Colorado Regulations Ch 3 Building and Fire Safety



( Illinois State Exam ◘ MODULE 7

Mock Exam 1 of 4

Stan Mucinic, LNHA

Legal Notices

Students enrolled in the “the “Illinois Laws and Rules Course” are purchasing the professional knowledge of the instructor to assist the student to prepare for the Illinois State Licensure Exam administered by the State of Illinois.

This is a 5-week intensive independent study program designed to provide students a unique personalized and structured learning environment where progress is monitored by the instructor through email to help students maintain focus and complete scheduled assignments timely.


An individual’s ultimate success in passing the licensure exam is dependent on an individual’s professional experience, academic preparation, and the time and energy the individual can commit to exam study and preparation. A student’s work schedule or other commitments may require more time to prepare for an exam than allotted. The student is solely responsible for licensing exam registration/testing and retesting fees.


Step 1 – VERY IMPORTANT - The personalized test organizer that comes with the program is the key to your success and sets this program apart from any other. It is critical you follow the instructions and score each exam, and file the completed exams into your binder. Try to keep to the schedule and email your test results to the instructor to stay focused.

Step 2. - Speed Reader – Read the speed reader for each module once or twice before taking the module exam(s). Read the speed reader over and over again until you familiarize yourself with its contents. THE MORE TIMES YOU LOOK IT THE MORE LIKELY YOU ARE TO REMEMBER IT.

Step 3 – Exam Packet - The exam packet contains questions designed to measure your comprehension and retention of the material you read. Take each exam over and over again until you score 100%. Make sure you score each exam and record the results in your organizer or you will not be able to gauge your progress.


Email Stan Mucinic at smucinic@ with any questions and after you score each practice exam

|1. |The facility activity program must be geared to _______. |

| | |

| |The needs of most residents participating in the program |

| |The individual needs of each resident |

| |The resources and staffing available to the program |

| |All of the above |

|2. |A person who assists a resident to understand their rights and obtain needed services is called ______. |

| | |

| |A nursing home administrator |

| |A guardian |

| |An advocate |

| |A resident activist |

|3. |“Full-time” means on duty a minimum of ____ hours, four days per week. |

| | |

| |20 hours |

| |30 hours |

| |36 hours |

| |40 hours |

|4. |The policy-making authority, whether an individual or a group, that exercises general direction over the affairs of a facility and |

| |establishes policies concerning its operation and the welfare of the individuals it serves is the ________. |

| |Governing body |

| |Nursing home administrator |

| |Long term care ombudsman |

| |Medical director |

| 5. |Which of the following is responsible to exercise general direction over a nursing home? |

| | |

| |Governing body |

| |Nursing home administrator |

| |Long term care ombudsman |

| |Medical director |

|6 |A person who has been convicted of any felony offense as a registered sex offender, or is serving a term of parole or probation for a |

| |felony offense is called a _________. |

| |Convicted offender |

| |Repeat offender |

| |Identified offender |

| |Misdemeanor offender |

|7 |Each consultant must have a written agreement setting forth the services to be provided and that agreement must be updated _____________.|

| | |

| |Weekly |

| |Monthly |

| |Quarterly |

| |Annually  |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|8 |A total plan of care developed by the interdisciplinary team for each resident on the basis of all assessment results is called a(n) |

| |__________. |

| |Individual Plan of Action |

| |Individual Habilitation Plan |

| |Individual Diagnostic Profile |

| |Individual Clinical Ranking |

|9 |The person responsible for the control, maintenance and governance of the facility, its personnel and physical plant is called the |

| |________. |

| |Owner |

| |Administrator |

| |Operator |

| |Licensee |

|10 |The individual, partnership, corporation, association or other person who owns a facility is called the __________. |

| | |

| |Owner |

| |Administrator |

| |Operator |

| |Licensee |

|11 |The person or other entity licensed to operate the facility is called the ________  |

| | |

| |Owner |

| |Administrator |

| |Operator |

| |Licensee |

| | |

|12 |A license expires ______________ |

| | |

| |On the date shown on the face of the license |

| |On September 30 of each year |

| |15 months after a license is issued |

| |Every other year |

|13 |A facility that provides basic nursing care and other restorative services under periodic medical direction is called a _________.  |

| |Nursing home facility |

| |Assisted living facility |

| |Intermediate care facility |

| |Mental Services facility |

|14 |A notice issued to a facility by the Department where a facility has violated licensure requirements but the violation(s) is not a type A|

