Colorado Regulations Ch 3 Building and Fire Safety



( Illinois State Exam ◘ MODULE 7


Speed Reader

Examination 1

Examination 2

Examination 3

Stan Mucinic, LNHA

Legal Notices

Students enrolled in the “the “Illinois Laws and Rules Course” are purchasing the professional knowledge of the instructor to assist the student to prepare for the Illinois State Licensure Exam administered by the State of Illinois.

This is a 5-week intensive independent study program designed to provide students a unique personalized and structured learning environment where progress is monitored by the instructor through email to help students maintain focus and complete scheduled assignments timely.


An individual’s ultimate success in passing the licensure exam is dependent on an individual’s professional experience, academic preparation, and the time and energy the individual can commit to exam study and preparation. A student’s work schedule or other commitments may require more time to prepare for an exam than allotted. The student is solely responsible for licensing exam registration/testing and retesting fees.


Step 1 – VERY IMPORTANT - The personalized test organizer that comes with the program is the key to your success and sets this program apart from any other. It is critical you follow the instructions and score each exam, and file the completed exams into your binder. Try to keep to the schedule and email your test results to the instructor to stay focused.

Step 2. - Speed Reader – Read the speed reader for each module once or twice before taking the module exam(s). Read the speed reader over and over again until you familiarize yourself with its contents. THE MORE TIMES YOU LOOK IT THE MORE LIKELY YOU ARE TO REMEMBER IT.

Step 3 – Exam Packet - The exam packet contains questions designed to measure your comprehension and retention of the material you read. Take each exam over and over again until you score 100%. Make sure you score each exam and record the results in your organizer or you will not be able to gauge your progress.


Email Stan Mucinic at smucinic@ with any questions and after you score each practice exam

|1. |Must secure a construction permit from ________ before constructing or substantially modifying an existing nursing home or intermediate care |

| |facility |

| | |

| |Illinois Department of Buildings and Enforcement |

| |State Fire Marshall |

| |Illinois Department of Health |

| |The CMS |

|2. |Must secure a permit from the Department before purchasing major medical equipment that will be used in a nursing home or intermediate care |

| |facility. |

| | |

| |Illinois Department of Buildings and Enforcement |

| |State Fire Marshall |

| |The CMS |

| |Illinois Department of Health |

| | |

|3. |Once an initial facility license application is approved, the operator must inform the Department every ____ of any changes in the original |

| |information submitted in the initial application |

| | |

| |Month |

| |3 months |

| |6 months |

| |Year |

|4. |An initial facility license may be denied for which of the following reasons: |

| | |

| |The applicant was convicted of a felony or 2 misdemeanors within the last 5 years |

| |The applicant had a license revoked in the past five years |

| |Insufficient financial resources to operate the facility |

| |Insufficient staff to properly care for residents |

| |The facility does not have a licensed administrator |

| |The facility is in receivership |

| |All of the above |

|5 |The department must immediately notify the applicant of decision to deny an application and the applicant has ____ days to request a formal |

| |administrative hearing |

| | |

| |5 |

| |10 |

| |15 |

| |30 |

| 6 |A license renewal may be denied if the operator is an individual who is behind in child support payments for more than 30 days |

| | |

| | |

| |5 |

| |10 |

| |15 |

| |30 |

| | |

|7 |True or False - The Department may deny renewal or initial license because of 1 failure by the facility to pay any fine assessed by the Department|

| |after the facility has at least 2 notices of assessment that include a schedule of payments as determined by the Department |

| | |

| |True |

| |False |

|8 | |

| |The resident's care plan must be reviewed by the unit director ____ days after the initial care plan's development and must be modified, as |

| |needed, with the participation of the interdisciplinary team. |

| | |

| |10 and 20 |

| |20 and 30 |

| |30 and 60 |

| |60 and 90 |

| | |

|9 |Municipalities (a city, village or incorporated town) license nursing homes and do or do not have the right at any time to visit and inspect the |

