
FedBizOppsSources Sought Notice*******CLASSIFICATION CODESUBJECTCONTRACTING OFFICE'S ZIP-CODESOLICITATION NUMBERRESPONSE DATE (MM-DD-YYYY)ARCHIVE DAYS AFTER THE RESPONSE DATERECOVERY ACT FUNDSSET-ASIDENAICS CODECONTRACTING OFFICE ADDRESSPOINT OF CONTACT(POC Information Automatically Filled from User Profile Unless Entered)DESCRIPTIONSee AttachmentAGENCY'S URLURL DESCRIPTIONAGENCY CONTACT'S EMAIL ADDRESSEMAIL DESCRIPTION ADDRESSPOSTAL CODECOUNTRYADDITIONAL INFORMATIONGENERAL INFORMATIONPLACE OF PERFORMANCE* = Required FieldFedBizOpps Sources Sought NoticeRev. March 201065Clinical Information System80246VA259-17-N-054806-02-201730541512Department of Veterans AffairsNetwork Contracting OfficeNCO 194100 E. Mississippi Avenue, Suite 900Glendale CO 80246Joshua Gallegosjoshua.gallegos@joshua.gallegos@joshua.gallegos@This is a SOURCES SOUGHT in support of the Denver VA Medical Center, Denver, Colorado for market research purposes only to determine the availability of potential businesses with capabilities to provide the services described below. Potential offerors are invited to provide feedback via e-mail to Joshua Gallegos at Joshua.gallegos@. Responses will be used to determine the appropriate acquisition strategy for a potential future acquisition. All responses due by 2 June, 2017, at 5:00PM MST. Potential contractors shall provide, at a minimum, the following information:1) Company name, address, and point of contact, phone number, e-mail address, and DUNS.2) Is your firm eligible for participation in one of the following small business programs? If so, please indicate the program. Anticipated North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code is 541512.[ ] yes [ ] no Small Business (SB) [ ] yes [ ] no HUBZone [ ] yes [ ] no Small Business 8(a) [ ] yes [ ] no Small Disadvantaged Business (SDB) [ ] yes [ ] no Women-Owned (WO) Small Business[ ] yes [ ] no Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business (SDVOSB)[ ] yes [ ] no Veteran Owned Small Business (VOSB) [ ] yes [ ] no Other (please specify) 3) What types of information is needed to submit accurate offers?4) Provide a brief capability statement (Max 2 pages) with enough information to determine if your company can meet the requirement. The Capabilities Statement for this Sources Sought is not expected to be a Request for Quotations, Request for Proposals or Invitation for Bids, nor does it restrict the Government to an ultimate acquisition approach, but rather the Government is requesting a short statement regarding the company's ability to provide the requirement below. Any commercial brochures or currently existing marketing material may also be submitted with the capabilities statement. Submission of capabilities statement will assist our office in tailoring the requirement to be consistent with industry standards. The capabilities will be evaluated solely for the purpose of determining to Set-Aside for the Small Business (SB) Community or to conduct as an Unrestricted Procurement. Other than small businesses may respond to this notice in the event the market does not indicate SB interest. This synopsis is for information and planning purposes only and is not to be construed as a commitment by the Government. The Government will not pay for information solicited. Respondents will not be notified of the results of the evaluation.Note: Do not include Proprietary, classified, confidential, or sensitive information in responses.Not responding to this Sources Sought does not preclude participation in any future or potential solicitation, or Request for Quotation. It is the intent of the VA Eastern Colorado Health Care System to use the information gathered for market research purposes only. If a formal solicitation is released, it will be posted via the Federal Business Opportunity ().VA Eastern Colorado Health Care System Initial Outfitting & TransitionGeneral Conditions and Statement of WorkClinical Information SystemTable of Contents TOC \o "1-2" \h \z \u 1.Introduction PAGEREF _Toc256000000 \h 52.Technical Requirements PAGEREF _Toc256000001 \h 52.1.JSN: 5014.A Application/Software PAGEREF _Toc256000002 \h 52.2.JSN: Z5014 Box, Interface, Clinical Information PAGEREF _Toc256000003 \h 63.Installation Requirements PAGEREF _Toc256000004 \h 63.1.Professional Services PAGEREF _Toc256000005 \h 63.2.Assembly and Installation PAGEREF _Toc256000006 \h 114.General Conditions PAGEREF _Toc256000007 \h 114.1.Delivery PAGEREF _Toc256000008 \h 114.2.Use of Premises PAGEREF _Toc256000009 \h 124.3.Protection of Property PAGEREF _Toc256000010 \h 125.SECURITY REQUIREMENTS PAGEREF _Toc256000011 \h 135.1.Security background checks are not