MINUTES-AUGUST 19TH(99) - Colorado

town board MINUTESDecember 19, 2019A regularly scheduled meeting of the Town Board was held on December, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. in the Board Chambers located at 224 First Street.Item 1 – Roll call and Pledge of Allegiance. Those present and answering roll call: Trustees; Heid, Gentry, Rohn, Winter, Ledall, Trustee/Mayor Pro Tem Isbell and Mayor Ross. Attorney Rocklin was also present. Item 2 – Review of the Minutes of the November 21st meeting. Trustee Heid moved to approve the November 21st minutes as written, seconded by Trustee Rohn. Motion carried 6-0.Chief Mueller introduced new Police Officer Noah Winick, hired 12/2/19, to the Mayor and Trustees. Item 3 – Discussion and Public Hearing Regarding 2020 Water Rate Study. Administrator Schreier gave an overall view of the Stantec rate study. Irrigation and sewer funds and rates are adequate, along with the rate structure. The potable water rate will need to be increased by 9%. In January, there will be a meeting with NWCWD to compare their rate study with the town’s rate study and to discuss the idea of NWCWD eliminating the 25% wholesale discount that the town receives as a municipality. The ?” water tap fee, for new development, will also be increasing, from $6,500.00 to $10,140.00, while the sewer tap fees will remain the same. The town residents will have the opportunity to review the rate study and discuss the water increase at the January board meeting. Following board discussion, Mayor Ross opened the floor for public comment, as there was none, public comment was closed. Item 4 – Resolution 2019-15 – Adopting the 2020 Budget. Administrator Schreier stated that this resolution is to adopt the budget for 2020 that was board approved at last month’s meeting. Concluding board discussion, Mayor Ross opened the floor for public comment, as there was none, public comment was closed. Trustee/Mayor Pro Tem Isbell moved to approve Resolution 2019-15 Adopting a Budget for the Town of Eaton, Colorado for the Calendar Year Beginning the First Day of January, 2020 and Ending on the Last Day of December, 2020, seconded by Trustee Gentry. Motion carried 6-0.Item 5 – Resolution 2019-16 – Certifying the 2020 Property Tax Mill Levy. Administrator Schreier stated that property tax revenue is $440,318 and valuation of assessment for the Town as certified by the Weld County Assessor is $80,925,890. Mayor Ross opened the floor for public comment, as there was none, public comment was closed. Concluding questions and discussion, Trustee Winter moved to approve Resolution 2019-16 – Levying General Property Taxes for the 2020 Calendar Year to Help Defray the Costs of Government for the Town of Eaton, Colorado, seconded by Trustee Ledall. Motion carried 6-0.Item 6 – Resolution 2019-20 – Appropriating Funds for the 2020 Budget. Administrator Schreier commented that this is standard, appropriating the funds that are budgeted for 2020. Mayor Ross opened the floor for public comment, as there was none, public comment was closed. Concluding questions and discussion, Trustee/Mayor Pro Tem Isbell moved to approve Resolution 2019-20 – Appropriating Sums of Money for the 2020 Budget Year, seconded by Trustee Rohn. Motion carried 6-0. Item 7 – Resolution 2019-19- Amending the 2019 Budget. Administrator Schreier gave a brief overview of amendments. Street Fund increase of $40,000, due to an invoice received from the C-Dot contract work on the light at 10th Street and HWY 85, and will increase street capital improvement line item. Water Fund deficit due to purchasing Plant Investment Fees from NWCWD, appropriate from $725,000 to $905,000. Sewer Fund exceeded the allocated amount due to repairs and maintenance that were not foreseeable, such as petroleum or oil dumped into the sewer line. Sanitation Fund exceeded the allocated amount due to the rate increase from the trash provider. Mayor Ross opened the floor for public comment. Steve Kanten, 10 Huckleberry Lane, came forward and stated that Weld County Disposal takes oil for free, should educate the residents. With further discussion, the disposal place also takes paint and batteries, this information should be added to the town website and social media to educate the public. No further public comment, Mayor Ross closed public comment. Trustee Heid moved to approve Resolution 2019-19 - Amending the 2019 Budget to Reflect Supplemental Appropriations Defraying Expenses in Excess of Amounts Budgeted, seconded by Trustee Ledall. Motion carried 6-0.Item 8 – Resolution 2019-17 – Delegating Contract Approval Authority to Town Administrator. Administrator Schreier stated that Items 8, 9 and 10 all work together. This will update how the finances are handled on a day to day basis. Contracts will have conditions set forth that will coincide with the accounts payable policy on procedures. Mayor Ross opened the floor for public comments, as there were none, public comments was closed. Trustee Rohn moved to MINUTES CONT. – December 