| |premises and personnel of any facility |

| | |

| |Do |

| |Do not |

| | |

|10 |True or False - Municipalities may charge a nursing home a reasonable license or renewal fee in addition to the fees paid to the Department. |

| | |

| |True |

| |False |

|11 |The survey team may present the results of a survey, detailing the deficiencies cited, to the administrator at the end of the survey in the exit |

| |conference. |

| | |

| |True |

| |False |

| | |

| | |

|12 |The facility may or may present evidence to refute a violation during the exit conference, and the survey team has the power to reduce or |

| |eliminate the violation at that time. |

| | |

| |May |

| |May not |

| | |

|13 |A facility has ___ days from the date the survey team exits a facility to dispute a tag that was challenged during the exit conference. |

| | |

| |5 |

| |10 |

| |15 |

| |30 |

| | |

|14 |True or False - The regional office is responsible to review the results of the survey team and may reduce or increase tags or cite new violations|

| | |

| |True |

| |False |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|15 |If the regional office makes any changes to the survey results as submitted by the survey team, the regional office will notify the facility of |

| |such changes, and the facility has ____ days to refute the tag(s) |

| | |

| |5 |

| |10 |

| |15 |

| |30 |

| | |

|16 |Surveyors do or do not have the right to access and copy any facility records |

| | |

| |Do |

| |Do not |

| 17 |In an Alzheimer’s init, the care plan must be developed by an interdisciplinary team within ___ after the resident's admission to the unit or |

| |center.  |

| | |

| |7 |

| |10 |

| |14 |

| |21 |

|18 |The State licensing agency has ____ days to notify a facility of cited deficiencies, once the state licensing agency determines a violation has |

| |occurred |

| | |

| |5 |

| |10 |

| |15 |

| |30 |

|19 |The plan of correction must contain which of the following: |

| | |

| |A description of the specific corrective action the facility is taking, or plans to take, to correct the violation cited in the notice. |

| |A description of the steps that will be taken to avoid future occurrences of the same and similar violations. |

| |A specific date by which the corrective action will be completed. |

| |All of the above |

| | |

| | |

|20. |A written plan must be developed for temporarily relocating the residents for any disaster requiring relocation and at any time that the |

| |temperature in residents' bedrooms falls below ___°F. for 12 hours or more. |

| | |

| |71 |

| |65 |

| |55 |

| |45 |

|21 |Each year the facility must submit to the local emergency management agency or local health authority which of the following |

| | |

| |Disaster policies and plans |

| |Copies of its emergency water supply agreements |

| |A description of its emergency source of electrical power, including the services connected to the source, to the local health authority and local|

| |emergency management agency having jurisdiction.  |

| |The facility must participate in emergency planning activities |

| |All of the above |

|22 |If a resident is the victim of sexual assault, the facility must do which of the following: |

| | |

| |Must notify law enforcement of the sexual abuse or assault |

| |Must call an ambulance if medical attention is needed |

| |Must relocate survivor to a private and safe place to wait for law enforcement or medical attention |

| |Must protect the privacy of a resident who is the victim of assault |

| |Offer to call a friend or family member or sexual assault crisis counselor |

| |All of the above |

| | |

|23 |True or false – The facility must preserve any evidence of a sexual assault until law enforcement arrives. |

| | |

| |True |

| |False |

|24 |True or False - The facility is not required to notify the Department of a resident sexual assault and is not required to submit a written report |

| | |

| |1. True |

| |2. False |

| |1. |

|25 |All staff who ever work on the unit (e.g., nurses, CNAs, housekeepers, social services and activities staff, and food service staff) must receive |

| |at least 4 hours of dementia-specific orientation within the first __ days of working on the unit.  |

| | |

| |2 |

| |3 |

| |5 |

| |7 |

| | |

| | |

|26 |The interdisciplinary team must include which of the following: |

| | |

| |The attending physician |

| |A nurse with responsibility for the resident |

| |Other appropriate staff |

| |All of the above |

| | |

| | |

|27 |The Alzheimer’s unit director must obtain at least _____ hours of continuing education every year, especially related to serving residents with |