required. PAGEREF _Toc256000012 \h 136.WARRANTY PAGEREF _Toc256000013 \h 136.1.The contractor shall provide all manufacturer(s) warranties on all parts and labor at time of delivery. PAGEREF _Toc256000014 \h 136.2.The warranties shall include all travel and shipping costs associated with any warranty repair. PAGEREF _Toc256000015 \h RMATION SECURITY/PRIVACY REQUIREMENTS PAGEREF _Toc256000016 \h 13IntroductionVeteran Affairs Eastern Colorado Health Care System (VA ECHCS), Denver, CO., wishes to purchase an expansion of the existing LV23-Clinical Information System (CIS), medical surgical charting workflow. This requires a hardware expansion of Clinicomp Essentris at VISN 19 for the ECHCS VAMC Replacement Facility, Aurora, CO. Procurement package LV23 shall be installed and configured by an authorized vendor for the materials, software, equipment, services, and supplies in response to this Request for Procurement (RFP). This is including any services required for professional services, hardware, software, and option year warranties in response to this RFP for the Denver VAMC Replacement Facility, as described in the bid documents and specifications contained herein. This includes and prime and sub-contractors. Any professional services required for hardware, software, option year, and maintenance will be defined in the vendor’s response to this RFP.Technical RequirementsJSN: 5014.A Application/SoftwareClinical Information System requirementsOverview: The following provides specific requirements for the Clinical Information System to be implemented at the new ECHCS Replacement hospital. Presently, Denver VA Medical Center has a license for 24 CliniComp and Universal Data Acquisition System (UDAS). Denver VA replacement hospital is expanding the Essentris system for intensive critical care (ICU) and low-acuity care units for an additional 94 beds to monitor and capture patient data at the new ECHCS replacement hospital. ECHCS will reuse the 24 licenses but will replace the old 24 UDAS with the new UDAS for a total of 118 UDAS and additional 94 CliniComp licenses. The licenses include 30 Low-acuity beds focus in Medical, include 30 Low-acuity beds focus in Surgical, 30 Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) beds, and 28 ICU beds.This requirement includes hardware server upgrade and software for the centralize VISN 19 system, locate at the Region I Datacenter, to expand the capacity of the CliniComp Server. This requirement includes the installation and implementation of Essentris (118) data bridge system (UDAS hardware and UDAS cables), network and data acquisition. The Contractor shall continue to provide a mechanism(s) to prevent changes to flowsheet template and database elements that might be mandated by the VA nationally for purposes of standardization.The Contractor shall ensure the ability to create new database elements, controlled at the VISN level, and are maintained.Vendor shall meet all VA security requirements as well as ensure data against system failures (disaster recovery) and user input or errors (audit trail).Vendor shall provide a reliable and robust application able to survive network and server failures without loss of data or of real-time data display.Vendor shall ensure VISN 19, Essentris production and database server has redundancies for the hospital/ to include support for server failures.The Contractor’s device drivers for all VA medical devices intended for patient care must be capable of accepting all data, measured and calculated.Essentris data must meet all VA nomenclature and standardization requirements. Software must use the VA supplied data concepts including a unique Serial Number for each concept throughout the contact period. Updates shall be applied as they become available.The expansion of Essentris shall have the capability to building charting worksheet per clinical unit mention above (ICU, Low-Acuity Medical, Low-Acuity Surgical, and SCI). The Essentris software shall merge the current Medical ICU and Surgical ICU into one standardize workflow, naming convention, and charting flow sheet.All required interfaces shall be consistent with the existence ECHCS Electronic Medical Record (EMR) (CPRS) interface. JSN: Z5014 Box, Interface, Clinical InformationUDAS Box Interface Requirements Qt: 118This requirement includes the procurement and installation of a major component of patient data acquisition at Denver VAMC, the (UDAS), including wall mount bracket and medical devices interface cables. The UDAS device runs on a proprietary platform manufactured by CliniComp mounted at the bedside to provide an interface to various devices as outlined in