workbook exercises, Worth reading | |

| | |electronic household goods. harbour’s |presentation, Developing reading, writing, speaking and| |

| | |facilities, spices and rubber, |listening skills | |

| | |palm oil, Seoul, Djakarta, Bangkok, Kuala | | |

| | |Lumpur, | | |

| | |Manila | | |

|35. |India |Hindu India, Muslim Pakistan, Bangladesh, |Checking with running dictation, new words, vocabulary,|Word cards, wall map, student maps, outline maps on |

| | |variety in religion, language and culture, |group work and presentation about the chapters, |overhead projector, pictures, slides about the landscapes, |

| | |gemstones, minerals, cars, chemicals and |analyzing pictures and slides about the landscapes, |cities, architecture, crops, and products of India, CD |

| | |computers, space industry, cotton industry, |climates, vegetation, cities and products of the |about traditional music, collection of special product, |

| | |Mumbai, jute industry, Calcutta, |country, map reading, listening traditional music, |(spices, costumes, wood and bone carved decorations, joss |

| | |self-sufficient in production of rice and |answering questions, doing workbook exercises, Worth |sticks ), |

| | |wheat. |reading presentation, Developing reading, writing, | |

| | |greatest cattle stock, vegetarians, |speaking and listening skills | |

| | |overcrowded cities, New Delhi | | |

|36. |Southwest Asia |land of deserts, oil rich countries, Saudi |Checking with top ten questions, new words, vocabulary,|Word cards, wall map, student maps, outline maps on |

| | |Arabia, luxury hotels and duty-free shops, |group work and presentation about the chapters, |overhead projector, pictures, slides about the landscapes, |

| | |traditional markets, fine beaches and trips |analyzing pictures and slides about the landscapes, |cities, crops, woolen carpets and other products of the |

| | |into the desert, dry plateaux, Iran, nomads, |countries and their products, map reading, listening |countries, |

| | |animal herding, hand-woven Persian carpets, |traditional music, answering questions, doing workbook | |

| | |Tigris and Euphrates Mediterranean region: |exercises, Worth reading presentation, Developing | |

| | |Lebanon, Israel, Jordan, and Syria, diamond |reading, writing, speaking and listening skills | |

| | |industry, jewellery settings, Turkey, | | |

| | |wheat, cotton, tobacco, sugar beets and | | |

| | |fruit, tea, tourism | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|37.-38. |Revision of Asia |Using and practicing English vocabulary, |Word king, word bingo, running dictation, cabbage ball,|Maps, slides, pictures, posters, outline maps used in the |

| | |definitions, topographical names, |crossword puzzle, odd-one out, gap filling games, |theme during the units, |

| | |geographical processes and contexts |definition hunting, answering |Overhead projector |

| | | |the questions of the book, filling workbook exercises, | |

| | | |map reading practices | |

|39. |TEST II. |Continent: Asia | | |

|40.-41. |Theme III. |44,3 million km2 North, Central and South |New words, vocabulary, group work and presentation |Word cards, wall map, student maps, outline maps on |

| |CONTINENT: |America, |about the chapters, analyzing pictures and slides about|overhead projector, pictures, slides about the landscapes, |

| |AMERICA |isthmus, Panama Canal, |the landscapes, map reading, video film about the |video film |

| |Location of America, coastline,|Greenland, Labrador, Alaska, California, |formation of the Pacific Mountain Range System, | |

| |borders and landscapes of North|Florida, Gulf of Hudson, Gulf of Mexico, |answering questions, doing workbook exercises, Worth | |

| |America |Caribbean Sea, West Indies, |reading presentation, Developing reading, writing, | |

| | |Canadian Shield, Appalachians, Rocky |speaking and listening skills | |

| | |Mountains, Pacific Mountain Range-System, | | |

| | |Cordilleras, Great Plain, Mississippi Plain | | |

|42. |Climate, rivers, lakes of North|Great spread from North to South, tornadoes, |Checking with word card on the outline map, new words, |Word cards, wall map, student maps, outline maps, and |

| |America |hurricanes, |vocabulary, group work and presentation about the |illustrations of the tornado and hurricane windstorms on |

| | |Mississippi, St Lawrence, Colorado rivers, |chapters, analyzing pictures and slides about the |overhead projector, climate diagrams, pictures, slides |

| | |Great Lakes, |climates and vegetations and rivers, lakes, map |about the vegetation, animals, rivers and lakes of the |

| | |Niagara Falls |reading, video film about hurricanes and tornadoes, |northern continent part, video film |

| | | |answering questions, doing workbook exercises, Worth | |

| | | |reading presentation, Developing reading, writing, | |

| | | |speaking and listening skills | |

|43. |People of North America |Indians, Eskimos, Mayas, Aztecs, immigrants, |Checking with word selection game, new words, |Word cards, wall map, student maps, outline maps on |

| | |reservations, mestizo, mulatto, megapolis, |vocabulary, group work and presentation about the |overhead projector, pictures, slides about the American |

| | | |chapters, analyzing pictures and slides about human |races, city masses, |

| | | |races, map reading, answering questions, doing workbook| |

| | | |exercises, Worth reading presentation, Developing | |

| | | |reading, writing, speaking and listening skills | |

|44.-45. |The United States of America |50 states, Alaska, Hawaii, |Checking with definition hunting game, new words, |Word cards, wall map, student maps, outline maps on |

| | |leading economic, political, military and |vocabulary, group work and presentation about the |overhead projector, pictures, slides about the landscapes, |

| | |cultural force |chapters, analyzing pictures and slides about the |cities, products of industries, |

| | |influence of US culture, |landscapes and climates, cities, and products, map | |

