START Receiver Outline - University of Colorado Boulder

WiFi Test Bed Design and Interface Specification

Version 1.2

8 March 2004

Prepared under Subcontract SC03-034-191 with L-3 ComCept, Contract Data Requirements List (CDRL) item A002, WiFi Deployment and Checkout Plan

Prepared by:

Timothy X. Brown, University of Colorado at Boulder


Kenneth Davey, L-3 ComCept



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Table of Contents


1.1 Purpose 1

1.2 Background 1

1.3 Objective 1

1.4 Approach 2

2.0 Test Bed Overview 3

2.1 Test Site 3

2.2 Deployment Scenarios 5

2.3 Network Overview 6

3.0 network Design 7

3.1 Network Architecture 7

3.1.1 Ad Hoc Radio Network 7

3.1.2 Ground Vehicle Node 7

3.1.3 Handheld Node 8

3.1.4 Aerial Vehicle Node 9

3.1.5 Fixed Sites 10

3.1.6 Network Operating Center (NOC) 10

3.1.7 Remote Monitor 11

3.2 Ad Hoc Mesh Networking 11

3.3 Monitoring 11

3.4 Security 12

3.5 Multimedia Application Equipment 12

4.0 Interface specifications 15

4.1 Interface Types 15

4.2 Internet Protocol Version 15

5.0 Equipment List 17

5.1 Test Bed Equipment 17

5.2 Test & Diagnostic Equipment 17

6.0 Equipment Specifications 19

6.1 Mesh Network Radio 19

6.2 Handheld Communicator 21

6.3 Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) 22

6.4 Monitoring Server 22

6.5 Remote Monitor 23

6.6 Ethernet Switch 23

7.0 Test Bed Approvals 25

List of Figures

Figure 1: Views of the Table Mountain National Radio Quiet Zone. 3

Figure 2: Map of Table Mountain. 4

Figure 3: Deployment Scenarios. 5

Figure 4: Network Overview 6

Figure 5: Network Architecture 7

Figure 6: Ground Vehicle Node Equipment 8

Figure 7: Handheld Personal Communicator - Sharp Zaurus SL-5600 8

Figure 8: CAD drawing of the UAV design 9

Figure 9: Mesh Network Radio Equipment in UAV - Fidelity Comtech FCI-2701 9

Figure 10: Fixed Site 1 Architecture 10

Figure 11: Monitoring Display Example 12

Figure 12: Mesh Network Radio Block Diagram 19

Figure 13: Mesh Network Radio with Connecting Components 20

Figure 14: Mesh Network Radio for Ground Vehicles and Fixed Sites 20

List of Tables

Table 1 – Interface Specifications 15

Table 2 – Wireless Test Bed Equipment 17

Table 3 – Test & Diagnostic Equipment 17

Table 4 – UAV Design Specifications 22


Appendix A – Related Documents 27

Appendix B – Test Bed Approval Documents 29

Appendix C – Equipment Data Sheets 37

Appendix D – Glossary 55


1 Purpose

This document provides design, interface, and equipment detail for a special test bed used to evaluate a WiFi-based (802.11b) Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) made up of terrestrial and airborne nodes, with broadband connectivity back to a Network Operations Center (NOC). In addition, documentation associated with federal, state, and local approvals required to operate the test bed is provided.

This WiFi Test Bed Design Specification is the result of “Phase 1” activities associated with design and deployment/test plan creation. It represents the platform for “Phase 2” efforts involving initial WiFi network functionality checkout and rehearsal experimentation. It is anticipated that “Phase 3” of the project will include additional functionality and capability. This document will be updated to reflect changes and additions as they arise.

2 Background

Communication networks between and through aerial vehicles are a mainstay of current battlefield communications. Present systems use specialized high-cost radios in designated military radio bands. Current aerial vehicles are also high-cost manned or unmanned systems.

L-3 ComCept Inc. has contracted with the Air Force Material Command (AFMC), Aeronautical Systems Center (ASC), Special Projects (ASC/RAB) to establish and manage a Wireless Communications Test Bed project for the purpose of assessing a WLAN made up of terrestrial and airborne nodes operating with WiFi-based (802.11b) communications. The University of Colorado has been subcontracted to design, install and operate the test bed made up of Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS) equipment, and to integrate and operate Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) which will interact with it. The network shall support rapidly deployed mobile troops that may be isolated from each other, allow for ad hoc connectivity, and require broadband connection to a Network Operations Center. Experiments are to be performed to measure and report on the performance and effectiveness of the test bed communications capabilities.

1.3 Objective

The objective of the wireless communications test-bed effort is to deploy and test a COTS-based communications network made up of terrestrial and aerial nodes that employ state-of-the-art mobile wireless and Internet Protocol (IP) technology. The solution shall support rapid deployment of mobile troops that may be isolated from each other, and require broadband connectivity to a Network Operations Center. Experiments are to demonstrate the potential for rapid deployment of an IP-centric, wireless broadband network that will support both airborne and terrestrial military operations anywhere, anytime.

1.4 Approach

A platform supporting the IEEE 802.11b (“WiFi”) industry standard for Wireless Local Area Networks has been chosen as the basis for the test bed due to its support of broadband mobile wireless communications, dynamic ad hoc mesh network operation, and being commercially available at low cost. A common 802.11 platform will be utilized for all ground-based and UAV-based nodes. Special software (routing protocols) developed by the University of Colorado to efficiently manage ad hoc mobile mesh network functionality will be applied to the ad hoc network nodes.

The terrestrial and airborne communication devices will form an IP-centric network on an ad hoc basis. Broadband links will be established to a remote NOC location. Remote monitoring capabilities will allow for remote users to access data obtained, and to monitor the test site and activity on a real time basis. Packet data traffic in low, medium, and high-load regimes will be utilized for measuring performance and service support abilities. Typical multimedia applications (messaging, web page download, video, and VoIP) will be evaluated.

A location has been chosen that allows for uninterrupted testing of multiple deployment scenarios. Baseline performance will be established on a ground-to-ground connected configuration. Mobile node impacts will be tested. UAV deployment will allow for its introduction to the theater to be characterized. UAV effectiveness for connecting isolated troops will be evaluated, along with UAV abilities to extend the range of communication.

2.0 Test Bed Overview

An overview of the test site and test bed design is provided in the paragraphs below. More detailed test bed design information is included in sections to follow.

2.1 Test Site

The Table Mountain National Radio Quiet Zone (NRQZ) is owned by the Department of Commerce and operated by the Institute for Telecommunication Sciences (ITS) approximately 10 miles north of Boulder, Colorado. The site is 2.5 miles by 1.5 miles on a raised mesa with no permanent radio transmitters in the vicinity. An aerial photo of the site is shown in 1a and a view at ground level on the top of the mesa is shown in 1b. A map of the site is shown in Figure 2, with fixed sites, nomadic personnel positions, isolated troop positions, and mobile unit paths identified. Necessary approval documents are included in Appendix B.