CliniComp captures data from supported bedside devices and imports the data into the CliniComp and Vista Electronic Medical Record. The devices to interface are as follows:ICU: all existing interface medical devicesLow-Acuity Care and SCI: Philips Physiological Monitor MP5, Philips V60 BipapSCI: Philips Physiological Monitor MX550, Ventillator G5 and C2, These are example of common medical devices. VAMC may has more medical devices type during the integration. The UDAS box shall be powered by PoE.The Contractor UDAS shall extract in real time data from devices that may transmit data that must be stored and extracted from the Essentris as it is entered by the user. VAMC will return 29 existing UDAS box back contractor after the GO LIVE dateInstallation RequirementsProfessional ServicesProject ManagementThe Contractor shall draft a Contractor Project Management Plan (CPMP) that lays out the Contractor’s approach, timeline and tools to be used in execution of the contract. ?The PMP should take the form of both a narrative and graphic format that displays the schedule, milestones, risks and resource support.?The CPMP shall include the contractor’s plans for managing all subcontractors. Topic areas to be addressed shall include oversight and communications with subcontractors while onsite at VA locations, as well as executing the timely distribution and delivery of all materials to subcontractor personnel.?The CPMP shall also include how the Contractor shall coordinate and execute planned, routine, and ad hoc data collection reporting requests as identified. The initial baseline CPMP shall be concurred upon and updated monthly thereafter. The Contractor shall update and maintain the VA Contracting Officer’s Representative (COR) approved CPMP throughout the period of performance. The CPMP will include, but not be limited to:Project Schedule to include Milestones, Deliverables, and Critical PathImplementation PlanVerification & Validation (V&V) Plan Training PlanRisks Management PlanProject Closeout Activities/Procedures Reporting RequirementsThe Contractor shall provide weekly progress reports, to include schedule updates, to the VA COR and shall cover all work completed during the reporting period and work planned for the subsequent reporting period. The reports shall also identify any problems that arose and a description of how the problems were resolved.? If problems have not been completely resolved, the Contractor shall provide an explanation. The Contractor shall monitor performance against the CPMP and report any deviations. It is expected that the Contractor will remain in communication with the VA accordingly so that issues that arise are transparent to both parties to prevent escalation of outstanding issues.The Contractor shall provide the COR and/or ECHCS representative with Weekly Installation Progress Reports in electronic form in Microsoft Office, Project formats or PDF.? The report shall include detailed instructions/explanations for each required data element, to ensure that data is accurate and consistent. These reports shall reflect data as of the last day of the preceding Month.?These reports shall include a summary of the task order deliverables.Implementation Plan3.1.3.1 Contractor shall has the plan to mitigate the system interruption to all VISN19 site3.1.3.2 Contractor shall draft a detail installation schedule Contractor shall has the plan to reused 24 beds ICU license without interruption the current ECHCS facility. The plan shall be working in conjunction with the ECHCS move plan for the new facility. Contractor shall assist and work closely with ECHCS clinical adiminastrive staff to configure the Low-acuity care (Medical and Surgical) and SCI work flow. Contractor shall assist and work closely with ECHCS clinical administrative staff to review and reconfigure the ICU workflow. Verification and Validation Requirement (Testing)The Contractor shall perform testing following installation to ensure UDAS boxes are correctly interfaced with the Essentric system.The contractor shall perform testing following installation to ensure interfaces to appropriate bedside monitoring devices are correct and functioning. Contractor shall be testing through test environment prior to Live Production.The Contractor shall provide a final test plan that includes updates addressing any comments provided by the VA to the draft test plan. Disputes shall be resolved by the Contracting Officer.The Contractor shall conduct a joint inspection with the onsite POC upon completion of delivery.In the event deficiencies are identified, the Contractor shall provide a date when the identified deficiencies will