| |or type B violation is called a(n)____________. |

| | |

| |Preliminary Warning |

| |Regulatory Advisory |

| |Administrative Warning |

| |Administrative Sanction |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|15 |A facility license must be issued for a period of not less than ____ months |

| | |

| |6 months |

| |12 months |

| |15 months |

| |18 months |

|16 |A facility license must be issued for a period of no more than ___ months. |

| | |

| |6 months |

| |12 months |

| |15 months |

| |18 months |

|17 |True or False - If a licensee does not own the building, a lease or management agreement between the licensee and the owner of the |

| |building is required to be furnished to the Department |

| | |

| |True |

| |False. |

|18 |A probationary license is an initial license issued for a period of ____ days during which time the Department will determine the |

| |qualifications of the applicant. |

| | |

| |60 |

| |90 |

| |120 |

| |150 |

|19 |A violation of the licensing requirements that creates a condition that directly threatens the health, safety or welfare of a resident |

| |is called a _____ violation |

| | |

| |Type A violation |

| |Type B violation |

| |Type C Violation |

|20 |Where noncompliance found in a facility during survey are unimportant omissions or defects that are not relevant to the safety or care |

| |of residents, this is called ________ |

| | |

| |Substantial compliance |

| |Regulatory compliance |

| |Partial compliance |

| |Substandard compliance  |

|21 |A licensee must give _____ days notice prior to voluntarily closing a facility or closing any part of a facility, or prior to closing any|

| |part of a facility if closing such part will require the transfer or discharge of more than ten percent of the residents.  |

| |30 days |

| |60 days |

| |90 days |

| |120 days |

|22 |When a facility is closing, the facility must give notice to which of the following? |

| | |

| |The Department |

| |Any residents who must be transferred or discharged |

| |The resident's representative and a family member |

| |4. All of the above |

|23 |A violation of the licensing requirements that creates a condition that presents a substantial probability that death or serious mental |

| |or physical harm to a resident will occur is called a ________ violation |

| | |

| |Type A violation |

| |Type B violation |

| |Type C violation |

|24 |A list of the contents of each emergency medication kit must be kept _________ |

| | |

| |Outside the kit |

| |Inside the kit |

| |In the Office of the Director of Nursing |

| |In medication administration record.  |

|25 |Medications for any resident who has been temporarily transferred to a hospital must be ________ |

| | |

| |Immediately returned to the dispensing pharmacy |

| |Destroyed in the facility |

| |Kept in the facility. |

| |Sent with the resident to the hospital |

|26 |An application to operate a facility must be submitted to the _______ |

| | |

| |Department of Public Health |

| |Department of Senior Services |

| |Department of Corrections |

| |Department of Public Facilities |

|27 |The corporate body, political subdivision, individual, or individuals upon whom rests the responsibility for meeting licensing |

| |requirements and compliance is the ______.  |

| | |

| |Administrator |

| |Licensee |

| |Medical Director |

| |Director of Nursing |

|28 |True or False – A licensee does not have to own the building being used. |

| | |

| |True |

| |False |

|29 |According to state law, a facility activity program must be available __________ |

| | |

| |At least 8 hours a day |

| |At least 12 hours a day |

| |During the facility’s business hours |

| |For a reasonable number of hours each day |

|30 |Title XIX is the Social Security Act is _________ |

| | |

| |1. Medicare |

| |2. EEOA |

| |3. Medicaid |

| |4. Supplemental Security Income |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|31 |The Department will issue a probationary license for _____ days from the date of issuance. |

| | |

| |60 |

| |90 |

| |120 |

| |150 |

|32 |All discontinued controlled substances must be ________ |

| | |

| |Returned to the dispensing pharmacy |

| |Destroyed by the facility by flushing down a toilet |

| |Used within 30 days of the “discontinue by” date |

| |All of the above |

|33 |The licensee must qualify for issuance of a two-year license if the licensee has met the criteria for the last _____ consecutive months. |

| | |

| |12 |

| |24 |

| |48 |

| |60 |

|34 |ANSI stands for the ___________. |

| | |

| |Association for National Standards and Implementation |

| |American National Standards Institute |

| |Agency for National Standards and Implementation |

| |All of the above |

|35 |Title XVIII of the Social Security Act is ________ |

| | |

| |EEOA |

| |Medicaid |

| |Medicare |

| |Supplemental Security Income |

|36 |For any complaint classified as "a valid report," the Department must determine within ___ working days if the facility violated any |