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(a) (b)

Figure 1: Views of the Table Mountain National Radio Quiet Zone.

Aerial View (a) and Ground Level View (b).


Figure 2: Map of Table Mountain.

FS - Fixed Site (powered locations)

HP - Handheld Position (location of ground-based personnel)

IP - Isolated Handheld Position

- Public Road

- Ground Vehicle Path

In Figure 2, the grid lines are 1000ft (300m) spacing. FS1 and FS2 are powered fixed site locations, and are connected via fiber optic cable. Broadband connectivity to the Internet and the NOC is through FS1 and FS2, and over the fiber optic connection. The green, large dashed, line highlights a public road circuit around the base of the mesa.

Table Mountain has several facilities that make it ideal for the wireless test bed needs. First it is a large 2.5sq mi zone where radio communications is controlled. The top is flat and unobstructed. The facility itself is a mountain obstacle suitable for obstructing users on opposite flanks of the mountain as in Scenario 1 in Figure 3. It is circled by public roads so that communication to or from the mountain can be easily set up from any direction. The site has buildings that can house equipment and provide AC power. Fiber optic cable runs exist between buildings. Finally, it has several areas suitable for UAV flight operations (one is labeled in Figure 2).

2.2 Deployment Scenarios

In order for the wireless network solution to be adequately tested for performance and effectiveness against deployment types, the test bed will be configured in multiple ways. Two broad scenarios, shown in Figure 3, will be used for testing the unique 802.11-based network solution.


Figure 3: Deployment Scenarios.

Multiple configuration types will be involved with each scenario, and are detailed in a separate document titled Wireless Communications Test Bed – Modes & Configuration Report. That document also covers experimentation techniques for each configuration type as well as characterization approaches for ease of deployment and operation.

3 Network Overview

An overview of the wireless communications network to be established by the test bed is provided in Figure 4. As shown, a WLAN comprised of fixed, mobile ground, handheld, and aerial units is connected to a remote NOC location through a Local Command Center (LCC). Local area connectivity is made available with units supporting 802.11b wireless transmission and mesh network routing. Remote monitoring and display capabilities are possible through an internet connection. It is anticipated that LCC connectivity to the NOC and internet through an Iridium satellite link will be tested in Phase 3 of the program.

Figure 4: Network Overview

3.0 network Design

The WiFi network design is detailed in the following paragraphs on Network Architecture, Ad Hoc Mesh Networking, Monitoring, Security and Multimedia Application Equipment.

3.1 Network Architecture

The network architecture to be used for experimentation and monitoring is shown in Figure 5. Information on each node and the interfaces involved are provided in sections to follow.

Figure 5: Network Architecture

3.1.1 Ad Hoc Radio Network

The ad hoc radio network is made up of ground vehicle units, handheld personnel communicators, fixed site, and unmanned aerial communication points. A common radio and 802.11b WLAN interface platform is used between the ground vehicle, fixed site, and aerial nodes. Additional information on each node is provided in the following paragraphs.

3.1.2 Ground Vehicle Node

The ground vehicle node is a mobile vehicle equipped with an 802.11b mesh network radio, a GPS receiver, a power supply, and end-user equipment used for test and application demonstration purposes. Application demonstration equipment to be made available is laptop computers, VoIP phones, and video monitoring equipment. The end-user application equipment is connected to the mesh network radio via an Ethernet switch. Figure 6 depicts the equipment configuration to be within the mobile vehicles. The mesh network radio equipment used for the ground vehicle nodes, including the power supply and GPS receiver, is supplied by Fidelity Comtech, and identified by model number FCI-2601. All equipment is specified in greater detail in paragraphs 5 and 6.

Figure 6: Ground Vehicle Node Equipment

3.1.3 Handheld Node

The handheld personnel communicator is a commercial Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) with 802.11b wireless communication abilities, and special software (routing protocols) applied to efficiently manage ad hoc mobile mesh network functionality. Sharp Zaurus SL-5600 Linux PDAs are utilized.


Figure 7: Handheld Personal Communicator - Sharp Zaurus SL-5600

3.1.4 Aerial Vehicle Node

The aerial vehicle is a UAV, and will be a modified version of existing designs developed at the University of Colorado. A CAD drawing for the airframe being developed for this project is shown in Figure 8. The payload bay is the shaded area and the dimensions (19.5x6.5x6.5) are shown in inches. These dimensions are the maximum space and available space is reduced by airframe ribs and tapering towards the tail. The designed performance includes a payload mass of 10lb, flight time of 90min, and cruise speed of 60mph. Control of the UAV for Phase 2 operations is manual via 900MHz remote control. Automatic waypoint control is planned for Phase 3 operations. Emergency recovery is through pre-programmed descent. UAV position and condition data will be supplied to the network along with communications data.

The UAV will be equipped with 802.11b mesh network radio equipment that is common to that used in the ground vehicles and fixed sites. Figure 9 depicts the equipment configuration to be within the UAVs. The mesh network radio equipment used for the UAVs, including the power supply and GPS receiver, is supplied by Fidelity Comtech, and identified by model number FCI-2701.


Figure 8: CAD drawing of the UAV design


Figure 9: Mesh Network Radio Equipment in UAV - Fidelity Comtech FCI-2701

6 Fixed Sites

The fixed sites within the test bed will form a part of the active 802.11 communications network, and will be used for backhaul purposes. Backhaul traffic will be carried over the fiber ring located at the Table Mountain test site, and then transported to the monitor server over the internet. The Monitor Server is connected to the internet over a standard Ethernet connection. Much like the ground vehicle node, the fixed site node will be equipped with an 802.11b mesh network radio, a GPS receiver, a power supply, and end-user equipment used for test and application demonstration purposes. Application demonstration equipment to be made available is laptop computers, VoIP phones, and video monitoring equipment. The end-user application equipment is connected to the mesh network radio via an Ethernet switch. Figure 10 depicts the equipment configuration to be within the fixed sites. The mesh network radio equipment used for the fixed sites, including the power supply and GPS receiver, is supplied by Fidelity Comtech, and identified by model number FCI-2601. All equipment is specified in greater detail in paragraphs 5 and 6.


Figure 10: Fixed Site 1 Architecture

7 Network Operating Center (NOC)

For the test bed, all that is placed in the NOC location is a Monitor Server. The Monitor Server monitors and collects data from the UAV and ground nodes through Fixed Site 1 and Fixed Site 2. It also provides an interface for remote monitoring, with real-time display and play-back modes. The Remote Monitor connection will be over the internet. Connection to the Table Mountain test site will also be over the internet.