be addressed if not addressed on the date of delivery.The Contractor shall conduct a joint inspection with the onsite POC after addressing all deficiencies.All deficiencies identified during joint inspections shall be corrected by the Contractor before Government's acceptance of the item.3.13.9 Contractor should verify that there is no impact to other VISN 19 sites after upgrade and installation of additional 94 beds licenses to ECHCS site.Training:The contractor shall provide system administrator off-site training for 4 system administrators to clinical and biomedical engineering staff. There will also be training provided to VA staff in a “Train the Trainer” type of environment. In addition, the training will be held prior to the Go Live date, during the Go Live, and after the Go Live.The Contractor shall provide onsite training to various work schedule shifts to ensure end-users will be proficient with the use of system. Contractor shall ensure a training schedule is provided to maximize staff participation. The Contractor shall provide a written material (i.e., manuals, handbook, training manual) to ensure user competency of the CliniComp system. The Contractor shall provide CliniComp training for approximately.Training shall provide skills and knowledge to effectively navigate the system, navigate security features, major applications, document clinical notes, identify and utilize workflow processes, understand content and flow of data as well as understand all function of the CliniComp system. Project Estimate Time LinePhase I: Project Kickoff. Estimated Start Date: As soon as contract Award.Kickoff meetingWorkflow designPhase II: System upgrade. Estimated Start Date: As soon as Phase I is complete.Phase III: Hardware installation and testing. Estimated Start Date: November 1, 2017.Phase IV: Verification and Validation: Estimated Start Date: As soon as Phase III is completeMedical Device Integration testingWorkflow testingPre Go-Live trainingPhase V: Go Live: Estimated Start Date: March 25, 2018.Phase VI: Post Go-Live: Estimated Start Date: 4 months after Go-LiveFollow up trainingValidate and review workflowProject phase requirements:Provide a single point of contact for the implementation of this project. On-site attendance for one business day for Project, kick-off meeting with the Client and our engineering staff.Develop a project plan in accordance with site Master Schedule so not to affect any other deployments and or the opening of the Denver VA new replacement hospital.Confirm and communicate the hardware delivery and implementation schedule.Manage implementation and associated risk.Vendor senior supervision shall be on-site during equipment/software installation phase.Schedule startup of all new equipment.The project manager will communicate any issues and notify the appropriate resources for resolution.The contractor shall provide an implementation plan and schedule an implementation meeting within two weeks from order shipment. The contractor shall identify specific deployment tasks and milestones in the implementation plan. The Contractor shall provide and maintain an accurate, detailed Inventory List of the Contractor installed equipment and software including serial numbers, Equipment Entry (EE) Tag numbers, version release, and licenses.Description and WorkBased on approved deployment work schedule, the vendor shall provide all labor necessary to install, deploy and configure the requirements of LV23.Vendor shall receive and place equipment in the designated areas at Denver VA replacement hospital.The Vendor shall unpack and install all equipment in the designated area, and dispose of all trash. Disposing of the trash is the responsibility of the Vendor. There are not adequate facilities on-site for the disposal of trash.Vendor shall connect the server to the network with the appropriate IP address and VLAN ID provided by the Government for UDAS devices.Vendor shall upgrade all equipment to the latest firmware code and BIOS code prior to installing and configuration of the equipment.DeliverablesThe vendor shall provide an Excel cut sheet of the serial number for each piece of equipment installed. IP addresses and MAC addresses for all equipment that attaches to the network by IDF.Assembly and InstallationRequirementsThe Contractor is required to manage and coordinate the installation timeline at the Denver Replacement Facility with VA ECHCS point of contract. General ConditionsDelivery The acquisition is part of the initial outfitting and activation of the new Denver VA Medical Center being constructed in Aurora, CO. Delivery will be coordinated with the successful contractor