| |Alzheimer's disease and other dementia. |

| | |

| |6 |

| |10 |

| |12 |

| |20 |

|28 |Must notify the State licensing agency of any changes in individuals with 5% or more ownership or financial interest in a facility within _____ |

| |days of such change |

| | |

| |5 |

| |10 |

| |15 |

| |30 |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|29 |The Alzheimer’s unit is or is not required to have a full-time unit director |

| | |

| |Is |

| |Is not |

| | |

|30 |The financial statement must be filed with the Department within ____ days following the end of the designated reporting period. |

| | |

| |30 |

| |60 |

| |90 |

| |120 |

|31 |True or False - The Department may request a facility to submit an audited financial statement in place of an attested financial statement |

| | |

| |True |

| |False |

| | |

|32 |True or False - The State may or may not deny payment of Medicaid funds to a facility that has failed to file the required financial statement |

| |timely (usually the end of the fiscal or calendar year) |

| | |

| |May |

| |May not |

|33 |A facility that provides Alzheimer’s care must disclose to the Department or to a potential or actual client of the facility which of the |

| |following: |

| |  |

| |The form of care or treatment that distinguishes the facility as suitable for persons with Alzheimer's disease; |

| |The philosophy of the facility concerning the care or treatment of persons with Alzheimer's disease; |

| |The facility's pre-admission, admission, and discharge procedures |

| |All of the above |

| | |

|34 |With approval by the Department, a facility can implement an inpatient alcoholism treatment program that must meet the following requirements: |

| | |

| |The unit must be a distinct part of the facility away from SNF residents |

| |Cannot use beds certified for SNF residents |

| |Cannot use staff that must also care for SNF residents at the same time |

| |Must have a separate entrance |

| |Can share laundry, administrative, food service and housekeeping services |

| |All of the above |

| | |

|35 |Nurses, CNAs, and social service and activities staff who work on the unit at least 50 percent of the time that they work at the facility must |

| |participate in a minimum of ___ additional hours of orientation within the first 45 days after employment, specifically related to the care of |

| |persons with Alzheimer's disease and other dementia.  |

| | |

| |6 |

| |10 |

| |12 |

| |20 |

| | |

|36 |Any action involving the reprimand, discharge, suspension, demotion, denial of promotion or transfer of an employee who engaged in a whistle |

| |blower protected activity or made a report to law enforcement or regulatory authorities is called _____ |

| | |

| |Remedial action |

| |Corrective action |

| |Retaliatory action |

| |Disciplinary action |

|37 |A facility cannot take any retaliatory action against an employee (including a nursing home administrator), based on which of the following |

| |whistle blower protections: |

| |  |

| |The employee discloses or threatens to disclose an activity or practice the employee reasonably believes is in violation of a law or regulation. |

| |The employee provides information or testifies before any public body investigating any violation of a law or regulation by a nursing home |

| |administrator. |

| |The employee assists or participates in a proceeding to enforce the provisions of the Act |

| |All of the above |

|38 |True or False - Temporary agency personnel must also have a fingerprint check |

| | |

| |True |

| |False |

|39 |True or False - An individual required to have a fingerprint check, must have a LiveScan Fingerprint check |

| | |

| |True |

| |False |

|40 |True or False - Contractors and Subcontractors are not subject to a fingerprint check. |

| | |

| |True |

| |False |

|41 |Resident rooms in an Alzheimer’s unit cannot contain more than ___ beds.  |

| | |

| |2 |

| |4 |

| |6 |

| |8 |

|42 |An employee who is suspended or terminated, based on a background check that was in error, is or is not entitled to back pay. |

| | |

| |Is |

| |Is not |

|43 |True or False - An applicant must provide their social security number, demographic information and sign an authorization allowing the finger |

| |print check |

| | |

| |True |

| |False |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|44 |The employer must electronically transmit to the Dept of Health, the social security number, demographic information from the signed authorization|