8 Remote Monitor

Remote monitoring capabilities will be built into the test bed so that remote observers will be able to monitor test bed performance, display results, and playback test scenarios. The remote monitoring and display capabilities are being designed via a Java interface. The following capabilities are anticipated. See Figure 11 for a monitor display example.

• Situation Map

• Network Status Messages

• Performance Graphs

• Drill-Down on Nodes

2 Ad Hoc Mesh Networking

802.11b nodes will be connected together using standard IEEE 802.11b WiFi cards. The cards being used are Orinoco Gold cards. The cards can be operated in “infrastructure” mode which allows them to communicate only through 802.11b access points. For the mesh networking that will be part of the test bed operation however, the cards will be operated in “ad hoc” mode, which allows any of the Mesh Network Radios to talk directly with each other. All network elements will communicate using IP version 4 (IPv4). More details of the 802.11 standard can be found at: ANSI/IEEE 802.11 Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications 1999 Edition, IEEE, March 18, 1999.

The 802.11b standard allows one node to talk to another. Multi-hop routing capability is provided by the Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) protocol (The Dynamic Source Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (DSR), David B. Johnson, David A. Maltz, Yih-Chun Hu, INTERNET-DRAFT: draft-ietf-manet-dsr-09.txt, 15 April 2003). DSR defines route discovery, forwarding, and maintenance protocols that enable the mesh network operation. Colorado University personnel have implemented this protocol so that it can be modified for testing, optimization, and monitoring. The DSR protocol is being implemented with the Click Modular Router language (), which is very flexible and provides a high degree of control on the network operation.

3 Monitoring

The test range monitoring will consist of additional software loaded upon each ad hoc node. This will allow for collection of performance statistics with time and location stamps measured from the GPS. This data is periodically sent to the Monitor Server through Fixed Sites 1 and 2. The total experimental data traffic is expected to be small and should not significantly impact the network throughput. Though small, for experimental control, we would like to minimize the monitoring traffic use of the ad hoc network.

Each network node collects the following data. The data is then sent periodically to the Monitor Server once every 15 seconds via Fixed Sites 1 and 2. See Figure 11 for a monitor display example.

• GPS position and time

• Number of data packets sent on each route

• Number of data packets received on each route

• Number of data packets lost due to congestion on each route Number of control packets received Number of control packets transmitted


Figure 11: Monitoring Display Example

3.4 Security

For the test bed, both physical and communication security is considered. The Table Mountain facility is a fenced facility that includes storage and work buildings that can be locked. Equipment such as pole mounted antennas and other outdoor equipment can be left set up over several days. Portable radios, laptops, and UAV equipment will be stored in on-site buildings or carried to and from the site.

To limit access to the wireless communication network, MAC filtering algorithms will be used. The hardware MAC address of every node on the test bed (approximately 20 in total) will be stored on the network devices and only packets that match one of these addresses will be processed. This will prevent casual users from gaining access to the network.

The monitoring server will require a password in order to have access to the remote monitoring facilities.

3.5 Multimedia Application Equipment

Multimedia applications include messaging, web page download, video, and VoIP. The applications are supported with the following end-user equipment. See sections 4 and 5, as well as the Data Sheet section – Appendix C of this document for additional details on the equipment.


Dell Inspiron Portable Computer

IBM R40 Thinkpad

Sharp SL-5600 PDA

Web Page Download:

Dell Inspiron Portable Computer

IBM R40 Thinkpad


Panasonic KX-HCM280 PTZ Network Camera


Make of Phone: Pingtel

Model: Xpressa

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4.0 Interface specifications

The following table provides information on the interfaces between equipment deployed in the test bed.

1 Interface Types

The following table specifies the interface type between the Wireless Test Bed nodes.

|From |To |Interface |

|Ground Node |Ground Node |IEEE 802.11b |

|Ground Node |UAV |IEEE 802.11b |

|UAV |UAV |IEEE 802.11b |

|Fixed Site |NOC (Monitor Server) |Fiber to Internet |

|Monitor Server |Internet |10/100Base-T Ethernet, RJ45 |

|User Devices |Mesh Network Radio |10/100Base-T Ethernet, RJ45 |

NOTE: A Ground Node is a fixed site, a ground vehicle, or a handheld device.

Table 1: Interface Specifications

4.2 Internet Protocol Version

The Internet protocol version used by all elements carrying IP traffic is Internet Protocol Version 4 (IPv4).

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Equipment List

The following tables list the operational equipment that makes up the test bed as well as the test equipment utilized.

5.1 Test Bed Equipment

|Equipment |Supplier |Identifier |

|Mesh Network Radio – Ground |Fidelity Comtech |FCI-2601 |

|Mesh Network Radio - UAV |Fidelity Comtech |FCI-2701 |

|Handheld Communicator |Sharp |Zaurus SL-5600 |

|Unmanned Aerial Vehicle |University of Colorado |Raven AP-1 |

|Monitor Server |Sun |E250 computer |

|Remote Monitor |Dell |Inspiron 8600 |

|Ethernet Switch |Linksys |EZXS55W |

|Portable Computer |IBM |Thinkpad R40, |

| | |P/N 2681C8U |

|VoIP Phone |Pingtel |Xpressa |

|Video Camera |Panasonic |KX-HCM280 |

|802.11b PC Card |Proxim ORiNOCO |Gold 848441556 |

Table 2: Wireless Test Bed Equipment

5.2 Test & Diagnostic Equipment

|Equipment |Supplier |Identifier |

|802.11 Analyzer |Berkeley Varitronics |Yellowjacket |

| | |P/N 0072-0-0 |

|Wireless LAN Analyzer |Agilent |J7332A |

|Spectrum Analyzer, 2.9GHz |Hewlett Packard |8594E |

Table 3: Test & Diagnostic Equipment

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6.0 Equipment Specifications

Equipment descriptions and specifications are provided in this section. Additional information may be found within the data sheets included in Appendix C.

6.1 Mesh Network Radio

The mesh network radio is comprised of hardware and software components. The hardware consists of a Soekris 4511 single board computer with 32MB of RAM and 256MB of CF storage connected to an 802.11b WLAN interface card, an RF amplifier with power that can be adjusted between 100mW and 1W, a GPS, and an antenna. These are mounted in a protective housing for the ground-based units, but, will be mounted inside the UAV airframe for the aerial units. The key here is that the radio is constructed of COTS components and only a single design is used for the different configurations. The weight without power supply will be approximately 1 kg. A block diagram of the Mesh Network Radio is shown in Figure 12. Pictures of the unit used for ground vehicles and fixed sites are provided in Figures 13 and 14. A picture of the UAV elements is provided in Figure 9.