| |licensing requirements |

| | |

| |3 |

| |7 |

| |14 |

| |30 |

|37 |The national organization that sets the standards for the Life Safety Code is the _________ |

| | |

| |American Society for Testing and Materials |

| |American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning Engineers |

| |National Fire Protection Association |

| |American Society of Mechanical Engineers Elevators |

|38 |The interdisciplinary team must include which of the following at a minimum |

| | |

| |A physician |

| |A social worker |

| |Other professionals |

| |All of the above |

| | |

|39 |Which agency is responsible for the prevention and control of infectious diseases in the United States? |

| | |

| |Centers for Disease Control and Prevention |

| |Department of Health and Human Services |

| |Civil Rights Act of 1964 |

| |Social Security Act |

|40 |Which Federal Department oversees Medicare and Medicaid? |

| | |

| |Center for Infectious Diseases, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention |

| |Department of Health and Human Services |

| |Civil Rights Act of 1964 |

| |Social Security Act |

|41 |Which federal law prohibits discrimination based on race, religion, gender, color and national origin |

| | |

| |Center for Infectious Diseases, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention |

| |Department of Health and Human Services |

| |Civil Rights Act of 1964 |

| |Social Security Act |

|42 |Which federal law provides older Americans a pension to provide financial security in old age? |

| | |

| |Center for Infectious Diseases, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention |

| |Department of Health and Human Services |

| |Civil Rights Act of 1964 |

| |Social Security Act |

|43 |Which federal law governs the use of controlled substances |

| |Illegal Drug Act |

| |Controlled Substances Act |

| |Pharmacy Control Act |

| |Practice Control Act |

|44 |The ______is charged with the general administration and supervision of a facility |

| | |

| |Governing body |

| |Operator |

| |Nursing home administrator |

| |Licensee |

|45 |The ______ is directly responsible for the operation and administration of the facility |

| | |

| | |

| |Nursing home administrator |

| |Governing body |

| |Operator |

| |Licensee |

|46 |The licensee must report any change in administrator to the Department, within ___ days. |

| | |

| |5 days |

| |10 days |

| |14 days |

| |30 days |

| | |

|47 |The Department must be provided with a copy of all new lease agreements or any changes to existing agreements within ___ of such changes|

| |5 days |

| |10 days |

| |14 days |

| |30 days |

|48 |All medications having an expiration date that has passed, and all medications of residents who have been discharged or who have died |

| |must be disposed of in accordance with _________ |

| | |

| |Federal regulations |

| |State law |

| |Facility policies and procedures |

| |Local department of health regulations |

|49 |True or False – A facility that staffs according to minimum state nursing staffing levels cannot be cited for insufficient staffing |

| | |

| |True |

| |False |

|50 |The facility must send a narrative summary of each reportable incident to the Department within ___ days after the occurrence of a |

| |reportable incident.. |

| | |

| |3 |

| |7 |

| |14 |

| |30 |

|51 |At a minimum, there must be at least ____ staff member(s) awake, dressed, and on duty at all times.  |

| |1 |

| |2 |

| |3 |

| |4 |

|52 |The facility must, fax or phone the Regional Office of the Department of Health within ____ hours after each reportable incident or |

| |accident.  |

| | |

| |8 |

| |24 |

| |48 |

| |72 |

|53 |"Duplicative drug therapy" means _________ |

| | |

| |The use of two or more drugs, whether from the same drug category or not, that produce the same effect |

| |Skipping a dose to reduce the amount in the resident’s blood stream |

| |Using several different medications at the same time |

| |Using anti-coagulants to thin the blood |

|54 |The __________ must coordinate and monitor each resident's overall plan of care.  |

| | |

| |Social worker |

| |Resident Services Director |

| |MDS coordinator |

| |Administrator |

| | |

|55 |If the staff member responsible for social services is not a qualified social worker to provide social service consultation on an ongoing|

| |basis, that individual must have regular consultation with a _______. |

| | |

| |Licensed therapist |

| |Social service consultant |

| |Medical records consultant |

| |Registered nurse with psychiatric training |

|56 |“Department” means the __________________. |

| | |

| |Department of Public Health |

| |Dept of Professional Regulation |

| |Dept of Facilities Management |

| |Centers for Medicare and Medicare services |

|57 |True or False - Psychotropic medication may be prescribed or administered without the informed consent of the resident, the resident's |