| | |minerals, energy resources, skilled |reading, answering questions, doing workbook exercises,| |

| | |labourers, the development of technology and |Worth reading presentation, Developing reading, | |

| | |branches of industries. |writing, speaking and listening skills | |

| | |Eastern, Southern and Western industrial | | |

| | |regions, | | |

| | |New York, Washington D.C. | | |

| | |Chicago, Detroit, Cleveland, | | |

| | |Houston, Dallas, New Orleans, San Francisco, | | |

| | |Los Angeles | | |

|46. |Agriculture of the |Agricultural belts, agricultural production |Checking with symbol cards of the industries, putting |Word cards, wall map, student maps, outline maps on |

| |USA |depend on the climate, spring wheat belt, |them to the right regions, new words, vocabulary, |overhead projector, pictures, slides about the belts and |

| | |corn belt, mixed farming belt, |definition hunting, analyzing pictures, diagrams and |zones and their agricultural products |

| | |Subtropical garden plantation zone, |slides about the agricultural products, map reading, | |

| | |Mediterranean Californian Valley, Western |answering questions, doing workbook exercises, Worth | |

| | |areas, animal breeding, food industry, soft |reading presentation, Developing reading, writing, | |

| | |drinks |speaking and listening skills | |

|47. |Canada |10 provinces and 2 territories, |Checking with crossword puzzle, new words, vocabulary, |Word cards, wall map, student maps, outline maps on |

| | |Inuit, French, English people, |group work and presentation about the chapters, |overhead projector, pictures, slides about the landscapes, |

| | |natural resources, water power stations, |analyzing pictures and slides about the landscapes, |cities, crops, and products of the country, |

| | |smelting, aluminium and chemical industries, |climates, cities, and products, map reading, answering | |

| | |forest products, timber, paper, furniture, |questions, doing workbook exercises, Worth reading | |

| | |farming areas: Great Lakes, Prairie, St |presentation, Developing reading, writing, speaking and| |

| | |Lawrence, Niagara fruit belt, Grand Banks, |listening skills | |

| | |fishing ground, transcontinental roads and | | |

| | |rails, St Lawrence river | | |

|48. |Mexico and Central America |Sonoran Desert, snow-capped mountains, |Checking with top ten questions, new words, vocabulary,|Word cards, wall map, student maps, outline maps on |

| | |tropical rainforests, saguaro cacti, |group work and presentation about the chapters, |overhead projector, pictures, slides about the landscapes |

| | |rattlesnakes, scorpions, oil platforms, |analyzing pictures and slides about the landscapes, |crops, and products of the countries |

| | |minerals, maquiladoras, agricultural products|climates, cities, and products, map reading, answering | |

| | |vary with elevation, |questions, doing workbook exercises, Worth reading | |

| | |Cattle herds, Mexico City, |presentation, Developing reading, writing, speaking and| |

| | |Banana Republics, plantations, Cuba, |listening skills | |

| | |sugarcane, tobacco, variety of tropical | | |

| | |fruits and vegetables, rum, | | |

| | |Jamaica, Puerto Rico, bauxite | | |

|49. |Landscapes, rivers and lakes of|Guyana, Brazilian Mountains, |Checking with bingo with six facts game, new words, |Word cards, wall map, student maps, outline maps on |

| |South America |Andes, Amazonas Plain, Parana Plain, |vocabulary, group work and presentation about the |overhead projector, pictures, slides about the landscapes, |

| | |Patagonia, Andes climate, climates of the |chapters, analyzing pictures and slides about the |climates, vegetation, rivers and lakes, video film |

| | |zones, Humboldt current, Amazonas, Orinoco, |climates, vegetations and rivers, lakes, video film | |

| | |Parana rivers, Itaipu dam, Lake Titicaca, |about the formation of the Andes, map reading, | |

| | | |answering questions, doing workbook exercises, Worth | |

| | | |reading presentation, Developing reading, writing, | |

| | | |speaking and listening skills | |

|50.-51. |Countries of South America |Venezuela, Caracas, oil, huge contrasts, |Checking with running dictation, new words, vocabulary,|Word cards, wall map, student maps, outline maps on |

| | |Brazil, Brasilia, Sao Paulo, Belo Horizonte, |group work and presentation about the chapters, |overhead projector, pictures, slides about the landscapes, |

| | |Rio de Janeiro, Portuguese language, |analyzing pictures and slides about the landscapes and |cities, crops and |

| | |minerals, rainforests, grasslands, orange, |climates, cities, and products, map reading, answering |products of the country |

| | |cocoa, banana, coffee, manufacture goods, |questions, doing workbook exercises, Worth reading | |

| | |hides, meat, Argentina, rich, productive |presentation, Developing reading, writing, speaking and| |

| | |farmland and plentiful mineral resources, |listening skills | |

| | |Pampas, wheat, corn, meat, hides, wool, | | |

| | |Buenos Aires, Chile, | | |

| | |longest and thinnest country, | | |

| | |55 volcanoes, Santiago, Valparaiso, fruit, | | |

| | |cereals and grapes, fishing | | |

|52.-53. |Revision of America |Using and practicing English vocabulary, |Word king, word bingo, running dictation, cabbage ball,|Maps, slides, pictures, posters, outline maps used in the |

| | |definitions, topographical names, |crossword puzzle, odd-one out, gap filling games, |theme during the units, |

| | |geographical processes and contexts |definition hunting, answering |overhead projector |

| | | |the questions of the book, filling workbook exercises, | |

| | | |map reading practices | |

|54. |TEST III. |Continent: America | | |

|55. |Revision of the year | |Discussing any problems during the year. Reinforcing | |

| | | |basic knowledge, preparing for the next year. | |


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