Figure 12: Mesh Network Radio Block Diagram


Figure 13: Mesh Network Radio with Connecting Components


Figure 14: Mesh Network Radio for Ground Vehicles and Fixed Sites

The mesh network radios will operate on a single radio channel. Additional channels will be utilized for network monitoring. The adjustable RF amplifier will allow for better control of range and connectivity in the network. For instance, at lower power levels, the range will be less and more relay hops will be required for a source to reach its destination. The highest power is the maximum allowed by the FCC. At this level, the maximum range with 802.11b can be tested. The GPS is installed solely for monitoring purposes. The antenna will be an integral part of the ground vehicle and fixed site unit housing, while on the UAVs will be mounted on the airframe. Power will come from several sources. The ground and aerial vehicles will use vehicle power. The fixed units will use AC line power. Personnel units will have battery power. The fixed site units will be mounted on building roofs or low poles. Vehicle mounted units will be attached to the vehicle roof.

The mesh network radios will be controlled by a Linux operating system installed on the single board computer. Standard Linux drivers and interfaces are available for the radio hardware. The ad hoc networking will use a version of the Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) protocols implemented at the University of Colorado. The implementation is very flexible and will be modified for experimentation and monitoring purposes.

6.2 Handheld Communicator

The handheld personnel communicator to be used for simulating ground troop communications is a commercial Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) with 802.11b wireless communication abilities. Due to the need for an open operating environment, the Sharp Zaurus SL-5600 Linux PDA was chosen for its Linux® and Java™ based architecture. Special software (routing protocols) developed by the University of Colorado are applied to efficiently manage ad hoc mobile mesh network functionality. A picture of the Sharp Zaurus SL-5600, and the key feature set is provided below. See the data sheet in Appendix C for specifications.


Key Features:

• Wireless Communications

• Integrated Keyboard

• 3.5 inch LCD Screen

• Stylus and Touch Screen

• Rechargeable, Long Life Battery

• Linux / Java Based

6.3 Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)

The UAV to be utilized for experimentation will be a modified version of existing designs developed at the University of Colorado. The features include a payload mass of 10lb, flight time of 90min, and cruise speed of 60mph. Control of the UAV for Phase 2 operations is manual via 900MHz remote control. Automatic waypoint control is planned for Phase 3 operations. Emergency recovery is through pre-programmed descent. UAV position and condition data will be supplied to the network along with communications data. Table 4 provides design specifications for the UAV being utilized.

The UAV will be equipped with 802.11b mesh network radio equipment that is common to that used in the ground vehicles and fixed sites. Figure 9 depicts the equipment configuration to be within the UAVs. The mesh network radio equipment used for the UAVs, including the power supply and GPS receiver, is supplied by Fidelity Comtech, and identified by model number FCI-2701.


Table 4: UAV Design Specifications

6.4 Monitoring Server

The Monitor Server is a Sun E250 computer located at the UCB campus. It provides for high-speed web connections; archives experiment data for cross-experiment comparisons and later analysis; and allows for web access to data (live remote and reply of old data). Specification highlights are included below. See the data sheet in Appendix C for additional specifications.

Specification Highlights:

• Two 400-MHz processors

• 16 DIMM slots, four banks of four slots; Accepts 32-, 64-, or 128-MB DIMMs; 128 MB to 2 GB total memory capacity. 256Mb RAM utilized for test bed.

• Interfaces: Serial and parallel ports; 10/100 Ethernet (RJ45); Keyboard and mouse; 3 PCI cards; SCSI

• Mass Storage: 6 hot-swap disk bays; One 40Mb/sec disk controller; Multiple disk drives; 10X DVD-ROM drive; 1.44Mb 3.5-in. floppy drive; Optional 5.25x1.6 in. fast SCSI tape drive; Additional External Mass Storage. A 45Gb disk is utilized for test bed.

• Solaris Operating System

• Multiple Networking Options, including TCP/IP

6.5 Remote Monitor

Remote monitoring is to be performed on a computer with a large high-resolution display. Dell Inspiron 8600 portable computers have been selected. The monitoring and display capabilities are being designed via a Java interface. Anticipated capabilities include a situation map, network status messages, performance graphs, and drill-down on nodes. See Figure 11 for a monitor display example. Specification highlights are included below. See the data sheet in Appendix C for additional specifications.

Specification Highlights:

• Intel Pentium M Processor at 1.7GHz

• 15.4-in Wide-Aspect WXGA Display

• 512 MB DDR SDRAM Memory

• Microsoft Windows XP Operating System

6.6 Ethernet Switch

An Ethernet Switch is utilized at the fixed sites and on ground vehicle nodes to connect multiple application equipment types into the Mesh Network Radio as shown in figures 6 and 10. A Linksys Etherfast Switch, model EZXS55W, has been chosen. Specification highlights are included below. See Appendix C for additional specifications.

Specification Highlights:

• 10/100BaseT Ethernet Interface

• 5 RJ-45 Ports (autosensing)

• 1 Shared RJ-45 Uplink Port

• IEEE 802.3, IEEE 802.3u

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7.0 Test Bed Approvals

The Table Mountain National Radio Quiet Zone (NRQZ) is owned by the Department of Commerce and operated by the Institute for Telecommunication Sciences (ITS). For performing experimentation at the site, a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA) has been generated and signed by a representative of ITS. Technical questions can be directed to Wayde Allen of ITS, telephone 303-497-5871. Administrative arrangements should be directed to Carol Van Story, Budget Analyst, telephone 303-497-3267.

See Appendix B for a copy of the approval document. Necessary updates of the document for renewal purposes will be issued on an ongoing basis.

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The documents listed below have been, or will be generated in support of the Wireless Communications Test Bed project.

1. Wireless Communications Test Bed: Design and Deployment/Test Plan, Version 2.2, Dated December 4th, 2003. This document provides a high-level overview of the Test Bed design and deployment/test plan.

2. Wireless Communications Test Bed: Experimentation Plan, Version 1.0, to be released in March, 2004. This document represents a detailed experimentation plan containing test scenarios, configurations, measures of performance and effectiveness, as well as methods and procedures.

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Test Bed Approval Documents

See the following pages for a copy of the necessary agreement to utilize the Table Mountain Radio Quiet Zone facility. Necessary updates of the document for renewal purposes will be issued on an ongoing basis.



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See the following pages for data sheets on various equipment used in the test bed.