| |guardian, or other authorized representative.  |

| | |

| |True |

| |False |

|58 |Resident care policies must be developed by the ________. |

| | |

| |Medical Director |

| |Resident Care Policy Committee |

| |Owner |

| |Director of Nursing  |

|59 |A resident admitted for physical therapy but does not have any cognitive problems would or would not be required to have a Level 2 PASSR |

| | |

| |1. Would |

| |2. Would not |

|60 |A confirming order must be obtained by telephone from a licensed physician as soon as possible, but no later than ___ hours from |

| |application of a physical restraint  |

| | |

| |3 hours |

| |8 hours |

| |24 hours |

| |48 hours |

|61 |A facility must, within _____ hours after admission of a resident, request a criminal history background check for all persons 18 or |

| |older seeking admission to the facility.  |

| | |

| |24 |

| |48 |

| |72 |

| |96 |

|62 |Any action taken by the facility for the purpose of punishing or penalizing residents is called ______. |

| | |

| |Discipline |

| |Corporal punishment |

| |Chemical restraint |

| |Convenience |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|63 |If a facility is unable to conduct a fingerprint-based background check of a resident, then it must provide conclusive evidence of the |

| |____________ |

| | |

| |The resident’s citizenship status |

| |The resident is being held restraints per physician’s orders |

| |The resident is physically unable to walk or more on their own |

| |The resident has been placed with another resident with a criminal background check |

|64 |If the results of a resident's criminal history background check reveal that the resident is an identified offender, the facility must |

| |immediately fax the resident's name and criminal history to the ______ |

| | |

| |Department of Public Health |

| |Department of Corrections |

| |Local law enforcement agency |

| |The long term care ombudsman’s office |

|65 |Using any restraint to control resident behavior or maintain a resident, for the convenience of the staff, but not in the best interest |

| |of the resident, is called _____ |

| | |

| |Discipline |

| |Corporal punishment |

| |Chemical restraint |

| |Convenience |

|66 |True or False - Must provide every prospective and current resident a written notice advising them of the right to ask whether any |

| |residents of the facility are identified offenders.  |

| | |

| |True |

| |False |

|67 |The final written report of an actual disaster must be submitted to the Department within ___ days after the occurrence |

| |  |

| |7 |

| |14 |

| |21 |

| |30 |

|68 |If an identified offender is a convicted sex offender  or if the Criminal History Analysis reveals that the offender poses a significant|

| |risk of harm to others within the facility, the offender must ________ |

| | |

| |Be placed in physical restraints |

| |Be medicated with sedatives |

| |Be provided a private room |

| |Be placed in a room with other individuals only if they consent to such placement |

|69 |The facility must notify _______________ of an incident involving substance abuse, aggressive behavior, or inappropriate sexual behavior |

| |that would necessitate relocation of that resident. |

| | |

| |Local law enforcement agency |

| |The Illinois Prisoner Review Board |

| |The Department of Corrections |

| |All of the above |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|70 |If the disaster will not require direct Departmental assistance, the facility must provide the preliminary report within ____ hours after|

| |the occurrence.  |

| | |

| |24 |

| |48 |

| |72 |

| |96 |

|71 |A written evaluation of each drill must be kept for ____ |

| | |

| |6 months |

| |1 year |

| |3 years |

| |Indefinitely |

|72 |A new resident contract must be executed between a resident and a facility when ______. |

| | |

| |A person is admitted to a facility |

| |At the expiration of an existing contract |

| |When a resident changes from private to public funds |

| |All of the above |

|73 |If a resident is unable to consent to placement and sign a resident contract, the facility must get consent from which of the following: |

| |  |

| |The person's guardian |

| |A durable power of attorney |

| |A member of the person's immediate family |

| |Any of the above |

| |  |

|74 |If an adult with capacity objects, orally or in writing, to admission to a nursing home, then _______. |

| | |

| |The individual may be admitted |

| |The individual may not be admitted |

| |The individual can be admitted if a physician signs an admission order |

| |All of the above are true |

|75 |A written evaluation of each drill must be submitted to the ______ and must be maintained for one year. |

| | |

| |Governing Body |

| |State licensing authority |

| |Administrator |

| |Medical Director |

|76 |Fire drills must include simulation of evacuation of residents to safe areas during at least ___ drill(s) each year on each shift. |