19, 2019 - PAGE 2approve Resolution 2019-17 – Authorizing the Town Administrator to Execute Certain Contracts on behalf of the Town of Eaton, seconded by Trustee Winter. Motion carried 6-0.Item 9 – Resolution 2019-18 – Adopting a Purchasing Policy. Administrator Schreier commented that this resolution ties into the previous resolution and to the next resolution, to set forth the purchasing policy by staff. Mayor Ross opened the floor for public comment, as there was none, public comment was closed. Concluding questions and discussion, Trustee Winter moved to approve Resolution 2019-18 – Adopting a Purchasing Policy, seconded by Trustee Heid. Motion carried 6-0.Item 10 – Ordinance 604 – Updating Section II of the Municipal Code Regarding Municipal Contracts – First Reading. Administrator Schreier said this ordinance blends with the two previous resolutions and lays out a procedure without competitive bid or open markets and contractor bonds. Lawyer Rocklin said this provision is already in the code but wanted to update it to be consistent with the delegating contract approval authority and purchasing policy resolutions. Mayor Ross opened the floor for public comments, as there were none, public comments was closed. Trustee/Mayor Pro Tem Isbell moved to approve Ordinance 604 – Replacing Section II of Chapter III of the Eaton Municipal Code Concerning Municipal Contracts, seconded by Trustee Ledall. Motion carried 6-0.Item 11 – Ordinance 602 – Regarding Conduit Installation – Second Reading. Administrator Schreier gave a reminder on this ordinance, when construction work or a new development, conduit will be required to be installed. Mayor Ross opened the floor for public comments, as there were none, public comments was closed. Trustee Heid moved to approve Ordinance 602 – Amending Chapter VI of the Eaton Municipal Code to Include Section V Concerning the Installation of Broadband Conduit, seconded by Trustee Gentry. Motion carried 6-0.Item 12 – Ordinance 603 – Adopting the 2020 Model Traffic Code – First Reading. Chief Mueller stated that this ordinance’s language is very similar as previous code. Mayor Ross opened the floor for public comments, as there were none, public comments was closed. Following questions and discussion, Trustee/Mayor Pro Tem Isbell moved to approve Ordinance 603 – For the Regulation of Traffic by the Town of Eaton, Colorado; Adopting by Reference the 2020 Edition of the Model Traffic Code; Providing for Certain Additions and Modifications to Such Code; Repealing all Ordinances in Conflict therewith; and Providing Penalties for Violation Thereof, seconded by Trustee Ledall. Motion carried 6-0. Mayor Ross updated the agenda to insert Staff Reports and Public Comments.Staff Reports. See attached handout. Additions made to reports.Chief Mueller: Santa Cops will provide gifts for 47 families which involves 99 kids; patrol cars will be delivered on the 28th.Administrator Schreier: Update on railroad quiet zone, FHU consultant firm gave an overview of Eaton’s crossing cost which be approximately $100,000 to $500,000 per crossing and the proposal for consulting service will be $10,000, board approved consulting study fee; Since the School District bond passed, need to think about the school development fees and what the boards philosophy is going to be on the fees; Governor’s Ranch HOA requesting a street light, approximately $10,000 cost from Xcel, at Town cost, CR 35 is a dark corridor; Town Hall will be closing on 12/24 at noon.Library Director Carnes: IGA moving along with Avi and Jeff is also involved, will hear more in mid-January when it should be done.Town Clerk Winter: Liquor License renewal for Justine’s Pizza will be submitted.Trustee Winter: On 12/14 attended Local Planning Meeting presented by DOLA, it was very good.Trustee Rohn: EAP&RD still in the process of hiring a District Director. Trustee/Mayor Pro Tem Isbell: HTRC is hosting a Business & Business Owner Open House on 1/6/19 at 6:00 pm, to get their input on how they want things to more forward and buy in on how to improve the facades along First Street and HWY 85.MINUTES CONT. – December 19, 2019 - PAGE 3Mayor Ross: MPO, scheduled work session was postponed until January; Meeting with County on IGA and proposal for CR 74 with a “ceremonial” name, Severance adopted E Harmony Drive, no opposition from board on going with the name; Town Christmas celebration numbers were down; Wreaths Across America celebration was an amazing event.Public Comments. None.Item 13 – Executive Session to discuss the purchase of real property pursuant to C.R.S. § 24-6-402(4)(a). Trustee Winter moved to go into executive session to discuss the purchase of real property pursuant to C.R.S. § 24-6-402(4)(a).Item 14 – Adjourn. As there was no further business the meeting was adjourned at 8:06 pm. Mayor Ross called for a 5 minute recess at 8:06 pm.Executive Session adjourned at 8:15 pm. Margaret Jane Winter, Town Clerk ................

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