Fidelity Comtech Mesh Network Radio

Platform Overview:

• Single Board Computer

- 32 MByte RAM

- Flash File System on 256 MByte Compact Flash Card

- Serial Port (for GPS)

- 2 Ethernet Ports

- Power over Ethernet for easy cabling

- Accepts power between 12V and 20V

• Outdoor Enclosure

- Weatherproof access cover

- Antenna-protecting Radome

• Radio Card with Antenna

- Agere ‘Hermes” 802.11b baseband

- Booster Amplifier

- 1 Watt Output Power

- Adjustable to 100mW

- 11 Mbit/sec maximum data rate

- 3dB Omni Antenna


- Garmin OEM GPS-35

- Low Profile

- Fully Contained

- Serial Port Connection

- Unregulated Power


Sharp Zaurus SL-5600 PDA

The Sharp Zaurus SL-5600 combines state-of-the-art Sharp technology and Sharp innovation to deliver a unique and compelling PDA solution. The Sharp Zaurus SL-5600 offers everything from mobile communications to mobile multimedia; keyboard integration and dual expansion delivering one of the most versatile and flexible PDA solutions on the market today.

| Features |

|[pic] |

|[pi| Wireless Communications |

|c] | |

|With optional Compact Flash™ modems you can have wireless connectivity anytime, anywhere.+ |

| |

|[pi| Integrated Keyboard and Sliding Cover |

|c] | |

|Sharp's clever integrated keyboard design allows easy data input without sacrificing space. Edit text or e-mail effortlessly with |

|a standard QWERTY keyboard. |

| |

|[pi| Rechargeable, Replaceable Long Life Battery |

|c] | |

|With its replaceable 1700mAH Li-ION battery, the Zaurus provides extra long battery life. |

| |

|[pi| CompactFlash™ and SD/MMC Expansion Slots |

|c] | |

|Sharp combines the best of both worlds by offering two expansion slots. Two slots allow you to add two peripherals simultaneously |

|such as a CompactFlash™ modem card and SD memory card. This seamless design makes upgrading easy and simple |

| |

|[pi| Mobile Multimedia |

|c] | |

|Sharp's color LCD technology and high powered processor deliver top quality multimedia for all corporate and personal needs. The |

|SL-5600 has a 3.5" 65,536 Color Reflective TFT Front-Lit Screen with 240 x 320 resolution for outstanding graphics and clarity, |

|indoors or out. |

| |

|[pi| Speaker & Microphone with a Stereo Headphone Jack |

|c] | |

|Listen to your favorite music or movie clips anytime, anywhere. |

| |

|[pi| Stylus and Touch Screen |

|c] | |

|In addition to the SL-5600 built-in QWERTY keyboard, the stylus and touch screen allow you to navigate through applications with |

|ease. |

| |

|[pi| Customizable One-Touch Access |

|c] | |

|Instantly view calendar, address book, menu and e-mail with just one press of a button. Or customize the button settings to suit |

|your personal needs. |

| |

|[pi| Linux / Java Based Platform |

|c] | |

|Linux® and Java™ based architecture provides a powerful and open operating environment - allowing many Linux and Java developers |

|to write applications for the SL-5600, and integrate into various enterprise environments. |

|[| Specifications |

|p| |

|i| |

|c| |

|]| |

|[pic] |

| |

|CPU | Intel® 400MHz XScale™ processor1 |

|Platform | Linux2 based embedded OS (Embedix3) Qtopia, Personal Java4 |

|Display | Reflective TFT LCD with Front Light (touch sensitive panel supported), 3.5" with 240x320 |

| |pixel, 65,536 colors. |

|Memory | 96MB Total. 32MB SDRAM. 64MB Protected Flash |

|Input Device | Touch Panel, QWERTY keyboard with a sliding cover |

|[pic] |

|Card Slot | 1 compact Flash Card5 slot, 1 SD/MMC card slot (no copyright protection feature) |

|I/O Port | Serial/USB (via docking station port, IR port) |

|Sound | Stereo headphone jack included, mic and mono speaker included. |



Proxim ORiNOCO Gold (848441556) PC Card Network Adapter 

The same ORiNOCO PC card can be used worldwide for the Enterprise, ISP, Public Access or Home/SOHO markets using any of the ORiNOCO access point infrastructure products. The card provides high-speed wireless networking at 11Mbps and secure Internet access for laptop and desktop computers, as well as a wide range of mobile client computing devices. Orinoco PC Card delivers the same high-performance connectivity as wired systems, with the added freedom to move around your building or campus. The ORiNOCO PC Card is designed with a choice of security levels to protect your data. The Gold version provides enhanced security with a 128-bit key, using RC4 encryption. The ORiNOCO PC Card is interoperable with other manufacturers’ high-speed IEEE 802.11b compliant systems and is fully compliant with the WECA (Wireless Ethernet Compatibility Alliance) Wi-Fi 'wireless fidelity' standard. 


Key Features:

Form Factor Plug-in Module

Data Transfer Rate 11Mbps

Interface PC Card

Connectivity Wireless

Platform PC, Mac, Unix

Max. Range Outdoors 50m

Operating System:

Microsoft Windows 95/98, Apple MacOS, Microsoft Windows CE, Microsoft Windows 2000 / NT4.0, Linux, Microsoft Windows Millennium Edition


Width 2.13 in.

Depth 4.65 in.

Height .35 in.

Weight .12 lb.

Warranty: 3 years

Product ID: 20621212

Sun E250 Enterprise Server

|Processor |

|Number |Up to two processor modules |

|Type |300- or 400-MHz UltraSPARC-II with onboard e-cache |

|Cache memory |2-MB external cache per processor with 300- or 400-MHz CPU |

|Datapath |Buffered 144-bit UPA bus, 128 bits data, 16 bits ECC |

| |UPA operates at 100-MHz with 300- or 400-MHz CPUs |

|Main Memory |

|Capacities |16 DIMM slots, four banks of four slots |

| |Accepts 32-, 64-, or 128-MB DIMMs |

| |128 MB to 2 GB total memory capacity |

|Memory type |200-pin 5V 60-ns memory modules |

|Datapath |576 bits wide, 512 bits data, 64 bits ECC |

| |Up to 600 MB/sec throughput |

|Standard Interfaces |

|Serial |2 EIA-232D or EIA-423 serial port, one 50- to 384-Kb/sec synchronous, one 50- to 460.8-Kbaud asynchronous|

|Parallel |2-MB/sec Centronics-compatible bidirectional EPP port, DB25 |

|Ethernet |One 10/100-Mb/sec autoselect port, RJ45 or MII |

|Keyboard and mouse |One standard keyboard/mouse port; mini din-8 |

|PCI |Three slots for 32- or 64-bit, 33-MHz 5V PCI cards One slot for 32- or 64-bit, 33- or 66-MHz 3.3V PCI |

| |cards |

|SCSI |One 40-MB/sec Ultra SCSI-3 bus for internal disk One 40-MB/sec fast/wide SCSI-3 bus for external disk |

|Internal Mass Storage |

|Disk bays |Six hot-swap disk bays |

|Disk controllers |One 40-MB/sec Ultra SCSI-3 channel |

|Disks |Up to six 18-GB 3.5 x 1.6 in., 36-GB 3.5 x 1.0 in., 10000 rpm, hot-swap Ultra SCSI-3 drives |

|DVD |Internal 10X DVD-ROM drive |

|Floppy |1.44-MB 3.5-in. floppy drive |

|Tape |Optional 5.25 x 1.6 in. fast SCSI tape drive, 8-mm, 4-mm DDS-3, DDS-2, MLR3, SLR5 |