| | |

| |One |

| |Two |

| |Three |

| |Four |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|77 |The resident contract must provide that if the resident is compelled by a change in physical or mental health to leave the facility, the |

| |contract and all obligations under it must terminate on ___ days notice. |

| | |

| |3 |

| |7 |

| |10 |

| |14 |

|78 |A resident has the right to terminate the resident contract with ____ days notice.  |

| | |

| |7 |

| |14 |

| |30 |

| |60 |

|79 | Disaster drills for other than fire to be held______ annually for each shift of facility personnel.  |

| | |

| |Once |

| |Twice |

| |Three times |

| |Four times |

| | |

|80 |Each facility must establish a residents' advisory council consisting of at least ___ resident members. |

| | |

| |3 |

| |5 |

| |7 |

| |10 |

|81 |If there are not the minimum number of residents capable of functioning on the residents' advisory council, as determined by the IDT, |

| |then ________ must take the place of the required number of residents.  |

| | |

| |The residents' representative |

| |The administrator |

| |Staff members |

| |The long term care ombudsman |

|82 |Fire drills to be held at least ____ for each shift of facility personnel.  |

| | |

| |Quarterly |

| |Monthly |

| |Annually |

| |Weekly |

|83 |An individual who assists residents with eating and drinking, personal hygiene limited to washing a resident's hands and face, brushing |

| |and combing a resident's hair, and oral hygiene, shaving residents with an electric razor, and applying make up. is called a ______ |

| | |

| |Nurse aide |

| |Resident attendant |

| |Nurse |

| |Private duty nurse |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|84 |The resident council must meet at least _____.  |

| | |

| |Monthly |

| |Quarterly |

| |Semi annually |

| |Annually |

|85 |Records of resident council meetings must be maintained in the office of the __________.  |

| | |

| |Council president or chairperson |

| |The facility social worker |

| |The administrator |

| |The staff coordinator who assists the resident council |

|86 |True or False - The resident council must review facility procedures to implement resident rights and facility responsibilities and make |

| |recommendations to strengthen those policies and procedures |

| | |

| |True |

| |False |

|87 |The resident council must be a forum for which of the following: |

| |  |

| |Obtaining and disseminating information |

| |Soliciting and adopting recommendations for facility programming and improvements |

| |Early identification of problems |

| |Recommending orderly resolution of problems |

| |All of the above.  |

|88 |The Resident Care Policy Committee consists of at least ______. |

| | |

| |The administrator |

| |The advisory physician or the medical advisory committee |

| |Representatives of nursing and other services in the facility |

| |All of the above |

|89 |Humiliation, harassment, threats of punishment or deprivation, or offensive physical contact by a licensee, employee or agent is called |

| |_________. |

| | |

| |Misappropriation of property |

| |Neglect |

| |Mental abuse |

| |Physical abuse |

|90 |A failure to provide adequate medical or personal care or maintenance which results in physical or mental injury to a resident is called |

| |_____________. |

| | |

| |Misappropriation of property |

| |Neglect |

| |Mental abuse |

| |Physical abuse |

|91 |The _____ is directly responsible for the immediate supervision of the nursing services |

| | |

| |A licensed physician |

| |Director of nursing |

| |The medical director |

| |Charge nurse |

| | |

|92 |The ______ is in charge of the nursing activities for a specific unit or floor during a tour of duty. |

| | |

| |A licensed physician |

| |The medical director |

| |Director of nursing |

| |Charge nurse |

|93 |The beds in a nursing unit cannot be more than ______ feet from the nurse's station |

| | |

| |50 |

| |60 |

| |120 |

| |200 |

|94 |______________ means a health care process designed to assist residents to attain and maintain the highest degree of function of which |

| |they are capable (physical, mental, and social). |

| | |

| |Behavior modification |

| |Adaptive Behavior |

| |Restorative Care |

| |Autism |

| | |

|95 |Within ____ days after initial employment, the facility must submit documentation to the Department to be registered on the Nurse Aide |

| |Registry. |

| | |

| |30 |

| |90 |

| |120 |

| |150 |

|96 |A nursing assistant enrolled in an approved training program must not be employed more than ___ days (4 months) prior to successfully |

| |completing the program. |

| | |

| |30 |

| |90 |

| |120 |

| |150 |

|97 |Any physical or mental injury or sexual assault on a resident is called _____. |