| |form within ___ working days |

| | |

| |2 |

| |4 |

| |7 |

| |10 |

|45 |The applicant must have their fingerprints collected and electronically transmitted to State Police within __ working days of the signing the |

| |authorization form |

| | |

| |2 |

| |4 |

| |7 |

| |10 |

|46 |If the applicant fails to submit those fingerprints within ___ days of signing the authorization, the employer must immediately terminate them. |

| | |

| |10 |

| |20 |

| |30 |

| |60 |

|47 |The results of the fingerprint check are maintained by the Department in the ______ |

| | |

| |Illinois Sex Offender Registry |

| |National Sex Offender Public Registry |

| |Illinois Abuse registry |

| |Health Care Worker Registry |

| | |

|48 |True or False - Once a fingerprint check is done and the individual is continuously active in the database, no further fingerprint checks are |

| |required |

| | |

| |True |

| |False |

|49 |An individual can be employed on a conditional basis for up to ___ months pending results of their finger print check |

| | |

| |1 |

| |3 |

| |6 |

| |9 |

|50 |An employee does or does not have a right to their criminal background results |

| | |

| |Does |

| |Does not |

|51 |If a fingerprint scan submitted to the state police is rejected after __ submissions, the employer must use the UCIA to verify their criminal |

| |history |

| | |

| |1. 1 |

| |2. 2 |

| |3. 3 |

| |4. 4 |

|52 |Before hiring an individual, an employer must check the _______to determine if the applicant has had a previous background check and if there are |

| |any disqualifying offenses that would bar hiring the individual |

| | |

| |Illinois Sex Offender Registry |

| |National Sex Offender Public Registry |

| |Illinois Abuse registry |

| |Health Care Worker Registry |

|53 |An employer will or will not be notified automatically if an individual in the database commits a disqualifying offense after being hiring |

| | |

| |Will |

| |Will not |

|54 |An employer is or is not required to provide an employment verification annually for each employee in the Health Care Worker Registry |

| | |

| |Is |

| |Is not |

|55 |If a nursing aide has been inactive in the Health Care Worker Registry, they CANNOT be hired unless they provide proof they have worked within the|

| |last ____ months for pay, at least 8 consecutive hours |

| | |

| |12 |

| |24 |

| |36 |

| |60 |

|56 |True or False - If an individual has not had a background check or is not active in the Health Care Worker Registry, then they must have a |

| |fingerprint check. |

| | |

| |True |

| |False |

|57 |The employer must retain background history requests and results of requests for ___ years |

| | |

| |1 |

| |5 |

| |7 |

| |10 |

| | |

|58 |True or False - An individual can apply for a waiver for any disqualifying offenses which would prevent them from working in a health care |

| |facility. |

| | |

| |True |

| |False |

|59 |An employee terminated for committing a disqualifying criminal offense is or is not entitled to unemployment. |

| | |

| |Is |

| |Is not |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|60 |The UCIA stands for the ______ |

| | |

| |Uniform Criminal Information Act |

| |Uniform Criminal Identification Act |

| |Uniform Caregiver Identification Act |

| |Uniform Classification and Identification Act |

| | |

|61 | |

| |For any employee hired before the LIVESCAN fingerprint was in effect, the facility must do a confirming fingerprint check of the ______ |

| | |

| |Illinois Sex Offender Registry |

| |National Sex Offender Public Registry |

| |Illinois Abuse registry |

| |Health Care Worker Registry |

| | |

| | |

|62 |A ____ involves surveyors providing advice or suggestions to a facility at their request relative to specific compliance issues without issuing |

| |any citations |

| | |

| |Survey |

| |Inspection |

| |Consultation |

| |Investigation |

| | |

| | |

|63 |True or False - A facility participating in the Medical Assistance Program is prohibited from refusing to admit as a resident any person because |

| |he or she is a recipient of Medicaid |

| |True |

| |False |

| | |

| | |

|64 |A Medicaid recipient or applicant must be considered a resident in the facility during any hospital stay totaling ___ days or less following a |