|External Mass Storage |

|Host adapters |Support up to four single- or dual-channel, single-ended or differential, fast/wide or Ultra SCSI PCI |

| |host adapters |

|Disks |Supports up to nine 109-GB Sun StorEdge MultiPack systems Supports Sun StorEdge A1000, D1000, A3000, |

| |A3500, or A5000 disk arrays |

|Tapes |Supports up to two SCSI tape devices from external onboard SCSI Supports up to 16 SCSI tape devices, |

| |total 8-mm, 4-mm DDS-2, DDS-3, DLT, QIC |

|Console Options |

|Monitor |17-, 20-, or 24-in. color |

|Frame buffer |PGX32 PCI graphics card Up to 1600 x 1000 (24-in. monitor) 256 colors |

|Keyboard and mouse |Standard Sun keyboard and mouse |

|PCI I/O Options |

|10/100-Mb/sec Ethernet, FC-AL, Sun Quad FastEthernet, Token Ring, FDDI single attach, FDDI dual attach, ATM-155, ATM-622, high-speed |

|serial, eight-line serial, Ultra SCSI with 10/100 Mb/sec Ethernet, dual-channel single-ended Ultra SCSI, dual-channel differential |

|Ultra SCSI |

|Power Supplies |

|Type |One or two N+1 redundant, hot-swap, universal input (1 supply standard) |

|Maximum DC output |360 W |

|Power bus |Common, load-sharing |

|Software |

|Operating system |Solaris 2.5.1, 11/97 release or Solaris 2.6, 5/98 release, Solaris 7, Solaris 8 release, Solaris 7 |

|Languages |C, C++, Cobol, FORTRAN, Java, Pascal ONC+ |

|Networking |NFS, TCP/IP, IPX/SPX, SunLink OSI, MHS, OCE, DNI, SNA, x.25, PPP, SunXTL, Frame Relay |

|System monitoring |Solstice SyMON |

|Clustering |Four-node clusters with SunCluster 2.1 |

|Internet |


|System and Network Management |

|Remote system control, Solstice JumpStart, Solaris Web Start, Solstice AdminSuite, Solstice DiskSuite, Solstice Backup (single |

|server), and other Solstice products. |

|Environment |

|AC power |90-264 Vrms, 47-63Hz |

|AC service requirement |15A at 110V, 7.5A at 240V Max power consumption: 720 watts |

|Heat output |1980 BTU/hr |

|Operating |5° C to 35° C (41° F to 95° F) 20% to 80% relative humidity, noncondensing |

|Nonoperating |-20° C to 60° C (-4° F to 140° F) 93% relative humidity, noncondensing at 35° C |

|Acoustic noise |5.6 bels |

|Declared noise emissions in accordance with ISO 9296, measured at 23° C |

|Regulations |

|Meets or exceeds the following requirements: |

|Safety |EN60950/IEC950 TUV, UL 1950, CB Scheme IEC 950, C22.2 No. 950 from UL |

|RFI/EMI |EN55022/CISPR22 Class B, VCCI Class II FCC Part 15 Sub Part B |

|Immunity |EN50082/IEC-1000-2/IEC-1000-3, IEC-1000-4, IEC-1000-5 |

|X-ray |DHHS 21 Subchapter J, PTB German X-ray Decree |

|Dimensions and Weights |

|Height |51.7 cm (20.3 in.) |

|Width |26.2 cm (10.3 in.) or 35.3 cm (13.9 in.) with caster option |

|Depth |73.2 cm (28.8 in.) including power supply handle |

|Weight |46.72 kg (103 lb.) or 53.52 kg (118 lb.) fully configured |

|Rack Mounting |

|Up to four Sun Enterprise 250 servers may be mounted in a 56-in. expansion cabinet. Up to five Enterprise 250 servers may be mounted |

|in a 72-in. expansion cabinet. |

|Upgrades |

|Sun-to-Sun and competitive trade-ins are available |

Dell Inspiron 8600 Notebook Computer

|Processors | |

|[pic] |

|Intel® Pentium® M processor at 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, and 1.7GHz |

| |

|[pic] |

|On-die 1024 KB cache (L2); 32 KB internal cache (L1); 400MHz front side BUS |

| |

|[pic] |

|Intel® 855PM Chipset |

| |

|  Operating Systems | |

|[pic] |

|Microsoft® Windows® XP Home Edition and Professional Edition |

| |

|  Memory | |

|[pic] |

|512 MB of 333MHz DDR SDRAM standard, upgradable to 2 GB maximum |

| |

|[pic] |

|2 SoDIMM sockets, both are user-accessible |

| |

|  I/O Ports | |

|[pic] |

|IEEE 1394 integrated port (1394 cable and software sold separately) |

| |

|[pic] |

|2-USB 2.0 (Universal Serial Bus) compliant 4-pin connectors |

| |

|[pic] |

|9-pin serial connector; 25-hole pin parallel connector |

| |

|[pic] |

|Serial infrared communications port (lrDA-1.1 compliant) |

| |

|[pic] |

|Video: 15-pin monitor connector; S-Video: 7-pin mini-DIN connector |

| |

|[pic] |

|Audio jacks: Stereo headphones/speakers miniconnector (same as line-out), microphone miniconnector |

| |

|  Chassis | |

|15.4-inch Wide-Aspect WXGA, SXGA+ and UXGA displays: |

|[pic] |

|Height: 1.52-inch (38.6 mm) |

| |

|[pic] |

|Width: 14.22-inch (361.2 mm) |

| |

|[pic] |

|Depth: 10.79-inch (276.1 mm) |

| |

|[pic] |

|Weight: starting at 6.9 lbs. (2.96 kg) with travel module, 9-cell battery and hard drive1 |

| |

|  Power | |

|Battery: |

|[pic] |

|9-cell "Smart" Lithium Ion battery (72Whr); Additional 9-cell second primary battery available |

| |

|[pic] |

|Approximate charge time: 1 hr. to reach 80% charge |

| |

|[pic] |

|Approximate operating time: up to 4.5 hours (depends on usage) |

| |

|[pic] |

|Optional: modular 48WHr second battery for dual battery support |

| |

| |

|AC Adapter: |

|[pic] |

|Input voltage: 100 to 240 VAC; Input current (maximum): 1.5A at 90 VAC, full load |

| |

|[pic] |

|Output current: 4.62A max. at 4-second pulse, 3.5A continuous; Output power: 65W standard |

| |

|[pic] |

|Dimensions (H x W x D): 1.1-inch (28mm) x 2.3-inch (59mm) x 5.25-inch (134mm) |

| |

|[pic] |

|Weight (with cables): 0.9 lbs. (0.4 kg) |

| |

|  Power Management | |

|[pic] |

|Suspend-to-RAM mode; Suspend-to-disk mode; Stand-by mode (turns off LED and HDD) |