| | |

| |Sexual Abuse |

| |Abuse |

| |Mental abuse |

| |Misappropriation of property |

|98 |All new direct care staff must complete an orientation program covering the facility's policies and procedures for resident care services|

| |within ___ days of hire |

| | |

| |30 |

| |50 |

| |90 |

| |120 |

|99 |All employees must attend in-service training programs pertaining to their assigned duties at least _____. |

| | |

| |Weekly |

| |Monthly |

| |Quarterly |

| |Annually |

|100 |A nurse aide that is not certified must begin an approved Basic Nursing Assistant Training Program no later than ___ days after |

| |employment. |

| | |

| |30 |

| |45 |

| |60 |

| |90 |

|101 |The nursing assistant must successfully complete the training program within _____ days after the date of initial employment |

| | |

| |30 |

| |90 |

| |120 |

| |150 |

|102 |Policies on restrains must be developed by the ___________. |

| | |

| |Medical advisory committee or the advisory physician |

| |The nursing staff |

| |Administrative personnel |

| |All of the above |

|103 |All illnesses required to be reported under the Control of Communicable Diseases Code and Control of Sexually Transmissible Diseases Code|

| |must be reported immediately to the Department and ________ |

| | |

| |The State Contagious Disease Control Office |

| |The CDC |

| |The CMS |

| |The local health department   |

|104 |All incidents of scabies and other skin infestations must be reported to the ___________ |

| | |

| |The Department |

| |Local health department |

| |CDC |

| |Long term care ombudsman |

|105 |Nursing staffing levels is based on _______. |

| | |

| |Facility labor budget |

| |Resident acuity levels |

| |State minimum staffing hours |

| |CMS uniform minimum nurse staffing hours |

|106 |An adult who has capacity and objects, orally or in writing, to admission to a nursing home, may or may not be admitted to the facility |

| |against his wishes. |

| | |

| |May |

| |2. May not |

|107 |A Consumer Choice information Report must be filed with the Department _____________. |

| | |

| |Weekly |

| |Monthly |

| |Quarterly |

| |Annually |

|108 |True or False – A Medication or Treatment record is not required for any medications or treatments given during resident stay in the day |

| |care program |

| | |

| |True |

| |False |

|109 |The applicant must update the information required in the statement of ownership filed with the Department within ____ days of any change|

| | |

| |5 |

| |10 |

| |20 |

| |30 |

|110 |Medication in containers having soiled, damaged, incomplete, illegible, or makeshift labels must be |

| | |

| |Returned to the issuing pharmacy |

| |Must be destroyed by the facility |

| |May used if authorized by the attending physician |

| |None of the Above |

|111 |True or False - A resident's licensed prescriber must be notified in advance of any medications about to be stopped so that the licensed |

| |prescriber may promptly renew such orders to avoid interruption of the resident's therapeutic regimen. |

| | |

| |True |

| |False |

|112 |Medications must be administered by ______ |

| | |

| |The licensed prescriber |

| |A licensed nurse |

| |The same person who prepared the doses for administration |

| |A pharmacist |

|113 |The applicant for renewal of a facility license must _______ |

| | |

| |Own the building in which the facility is to be operated. |

| |Provide the Department of Public Health with a copy of the lease agreement if the building is not owned by the licensee. |

| |Employ no staffs who are under 18 years of age. |

| |Provide the Department of Public Health with a permit from the Illinois Health Facilities Board. |

|114 |A facility must make all of the following available for public inspection EXCEPT |

| | |

| |A copy of all inspection reports within the past ten years. |

| |A description of services and rates charged to residents. |

| |A copy of the statement of ownership of the facility. |

| |A record of all personnel employed or retained by the facility that are licensed, certified or registered by the Illinois Department of |

| |Financial and Professional Regulation. |

|115 |What is the minimum daily staffing level for an 80-bed facility that has 45 general intermediate |

| |And 35 light intermediate care residents? |

| | |

| |16.7 nursing department hours on the evening shift |

| |22.3 licensed nursing department hours on the night shift |

| |44.6 licensed nursing department hours on the day shift |

| |111.5 nursing department hours |

|116 |Each resident shall have at least ____________ |

| | |

| |One complete bath and hair wash weekly. |

| |One complete bath and hair wash every 14 days. |

| |Two complete baths and one hair wash weekly. |

| |Two complete baths and two hair washes weekly. |

|117 |A planned volunteer program ______________ |

| | |

| |Is required by the Illinois Department of Public Health. |

| |Is required by the Illinois Department of Public Aid. |

| |Should be provided by the Illinois Department on Aging. |

| |Is encouraged by the Illinois Department of Public Health. |

| | |

|118 |How often must nursing personnel and other resident care staff enter notations in each resident's records? |