after award of the contract. The Awardee Contractor shall contact the Technical On-Site Point of Contact (POC) for this RFP to schedule a pre-delivery meeting to be conducted approximately 30 Days before the initial award delivery date for verification of delivery dates. Technical On-Site POC for this RFP is as follows:Lauren Hill (C) 407.233.7054 (W) 720.857.5935 Email – Lhill@The Awardee Contractor may be required to adjust the delivery date from the date specified in the contract award document, due to situations beyond the Governments control. The Government has the right to adjust the contract award delivery date for up to 90 days at no cost to the Government.RequirementsOn-site assembly and installation of items and performance of services identified in this document will take place during normal business hours which are defined as: 0700 to 1600 (i.e.: 7:00 am to 4:00 pm Mountain Standard Time), Monday through Friday, excluding Federal Holidays. Secure storage is limited at the Denver VA Replacement Facility. If secure storage is required, the Contractor shall make arrangement locally at no additional cost to the Government.The Contractor is required to provide all tools, labor, and materials to complete assembly and installation of the items detailed in this document. The Contractor shall have an on-site representative for the duration of assembly and installation to serve as the primary interface with Denver VAMC and VA ECHCS. The VA will provide a staging area for the equipment to be staged before deployed. Vendor shall fill out 6550 Pre-Procurement Assessment form Delivery LocationContractor shall deliver all equipment to the Eastern Colorado Health Care System, PVN Dock, 1700 N. Wheeling Street, Aurora, CO 80045Delivery MarkingsContractor shall deliver items in manufacturer’s original sealed containers with manufacturer’s name clearly marked thereon. Deliveries shall be marked with the PO and Contract Number.Delivery CoordinationAll deliveries shall be coordinated with the onsite Points of Contacts (POC) for deliveries. Deliveries that are not properly coordinated will be the subject of deliveries being rejected.Site Delivery Conditions:There shall be no smoking, eating, or drinking inside the construction site at any time.Delivery personnel must comply with all posted safety requirements, to include the wearing of personal protection equipment (PPE). Minimum requirements are a hard hat, over the ankle boots, reflective safety vest, eye protection and gloves.Use of Premises RequirementsDuring the performance of this contract. All work will be conducted at the VA Denver Replacement Hospital. The Contractor will perform all work in such a manner that will cause minimum interference with VA ECHCS operations and the operations of other vendors on the premises. The Contractor will coordinate and cooperate with VA ECHCS’s general contractor and construction manager during delivery and installation activities. All coordination with the general contractor shall be coordinated through the Technical On-Site POC.The Denver Replacement Facility is an active construction site. The vendor will assume responsibility for taking precautions for the vendor's (and associated subcontractors’) employees, agents, licensees, and permittees.Prior to starting work, the vendor and associated personnel (including subcontractors) will be required to attend a general contractor’s site safety training program.Clean Up and Disposal: There are no dumpsters available for the Contractors use at the Denver VA replacement hospital for the disposal of material. The Contractor must clean up all debris and discard at Contractors expense.The removal of waste and/or excess material will be conducted through the loading area. Delivery trucks and/or other vendor vehicles will not be permitted to remain at the loading area. Vehicles will need to be brought back to the area if required to remove any waste, tools, or excess materials.Protection of PropertyRequirements The Contractor shall conduct an inspection walk through of the building(s) and grounds with the Technical on-site POC before commencing any work.The Contractor shall protect all items from damage during delivery. The Contractor shall take precaution against damage to the building(s), grounds, and furnishings. The Contractor shall repair or replace any items related to the building(s) or grounds damaged accidentally or on purpose due to action by the Contractor or their representative. The Contactor shall be responsible for repairing or replacing any items, components, building(s), and grounds damaged due to negligence and/or actions taken by the Contractor or