| |

|  Slots | |

|[pic] |

|Connectors: (1) Type I or Type II card; 3.3 and 5 V cards supported; Warm-swap Capable |

| |

IBM Thinkpad R40

|Software[12] |

|Operating system provided |[|Microsoft Windows XP Professional |

| |p| |

| |i| |

| |c| |

| |]| |

|Communication/networking[9] |[|IBM Update Connector;Adobe Acrobat Reader;IBM Access Connections |

| |p| |

| |i| |

| |c| |

| |]| |

|Device drivers/utilities |[|PC Doctor diagnostics;ThinkPad Configuration Utility;IBM Rapid Restore PC;Norton AntiVirus |

| |p|2003 OEM Version |

| |i| |

| |c| |

| |]| |

|Productivity applications |[|Access IBM |

| |p| |

| |i| |

| |c| |

| |]| |

|Other applications provided |[|IBM Drive Letter Access |

| |p| |

| |i| |

| |c| |

| |]| |

|Supported operating system |[|Microsoft Windows 98, Microsoft Windows NT 4.0, Microsoft Windows 98 Second Edition, |

| |p|Microsoft Windows 2000, Microsoft Windows XP Professional, Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition|

| |i| |

| |c| |

| |]| |

| |

|Architecture |

|Bus type/architecture |[|PCI |

| |p| |

| |i| |

| |c| |

| |]| |

|Bays |[|Ultrabay Plus |

| |p| |

| |i| |

| |c| |

| |]| |

|Indicator light |[|Yes |

| |p| |

| |i| |

| |c| |

| |]| |

|Form factor |[|Notebook |

| |p| |

| |i| |

| |c| |

| |]| |

|[pic] |

|Display/Graphics subsystem |

|External display supported |[|Yes |

| |p| |

| |i| |

| |c| |

| |]| |

|Simultaneous external display |[|Yes |

| |p| |

| |i| |

| |c| |

| |]| |

|Screen type description |[|TFT |

| |p| |

| |i| |

| |c| |

| |]| |

|Viewable image size (diag) |[|15.0 |

| |p| |

| |i| |

| |c| |

| |]| |

|Screen illumination |[|Backlit |

| |p| |

| |i| |

| |c| |

| |]| |

|Maximum Resolution |[|1024x768 |

| |p| |

| |i| |

| |c| |

| |]| |

| |

|Graphics |

|Video RAM std. / max. |[|16MB |

| |p| |

| |i| |

| |c| |

| |]| |

|Graphics chipset |[|ATI Mobility RADEON M6-C16h |

| |p| |

| |i| |

| |c| |

| |]| |

|Graphics type |[|XGA |

| |p| |

| |i| |

| |c| |

| |]| |

|Video RAM type |[|DDR SDRAM |

| |p| |

| |i| |

| |c| |

| |]| |

|Max resolution |[|2048x1536 65536 colors |

| |p| |

| |i| |

| |c| |

| |]| |

|Graphics bus interface |[|AGP 4X |

| |p| |

| |i| |

| |c| |

| |]| |

|Processor |

|BIOS type |[|Flash ROM |

| |p| |

| |i| |

| |c| |

| |]| |

|Processor (CPU) |[|Intel Mobile Intel Celeron processor |

| |p| |

| |i| |

| |c| |

| |]| |

|Processor speed[1] |[|2.00 GHz |

| |p| |

| |i| |

| |c| |

| |]| |

|Front side bus (FSB) |[|400 MHz |

| |p| |

| |i| |

| |c| |

| |]| |

| |

|System memory |

|Memory (RAM) std. / max.[8] |[|128MB / 1GB |

| |p| |

| |i| |

| |c| |

| |]| |

|RAM slots total |[|2 SODIMM |

| |p| |

| |i| |

| |c| |

| |]| |

|RAM slots available |[|1 SODIMM |

| |p| |

| |i| |

| |c| |

| |]| |

|Memory speed |[|266 MHz |

| |p| |

| |i| |

| |c| |

| |]| |

|RAM type |[|DDR SDRAM |

| |p| |

| |i| |

| |c| |

| |]| |

|[pic] |

|Hard drive |

|Hard disk size (GB)[4] |[|30 GB |

| |p| |

| |i| |

| |c| |

| |]| |

|Interface type |[|ATA-100 (Enhanced IDE) |

| |p| |

| |i| |

| |c| |

| |]| |

|[pic] |

|Optical device |

|Optical device |[|CD-ROM |

| |p| |

| |i| |

| |c| |

| |]| |

|Device interface |[|EIDE |

| |p| |

| |i| |

| |c| |

| |]| |

|[pic] |

|Audio |

|Integrated speakers |[|2 |

| |p| |

| |i| |

| |c| |

| |]| |

|Speaker power rating |[|1.0 Watts |

| |p| |

| |i| |

| |c| |

| |]| |

|Volume control buttons |[|Yes |

| |p| |

| |i| |

| |c| |

| |]| |

|Audio chipset |[|SoundMAX |

| |p| |

| |i| |

| |c| |

| |]| |

|[pic] |

|Communications |

|Fax/modem |[|56K V.92 designed modem |

| |p| |

| |i| |

| |c| |

| |]| |

|Fax/modem speed[3] |[|56Kbps data/14.4Kbps fax |

| |p| |

| |i| |

| |c| |

| |]| |

|Infrared port |[|Yes |

| |p| |

| |i| |

| |c| |

| |]| |

|Infrared port speed |[|4Mbps |

| |p| |

| |i| |

| |c| |

| |]| |

|Wireless Standard[10] |[|Wi-Fi wireless upgradable |

| |p| |

| |i| |

| |c| |

| |]| |

|Ethernet description |[|10/100 Ethernet |

| |p| |

| |i| |

| |c| |

| |]| |

|Ethernet interface type |[|Ethernet-Integrated |

| |p| |

| |i| |

| |c| |

| |]| |

| |

|Accessories |

|A/C adapter |[|72 watt |

| |p| |

| |i| |

| |c| |

| |]| |

|Worldwide A/C compatibility |[|Yes |

| |p| |

| |i| |

| |c| |

| |]| |

|Port replication |[|Optional |

| |p| |

| |i| |

| |c| |

| |]| |

| |

|Standard features |

|Pointing Device Type |[|IBM ThinkPad UltraNav |

| |p| |

| |i| |

| |c| |

| |]| |

|Keyboard light |[|Yes |

| |p| |

| |i| |

| |c| |

| |]| |

|[pic] |

|Power management |

|Heat emissions |[|72 W |

| |p| |

| |i| |

| |c| |

| |]| |

|Sound emissions |[|40dB |

| |p| |

| |i| |

| |c| |

| |]| |

|Battery life min/max[6] |[|3.95 Hrs (with 1 battery) |

| |p| |

| |i| |

| |c| |

| |]| |

|Battery type(s) |[|8 Cell Lithium-Ion |

| |p| |

| |i| |

| |c| |

| |]| |

|Charge time (on/off) |[|3.0 Hrs/ 3.0 Hrs |

| |p| |

| |i| |

| |c| |

| |]| |

|[pic] |

|Weight & dimensions |

|Weight[2] |[|6.6 lbs |

| |p| |

| |i| |

| |c| |

| |]| |

|Height |[|1.59 in |

| |p| |

| |i| |

| |c| |

| |]| |

|Depth |[|10.5 in |

| |p| |

| |i| |

| |c| |

| |]| |






The Panasonic KX-HCM280 Network Camera gives you the ability to view and control pan, tilt and zoom with your web browser. Place Panasonic KX-HCM280 cameras almost anywhere you need to keep an eye on things, with no PC required on location. They are easy to install, easy to operate and require no additional software for your viewing PC. All you need is a Web browser, as all of the other required software, including control software (TCP/UDP) and e-mail software (SMTP) is already inside of each camera. Camera can be used on a tabletop or ceiling mounted (bracket included)