| | |

| |At least quarterly |

| |At least monthly |

| |As appropriate, but at least every three months |

| |As appropriate, but at least every two months |

|119 |How often must a nursing facility provide a written record of all financial transactions involving a |

| |resident's funds? |

| | |

| |At least quarterly |

| |At least monthly |

| |At least semi-annually |

| |At least annually |

|120 |How often must resident care policies be reviewed? |

| | |

| |At least quarterly |

| |At least semi-annually |

| |At least annually |

| |At least every two years |

|121 |Which of the following is not a short acting Benzodiazepine? |

| | |

| |Librium |

| |Xanax |

| |Ativan |

| |Benadryl |

|122 |An Anxiolytic is a _____ medication |

| | |

| |Anti-depressant |

| |Anti-psychotic |

| |Anti-Anxiety |

| |Sleep inducing |

|123 |Tardive Dyskinesia is a side effect of which type of medication? |

| | |

| |Anti-depressant |

| |Anti-psychotic |

| |Anti-Anxiety |

| |Sleep inducing |

|124 |True or False – A physician’s order to administer an anti-psychotic medication to a resident is sufficient justification for its use? |

| | |

| |True |

| |False |

|125 |True or False – A physician’s order to administer an anti-depressant medication to a resident is sufficient justification for its use? |

| | |

| |True |

| |False |

|126 |The maximum noise level from a resident room to another resident room is ____ decibels |

| | |

| |29 |

| |44 |

| |49 |

| |54 |

| |65 |

|127 |A clean utility room must have ______ air pressure |

| | |

| |Negative |

| |Positive |

| |Neutral |

|128 |Soiled utility rooms must have ____ air pressure |

| | |

| |Negative |

| |Positive |

| |Neutral |

Mock Exam 1 of 4 - Answer Key

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Mock Exam 1 - Answer Sheet

| | |36 | | |73 | | |110 | | | 147 | | | |1 | | |37 | | |74 | | |111 | | | 148 | | | |2 | | |38 | | |75 | | |112 | | | 149 | | | |3 | | |39 | | |76 | | |113 | | | 150 | | | |4 | | |40 | | |77 | | |114 | | | 151 | | | |5 | | |41 | | |78 | | |115 | | | 152 | | | |6 | | |42 | | |79 | | |116 | | | 153 | | | |7 | | |43 | | |80 | | | 117 | | | 154 | | | |8 | | |44 | | |81 | | |118 | | | 155 | | | |9 | | |45 | | |82 | | |119 | | |156 | | | |10 | | |46 | | |83 | | |120 | | |157 | | | |11 | | |47 | | |84 | | |121 | | |158 | | | |12 | | |48 | | |85 | | |122 | | |159 | | |13 | | |49 | | |86 | | |123 | | |160 | | | |14 | | |50 | | |87 | | |124 | | |161 | | |15 | | |51 | | |88 | | |125 | | |162 | | | |16 | | |52 | | |89 | | |126 | | |163 | | | |17 | | |53 | | |90 | | |127 | | |164 | | | |18 | | |54 | | |91 | | |128 | | |165 | | | |19 | | |55 | | |92 | | |129 | | | | | | |20 | | |56 | | |93 | | |130 | | | | | | |21 | | |57 | | |94 | | |131 | | | | | | |22 | | |58 | | |95 | | |132 | | | | | | |23 | | |59 | | |96 | | |133 | | | | | | |24 | | |60 | | |97 | | |134 | | | | | | |25 | | |61 | | |98 | | |135 | | | | | | |26 | | |62 | | |99 | | |136 | | | | | | |27 | | |63 | | |100 | | |137 | | | | | | |28 | | |64 | | |101 | | |138 | | | | | | |29 | | |65 | | |102 | | |139 | | | | | | |30 | | |66 | | |103 | | |140 | | | | | | |31 | | |67 | | |104 | | |141 | | | | | | |32 | | |68 | | |105 | | |142 | | | | | | |33 | | |69 | | |106 | | |143 | | | | | | |34 | | |70 | | |107 | | |144 | | | | | | |35 | | |71 | | |108 | | |145 | | | | | | | | | |72 | | |109 | | |146 | | | | | | |


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