its employees. The source of all repairs beyond simple surface cleaning is the facility construction contractor (or appropriate subcontractor), so that building warranty is maintained. Concurrence for the VA Facilities Management POC and onsite POC Contact is required before the Contractor may perform any significant repair work. In all cases, repairs shall utilize materials of the same quality, size, texture, grade and color to match adjacent existing work.The Contractor shall be responsible for securing all items, their work tools, and equipment used during delivery and installation.SECURITY REQUIREMENTS Security background checks are not required. WARRANTYThe contractor shall provide all manufacturer(s) warranties on all parts and labor at time of delivery. The warranties shall include all travel and shipping costs associated with any warranty RMATION SECURITY/PRIVACY REQUIREMENTSVA Maintenance/Installation Contracts VA INFORMATION CUSTODIAL LANGUAGE Information made available to the contractor or subcontractor by VA for the performanceor administration of this contract or information developed by the contractor/subcontractor inperformance or administration of the contract shall be used only for those purposes and shallnot be used in any other way without the prior written agreement of the VA. This clauseexpressly limits the contractor/subcontractor's rights to use data as described in Rights in Data General, FAR 52.227-14(d) (1). SECURITY INCIDENT INVESTIGATION The term “security incident” means an event that has, or could have, resulted inunauthorized access to, loss or damage to VA assets, or sensitive information, or an actionthat breaches VA security procedures. The contractor/subcontractor shall immediately notifythe COTR and simultaneously, the designated ISO and Privacy Officer for the contract of anyknown or suspected security/privacy incidents, or any unauthorized disclosure of sensitiveinformation, including that contained in system(s) to which the contractor/subcontractor hasaccess. LIQUIDATED DAMAGES FOR DATA BREACH a. Consistent with the requirements of 38 U.S.C. §5725, a contract may require access tosensitive personal information. If so, the contractor is liable to VA for liquidated damages inthe event of a data breach or privacy incident involving any SPI the contractor/subcontractorprocesses or maintains under this contract. b. Based on the determinations of the independent risk analysis, the contractor shall beresponsible for paying to the VA liquidated damages in the amount of $37.50 per affected individual to cover the cost of providing credit protection services to affected individuals consisting of the following: (1) Notification; (2) One year of credit monitoring services consisting of automatic daily monitoring of at least3 relevant credit bureau reports; (3) Data breach analysis; (4) Fraud resolution services, including writing dispute letters, initiating fraud alerts andcredit freezes, to assist affected individuals to bring matters to resolution; (5) One year of identity theft insurance with $20,00.00 coverage at $0 deductible; and (6) Necessary legal expenses the subjects may incur to repair falsified or damaged creditrecords, histories, or financial affairs.TRAINING a. All contractor employees and subcontractor employees requiring access to VAinformation and VA information systems shall complete the following before being grantedaccess to VA information and its systems: (1) Sign and acknowledge (either manually or electronically) understanding of andresponsibilities for compliance with the Contractor Rules of Behavior, Appendix E relating toaccess to VA information and information systems; (2) Successfully complete the VA Privacy and Information Security Awareness and Rules of Behavior training and annually complete required privacy and security training; and (3) Successfully complete any additional information security or privacy training, as required for VA personnel with equivalent information system access. b. The contractor shall provide to the contracting officer and/or the COTR a copy of thetraining certificates and certification of signing the Contractor Rules of Behavior for eachapplicable employee within 1 week of the initiation of the contract and annually thereafter, asrequired. c. Failure to complete the mandatory annual training and sign the Rules of Behaviorannually, within the timeframe required, is grounds for suspension or termination of all physicalor electronic access privileges and removal from work on the contract until such time as thetraining and documents are complete. ................

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