CCD Type:

Size 1/4 inch

Effective Pixels 768x494 (380,000 pixels)


Focal Length f=3.8 ~ 79.8mm, F No. F1.6 ~ 3.6

Horizontal angle 2.6 ~ 51.0 degree

Zoom range 21 : 1

Min. optical distance 5mm(WIDE)1000mm(TELE)

Focus Control Auto/Manual/Hold

Brightness Control Auto/Manual

Low Light Capability 3 lx

White Balance Control Auto / Manual / Hold


Panning angle -175 to +175 degree

Tilting angle +90 to -120 degree

Panning Speed 200 degree / s

Tilting Speed max 200 degree / s

Accuracy 0.47 degree or less

Preset position 8 Positions

Preset Parameters Pan,Tilt,Zoom,Backlight,Focus,White Balance


Network 100 Base-TX/10Base-T Ethernet RJ-45 connector x1

Alarm Input x 1, Output x 1

Video Out 3.5mm mini-DIN Jack

Image Transfer/Alarm Notification FTP/SMTP

Image Storing Buffer 6.5MB SDRAM (About 560 images in 360x240)

Image Storing Trigger Time  Date of the Week/Hour/Minute/Second

Alarm-event  Sensor Input

Image Compression JPEG

Motion Picture Motion JPEG

JPEG Compression Level 3 Levels(Favor otion/Standard/Favor Clarity)

Image Size 640x480/320x240/160x120

Frame rate Max 15 frames/second (640 x 480)

Max 30 frames/second (320 x 240)

Max 30 frames/second (160 x 120)

Simultaneous Access Up to 30 users

Supported Protocols TCP, UDP, IP, HTTP, FTP,


Viewing Software Standard Web Browser*

Operating System Windows 95/98/ME/NT4.0/2000/XP

LED Display Power Link and Activity for network port

Power Source 12V DC (100~240VAC Power Adaptor Included)

Consumption Max 900mA

Operating TEMP. 0 ~ 40 C degree

Mounting Angle -15~+15 degree horizontal

Weight 625g

*Internet Explore 5.0 or later/Netscape Navigator 4.7

** Required yearly charge for DDNS service


This is a complete dome package, excluding camera, which allows the outdoor installation of the Panasonic KX-HCM280 pan/tilt/zoom camera. The kit does not require alteration of the camera power supply. Operating temperature -50° to 122°F (-45° to 50°C). Some assembly required. The kit consists of the following:

• Outdoor dome housing with heater, blower and wall mount.

• 24 VAC 80VA table top power supply.

• AC to DC converter (allows the use of one power supply for dome & camera)

• Dome modification kit.


Intentionally Blank




AC Alternating Current

AFMC Air Force Material Command

ANSI American National Standards Institute

AP Access Point

ASC Aeronautical Systems Center (Air Force Material Command)




CAD Computer Aided Design

CDRL Contract Data Requirements List

CPU Central Processing Unit

COTS Commercial Off-The-Shelf

CRADA Cooperative Research and Development Agreement


dB Decibel

DC Direct Current

DDR Double Data Rate

DIMM Dual Inline Memory Module

DoD Department of Defense

DSR Dynamic Source Routing

DSSS Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum

DVD Digital Video Disc


ECC Error Correcting/Correction Code

EIA Electronic Industries Alliance

EPP Enhanced Parallel Port


FCC Federal Communications Commission

FDDI Fiber Distributed Data Interface

FS Fixed Site


GB Gigabit

GHz Gigahertz

GPS Global Positioning System


HP Handheld Position


IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Inc.)

I/O Input/Output

IP Internet Protocol

IPv4 Internet Protocol version 4

IR Infrared

ISM Industrial, Scientific and Medical (radio spectrum)

ISP Internet Service Provider

ITS Institute for Telecommunication






LAN Local Area Network

LCC Local Command Center

LCD Liquid Crystal Display

LED Light Emitting Diode

LLC Logical Link Control


mA milliamp

MAC Media Access Control

MB or Mb Megabit

MII Media Independent Interface

mW milliWatt


NRQZ National Radio Quiet Zone

NOC Network Operating Center


OS Operating System


PC Personal Computer

PCI Peripheral Component Interconnect

PDA Personal Digital Assistant

PER Packet Error Rate

PHY Physical Layer

PSTN Public Switched Telephone Network

PTZ Pan, Tilt, Zoom


QoS Quality of Service

QWERTY Standard Typewriter Keyboard, Top Row Left, First 6 Letters


RAM Random Access Memory

RC Radio Control

RC4 Ron's Code 4 - RSA Variable-Key-Size Encryption Algorithm by Ron


RF Radio Frequency

ROM Read-Only Memory

RSSI Received Signal Strength Indicator


SCSI Small Computer System Interface

SDRAM Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory

SIP Session Initiation Protocol

SOHO Small Office Home Office

SSID Service Set Identifier


TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol

TFT Thin Film Transistor (Liquid Crystal Display, LCD technology)


UAV Unmanned Aerial Vehicle

UCB University of Colorado at Boulder

USB Universal Serial Bus


V Volts

VoIP Voice over Internet Protocol


WECA Wireless Ethernet Compatibility Alliance

WiFi Wireless Fidelity (also called wireless LAN)

WLAN Wireless Local Area Network

WXGA Wide Extended Graphics Array (1366 by 768 pixels; 1.78:1 aspect ratio)









Scenario 2:

where ad hoc networking between UAVs increases mission range

Scenario 1:

where ad hoc networking with the UAV increases ground node connectivity





Public Road Circuit at Mesa Base


Landing Strip







Vehicle Paths

Backhaul Connection to Internet and NOC


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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