| |hospital admission. |

| | |

| |5 |

| |10 |

| |15 |

| |30 |

|65 |The Nursing Home Care Act is _____ |

| | |

| |Section 92 of the ILCS |

| |Section 210 of the ILCS |

| |Section 330 of the ILCS |

| |Section 42 of the ILCS |

|66 | |

| |A visit for the sole purpose of a consultation may or may not be announced to the facility ahead of time. |

| | |

| |May |

| |May not |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|67 |Must have a written statement from a physician certifying a resident to be admitted to a nursing home ha had an examination in the last ___ days |

| |and that the resident is free of communicable and infectious disease, and indicating any medication and treatments and diet needed by the resident|

| |during the period of time in the facility.  |

| | |

| |10 |

| |20 |

| |30 |

| |45 |

| |\ |

|68 |True or False - A physician must also provide a written statement whether a resident is allowed to participate in activities with any |

| |contraindications or limitations. |

| | |

| |True |

| |False |

| | |

|69 |All individuals admitted to an Alzheimer’s unit are or are not required to have a diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease or other types of dementia. |

| | |

| |1, Are |

| |2, Are not |

|70 |An individual to be admitted to an Alzheimer’s Unit must have comprehensive evaluation _____. |

| | |

| |Within 24 hours of admission |

| |Within 48 hours of admission |

| |within 72 hours of admission |

| |Prior to admission |

| | |

|71 |A comprehensive assessment must be completed within __ days after admission |

| |7 |

| |14 |

| |21 |

| |30 |

|72 |Resident assessments must include a standardized, functional, and objective evaluation of which of the following: |

| |Abilities |

| |Strengths |

| |Interests |

| |Preferences |

| |All of the above |

|73 |Assessments of Alzheimer residents must be conducted by a nurse, physical therapist, occupational therapist, social worker or unit director who |

| |has at least ___ years of experience working with residents with dementia and who has training in conducting behavioral or functional assessments.|

| | |

| |2 |

| |3 |

| |5 |

| |7 |

| | |

|74 |The interdisciplinary team would not include which of the following: |

| | |

| |The attending physician |

| |A nurse with responsibility for the resident |

| |Other appropriate staff |

| |Administrator |

|75 |The care plan must be reviewed at least _____. |

| | |

| |Monthly |

| |Weekly |

| |Quarterly |

| |Annually |

| | |

|76 |Recognizing the resident's abilities and competencies in care planning, and encouraging them to perform tasks at their highest ability is called |

| |____ |

| | |

| |Resident centered care |

| |Ability centered care |

| |Outcome centered care |

| |Need oriented care.  |

|77 |The QA program must operate pursuant to a written plan that must include which of the following: |

| | |

| |A detailed statement of how problems will be identified, including procedures to elicit insights from residents, residents' families, and |

| |residents' representatives; |

| |The methodology and criteria that will be used to formulate action plans to address problems, which must include the insights of residents, |

| |residents' families, and residents' representatives; |

| |Procedures for evaluating the effectiveness of action plans and revising action plans to prevent reoccurrence of problems; |

| |Procedures for documenting the activities of the program; and |

| |Identifying the persons responsible for administering the program. |

| |All of the above |

| | |

|78 |An Alzheimer’s unit is or is not required to use a variety of sensory cues to differentiate rooms, spaces, and uses. |

| | |

| |Is |

| |Is not |

|79 |Must have a full time activity professional in an Alzheimer’s Unit with a census of more than ___ residents |

| |20 |

| |30 |

| |40 |

| |60 |

| | |

|80 |The activity program in an Alzheimer’s unit must use _____ programming. |

| | |

| |Ability-centered care |

| |Resident Centered Care |

| |Clinical Centered Care |

| |Cost centered Care |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|81 |Activity programming must be planned and provided throughout the day and evening, at least ____ days a week for an average of 8 hours per day. |

| | |

| |3 days |

| |5 days |

| |6 days |

| |7 days |

|82 |True or False - The main focus of the quality assessment and improvement program is to Identify and implement corrective action or changes in |

| |response to problems |

| | |

| |True |

| |False |

| | |

|83 |The Department may place an employee to serve as a monitor in a facility when which of the following conditions exist: |

| |  |

| |The facility is operating without a license; |

| |The Department has suspended, revoked or refused to renew the existing license of the facility; |

| |The facility is closing or has informed the Department that it intends to close and adequate arrangements for relocation of residents have not |

| |been made at least 30 days prior to closure; |

| |The Department determines that an emergency exists the licensee is unwilling or unable to take appropriate action |

| |The Department receives notification that the facility is terminated or will not be renewed for participation in the federal reimbursement program|

| |under either Title XVIII (Medicare) or Title XIX (Medicaid) of the Social Security Act |

| |All of the above |

|84 |If a facility is cited for deficiencies that do not threaten resident safety, the facility can only be issued _____ |

| | |

| |Report of deficiencies |

| |A citation indicating immediate jeopardy |

| |An administrative warning |

| |An executive order |

|85 |Violations must be determined no later than ____ days after completion of each inspection or survey |

| | |

| |15 |

| |30 |

| |45 |

| |60 |

|86 |True or False - Every licensed facility is deemed to have given consent to the annual inspection or complaint survey as a condition of licensure |

| | |

| |True |

| |False |

|87 |Employers are required to enter hire and termination dates for all employees into the Registry within ___ days of hire or termination of |

| |employment |

| | |

| |15 |

| |30 |

| |45 |

| |60 |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|88 |True or False - A secure out-of-doors space must be provided in Alzheimer’s units |

| | |

| |True |

| |False |

|89 |True or False - The results of an annual Inspection must be provided to the facility at the time of survey exit or by mail |

| | |

| |True |

| |False |

|90 |Representatives of the Department do or do not have the right to access any books, records, and other documents maintained by the facility |

| | |

| |Do |

| |Do not |

Mock Exam 6 - Answer Key

|Quest # |Answer |Explanation |

| | | |

|1 |3 | |

|2 |4 | |

|3 |3 | |

|4 |7 | |

|5 |2 | |

|6 |2 | |

|7 |1 | |

|8 |3 | |

|9 |1 | |

|10 |1 | |

|11 |1 | |

|12 |1 | |

|13 |2 | |

|14 |1 | |

|15 |1 | |

|16 |1 | |

|17 |4 | |

|18 |2 | |

|19 |4 | |

|20 |3 | |

|21 |5 | |

|22 |6 | |

|23 |1 | |

|24 |2 | |

|25 |4 | |

|26 |4 | |

|27 |3 | |

|28 |2 | |

|29 |1 | |

|30 |3 | |

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|32 |2 | |

|33 |4 | |

|34 |6 | |

|35 |3 | |

|36 |3 | |

|37 |4 | |

|38 |1 | |

|39 |1 | |

|40 |2 | |

|41 |1 | |

|42 |1 | |

|43 |1 | |

|44 |1 | |

|45 |4 | |

|46 |3 | |

|47 |4 | |

|48 |1 | |

|49 |2 | |

|50 |1 | |

|51 |2 | |

| | | |

|Quest # | | |

| | | |

| 52 |4 | |

| 53 |1 | |

|54 |1 | |

|55 |2 | |

|56 |1 | |

|57 |2 | |

|58 |1 | |

|59 |2 | |

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|61 |4 | |

|62 |3 | |

|63 |1 | |

|64 |2 | |

|65 |2 | |

|66 |1 | |

|67 |3 | |

|68 |1 | |

|69 |1 | |

|70 |4 | |

|71 |2 | |

|72 |5 | |

|73 |1 | |

|74 |4 | |

|75 |3 | |

|76 |2 | |

|77 |6 | |

|78 |1 | |

|79 |3 | |

|80 |1 | |

|81 |4 | |

|82 |1 | |

|83 |6 | |

|84 |3 | |

|85 |4 | |

|86 |1 | |

|87 |2 | |

|88 |1 | |

|89 |1 | |

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Mock Exam 6 - Answer Sheet

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